Topic: RPG - The Great Sith War
ok this is an rpg for the war between the jedi and sith 2000 years before the clone will make your own character(jedi,sith,mando,or trooper).the jedi and troopers will be on the same side as will the sith and will have to state your:Name,Alliance,Species, and Gender.
for regular troopers and mandos you will state your:color of armor(troopers you will have different armor than mandos but they will have the same equipment)W-O-C,2nd weapon,Choice of grenade,and 1 small cqb weapon.
sith and jedi will state their:Color of lightsaber,and the choice of three force powers(sith=dark powers,jedi=light powers)oh btw jedi and sith come with the regular powers(i.e. force jump,speed,and lightsaber block).
troopers and mandos have the whipcord and the arm laser and other things like that.
Name:Darth Morticus
Lightsaber color:Red
force powers:lightning,choke,and invisibility