Spinx couldn't help smirking slightly. At least he's trying. Shifting slightly so she could stretch out her legs, she tried to remember how to begin, "Something green. And, no, it's not you, Orsusk. I'd rather like to keep my head, thanks. " She liked to keep a detached air about her, so her jesting probably didn't get through to the others.
Although she kept her face in the shadows, she removed her helmet with a faint ssh sound. She wanted to show that she trusted the others, even if she was uncomfortable around them. Nothing personal, guys, I just don't like people all that much. She placed the helmet at her side, as well as her rifle. She didn't know if the others got the message, but that was the only way to show that she did infact trust them. By laying down her rifle, her most prized possession.
Spinx heard the pilot laugh and shout, "You guys have had too much to drink! From here on out, it's nothing but water and caf." The entire group forced a chuckle; it wasn't a lot, but it was a start.
Before anybody could guess what Spinx had spied, Bjor spoke up. Spinx knew he wasn't exactly comfortable with being their leader, his body language was practicaly shouting at her. He was tense, but something about his posture said that he was, at least, going to try, "It is, "he looked about the room, his gaze finally settling on the carpet, "Too obvious, Spinx, the carpet?"
Mari, at least, Spinx thought that was her name, shook her head, "No, she's the sniper, if that rifle is any idication. It'll be something we haven't spotted. It'll be small, but infront of our faces." Spinx looked at the rest of them expectantly, Mari had just given the a hint. She'd made it easy for them.
They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.