Re: What do your Names and Avatars mean?
I hate clowns so very much. I can hardly make out what the picture is of.
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Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → General → What do your Names and Avatars mean?
I hate clowns so very much. I can hardly make out what the picture is of.
Aaron made my avatar for me while I was in Europe.
Aaron made my avatar for me while I was in Europe.
I like it!
Me too.It's great!And I like Zam too...
No i BEGGED for it.... plus i had to give him a good reason for him to change it for me....hey means "Armored Bounty Hunter" in mandalorian.....
BB (spy*)
Armored bounty hunter thats awesome dude!!!!!!!!!!!
My avatar illustrates my username
Yep.......thanx 2 me!!! not to be cocky or anything..........
TW,why did you change your Avatar?
well......just to be experimental......its only for today though....
My avatar is from a game called earthbound for snes, and super smash bros for nintendo game cube
anyways the guy's name is Ness
and my name...I don't know
I like TW's avatar.
The "cute' one, or the one Im wearing now?
The cute one. Of little-Boba.
cool.....all the girls say that! BTW, clean your inbox out! pizzzz.
This beauty is an M4A1 carbine with an attached XM-26 LSS (Light-weight Shotgun System). At first, I just thought it looked cool to have a shotgun attached to an assault rifle, but I was e-mailing SciFi and he hooked me up with the actual designation. That dude knows a lot about guns.
Inbox cleaned out. new avatar is, of me.......................................I'll just give you a minute to take a look and develope that........................I had my Fett shirt on at the time.
And its all thanx to Miba.
back on topic
I realized the similarity between Jawa and Java and i have this avatar until I figure out how to make a sandcrawler with a drive thru on it
my email is Jabba Java LOL
yeah, I love your signature Jawa Java.
I should make myself, you know, a Boba Fett-related avatar...
i think its a good idea Janos....give it a try. could request one from "avatar request thread"...where me and some of the other people could help ya out.
Beskaryc Beroya
Changed my avatar. I drew the image, my boyfriend coloured it ^^ It actually came from a big picture I drew, so the little size does it no justice. But meh, better then the old one.
I should make myself, you know, a Boba Fett-related avatar...
Aye, I second that, (not to sure I wanna know what's going on in your current one, matey).
My name is pretty self explanitory if you look at it. If you don't get it just concetrate, i have faith in you.
My avatar is actually based on my post from one of the topics on this site where is said that somebody should paint their mando armor pink and purple =P. "Real Mandolorians wear pink."
I mean really, who is going to go up to a mandolorian and say anything about their armor. Thats just asking for a beating.
My names means i'm Sora's lady... my avatar...well... i thought it was funny...
Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → General → What do your Names and Avatars mean?
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