Re: Naruto Fans
So are X-rank jutsus kinjutsus?
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So are X-rank jutsus kinjutsus?
most of them are sealing techniques I believe, I've only ever seen the one though.
Akira walked with new comrade and they both had a conversation of where their next destination was going to be. Jinnai explained to Akira that a missing Ninja was to be brought back to his village. Jinnai also stated that there was going to be fierce compitition, so the task was going to be quite difficult.
Whle they were walking they had supper (Ramen with miso) , soon after that they went onto some intense training.This part was very difficult for Akira because he was very tired for all the little sleep he had last night. Later they stopped by a creek to get some water, and they contained this water in some plastic containers.
Jinnai stopped at the river. Trying to get as much water into his canteen as possible. They were headed toward Grass country in hopes of finding Ren. They had a little time though, Akira needed as much training before then as could fit into the mission.
"Kid, can you walk on water yet?"
"Do what?"
"Walk on water, it's a basic technique I want you to learn."
They spent an hour working with that, Akira slightly close to the mark when he started. But never really getting there in the hour. He could stand on it, but he couldn't walk on it.
"We'll try some other time, I guess."
His stomach was still troubling him about the ramen for some reason. He didn't feel like training at the moment.
"Okay then, show me what you can do Akira."
Drawing closer!
Musari shakily got to his feet, the hero water still doing a litle pain. He continued his trip through the forest, until he heard voices.
"We'll try something else I guess.'
"Okay then, show me what you can do Akira."
Musari stealthily moved towards the voices. The voices' owners were two ninja, a hunter-nin from the hidden mist and a missing-nin from the hidden leaf. Musari stood back, observing these new enemies before fighting them.
He had to make sure he found Talve Ren. Noone else could.
The lives of everyone he cared for hung in the balance.
Next: Mist Ninja duel!
Jinnai was paying more attention to Akira than the are around him, a few eyes watching but not the usual amount. He was aware of about forty percent of the area around him. And that waterfall ninja happeend to be in that range. He just didn't pay attention to him, more concerned with the environment to find some thing he could exploit. Outside of the river and trees, there wasn't much to talk about.
"Akira, I want you to listen carefully, go down the river a ways and practice. Where the water is calmer."
"Okay sensei"
The kid walked off, Jinnai had more room now. He wouldn't end up killing his new student in mix of things.
"Alright, I know you're there, what peurpose do you have with me? And a warning, no Waterfall ninja has ever beaten me, none of them."
He kept his sleeve long, he wouldn't need the amplifier.
Mist ninja duel!
"Alright, I know you're there, what peurpose do you have with me? And a warning, no Waterfall ninja has ever beaten me, none of them." The ninja Jinnai said.
"Well," Musari said as he lept out of the trees "so much for prefight banter. Listen bud, Nothing personal, but I can't have anyone else get Talve Ren. Not an option." As he spoke, he signed. When he finished, the water of the nearby river rose and began to take form. It took the form of a giant behemoth, seven stories tall, ready to crush Jinnai.
"Sorry mist-nin, but this is your last fight."
Meanwhile, a third ninja observes the whole fight, cloaked from any possible eyes. Even thousand eye jutsu.
Next: the duel continues: musari's bag of tricks!
The water came crashing down on Jinnai's head, the waterfall ninja approached the spot where the body should be. It wasn't there.
"Water clone substitute."
Jinnai was in the closest tree, looking down on Musari. Jinnai pulled a kunai out and threw it at Musari. It hit, and then turned into a log.
'Substituion jutsu"
Musari was right behind him, he slammed his amplifier into the ninja, the sound enough to drop them both out of the tree. Jinnai stood up first. He raised one hand into the air, the other near his chest.
"Hidden mist jutsu"
It was thin, he wasn't able to concentrate enough. Although the both of them looked like they were going to lose it at any moment.
The duel continues: Musari's bag of tricks!
"Hidden mist jutsu."
The water from the river transformed into a dense mist.
"nice try." Musari said as he signed some more.
"Moisture vacuum jutsu."
Musari held his hands out in a cone shape, as the moisture in the air swirled into his hands, the mist rapidly deteriorating.
Jinnai stood before him, kunai in hand. Musari kicked him in the stomach, sending him sliding across the ground.
Musari closed his hands, dispelling the water.
