Topic: Is Rothgar Deng secretly Dengar?
Common theory going around, but according to The Star Wars Book (which released in October), Dengar underwent some extreme surgeries sometime after the Galactic Civil War, The surgery supposedly left him barely recognizable.
Now a character was introduced in Rise of Skywalker, named Rothgar Deng, who has a very crude face as well as several cybernetic implants. According to the same Star Wars book, Rothgar Deng also went through some heavy cybernatic surgeries to "live and work forever".
Something else interesting, Dengar's full name according to some Legends material is "Dengar Roth", and "Rothgar Deng" seems to contain "Dengar" backwards.
So I don't know about you guys, but there's a pretty good case to make that Rothgar Deng is Dengar. But what do you guys think?