Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)


d13 wrote:


True Warrior, I would very much appreciate it if you would also use the <OFF TOPIC> tag.  As I've mentioned previously it allows for the other readers to skip ahead of the non-story posts.  Additionally, I don't think thelastMandalorian's post was too bad, however, it did seem that Dealer of Death's request is a valid one, since the RPG should be quite clear for everyone involved.  Thank you thelastMandalorian for editing your post.

If at all possible, could you both edit your last posts and put the <OFF TOPIC> tag at the beginning please?  Thanks in advance.

OK, Im sorry. I didnt really get the message. hmm I'll remember that.

Carry on.....

{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)

Name: "Bloody" Mari Caedes
Height: 5'9"
Armor: Orange...mostly
Race: Human; Mandalorian Denomination
Sex: Female
Primary Weapon: Vibro-ax
Secondary Weapon: DT-57 "Annihilator" heavy blaster pistol
Special Ability: Mari is a skilled Medic and is heavily equipped with various medical kits, surgical tools, and a wide variety of poisons.

Mari Caedes is all the last of an ancient Mandalorian warrior clan. The Caedes were extremists of the Mandalorian ideals. Since the time of Mandalore the Ultimate, these warriors were fiercely loyal to the Sith and notorious for their cruelty in combat. As the Caedes were resentful of even Mandalorians outside the bloodline, the small clan began a tradition of having medics in battle more appropriately called "Corpsemen." The clan slowly died off, and the last family of pure blood was executed by the Jedi for crimes against sentience. Mari was only six and more than guilty of her share of crimes. She escaped with her eldest brother at the cost of her right arm which was severed up to her shoulder. Her brother took care of her and completed her training as a corpseman. A prodigy of the craft, Mari is highly valued for her medical knowledge and skill.

Mari Caedes entered in quietly, a smoking death stick in her left hand close to her mouth. Her helmet was held casually in her visible cybernetic arm. Her orange armor was faded and worn and her gauntlets were permanently darkened by bloodstains. Caedes was pale with freckles. Her thick dark hair was messily weaved pinned back complexly with needles. A medical bag was slung over her shoulder and hung behind her waist, a vibro-ax was holstered at her shoulder, and a heavy blaster pistol was strapped to her thigh.

She coughed, took another drag from the death stick, and calmly stated, “I’m late.”

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)

"This team is getting bigger by the minute!"  The pilot leaned inside the mess hall which was, except for the now 5-man team, was completely empty.

"We better get going, before you guys multiply any more" he nodded softly and snickered.  "The ship is all fueled up and your gear has been loaded in the main cabin.  We are running a bit late, so if you would all climb aboard, we'll get this show on the road".

The pilot stepped out and left the 4 mandalorians still stunned with the arrival of their new member.  The cybernetic arm wasn't so much of a surprise, but the fact that she was a combat medic was a novelty.  Neither of the four had had the chance to work with a medic before, none of them were that lucky and relied on themselves to patch their own wounds, their mission would definitely benefit from their fifth member.

After a brief introduction, everybody collected their gear from the table and all headed to the waiting Nubian vessel.

29 (edited by d13 Friday, July 14, 2006 2:21 pm)

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)

The Flight to Kalderast

On board the luxury ship, the assault team walked into the main cabin.  Everything about the ship was "shiny".  The main cabin was circular with hatches leading to the several adjacent private quarters.  A holographic projector was in the middle of the room, surrounded by 6 very extravagant nerf-hide covered reclining seats.

The sight of the main cabin was way too unusual to the small group who was used to the cramped loading bay of their standard dropship, they did not know what to make of such lavish accomodations and why they were flying with such "style" towards a mission that would involve heavy use of artillery.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard, how could I be of ser.. " They all simultaneously drew their weapons and spun around when they heard the voice behind them, and were met by a cowering silver protocol droid.   "Oh my word!  Have I displeased you?!  I was merely trying to be of service..."

The pilot, once again, peeked out from the cockpit.  "Whoa, easy there, don't blast your butler, he comes with the ship you know, inventory would like everything in one piece.  Just enjoy his service will ya, he'll bring refreshments and whatever else.  Once we're airborn, I'll play your onboard movie."  With that he disappeared back into the cockpit.

