Topic: Fett Unmasked - Would Boba Fett really unmask?
I posted a similar topic in the "General" category, but I wanted to ask everyone this question, "Who thinks Boba Fett would ever be careless enough to remove his mask in view of the public?"
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Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Serious Geeking → Fett Unmasked - Would Boba Fett really unmask?
I posted a similar topic in the "General" category, but I wanted to ask everyone this question, "Who thinks Boba Fett would ever be careless enough to remove his mask in view of the public?"
I dont think so, only if its totally necessary would he do it in private. I mean, whats the big deal anyway? I mean its smart and all, but if anyone unmasks him when he doesnt want them to, they'll say "Hey your a stromtrooper!!" and he'll cover his rep by saying, "yes I am just a stormtrooper....Im not the real Boba Fett.....". Does anyone know what Im trying to say?
I don't anyone would ever manage to pull a stunt like that on Boba Fett, but yes I think I know what you're saying, due to the fact that he is a clone, but he would never try to conceal his identity on the possibility of getting unmasked, he would rather kill them I think, but then again he's not sloppy with his work either.
Wow, a newbie that has a good grammer. Im impressed. Far better mine, but I think that I can agree with you on this one. He would probably kill them. None of Fett's enemies have ever seen his face and I dont think that he wants to start. I mean like if someone took a picture of him unmasked secretly and show it to the world, then who ever would see it would be like, "This isnt right! This is just a stormtrooper!".
And BTW: dude, you stole my name! check in the Dialogue section in "My Username". You'll see.
Wow you're right about the username, that bites!
He would probably kill them. None of Fett's enemies have ever seen his face and I dont think that he wants to start.
Chewbacca pulled Fett's helmet off, and Fett did not kill him (unless Fett has WAY to much time on his hands )
HE DID!?!?! When did this happen??!?! What book?!
I think that it happened in the "Dark Empire" series.
Thats a pretty good, series. I should check it out. Did he do ANYTHING to the oversized hairball?
No...not really, he didn't. It was somewhat of an irony bit, as the Wookiee then jams his jetpack or something and he goes flying up and away...
He does get one cool scene in that graphic novel where some Dark Jedi try to pull the Force on him and he just shoots them...something like that.
Can you please check your messages Balacesheet. Thanx!
T-Shaped Visor, welcome to the boards. A quick note in editing your posts here: please don't post the same subject line in two places. I'm editing this one to address the question you're asking more clearly. Please note for next time.
I don't think Boba ever does take his helmet off in public. There have been times it's been off around other people, though. Once when he had a cracked visor or something and he changed helmets by a closet and Bossk was there and thinking, "I would love to see what he looks like but I know if I try to get a peek he'd kill me." And then of course when he came out of the sarlacc Dengar saw his face. And, yes, the Chewie thing, but I think it was dark at the time? And then in Tales we see that he used to go to this asteroid where this old guy lived who would update all Boba's armor and weapons and Boba would go helmetless then. And Tales also tells us Boba goes helmetless (and armorless) when alone in Slave I.
Well Miba you're right.I also believe that putting aside that Boba is the best bounty hunter,he is also a human.When he's in Slave1 it's right to think that he's armorless.Slave1 is his home,and he feels relaxed when he is not having a mission,so he takes off his mask and armour and enjoys the few moments of quiet and peace before the next massacre...
I think the helmet is more of a tactical asset than one designed to hide his face.
I don't think he's hip to showing his mug, but, I think he prefers the helmet because of it's practical applications: and, I always imagined his use of the armor keeps him separate from the world: allows him to remain supremely objective and untouched by the things that plague the lesser mortals. Perhaps that's just some whimsy on my part.
Fett wouldn't unmask himself in public or anything...everyone knows that. He does it to protect and maintain his identity a secret. I think he would do it...if he absolutely had too, but he wouldn't do it even if Vader or even ol' palpy himself asked him too.
Would you really want to take your helmet off and leave yourself that vulnerable, while hanging out with the crowd that Boba usually worked around? I'd keep it on all the time, too. Plus, he had a lot of voice activated commands, that he used through his helmet. Links to Slave 1 and the like. Yeah, I'd definitely be leaving the helmet on.....just in case, you know? Be prepared, right?
I don't think he would unless he had to. But, I can't think of a situation where he would have to do that though. Of course, Fett would probobly never be caught in a situation like that anyway.
Chewie was killed on Serenpidal when Anakin was forced to leave him behind. Serenpidal was destroyed by the Vong when they used their doven basal to drag it's moon into the planet.
Would you really want to take your helmet off and leave yourself that vulnerable, while hanging out with the crowd that Boba usually worked around? I'd keep it on all the time, too. Plus, he had a lot of voice activated commands, that he used through his helmet. Links to Slave 1 and the like. Yeah, I'd definitely be leaving the helmet on.....just in case, you know? Be prepared, right?
Perfect! Never coulda said it better!! Thats it, Im done! Thats my opinion right there!!
Before Ep. II, I would have said that he takes off his helmet all the time in public in order to go "incognito" and do mundane things, like grocery shopping. But now that he looks like the clones, I don't know. It would cause some difficulties. Then again, I think he looks different enough from the clones (my personal opinion) that he might not be recognized.
I agree. I don't think he looks enough like the clones that people would be running up to him asking for Clone Wars stories.
Has anyone considered the idea that maybe Boba Fett wouldn't unmask because he feels the mask IS his face?
(I mean, he's said that in TEOD, after all)
He can't rely on his own face to shape his identity because it's not unique to him and his father anymore--everyone has his face, so he needs a new one. One that only his father could have shared.
!!! Thats a VERY good point!!! great thinkin Janos!!!
But perhaps he felt that the mask is his "professional face," not necessarily his private one. Just an idea.
In my fics Fett has two faces: one is the helmet, the hunter, the Angel of Death. The other is the face of the man, the morals, the weaknesses, and everything he doesn't want the galaxy to see. But Fett never sees things this way. To him, he's all one person. And why do I portray him like this? Because it seems to be how he functions. He lets everyone see how scary he is, but it takes a bit of digging to figure out just how the gears in his head work.
As for unmasking Fett, I have the ultimate answer to what he look like! I know how to de-age people in Photoshop, you see. I took a picture of Jango Fett, changed his armor color, and took away all the wrinkles and scars and voila: Boba Fett, 20-odd years old. I'll see if I can figure out how to post it if anyone's interested. Then again, some people just want to wonder.
Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Serious Geeking → Fett Unmasked - Would Boba Fett really unmask?
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