I'm happy, I just finished watching a program about the top twenty movies of all time (at least by Australian standards). I was stoked - Star Wars was number one! Woot :D
Topic: Star Wars Number One!
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
47 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestIt was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Woot for Star Wars, I must have missed that one, what show was it on Mel?
could their be any other? nope kinda wish i saw that show though
―Peter Griffin
That's interesting Star Wars is #1 in Australia. Here in the states it's probably something more serious like " Million Dollar Baby" or "On Golden Pond".
* Holds Star Wars Flag *
We are number #1 ( Hey! )
We are number #1 ( Hey! )
"We are the champions, my friends."
I've had that stuck in my head ever since the South Park finale. Numero Uno en Austrailia, eh? Whatever, it's always been the best by my standards.
" We will, we will, Rock you." :D
Seems like Star wars has made it big all over the world.
Woot for Star Wars, I must have missed that one, what show was it on Mel?
It was on that 20 to 1 with Bert Newton. I was channel surfing between it and Myth Busters.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
That's interesting Star Wars is #1 in Australia. Here in the states it's probably something more serious like " Million Dollar Baby" or "On Golden Pond".
Honestly, I think that in America the number one movie would be pornographic. Sin such as that disgusts me.
did it go by genre too on the show? because who had a bigger box office Lord of the Rings or Star wars? my vote is still for SW! though it would be interesting to see frodo and yoda side by side on the jedi council hehe.
―Peter Griffin
Jaster Mereel wrote:Woot for Star Wars, I must have missed that one, what show was it on Mel?
It was on that 20 to 1 with Bert Newton. I was channel surfing between it and Myth Busters.
They shoot a lot of Myth Busters in my town.
BFFC-Mel wrote:Jaster Mereel wrote:Woot for Star Wars, I must have missed that one, what show was it on Mel?
It was on that 20 to 1 with Bert Newton. I was channel surfing between it and Myth Busters.
They shoot a lot of Myth Busters in my town.
That is so cool. If I ever visit the US I'll have to stop by ;)
Dageen, it was focussed mainly about movies that made the biggest impact on people - not necessarily the cash flow. Star Wars has become so integrated with the culture of today. Even if you haven't seen it you know of the Force, Luke, Yoda etc.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Okay! We all agree Star Wars is #1. Now which episode is #1 among the six? I vote for AOTC. :)
Who said that we all agree? It is a great movie series (save the prequels), but I would not say that it is the best. I would have to say "Terminator 2: Judgment Day." Maybe even "Predator" (though I do not like the main actor in them).
Poor Arnie. We have very similar taste in movies. Do you like the Alien series? I love the second one Aliens rocked. I so wish Corporal Hicks had survived for Alien 3. :(
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
I didnt like Alien 3 or 4 Alien 2 is one of my favorite films Alien 1 is also very good, Hicks was my favorite charecter. My favorite film is Scarface.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Dageen, it was focussed mainly about movies that made the biggest impact on people - not necessarily the cash flow. Star Wars has become so integrated with the culture of today. Even if you haven't seen it you know of the Force, Luke, Yoda etc.
yea i see what you mean and i deffinitly agree with you i actually noticed that the other day when my little cousin said a star wars quote and didn't even realize it since hes only 4 and hasnt seen the movies and doesn't hang with me that much.
and Sharra AOTC? thats my least favorite and i'm not entirely sure why, maybe its because its after episode 1 which blew me away and i was anticipating episode 3 way too much because he would emerge as Vader. But to each their own.
―Peter Griffin
Really, wow i did watch a show on t.v that were telling of the top 20 supervillians. Darth Vader was #1
Sharra Fett wrote:That's interesting Star Wars is #1 in Australia. Here in the states it's probably something more serious like " Million Dollar Baby" or "On Golden Pond".
Honestly, I think that in America the number one movie would be pornographic. Sin such as that disgusts me.
