There just doing there job
Topic: Jango and Boba aren't evil they just got hired by evil people
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
34 posts
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man nobodys responding
That was spam, so just try not post twice in a row :) . It can take a day or two until someon replies. Also, not to be rude, but the topic is fairly obvious.
Much like the other topics up, this is more like an isloated reason as to why they aren't evil rather than several different people's opinions rolled up in the same topic. I say this is better covered in the "Is Fett evil?" topic in Serious Geeking. Although if the subject matter was say, "The difference between the contractor and the Bounty hunter" where you compared which of the two-the hired, and the employer-were the worst.
Simplified, is the person doing the job just as guilty as the one who was hired he/she.
(BFFC Moderator)

no mandos are warriors at heart they enjoy the hunt
They're just doing their job.
(Please note the editing.) To kill for pay is evil. It is the main requirement for a role as an assassin, and the proof that one devalues life and can "cross the line" to get the job done. Whether or not modern soldering falls into this category is debatible, but most of the SW bounty hunters would definately be considered evil. The only ones that might not be are Zuckas and Dengar. The former one focused on capturing his prey, and the latter decided to turn his life around and leave the business to enjoy his life with a new lover/wife.
Fett's spiritual backruptcy is only outdone by the two Sith lords.
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?

Yet, Dengar was primarily an imperial assassin. Doesn't that make him evil by your way of thinking? And modern soldiering certainly isn't debatable. Modern soldiers get paid for being soldiers, and sometimes they have to kill, but that certainly doesn't make them evil. I do not believe that evil is in the action, it is in the intent behind the action.
Would you kill a friend who was wounded in combat with you, who was suffering, who obviously wasn't going to live, in order to end his suffering? Even if he begged you to end his suffering? If you did, would that make you evil?
If you had a chance to go back in time and kill Adolph Hitler, would you do it? Would that make you evil? I don't believe it would.
Like I said, I think evil is in the intent. That kind of goes along with the saying "guns don't kill people, people kill people." It is people who kill people. Not the other way around.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Since this is basically a Moral debate. How can you judge when killing someone is right?
Sure if you could have turned back time and killed Hitler it would be for the better but what if the Art school he'd aplied to had accepted him and he'd become an artist and not a soldier. Also he was a bit of a scapegoat. At the time Germany was in a period of economic crisis caused by World War 1 and the fees they were forced to pay. So you could go even further back and just tried to stop the first war by saving the Arch Duke or convincing the Europeans that they shouldn't make Germany pay the fees for the entire war because there was no other liable nation left with two Imperial nations now disbanded that had been in the war alongside Germany.
Death is made by Human descision; descision, morality, and opinion are all different between people. So you could say none of it has any grounds at all.
I don't know exactly, but from that you could say no judgement is founded on logic or in any sense the greater good. Because it's all selective.
"There is no way to be anything. Because reality is subjective."
So everything is "evil" and "good" at the same time in a certain sense. Much the way a Lie is Truth:Truth is Lie
(BFFC Moderator)
Dengar used to be evil, but he's much better now.
Well, I suppose soldiering isn't really evil, but they can get really nasty sometimes.
Guys with mustaches kill people, not guns.
I can't say that I'd go back in time to kill Hitler. The world needed that war for reasons that we can't understand because of our bias as it's people. There were many important advances in technology, politics, humantiy, and medicine from WWII. The holocaust was a particularly foul play, and I feel for it's victims, but at least the world is on the lookout for anything like that now. And, for their suffering, the Jews got back Isreal. I've heard that "Adolf" is currently the most popular name given to German sons.
I would kill someone to end their suffering, but not for pay. The marines turned me away back in '87 for my history of hospitalization for asthma, and the other service corps followed that example. I was evil then, wanted to kill or die. Like Dengar, I got better.
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?
I agree with you, trooper120
I can't say that I'd go back in time to kill Hitler. The world needed that war for reasons that we can't understand because of our bias as it's people. There were many important advances in technology, politics, humantiy, and medicine from WWII. The holocaust was a particularly foul play, and I feel for it's victims, but at least the world is on the lookout for anything like that now. And, for their suffering, the Jews got back Isreal. I've heard that "Adolf" is currently the most popular name given to German sons.
That was excactly what i was thinking.
But truly its not even morality that you should be looking at. Your morals are your beliefs on the behavior that is either right or wrong. Some people (like those that suicide bomb in iraq) believe they they are doing the right thing by killing, while everyone else looks at them as murderers. Another example is the soldiers, They (as well as I) believe they are protecting their home from evil, while the ones they fight see them as an evil force bent on destroying their home. Perspective is the root of all evil.
In the immortal words of Socrates, "I drank what?!"
Ps. On the whole "Jango and Boba aren't evil they just got hired by evil people" thing, i find that slightly wrong. Because the employer may be evil, but Boba and Jango don't have to take the job. They choose to hunt these people, nobody is forcing them. And also in that concept, you would be saying that "Superman isn't a good guy, he is just called on by good people."
Hail to the King Baby!!
So maybe I chose the wrong word, perspective fits better. I have a tendency to over analyze things and it gets messy.
(BFFC Moderator)

