LOL look how they stare at me...Yoda?Yoda,what are you doing?Yoda?!Yodaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Topic: Attack of the......Yodas?
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
73 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestI don't think Jedi can be cloned...i think that "The Force" or midiclorians or whatever....cannot be cloned. So you would end up with a bunch of forceless yoda's funny sight huh...
{MW} MS9
We discussed this in the 1st or 2nd page Beskaryc....

HEY! Why are you named MandalorianSpy9 here?!?! WEIRD!! :/
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He posted that post befor his name was changed.
yeah it stays the same.....only the posts after i changed my name have Beskaryc Beroya on it....i thought it was kinda weird too when i saw it.
BB (spy*)

Hmmm......that should be changed though.....:/
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it doesn't really matter does it.... it puts my old name to memory..... and heck what do i care....ok guys back on subject lol lol

But even if the Yodas WERE cloned, they could train them to jump around in formation to kill the sorry opponent they're facing. That'd be awesome!!! :D
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the only reason Yoda could jump around like that is because he had the force.....i think it would be more like a bunch of clone troopers....not much difference.

Hmmm.......your right. That sucks!!!! :mad:
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No,no,no!I want a cloned Yoda,full force powers,jumping and screaming around like in the movies! :o
Sorry, don't think it can happen. But if somehow the kamino people came up with a way to clone a jedi...force and all, it would totally rock. Although that does give the emperor the power to live forever.

I HATE THAT!!!!!!!! Luke FINALLY get Vader to turn and he kills the old bag, then.......THEY CLONE HIM!!!!! THATS STUPID!!! :mad:
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A whole clone army of 'old witches'laughing and throwing Force lightining.....OMG!!!

But how could he be cloned and granted leader of the new empire, if he has NO knowledge whatso ever of the force. :/ It doesnt make sense, and its stupid!
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You do not need to have Force power to become an emperor.

yeah, but thats what made the Emporer such a good leader. OF COURSE YOU DONT! I KNEW THAT! :P :P :lol:
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Didn't author Timothy Zahn touch on the subject of cloning Jedi in his series "HEIR TO THE EMPIRE"?
If I remember correctly, cloning poses the risk of creating a sort of "Force echo" within the clones of force-sensitives. Something like during the cloning process (especially when growth-acceleration is used) the clones are all created with the same "wavelength" or "frequency" of the living force. This creates tremendous stress on thier developing psyches, eventually forcing them to succumb to clone madness.
Grand Admiral Thrawn cloned an ancient Jedi Master named Jorus C'Boath... and later Luke Skywalker himself (from Luke's severed hand found in Cloud City), and both proved force-adept, but uncontrollable.
I think that force wielders like Jedi and Sith create an individual imprint on the Force that cannot be duplicated.
I think most of us here have read the books, so I don't think using the long names is nescesary. A simple Thrawn or Jorus would do, and I think we'd all know who Luke is, so Skywalker isn't nescesary either. And it's the Thrawn Trilogy, btw. Heir to the Empire is only the first book. And seeing as how Zahn's so well-known, stating he's an author is unescesary too. But you do make a good point.
Sorry, it's just to me when people use a lot of details like that it seems like they're treating others like they're stupid. You might not be doing it for that reason, it's just my own reaction to it.
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Duly f***in' noted.
Never thought about cloning Yodas. Would be freaky...