I hate Mace not only cause he killed Jango, but because of how people view him. They see him as being "badass", as being "cool" as being "the ultimate goodguy", when in fact he's a disgrace to his own order. There he is, lightsaber over a Sith. The one Jedi who was the most rebellious, the one most likely to fall to the dark side, the one breaking all the rules... even HE is saying Mace shouldn't kill the Sith. Does Mace do what is right? Does Mace do what he knows a true Jedi should? Does Mace decide to set a good example for the hundreds of Jedi looking up to him? Does Mace decide to act his part as one of the rulers of the Jedi? No, Mace decides to go Dark and attemps to kill the Sith. Mace is the one who nearly went Dark several times before. Mace is the one who created Vapaad, a Dark Side fighting form. And everyone insists he's still the ultimate goodguy? They claim, "Dude, he's uber powerful", boasting and reveling in your own power is a part of the Dark Side.
And also, having Mace in SW is like someone graffiteing on a famous classic artpeice. It doesn't belong and shouldn't be. To continue the flow of the art, the flow of SW, Mace must not be there because he disrupts the tranquel beauty of SW. SW and Pulp Fiction are two completely different movies, if he wants to be "badassy" he should have stuck to shooters without plots.
And how did he get his role anyway? We have thousands of fans who would gladly pay to be in SW if even for a second under costume and makeup. SJ randomly goes, "Hey, it might be cool to be in SW, hehe" and suddenly, BLAM he's head of the Jedi Council. WTF? GL goes, "Choose a lightsaber color, green or blue." SJ goes, "Can I have purple?" GL goes, "What part of green or blue don't you understand?" SJ goes, "PURPLE!" GL goes, "...ok, purple." So how'd he become a brain washer? He obviously is a brain washer if anyone likes this disgusting excuse for a punk Jedi that doesn't belong anywhere near Star Wars.
Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
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