"Now my turn for the spooky 'you-can't-see-me' attack. Bringer of Darkness style."
Darkness poured in from nowhere, covering everything.
"That's not all!" Musari's voice boomed in the darkness. "Silent Homicide jutsu."
Jinnai got up on one knee, focused his remaining chakra. He'd never be able to see no matter what. So instead, he'd use the water he knew was there. He could use one more water clone, and with that he walked his way to the water. Standing on it for a minute, dropping into the water, water clone still there. He pulled himself out, reversing the affects of his bloodline trati and masking his presence weakly. He felt the "death" of the water clone. And pinged his amplifier in just the right direction. He had to hit himself to escape from the genjutsu bind. Musari had the advantage for now. although he'd hit both of them, he was the close one.
Alright, I'm done posting for a while.
Apart from that, I'm gonna sort through some things and decide about the amplfier.
I apologize; I am at my aunt's in Florida this week, and I will not have enough time to role play.
Today I watched the episode in which Zabuza died (I missed the first airing), and it was... words fail me. It was awesome. That reminds me, Zabuza is a lot like Boba Fett. They are both ruthless and heartless at times, they both seem to have a lot of honor, loyalty, and morality (in Zabuza's case, almost only at his death). He also seems to be very deadly and feared.
Zabuza was my favorite villian, it sickens me he died to quickly in the series. Or the fact that Haku was the last of his family able to do the crystal ice mirrors. Although he's in all of the Naruto clash of the ninja games.
Haku looks like a girl IMHO. I was shocked to find he wasn't!
But yeah, Zabuza was awesome.
It was such a touching ending ,haku are you crying?
It was slightly more dramatic in the anime
i remember that now, i have a subscription to shonin jump, but i have put off reading the last few issues lately. Though that has nothing to do with this scene, since it was near the beginning...
I just get the issues after they come out of Shonen Jump, I've only got the first three though.
For what it's worth, I'm glad the artist did that scene between Naruto and Haku in the forest.
(Tavle Ren)
"Hunter Ninja? If that was an issue."
He glared down at the Grass ninja standing before him. He was more annoyed than anything. He already knew about the Hunter nin chasing after him, and then someone had to tell him what he already knew.
"Sir? Should we intercept them for you?"
"If you think it's worth your time, go ahead, they won't survive this mission anyway."
Talve Ren stood up, and watched the grass ninja leave. Maybe the four other ninja he'd trained would be able to do something, it didn't matter. And with that, he made preperations for a more important agenda. A new tool stronger and sharper than the ones he used now.
The dark chambers he worked in matching the equivalant of his character. Empty and listless. He strove for something he couldn't see, something more he couldn't get a hold of. He just might have found it this time, he felt more alive than usual.
Tavle Ren; the ninja with a mist head band around his neck and sound headband on his forehead. The listless wandering ninja, who did as he pleased if only it would make him happy. With no real love of anything but the next thing around the ben.
"I can't see the future and what it will bring. But that's the best part of life."
The only part of life to care for.
Musari's last stand!
Musari closed in for the attack. He popped up behind Jinnia and slit his throat. Or at least he thought so.The Jinnai he attacked turned into a puddle of water, and Musari was blasted by a soundwave, courtesy of Jinnai.
Musari fell to the ground, the Darkness dissapearing, he didn't have enough chakra to sustain it. Jinnai stood above him, ready to kill him. Musari couldn't use the hero water, the aftershock would surely kill him.
"You win." Musari began. "Go ahead & end it. Better you than-"
"Than who, Musari?" a third ninja said as he lept from the shadows. "Better than one of us? You should have known we would find you, Musari. You should have known we see if you failed, and since you obviously can't do it, I'll have to tell the master you failed. You know what happen's to those who fail. They die. They're loved ones die. Hope you said goodbye to your family, Musari. It's a shame. You had such a cute daughter, such a nice wife. They'll be dead by the time get back, if this ninja doesn't kill you. That's what happen's to those who betray the Orochi's Eye." Said the ninja. He wore blue shinobi robes, an impossibly long red scarf,and a hunter mask that had the bottom cut off, to reveal the wearer's nose and mouth. "See you in hell, Musari." The ninja said before sprinting away, back the headquarters of his organizaton.
