1 (edited by MandoGirl0415 Saturday, December 12, 2020 5:50 pm)

Topic: Re-Introducing myself, I guess?

So, I've been a member here since, gosh, May of 2008, according to my profile.  I joined when I was a young teenager, back when the internet was still pretty new and finding friends who shared your niche interests in fandom a bit more difficult than it is now.

Anyway, I was relatively active on here for a bit back then, but then life got in the way, the friends I made on here moved on, and my place here receded into the very recesses of my mind.

But in light of recent events, I figured I'd re-introduce myself!  I go by Cass'ika, been a Star Wars fan since 2005, a Boba Fett fan since probably about the same time, and a Mandalorian fanatic since 2006.  I'm super psyched to see the interest the world now has in Mandalorians and their culture, and the revitalized love for Boba Fett.

Glad to be back and hopefully be around for a bit!

Ven'gana mhi yaim'ol // We will have our homecoming

Re: Re-Introducing myself, I guess?

Welcome back, Cass'ika! So glad to have you back here.

Founder/Editor, BFFC

Re: Re-Introducing myself, I guess?

Hello! I'm also an old returning member myself - chances are we crossed paths back in the day. smile

I joined in 2006 and my last post was in... 2012! (until now, damn)

Figure we'll start seeing some more veterans turning up given recent events... smile

Let's try to stick around!

-BFFC Manji aka Jess

Re: Re-Introducing myself, I guess?

Soooo great to see you again on here, BFFC Manji!

Founder/Editor, BFFC

Re: Re-Introducing myself, I guess?

Wow, I’ve seen posts from you two before i even knew what Star Wars was!! Welcome back, fellow fett fans.

Favorite Star Wars character: Boba. (Well, duh!)

And no, I do not have disney plus. I have to have everything spoiled for me. :(

Re: Re-Introducing myself, I guess?

BFFC Manji wrote:

Hello! I'm also an old returning member myself - chances are we crossed paths back in the day. smile

I joined in 2006 and my last post was in... 2012! (until now, damn)

Figure we'll start seeing some more veterans turning up given recent events... smile

Let's try to stick around!

A big ol' olarom to you as well!  My brain has been Boba Fett 24/7 since he came back For Real, so I definitely plan on trying to stick around. This is a dream 15 years in the making for me, and it feels nice to be back at my old stomping grounds smile

Bobafett2020 wrote:

Wow, I’ve seen posts from you two before i even knew what Star Wars was!! Welcome back, fellow fett fans.

Whoa, really??? That's crazy!! I wonder what those posts were. Actually, no I don't. I was a wee lass at the time and it was probably embarrassing.

Either way, thanks for the welcome back! Feels good smile

Ven'gana mhi yaim'ol // We will have our homecoming