The worst part is when some people brag about it....
to be honest with you guys and this is off topic but relates to draco's post is i am surprised their isn't a Boba Fett porn out their, a lot of the ( and i don't want to use this word but i have to) geeks out their would love it and it'd sell. Unless their is a starwars 1 out their in which he is in it...what would george lucas think? not even in is wildest dreams im sure.
―Peter Griffin
Could we get back on topic? No more porn. Yay SW is number one! Boo Deep Throat! Yay Empire Strikes Back!
*sigh* what's the use?
Poor Arnie. We have very similar taste in movies. Do you like the Alien series? I love the second one Aliens rocked. I so wish Corporal Hicks had survived for Alien 3. :(
I have, unforunatly, not seen the Alien series. I do not feel bad for Arnold. You should (not) read his artical on Wikipedia, and many other sources.
Okay I'll steer clear then.
You should watch the Alien films. The first one is a bit slow but it's based mainly on suspense. The second one is more action. The third one contains so much swearing it's annoying and the fourth one is rather gory.
So Darth Vader is the number one Supervillian. Woot! :D Take that Lex Luthor.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
I do not watch movies very often, but I will watch them if I get the chance.
Lex Luthor was just a smart guy....
Smart guys shouldn't be considered villains...
Cool guys with big guns/lightsabers/giant robots....
And No Luthor's suit of armor does not count. That was just bad writing.
How dare you know so much about someone in the Superman comics!? Herectic!
I deserve anything I get...I know...
In my defence I only got the DK book cos it came free with an X-Men one.
I really wanted the X-Men one and I don't believe in not trying to read something I wasted my money on.
And to stay on topic....
Lex Luthor beating Vader is the stupidest idea ever.
No contest really ;)
Now the Borg Queen might give Vader a run for his money :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
You almost tricked me into admitting I was a fandalorian and a trekker ....
Luckily I was too smart....
Oh wait.....I...well..oh dear.
Don't feel too bad Humorbot5. I went through a trekker phase myself some 15 years back. Now I'm virtually all fandalorian. =)
Don't worry, I don't feel bad...Star Trek will always be inferior to Star Wars and I only really watch it when I'm feeling ill or feeling unnaturally sad or angry. I have only seen a small percentage of the episodes anyway.
I've seen enough to know that Picard is superior to Kirk though ;)
The only Star Trek I enjoy is the Voyager series. But Star Wars will always be number one. :cool:
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Wait Borg Queen? Is that the one robochick from the movie who almost turned Data?
That'd be her.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Because they were both scary cyborg people, and both were parent figures (the Borg queen was "mother" to all the Borg).
At the moment I agree that Star Wars is number one, but I have been known to go back and forth.
BFFC Moderator
The old man and I have had the Star Trek vs. Star Wars argument regulalry. Far more than who washes the dishes or brushes the cat. Most recenlty, last week, in a restaurant, we argued loudly about who would win in a fight: Kirk, Fett, and then Kirk, Vader and Fett in a three way. Natrually, I said Fett. He said Kirk, though he'd go through a few shirts in the three way.
Star Wars for me was so pivitol in forming and directing my imagination which more than anything guides me through life (and they say I'm an adult. Yeah, right.), I'd say that for me it was the greatest movie. Of the three early ones, Empire was the best and remains the best. But Star Wars, man, it was like someone flipped the on switch inside of me when I saw that, and then the pulled it from the wall so it couldn't be turned off again.
The other day I was watching a special on the makind of Episode IV, and how totally screwed up and seat of the pants it all was. The only thing not going wrong at one point was John Williams and the London Symphony Orchestra as they recorded the sountrack, blissfully unaware of the madness set loose on the rest of the production. Lucas went to hospital with chest pain, the special effects guys were trying to do things that didn't exist at the time and doing it on their own schedule. Meanwhile, while Rome was kindling, the Fox executives were writing each other memos about a very serious, high priority issue: the Wookie has no pants. Mark Hamill says he remembered this the most, despite everything going down. And when it all came together, the disparate parts of Lucas's inner vision, one of the Special Effects guys sitting in the crowd that first viewed it was stunned. "Who worked on this?" he said. I always look to what Lucas did, go against the grain in Hollywood to do something percieved as completely insane becuase in his head it all made sense, and he had to get that vision out to the rest of us come hell, high water, or sudden cardiac death syndrome: and I think that's the way more people need to be. True. Daring. Just a little crazy. But look at the results you can achieve with passion and vision.
