Topic: Could Boba Fett have a sister?

Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.

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Topic #977
December 20, 2006 6:27 am #

If the cloner decided to with hold the Y chromosome then he possibly could have a sister correct. Opinions please.

December 20, 2006 1:50 pm #

Hmm, I don't think so. There is extra genetic material in the X chromosome that is not in the Y. Thus as Boba was cloned from a male that extra genetic material is not there to complete the X. So, not being a biologist I would say that it would be hard if not impossible to clone a female from a male. It would be interesting tho. Why do you ask wizardofcars?

December 20, 2006 1:55 pm #

Except that a male of a species has an X and a Y chromosome. So all the cloners would have to do is clone 2 X chromosomes instead of the X and Y to create a female Fett. So yes he could have a sister, but I find it hard to believe that they would ever try to throw something like that into a storyline.

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.
Hail to the King Baby!!
December 20, 2006 1:56 pm #

I got to thinking about it after watching Jurrasic Park and wondered what the possibility of that happening and the ramafacations of having a female mandalorian from one of the galaxy's best would do?

December 20, 2006 2:41 pm #

itd be more power to the woman...WOMANdalorians lol hmm would she be better then fett if they had the same training and experience?

"I will bet all my Star Wars guys. Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait! Except Boba Fett. No matter how sure I am, I never risk the Fett man."
―Peter Griffin
December 20, 2006 3:41 pm #

I think she would get some bounties easier than Fett.  And we'd call her Bobette Fett.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
December 20, 2006 4:05 pm #

Good call Sev Fett! I don't know, part of what I like about Boba is his uniqueness. He is a man apart that has no equal. So the more copies and variants there are the less special he is. Still if it did happen I wouldnt mind. But I think she would be one very butch woman.

December 20, 2006 8:41 pm #
Sev Fett wrote:

And we'd call her Bobette Fett.

Since "Babe" Fett is already taken. ;)

Founder/Editor, BFFC
December 20, 2006 8:50 pm #

I'm sure she would use her "female powers" as Han so rightly put it, to literally draw the bounties to her.  But for now the closest we get to a "Bobette Fett"  would have been Ailyn or Mirta.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
December 20, 2006 10:46 pm (Edited December 20, 2006 10:47 pm) #

"Bobette Fett"... sounds like a Boba Fett parody.
(at first when wizardofcars said "the cloner" I thought he was talking about me...)

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
December 20, 2006 10:50 pm #

Hmm someone should photo shop Jango into a female - now there's a scary scary thought. :P

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 21, 2006 1:19 am #
BFFC-Mel wrote:

Hmm someone should photo shop Jango into a female - now there's a scary scary thought. :P

fine fine i can take a hint... :P give me a few hours!!!

December 21, 2006 2:14 am (Edited December 21, 2006 02:14 am) #
shogran wrote:
BFFC-Mel wrote:

Hmm someone should photo shop Jango into a female - now there's a scary scary thought. :P

fine fine i can take a hint... :P give me a few hours!!!

Ugh that would look gross.
Omg this should be interesting....

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
December 21, 2006 12:09 pm #

I doubt she could use her "female powers" to draw the bounties out. First of all, some bounties are women... so usually that wouldn't work. Also, not all women can use said powers and for some reason I wouldn't expect "Bobette" to be that pretty.

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.
Hail to the King Baby!!
AvatarMember #1
December 21, 2006 12:37 pm #
Fetterthanyou wrote:

I doubt she could use her "female powers" to draw the bounties out. First of all, some bounties are women... so usually that wouldn't work. Also, not all women can use said powers and for some reason I wouldn't expect "Bobette" to be that pretty.

I think female bounties would be easy for a female.. there's something about women where we're biologically inclined to hate each other's guts if we're crossed by another woman.
And don't even get me started on PMS. That does indeed give one superhuman anger...

December 21, 2006 2:51 pm #

One possibility is Boba Fett could have a half-sister. No telling how many girlfriends Jango could have had.

A man's worst enemy can't wish on him what he can think up himself. Yiddish saying
December 21, 2006 3:22 pm (Edited December 21, 2006 03:22 pm) #

According to the game "Bounty Hunter," Jango has never had a child.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
December 21, 2006 8:20 pm #
draco fett wrote:

According to the game "Bounty Hunter," Jango has never had a child.

Indeed, I agree. But I believe Sharra Fett's idea, however unlikely, is slightly possible.

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
December 23, 2006 7:09 pm (Edited December 23, 2006 07:11 pm) #

I think the point of a clone is it's identical to the source material, then subtly manipulated to produce a more desireable product: subtly like in temperment, etc. Sex isn't subtle, and I think it would no longer be a 'clone' when it's that altered. Now, genetic combination: if they took some of Jango, mixed it with some of a target female, then subtle manipulated the characteristics they wanted to appear, that I could buy. And it's concievable, because in theory, you could create an organic breeder. Not to be gross, but the female is nature's answer to the cloner's vat. That would make an interesting story. Perhaps one of the cloners had a rogue experiment going: scientists are weird that way. He took the Jango source material and went a little old fashoined, and viola, a female Fett.