The mandalorians looked at each other, suprised by the turn of events while Orsusk rubbed his hands together gleefully.

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)

"Well, I'm set!" Orsusk said as he swiped a sparkling drink off the droid's tray and reclining in the silky chairs. He knew none of this made any sense, but he was not about to let this opportunity pass him by.

All of the other squad members were either looking around suspiciously or pacing slowly. Bjor was especially on edge, probably because of his self-appointed "leader" position. Orsusk knew how to take and follow orders, but he also knew when it was necessary to break command. Orders were more like a guidline...

Everyone was feeling uncomfortable, not only about the circumstance, but because they had grown used to the cramped spaces and sudden bumps that they were accustomed to. It had been the one relaxing feeling they had gotten before a mission, and it had been ripped from them on this adventure.

The tension built up every second of flight, and Orsusk could take it no longer, he would have to take drastic measures... "Allright, I spy something that is....... RED!"

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.
Hail to the King Baby!!

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)

Mari gave a cold harsh laugh edged with insanity, but suddenly choked and coughed. As to not break the silence, the combat medic's dialated dark eyes narrowed and she looked over and guestured at Grov Vontross's red armor, casting a questioning look back at the Trandoshan.

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)

Spinx, sitting off in the corner, eyed the explosives for her sniper rifle suspicously. She hated surprises, she knew no one on the mission, and this ship was far too comfortable for her liking. She glanced up breifly as the Trando shouted something, just to make sure that she hadn't made him mad. Her drink was red, but she doubted anyone had spotted it and she doubted that was it. Spinx didn't much care.
Putting the explosives back in her duffel, she took out her cleaning kit.
This has to be the 100th time you've cleaned the barrel she thought. Without realizing it, she spoke aloud, "My drink?"  Her voice was deeper than most women and gravelly, her pronouncation and diction was harsh when she spoke Basic. She much perfered Mando'a, but few spoke it fluently; including herself.
She didn't wait for the reply before withdrawing back into her own world. 
Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum. I'm still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal. She had no one to pray for, but it soothed her all the same.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)

"Dang, thought you were asleep over there. Didn't expect you talk, let alone guess your own drink. " Orsusk slipped his power claw off his wrist for the first time since he had met this new squad. Nonbody else knew it, but it was his own way of showing that he felt slightly comfortable in their presence.

There was another awkward slilence that lasted for longer than Orsusk would have liked. They would all have to work together in some sense, so it was better to get everyone together in some way, even if it was a silly children's game. "Alright, Sphinx is it? You're turn to pick something." He said with a wide grin, "And if you pick that nozzle that you have been fondling incessantly this whole trip, even the two 'strong and silent' types we got sitting over there will guess it." At the last comment Orsusk saw the first signs of life from Bjor and Grov since take off. "Oh so you guys are still alive?"

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.
Hail to the King Baby!!

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)

Spinx couldn't help smirking slightly. At least he's trying. Shifting slightly so she could stretch out her legs, she tried to remember how to begin, "Something green. And, no, it's not you, Orsusk. I'd rather like to keep my head, thanks. "  She liked to keep a detached air about her, so her jesting probably didn't get through to the others. 

Although she kept her face in the shadows, she removed her helmet with a faint ssh sound. She wanted to show that she trusted the others, even if she was uncomfortable around them. Nothing personal, guys, I just don't like people all that much. She placed the helmet at her side, as well as her rifle. She didn't know if the others got the message, but that was the only way to show that she did infact trust them. By laying down her rifle, her most prized possession.

Spinx heard the pilot laugh and shout, "You guys have had too much to drink! From here on out, it's nothing but water and caf."  The entire group forced a chuckle; it wasn't a lot, but it was a start.

Before anybody could guess what Spinx had spied, Bjor spoke up. Spinx knew he wasn't exactly comfortable with being their leader, his body language was practicaly shouting at her. He was tense, but something about his posture said that he was, at least, going to try, "It is, "he looked about the room, his gaze finally settling on the carpet, "Too obvious, Spinx, the carpet?"

Mari, at least, Spinx thought that was her name, shook her head, "No, she's the sniper, if that rifle is any idication. It'll be something we haven't spotted. It'll be small, but infront of our faces." Spinx looked at the rest of them expectantly, Mari had just given the a hint. She'd made it easy for them.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)

The game was suddenly cut short when the holo-projector fizzled to life.  Var's face looked ominous but was staring blankly into space, a tell-tale sign that this was not a live broadcast but rather a recording.  Var's authoritative voice still made the squad almost stand to attention.