And that makes the movie even greater, because of what it is, and what it took to get it out, and the message that contains: you have to work to realize your dreams, make your destiny. The hell with the crowd.
I can't think of any other movie that grabbed me that way, the minute the theater went dark, the orchestral music soared to life, and the words began to roll across a starlit screen.
The old man and I have had the Star Trek vs. Star Wars argument regulalry. Far more than who washes the dishes or brushes the cat. Most recenlty, last week, in a restaurant, we argued loudly about who would win in a fight: Kirk, Fett, and then Kirk, Vader and Fett in a three way. Natrually, I said Fett. He said Kirk, though he'd go through a few shirts in the three way.
ROTFLMAO! a few shirts and through quite a few dramatic pauses as well.
Agreed, like Kirk could take Vader and Fett - that's a riot :lol:
I never knew about the whole "Wookie has no pants" issue, that's so stupid it's funny.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
He said Kirk, though he'd go through a few shirts in the three way.
How true! I wouldn't mind seeing Kirk vs. Bossk, or Bossk vs. the Gorn. ;)
I think Star Wars couldn't win in the US because the people who make the decision are elitist and only like "intellectual" films, which means that they have to include some controversial topic and address it in a way that pleases all the liberal film critics. And movies can't be "intellectual" unless they have a rating of R or worse. That's why I was so surprised when Return of the King actually won best picture (but I think they allowed that just so that we could no longer point out that "critics hate sci-fi/fantasy films." It was just to throw us off their scent and confuse us.)
BFFC Moderator
Ursula wrote:He said Kirk, though he'd go through a few shirts in the three way.
How true! I wouldn't mind seeing Kirk vs. Bossk, or Bossk vs. the Gorn. ;)
I think Star Wars couldn't win in the US because the people who make the decision are elitist and only like "intellectual" films, which means that they have to include some controversial topic and address it in a way that pleases all the liberal film critics. And movies can't be "intellectual" unless they have a rating of R or worse. That's why I was so surprised when Return of the King actually won best picture (but I think they allowed that just so that we could no longer point out that "critics hate sci-fi/fantasy films." It was just to throw us off their scent and confuse us.)
Bossk vs. The Gorn would RULE! That would be a great fantasy fight! They could compete on bad fashion choices alone!
Our 'Film' critics here in the US can get pretty darned pompus.
I particularly hate when they laud historical docudramas that are wildly inaccurate. Or, when really great off beat stuff doesn't get much play because it doesn't follow the normal formula or, over-tell the story to the audience.
Agreed, like Kirk could take Vader and Fett - that's a riot :lol:
I never knew about the whole "Wookie has no pants" issue, that's so stupid it's funny.
Hamill's delivery of the story was even funnier. He had this very straight vocal delivery, but his facial expression was one of utter bewilderment. I couldn't stop lauging!
I consider that my absurdo-meter at work now: if an issue ranks up there with Wookies having no pants, I just can't be a part of it. It's too lame. I have "The wookie has no pants" posted on my white board, next to the "Boba Fett says :" line. Trying to keep it real in Corporate America.
ROTFLMAO! a few shirts and through quite a few dramatic pauses as well.
And don't forget the droning riffs that passed for Kirk's action scene mood music:
dah dah Dah Dah Dah DAH DAH DUH DUH DUH...dah dah Dah Dah Dah DAH DAH DUH DUH DUH...
Just thinking about it gives me the willies.
Bossk vs. The Gorn would RULE! That would be a great fantasy fight! They could compete on bad fashion choices alone!
Assuming its hand-to-hand yes. Cos our Gorny little chum was knocked out by a homemade cannon....

I remember wathing VH1, and seeing "When Star Wars rulled the world" OMG it was so funny.