"No." Musari uttered as he lay there. "Jinnai, wait." he said before Jinnia killed him. "Please don't kill me. I'll assist you in getting Tslve Ren if you help me fend off agents of my organization."
"'The Orochi's Eye'?"
"Yes. Please help me. The ninja was right about my family." Musari said as he began to cry. "It's-It's too late for them! Please Jinnai, help me take those murderers down! I beg of you!"
Next: Jinnai's decision: Will Musari join him?
Traits of mystery ninja:
Cloak of Invisibily teqnique (ninjutsu)
Chidori (ninjutsu)
Jibaku Bunshin (Suicide Bombing Clone) (ninjutsu)
Magen: Jubaku Satsu (Demonic Illusion: Tree Bind Death) gentusu
bloodline trait: Chakra distribution. (distributes his chakra into objects arond and brings them to live under his control.
zabuza was 2 weak
zabuza was 2 weak
How was he weak? He killed about ten deadly mercenaries and Gato with a kunai in his mouth. He was also the first person to see Kakashi's Sharingan more than once before he died.
You also should not post twice in a row.
Also, no flaming, please don't waste a post just to root for a character especially if it's rude to someone else. And I agree with Draco, Zabuza wouldn't have been called the Demon of the Hidden Mist and part of the Seven Swordsman along with Kisame who is Itachi's Akutsuki partner if he was weak. That Zanbato of his weighs just about as much as he does or more as well.
Jinnai helped the ninja up. He hadn't had the chance to follow the other one with an eye. Not that he had the energy to do so.
"Well, there's nothing we can really do now Musari. We could try to catch up but it wouldn't prove anything both of us are about ready to keel over anyway."
"So what do we do?"
Jinnai looked about.
"Well, I'm not about to follow that ninja. But...I guess we're heading to wherever your family lives. I doubt he'd be headed there right away. Scout's have to report back to base or whatever before anything. You lead the way...I guess I'll follow after I find Akira."
He called the chunin with a whistle, gave the short version of the situation and they were off. Musari in the lead. As they went Jinnai played with steel wire he'd probably have to use later.
(I also appologize)
My internet is having major problems and I'm lucky to be on right now...
(The "mystery ninja"'s name is now officially Shishioh.)
Shishio bounded through the forest, headed back to Orochi's Eye HQ. He lept from tree to tree, expertly leaping onto the branches, moving swiflty. Suddenly, something caught his leg and he plummeted down to the ground, but he did not hit the dense forest floor. No, whatever had caught him streched and held him, like a bungee cord.
Shishioh looked up. Above, sitting in a tree, was a portly waterfall ninja, clad in a black leather jacket, matching pants, spiky red hair, and black goggles with yellow lenses. His amazingly long, prehensil tongue held Shishioh's leg in a tight grip.
"Hello, Tokagaro." Shishioh said, annoyed that his master had sent his old rival to ckeck on him.
"Hello yourself, Shishioh." Tokagaro said around his tongue, cackling in his slimy voice.
"Listen tokagaro, let me down right now or I'll slice off this mutant tongue of yours."
Tokagato did so without complaint.
"Now then, Musari has failed his mission and will probably be coming this way soon. I think it would be wise if-"
"Yeah yeah, take 'im out if he comes this way. Got it."
"Good." and with that, Shishioh continued his trek back to his HQ.
Tokagaro's stats:
bloodline trait: Tokagaro's clan are amphibious, so they have the aforementioned tongue, and can breathe underwater, stick to walls, and speak to amphibians.
Hyper tongue lash=taijutsu (delivers quick, slapping blow with tongue.)
constricting crush =taijutsu (wraps tongue around victim and strangles them/ crushes their bones.)
Dokugiri (Poison Mist)=ninjutsu
Venom sludge=ninjutsu ( spits an acidinc, adhesive,poisonous bile)(Tokagaro is immune to this bile.)
Man Beast Combination Transformation: Double-Headed amphibian=ninjutsu (Tokagaro summons an amphibian from his surroundings, and bonds with it, transforming into a giant two-heade version of said amphibian.)
As Arashi was holding up a wanted poster for the mane he was supposed to kill, an old man told him that he had seen the shinobi run into the near by woods with four or five men flanking him.
"Seeing as they did not have their weapons drawn, I figured that they were body guards, not bounty hunters."
With that, Arashi started to towards the woods, but not before tossing the old man a few ryu.
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