"You all may be wondering why you are travelling aboard such a luxurious vessel rather than your standard dropships.  The explanation is simple; although we have the location of the Deathwatch group, one can hardly hide the arrival of a ship on Kalderast."

Var paused a second.  "If you read your mission files, you already know that there are three major cities on the planet and that the Deathwatch are located on one of them.  Your main problem is, intelligence does not know which one.  Any messages beamed off of Kalderast is obviously being monitored so our spy network was unable to confirm their exact whereabouts.  However, upon arrival you will be contacted by one of our intelligence agents.  Unfortunately, meeting an assault team of Mandalorians would mean blowing his current undercover status, thus everyone on this group will land as a wealthy family accompanied by their aids."

"Until further notice, no one will have access to armor or any weaponry that would compromise your landing on Kalderast.  Your ship has been loaded with clothing and accessories in order to achieve this discreet insertion, the team will infiltrate as civilians, carrying all equipment and weaponry in standard luggage until you have met with your contact and confirmed the exact location of your quarry."

"Remember, don't look for your contact, he will find you.  Kote, ner vode!!!"

Everyone was silent once again, but now everyone seemed to want to express their opinions on their "unique" insertion method.  Roles needed to be distributed, who was to be a noble and who was an aid, and who was this mysterious intel agent.

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)

((Sorry I haven’t written in awhile, been a little busy.))

No weapons, no armor, no idea when or where this contact would show up, and to top it all off one of them would have to play a diplomatic role. Mandalorians were many things, but politicians was definitely not one of them. And concerning a more personal matter, Bjor had problems of his own.

“I will be an aid.” The black-clad warrior announced, getting to his feet. “My voice will make it hard to believe that I’m any sort of noble. In addition, it is in the tradition of my people to keep our faces masked at all times; it would be easier for me to do so if in the role of a mere servant.”

“You serious?” Orsusk asked in disbelief, his scaly brow contorting in an expression of puzzlement. “You mean no one’s ever seen your face?”

“Aside from my Mando father, everyone that had seen my face was killed at the time I was brought into our clan, but that’s not important. Orsusk, I’m afraid your species as well would make ill diplomats; I think it best if you also played the servant, sorry ner vod.”

"Alright, they're in front of us, they're behind us, they're on our left, they're on our right.....they can't get away this time."
-Lewis B. Puller, United States Marine Corp

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)

"I could be the diplomat." said Grov. "While I was on Kashyyk the Wookies tought me that one should fight only when necessary." The others eyed him strangely. They could hardly beleive that a Mandalorian could actually be a politician. Bjor said, "I guess it's settled then Grov will be the diplomat and the rest of us will be servants."

"I look forward to killing you soon!" - Ask a Ninja NInja

38 (edited by Atinvod Saturday, July 22, 2006 11:16 am)

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)

((Fetterthanyou, I know it's supposed to be spelled Sphinx, but it sounds harsher without the 'h'.  With it, sounds too soft for my liking.))

Spinx couldn't help but balk at the thought of leaving her weaponry and armour behind. And, playing the part of the servant brought up some memories that she had spent years shoving into the places of her mind that even she dared not to walk.  She knew this would be notihng like a harem, but it brought along the memories all the same. She'd done a background check on all of the others while she had been pretending to be asleep; she didn't dare imagine how Bjor must feel.  If he did feel anything, he hid it well.

She glanced at the chrono on her wrist, and looked at the pilot, "ETA?"  The pilot looked over her shoulder at her, "ETA?"  "Estimated time of arrival," noting the still confused look on the pilots face, "Never mind. When are we going to land?"
"Oh, why didn't you ask that way? Umm, 'bout 30 minutes. 'Nuff time to get changed."  "Vor'e."

She turned back to the group of warriors, replaced her helmet, and returned her rifle to her shoulder.  "Come on, Mari. Let's go see if we can figure out how to put on whatever they have in store for us," Spinx said with a heavy sigh. She was not going to like this part of the mission. No two ways about it.