As to the female vs. male in rage: When I was in the Army I had one of the drill seargents share with me an interesting observation. It was accepted that with male recruits you could push them, break them, and re-form them. But trying that with women produced different results. Women, when pushed, became mean: venomnous: furies: they did not break and then remold, they came out fighting and they laid claim to souls. So the drills took a different apporach : yes they pushed, but not to the extent of tearing down and rebuilding like they did with the guys. They were 'afraid' of what the women could become when pushed. I think my husband agrees.  ;)

December 23, 2006 7:29 pm (Edited December 24, 2006 11:05 pm) #
Ursula wrote:

I think the point of a clone is it's identical to the source material, then subtly manipulated to produce a more desireable product: subtly like in temperment, etc. Sex isn't subtle, and I think it would no longer be a 'clone' when it's that altered. Now, genetic combination: if they took some of Jango, mixed it with some of a target female, then subtle manipulated the characteristics they wanted to appear, that I could buy. And it's concievable, because in theory, you could create an organic breeder. Not to be gross, but the female is nature's answer to the cloner's vat. That would make an interesting story. Perhaps one of the cloners had a rogue experiment going: scientists are weird that way. He took the Jango source material and went a little old fashoined, and viola, a female Fett.

As to the female vs. male in rage: When I was in the Army I had one of the drill seargents share with me an interesting observation. It was accepted that with male recruits you could push them, break them, and re-form them. But trying that with women produced different results. Women, when pushed, became mean: venomnous: furies: they did not break and then remold, they came out fighting and they laid claim to souls. So the drills took a different apporach : yes they pushed, but not to the extent of tearing down and rebuilding like they did with the guys. They were 'afraid' of what the women could become when pushed. I think my husband agrees.  ;)

No one can't make an accurate generalization about the different sexes because everyone is very different.

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
AvatarMember #1
December 24, 2006 3:24 pm #
Gustavo_Perez wrote:

No one can't make an accurate generalization about the different sexes because everyone is ver different.

Yes people are different, but you are getting this info straight from the source... you know... a woman talking about women's inclinations.

I think the biological explaination of the female temperment would be the "mamma bear" syndrome... women seem to react this way due to an old habit to protect the offspring and family. (even if we don't have offspring!)
And in that context a woman's temperment was useful and necessary.

Yes, of couse there are women who wouldn't hurt a fly and men who come out of the womb with a chip on their shoulder. But I think a majority of women (maybe some guys) would say women are scary when provoked.

Anyway, I'll shut up now..

December 24, 2006 7:30 pm #

Some may not agree, but I think the best way to decribe my observations are, Men are naturally physical while women are naturally not. When provoked, men become more physical and women get angry. After biding their time, women come out like a nuke while men have already used their anger up.

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.
Hail to the King Baby!!
December 24, 2006 11:05 pm (Edited December 24, 2006 11:05 pm) #
SD_Chick wrote:
Gustavo_Perez wrote:

No one can't make an accurate generalization about the different sexes because everyone is very different.

Yes people are different, but you are getting this info straight from the source... you know... a woman talking about women's inclinations.

I'm not saying she's incorrect, I'm saying that opinions are usually biased.

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
December 29, 2006 11:36 am (Edited December 29, 2006 11:37 am) #
Fetterthanyou wrote:

Some may not agree, but I think the best way to decribe my observations are, Men are naturally physical while women are naturally not. When provoked, men become more physical and women get angry. After biding their time, women come out like a nuke while men have already used their anger up.

ROTFLMAO!  I love the Nuke comment.
One of my drill seargents said to me once (while I was doing pushups for mouthing off, as usual): "Some people have a short fuse. You have no fuse."  But one of my fellow squad members observed: "She's okay as long as you don't try to talk to her before noon. Anything earlier, and man, you're taking you life in your hands." Coincidently, years later, the 26 staff that report to me now have made similar observations, and hold all major problems for discussion until after noon, or, I've had 20 ounces of coffee. ;)

I think that's more my New York City coming out, though. When you grow up in NYC, you have this concept of time: it doesn't so much exist in the now as it seems to always be in the past, therefore, you need everything done yesterday or you're going to come up short.

And Gustavo, just giving my opinion, and, relaying observations. It is foolish to generalize on basis of gender alone. Everyone is individual. But the 'mama bear' phenomena has been observed and documented and is not that unusual.

December 30, 2006 7:24 am #

That is one of the main differences right there as a man I have been awakened at 1:30 in the morning to my car alarm going off, jump up throw on some shorts grab my hunting knife run out the door being fully awake and coherent the instant I heard the alarm, when I worked in a factory first shift started @ 5:00 am. the jokes and problems started right then. (With no coffee.)

December 31, 2006 5:24 am #

Wow! Wizard of Cars do I envy you. I am a complete zombie without my coffee.

A man's worst enemy can't wish on him what he can think up himself. Yiddish saying

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