Topic: My Username
Hello Fett poeple,
I wanted to change my name, is this possible without registering as a new person?
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Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Dialogue → My Username
Hello Fett poeple,
I wanted to change my name, is this possible without registering as a new person?
Dang...I don't think so...Just make a new account and tell EVERYONE that your TW.
Anyways what were you planning on changing it to??
Im planning to change it to T-Viza. Cool, eh?
Ya know, like the T one Fett's Vizor(Viza).
Aaron or BFFC Eric might be able to hook you up with the change, but I'm not for certain. It wouldn't hurt to shoot them a message and find out. The worst they could tell you is that you have to re-register. Later, dude.
Thanx Sadriel. I'll do that.
T-visa, that's cool never would of thought of it...
1. It's possible. 2. Send me a PM about why and I'll consider it.
Why guys?True Warrior is a great name,isn't it?
Im having 2nd thoughts! I dont know about this............I think I'll keep my name. Sorry Aaron.
Hey it says t-shaped visor is a new person...HEY! some one took your name!
PFF!!! It aint as good as T-Visor or T-Viza.
Well,I think that your current username is great!
That is all I have to say in this thread....
Mine will change soon... my request was put in recently...i'll let everyone know what it is when i get it...just so nobody takes
aww, Im gonna miss the Spy.
Yeah,MandalorianSpy9!Please keep your name!Oh idea!Why don't you change your name in Mandalorian?Just transform the words into Manalorian but keep the same name!
Mine will change soon... my request was put in recently...i'll let everyone know what it is when i get it...just so nobody takes
Aaron probably will enable the change, but you should not get your hopes up.
Why do you say that,draco?
No worries....i gave him my reason and he was all cool with it. Ok everyone...i'm now known as Beskaryc Beroya which is Armored Bounty Hunter in mandalorian....Yesssssss sorry DMC MandalorainSpy9 started to REALLY irritate
Perhaps you might want to change your signiture Beskaryc Beroya.
why should I? there is nothing wrong with my current one...
BB (spy*)
I may want to change my name, but to what?
any suggentions?
I have a few mandalorian ones....but if ya want them, i'll Private Message them to you soo that nobody steals them before ya get to use them....just give the word and i'll send them.....
Oh please send them
why should I? there is nothing wrong with my current one...
BB (spy*)
You spelled armored incorrectly.
Message Boards - Boba Fett Fan Club → Dialogue → My Username
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