She smiled as she imgined the look of shock that would play out on Mari's face when or if she ever saw the tatoo on her back.  It was of a chained fallen angel with stone wings looking up in anguish at the mythosaur insignia. Mari, medic as though she was,  must have been trained in phycology(sp?). She smirked and wondered if Mari would understand the symbology. She doubted it.  No one else ever had.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)

((Sorry about that Atinvod =P))

"Well, we better get this gear off before that ignorant pilot starts up." Orsusk, unlike most mandalorians, was actually just as comfortable in his armor as outside it. "You guys need to calm down, don't be so tense, I've done missions where I had to be naked... but I don't think you guys wanna hear about that."

Bjor just shook their heads at both Orsusk and the new atire he had to slide into. Grov was in the other room trying on his noble outfit, just out of earshot. "Sssssso," Orsusk whispered, "you think this guy can really 'walk the walk'?"

Bjor whipered back in a raspy voice, "I just hope he can talk the talk." Orsusk was stunned for a momment, not expecting a joke from this helmet clad warrior. But before he could come up with a snappy retort, Bjor had already started walking toward Grov.

"This mission is getting stranger and more exciting by the second." It reminded Orsusk of the double rodian scramble job on coruscant. But quickly hoped this mission didn't end like that one. Things were never pretty when rodians and rancors mix.

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.
Hail to the King Baby!!

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)

((It's okay, nothing to apologize for.))

Spinx popped the trunk of the footlocker at the base of her bed. Inside, was a coral pink, sky blue, and lavander hued flowing dress of some sort.  Mari had the same thing waiting for her, just a different patern of the color and cut. Her's was more of a kimono. No covering for my face, great. Just great. She braced herself for when she had to walk out of the room.

She removed her helmet, keeping her back to Mari, and her wavy, shoulder length brown hair spilled out. Quickly she put it up into a rushed bun. She removed her armour and bodysuit quickly and rushed into the dress. Though she would never admit to it, the colors looked nice against her tan skin. She caught sight of her reflection in a mirror, and checked herself with her oddly sand colored eyes. Her cheekbones high, her nose small, lips somewhat full, and she had a natural blush to her cheeks, she was nice enough looking. Unfortunetly, you could just make out the dark tatoo on her back. Which, thankfully, threw off the entire look. 

She stowed her weapons and armour inside the footlocker, and walked briskly toward the door. But not before Mari grabbed the scrunchie holding up her hair, "I need this more than you do," Spinx nodded, catching her drift.

She left the room, and continued for the lounge. Spinx wanted to claim that dark corner again before anybody could get there first.  She spied the silver droid, and decided to make use of it for the first time, "Caf, please, easy on the cream, strong on the sugar."

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)

"Why certainly, milady" the droid chimed in then turned to attend to Spinx' request.  The "milady" title felt out of place, but Spinx didn't think much of it, she figured it was just how the droid was programmed.  Shortly thereafter the full team spilled back into the main cabin all wearing their "civilian" disguises.  They all stared blankly at each other, trying to be comfortable in their new roles.

The pilot had taken off shortly after they went to their respective cabins and slipped on their new garb.  The mandalorian strike team didn't look as menacing as they first did when they came on board.  The pilot chuckled silently in his seat while he observed the uneasy men and women through the security cameras installed in the cockpit.  "Ten minutes till touchdown, we'll be coming out of light speed shortly" the pilot finally announced over the intercom.  "If I were you, I'd start packing your tools.  The special scan-proof cases should be able to hold all your armor and equipment, and since you are supposed to be a diplomatic group, no one would dare inspect diplomatic luggage."  The pilot peeked back into the main cabin, "I need senator Dik M'an to come up to the cockpit and get everyone's diplomatic IDs".  He let out a loud laugh that finally ended in another chuckle before he handed a pouch filled with "official" papers to Grov.

Grov grumbled loudly and mumbled under his breath before he roughly grabbed the diplomatic pouch out of the pilot's hand.  "If I find out who came up with that name... mumble mumble".

The rest of the team all suppressed their laughs while Grov came back to the lounge, handing everyone their respective paperwork.

Finally packed and ready, the team got ready to touch down on Kaalar, one of the major cities on Kalderast, and shortly, Kaalar's main tower was giving authorization for the Nubian ship to land in the main hangar.

