Topic: Mandalorian Civil War RPG
This takes place during the Mandalorian Civil War, and you can choose your organization (i.e., Death Watch or the True Mandalorians). Your job is to bring onslaught to your conterparts (in Layman's Terms, kill the other team). You cannot kill someone unless they say they are dead, unless they have been hit numerously (six to ten times) in the same battle. After each battle, you automaticly get healed by a docter on your side. You were given a blaster (your choice of which type), and a light-saber from a dead Jedi or a vibro-ax. You can use any blaster that is not to heavy to carry. You also have a wrist-rocket and a flame-thrower. After each post, tell which side you are on. You may not switch sides.
Also, the first four people to respond get a jet-pack (no missile, though).