He leered, leaning over to lock up the insides of the ship. Kayla already outside waiting. He was a native Treshnan, born on a planet much like Tatooine just more uninhabitable, as a custom when his people went anywhere especially hunting they at least wore half-masks to protect their faces from the environment. Kayla had merely picked it up from him that he knew of. He lugged the cylinder out with him, locking the loading ramp they walked out of the dock towards town.
"Kayla...I'm going to ask around the back at the dock. You could at least try that cantina again."
They parted ways, En'de striking up a bland conversation with a droid that registered landing permits and I.D.s
"Look, all I want to know is if you saw two humanoids in cloaks...male...with an odd handle looking device at their wastes?"
"Possibly, allow me a minute to check."
En'de waited unpatiently, he was more ready to kill something than he'd been in a long time and about ready to just search the entire desert instead.
"Yes...since you're such a good friend of them sir, I'll give you there last registered logging on Tatooine."
He'd lied to get the information, not that it mattered to a droid.
"Here sir."
He grabbed the note from the droid and bustled off, he found the place fifteen minutes later after contacting Kayla. A bit of a hole along a side street with a strange mold growing on the door. He opened it thusly, sheller in one hand. He'd definatly found his Jedi hide away. He closed it behind himself, sitting down in the dark. He could wait for their return. He put the mask on, attaching the other two plugs from his cover arm into the mask. The cylinder standing next to the door in what looked to be anitcipation.
"I just love the waiting game..."
I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)