Topic: Bats is so SAD

I just sold my BoyBlue ,,my MG tc,he went to-day a Americian brought it,I;ve had him for about
20yrs ,but the costs of Petrol,insurance etc,makes it hard to run two cars and as BoyBlue was just really my
Plaything and not  working anymore,just became a bit of a Drag and I found repairing was getting a bit costly.
It's hard when you sell something you love and the Garage looks so empty now.
I t was just so quick he came saw the car ,,handed me the Cash in hand then he was GONE
Pardon now Bats is going to take a Serepax Sandwich.

Re: Bats is so SAD

You can just see a car and buy it right there and then where you live??
Anyways sorry about your car, sad

Re: Bats is so SAD

I live in Australia Shade
BoyBlue was a 1948 was great to drive him on the Road the sense of freedom
but I have been finding People are so rude on the road I even pull over to let the Modern cars
go by,,but they still shout rude things at me..and to repair BoyBlue is getting pricy.

4 (edited by shade Friday, July 7, 2006 4:33 pm)

Re: Bats is so SAD

Aww man, well those are rude people! mad
Anyways is there another car you have in mind? With that money you received you can probably buy a similar car that is unique like yours smile. Oh yeah what model was your car anyways?

Re: Bats is so SAD

That's sad, Bats!!! I'm so sorry!!

"Whoever is a highly evolved, super-genius raise your hand."  *raises hand*   "Oh."     
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]

Re: Bats is so SAD

Thanks All !!
Shade  !!!!BoyBlue was a MGtc,1947-1948 Model,
No I really haven't thought about another Car especially in those Models
and BoyBlue was my Toy-Boy LOL!!!
Would have been a Good-Pick-Up Car when I;m a Widow,,so I'll just
have to use my Charm.
  My World was in the B's
and Me Bats.