screw technilogical advances over 60 million jews died in that war , since there was more than Adolf in command it would have on crippled them if he was killed early on
well its true people kill people
a person is smart collective and calm, but people are stupid confused and scared people are like animals we only think 2 survive
Playing KOTOR today, my character had a brief chat with Canderous, the Mandolore that joins your team in the escape from Talis. He is as close to Fett as you can find in that game, or anywhere, but perhaps a little more communicative. This guy was battle-hungry, plain and simple. They live to kill, and that's an evil standpoint because the definition of goodness is respect for life and beauty.
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?
trooper 120 was right in his first post, from a certain point of view
"They were just doing their job" was the defense for German SS troops and Gestapo for their war crimes. Then, in his latest post, he took the other side of the argument, sympathising with the Jews. Mind you, I'm not speaking for or against either argument, just pointing out that he gave two opposing views.
I forgot to mention that Canderous is well into the Dark Side meter in the game. With enough midichlorians, he would go straight to Sith training.
And I agree with trooper120 that technological advances are not worth the deaths of WW II, not by any stretch. That's why I listed four major ways that the world grew by that conflict.
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?
They live to kill, and that's an evil standpoint because the definition of goodness is respect for life and beauty.
The definition of good and evil is different for different people, which has been stated previously.
Good, in both my eyes and those of a certain friend of mine and former meber here, means ending the lives of those who wish to do evil. Boba Fett himself once said: There is no greater good than justice. Fett administers justice, to whatever end that might be, and that makes him one of the greatest men in the Star Wars galaxy.
-Lewis B. Puller, United States Marine Corp
Ok, if you vanquish evil opponents, evil by a universal standard (such as orcs, goblins, or undead), then you could be a killer of good alignment. Please pardon my D&D fundamentalism. Yes, then you're known as a hero.
And pleez no that it reely hurtz too witnes dis atroshice speling.
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?
Now Boba Fett was hired by evil people. True. In some sense when he went after Nil Posundum(sp?) it was justice in some sense considering Nil stole from Jabba. Although if he was hired to assassinate people he could be considered good or evil depending on who he was killing. Now I guess perspective is to ourselves, but from my perspective Boba Fett is (sob) evil.
Now with the things going on in this time my moral perspective probably conflicts with alot of people. I mean there are some bad things going on today which I won't mention because I do not wish to make the other members mad.
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(BFFC Moderator)
If Fett is evil, and we admire him... Then wouldn't that make us evil, or "twisted" if you prefer, to some degree?
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?
If Fett is evil, and we admire him... Then wouldn't that make us evil, or "twisted" if you prefer, to some degree?
First off, I don't really "admire" Fett, i just think he is a really cool character. And no i don't think it makes us evil or twisted, because we aren't idolizing him as a rolemodel. Nobody in this forum (i hope) is going to go out and kill somebody just because Boba does it. If a highschool bully likes superman, is he a hero of some sort?
Hail to the King Baby!!
High school bullies aren't allowed to like Superman. They like Vader.
We can't run around killing people due to the constrines of our modern societies, and because it isn't an accepted career. Granted, there are places in the world that prove an exception, just as there are some aggressive positions that approach a Wild West scenario, but wouldn't you enjoy a looser world where you had to carry a weapon of some kind for self protection instead of relying on the facade of our due process system that leaves those weapons only to cops and criminals?
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?
yes i realize that we don't have the loose laws they have in the star wars universe, and that is another reason we wouldn't kill. But the point i was getting at was that we are not made evil by what character we like in a movie. A better analogy is that although i really like Fett, I don't get in fights all the time to be like him.
And I know a couple bullies who hate Star Wars all together =/
Hail to the King Baby!!

I think that there really is no right answer only the ideas of millions of people and the mental instution of society that goes on the rule that killing for a price or for fun is bad. But thats just me

Just lay it on da line yall
That was irrelevent, and you posted twice in a row, that is spam.

Sorry for the spam i guesss W/E
And he said the Y word, "yall". *cringes*
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?
I think Boba is more greedy than "evil".If he was "evil" than he would not have minded taking Han back to Jabba dead.Instead he wanted him alive to collect a larger bounty.
But some look at being "greedy" as a form of evil.
As far as Jango,I would think htat he would have taken out Obi-wan in his apartment when he had the chance.It is not like evryone there except Obi-wan knew who he was and what his profession is.
I dont think they are evil because they handle "jobs" that know one else will do or can do.
I see it like this.You know how when everyone sees a bug in a room,they scream and what someone else to kill it.Well the Fetts dont mind stepping on the bugs for folks.As long as they get paid.
Doing what others moral compass wont let them do does not make a person evil.
To devalue life, especially sentient life, is to approach evil. To profit off of a creature's ruin is quite evil. The Fetts are both definatively mercenary assassins. That's evil, and any culture that embraces such actions is evil as well.
To "cross the line" in D&D, the PnP original that started all gaming, an assassin must prove his evil alignment by killing for pay, thus qualifying for that prestige class (as opposed to basic thievery as a rogue).
Boba has been listed with 9 Dark Side points in the SW rpg. He is my favorite evil character.
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?
Boba only kills those he thinks deserve to die.
I'll give you that one.
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?