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)

Orsusk turned to the team as everyone grabbed their bags "Alright folks before we step off it seems only fitting that our 'leader' say a few encouraging words for us before we go off on this... 'mission' that we have in front of us. But before we do, I would just like to say a few words. First off, I've never met a more gloomy and glum group in my life. And second, I'd like to know if this robe makes me look fat... anyone come on i want the truth."

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.
Hail to the King Baby!!

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)

Spinx didn't catch all of what Orsusk said, she was totally fucoused on the fake-idenfication papers, "Yeah, well you'd be gloomy gus too if you just found out you were married to this pompous fellow here," she said, thumb pointing in Grov, her voice dripping with distain. Her I.D. dubbed her as Felicia M'an.

Orsusk peered over her shoulder, and brust out laughing, "Congrats," he said, thumping Grov on the back. "No way," Grov shook his head, "There has to be some mistake," he took the papers out of Spinx's hand, and face turned something akin to ashen.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)

"Why wasn't I invited to the wedding?!? hahahahahaha" Orsusk laughed while Grov and Spinx sulked, "Is this the honeymoon? hahahaha"

Bjor smacked Orsusk in the back of the head to shut him up. The pilot looked back from the cockpit and laughed, "You guys better get moving or that agent is going to leave."

The group turned serious, it was time to start this mission, no matter what strange tactics they had to use... or who they were married to....

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.
Hail to the King Baby!!

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)

"So," Spinx sighed, "Where we headed? I mean this guy is supposed to find us."

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.

46 (edited by d13 Wednesday, July 26, 2006 11:17 pm)

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)

- Kaalar Hangar

Once the Nubian ship had landed and the ramp had been lowered, the mandalorian team, disguised as diplomats were suddenly all business.  Orsusk and Bjor had taken the task of carrying the "luggage", Mari took her place as a helpful handmaiden, Grov had casually wrapped his arm around Spinx' while she displayed her best "happy bride" smile.

As soon as senator Dik M'an set foot on the hangar floor, a man in flowing blue robes came rushing towards the small mandalorian group.  Orsusk and Bjor kept their calm, both resisted dropping the cases they were carrying to reach into their robes for the tiny hold-out blasters they both decided to hide.

The man suddenly stopped a few feet in front of them and bowed gracefully.  "Your elegance, I am Roleks Gold, representative of Kalderast and your guide for the length of your stay."

The team was somewhat taken aback by the greeting and before they could say anything, Roleks was patting Grov on the shoulder, kissing Spinx' hand in a welcome gesture, had his arm around Mari and had in fact thoroughly frisked them all discreetly.  Orsusk and Bjor almost protested but before they could do anything, Roleks had removed the tiny blasters from them and made them disappear into the folds of his flowing blue robes.  "I said no weapons, we will be going through a scanning check point" he whispered discreetly.

Everyone almost looked at each other simultaneously but instead just smiled diplomatically.  Roleks then turned toward Grov and loudly announced his welcome routine.  "Welcome to Kalderast, senator.  Please follow me and we shall endeavor to make your stay a very pleasant one."

They had made contact, and they all had questions about the mission.

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)

Spinx had to wait until the team reached a turbolift until she was able to distance herself from Grov. She purposely allowed for them to be seperated by their 'servants'. She had fought the urge to slice his throat for putting his arm around her, Spinx knew it was for the sake of the illusion, but she still hated it anyway.

She leaned over to Mari, "You have to be kidding me. I sure hope that I don't have to pull this act forever; I'll snap." Mari chuckled, and discretely coughed.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)


I'm so sorry guys, I've been away camping for a week, forgot to tell anyone. I'll try to catch up and post as soon as I can.

"Alright, they're in front of us, they're behind us, they're on our left, they're on our right.....they can't get away this time."
-Lewis B. Puller, United States Marine Corp

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)


It's okay.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.

Re: Mandalorian RPG (moderated)

In the turbolift Grov was relieved to be separated from Spinx. Of all his missions he considered this one the worst. He had never really fought beside or went on missions with female warriors. "Oh, well..." he muttered to himself. He had to deal with it or the mission would fail all they would wind up blaster fodder.

But for some odd reason he felt that Spinx had wanted to slit his throat......

"I look forward to killing you soon!" - Ask a Ninja NInja