Topic: The greatest superVILLAIN of all time?

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Topic #544

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June 28, 2006 2:03 pm #

Yeah, this is a spinoff of the "greatest superhero of all time" thread. LIVE WITH IT!!!

Anyway, who do you think it is?

My picks are as follows:

Norman Osborn/ the Green Goblin




Doc Ock




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June 28, 2006 2:10 pm #

Darth Vader
Darth Maul
Darth Sidious
All of the above
My brother....

"Your passions give you strength, and through strength you gain power. You have seen it, you feel it. You must break your chains."
June 28, 2006 2:43 pm (Edited June 28, 2006 02:43 pm) #

two words........Boba.......Fett. Wheather we like it or not, he IS considered a villian. :/
if not........Vader, definatley.

{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
June 28, 2006 2:54 pm #

For me, Carnage and Vader.  Say, I wonder who'd win in a fight between those two...?  Oh well.  I like Carnage because he really kicks butt and is kind of goofy in a joker sort of way about it.


Boba: Lord Vader, I bring good news.--Vader: You have captured Solo?--Boba: No.--Vader: Then what is it?--Boba: I just saved 15% on starship insurance by switching to Geiko! {MW}
June 28, 2006 3:13 pm #

"Boba Fett is not evil,mum!He's just a little serious..."A gunshot."Okay,where are my credits?"

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :D :D :D

"Your passions give you strength, and through strength you gain power. You have seen it, you feel it. You must break your chains."
June 28, 2006 4:13 pm #

But not all villians are neccesarily evil.


Boba: Lord Vader, I bring good news.--Vader: You have captured Solo?--Boba: No.--Vader: Then what is it?--Boba: I just saved 15% on starship insurance by switching to Geiko! {MW}
June 28, 2006 6:00 pm #
Ph34r wrote:

Yeah, this is a spinoff of the "greatest superhero of all time" thread. LIVE WITH IT!!!


Officially, Venom is defined as an anti-hero. Villians do not try to save innocents, and only kill villians. Venom thinks that he is a hero, and Spider-man is a villian. Also, villians ar very rarely practicing Catholics. Venom in no can be considered a villian. For example, say I started fighting Spider-man. That would not make me a villian.

I do not really like villians or heros, but my favorite anti-heros are as follow: Deadpool, Venom, Boba Fett, Taskmaster,Alexander Anderson, Riddick, Zartan, his brother, Firefly (the mercenary and the characters of the show), Kaden, and, last but not least, Noxus.

I also like Destro. In an episode of the original series, he chants. During that point of time (in real life) all of the parents were worried about subliminal occult messages. His chant, when played backwards, he says: "If you are listening to this backwards to find a secret occult message, you are areal dewb."

take it easy baby take it as it comes
June 28, 2006 8:14 pm #

Jinnai from El Hazard

Zabuza and Kabuto from Naruto

Boris Badenov from Rocky and Bullwinkle

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
June 28, 2006 8:20 pm #

VADER    of course...      to me    there isn't much of a contest with him...but that's just my oppinion.            Think        BIG     BLACK     RASPY VOICE    AND BENDS THE FORCE TO HIS EVIL HEARTS DESIRES....


ā€œ(Iā€™m) Just a fly in the ointment, Hans. The monkey in the wrench. The pain in the a$$.ā€ -John McClane
June 28, 2006 8:26 pm #

When you say SUPER-VILLIAN I think comic book...BEST...Joker hands up, hands down Joker.

June 28, 2006 8:39 pm #

Lord Nyax from the New Jedi Order...lightsabers everywhere. :P

"If you don't want me to eat you.....SAY SOMETHING."
-Captian Murphy
June 28, 2006 9:03 pm #

Deathstroke the Terminator

The Shade (from the Starman comics)

and last, but certainly not least: 

Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg

--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
June 28, 2006 9:27 pm #

I can never think of any good villians. Zorg was perfect to finish up that movie.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
June 29, 2006 6:36 am #

Oh yeah. Also:

Doctor Doom



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June 29, 2006 2:54 pm #

I like the Crimson King.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
June 30, 2006 4:19 pm #

Darth Vader (look what he did to his own kids...sheesh!)
Darth Sidious (He's pretty bad, too)
The Joker (Talk about one sick S.O.B.)

July 1, 2006 12:38 pm #

Oh goodness, I love Gary Oldman.  He makes a wonderful villain.

The Witchking of Angmar, Darth Maul, Doctor Octopus, Ken Ichijoji the Digimon Emperor/Kaiser, Team Rocket, Hannibal Lector, Jafar (big jump in logic there), Feyd Ruatha, Baron Harkonnen, Count Hasimir Fenring (hmm ah!), and Lord Xar from Deathgate.  Oh yeah, and David Bowie in Labyrinth.

Estuans interius ira vehementi SEPHIROTH!
BFFC Moderator
July 1, 2006 2:51 pm #

The Labyrinth was a great movie, I liked the goblins.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
July 2, 2006 7:09 am #

Oh yeah, Hannibal. Great guy.

So, yeah Hannibal Lector

Chairface Chippendale,

and Uchiha Itachi from Naruto

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July 2, 2006 7:12 am #

Itachi might be evil but he makes a great chibi for some reason

Other than that, I'd have to say Anubis from Ronin Warriors, can't believe I can still remember that show

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
July 2, 2006 8:37 am #

I hated that show. In the original version, the loud-mouthed character never talked.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
July 8, 2006 1:56 pm #

I have to say that Magneto is the best super hero of all time!
I say this because Magneto has some powers that I've always wanted...think of it if you could move metal on your command... :D

July 8, 2006 4:15 pm #
draco fett wrote:

I hated that show. In the original version, the loud-mouthed character never talked.

It was the coolest show ever when I was a kid...and then Outlaw Star came on.

I saw an image once where Magneto was attached to a fridge.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
July 8, 2006 10:15 pm #

The Monarch!!

There's only one Return, and it ain't of the King... It's of the Jedi.
July 8, 2006 10:16 pm #

Venture brothers?

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
July 8, 2006 10:29 pm #

Exactly. Okay I know he sucks, but I just feel sorry for him... and his henchmen.

There's only one Return, and it ain't of the King... It's of the Jedi.
July 8, 2006 10:33 pm #

And Boris Badenov is any better?

Anyway, I'm just surprised I knew who that was. I watch that show every so often. If I'm waiting for another show to come on mostly.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
July 8, 2006 10:35 pm #

That's how I used to be. Then I saw the new season and it turned out the boys were clones... for the fourteenth time...

There's only one Return, and it ain't of the King... It's of the Jedi.
July 9, 2006 3:53 pm (Edited July 9, 2006 03:55 pm) #

I watch the show occasionaly, but I do not like it much. Inuasha and Full Metal Alchemist. Speaking of which, I like the head mercenary in Inuasha. I am not sure if he would be considered a villian, but I also like Juraquille "Hawk-eyes" Mihawk from One Piece.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
July 9, 2006 4:13 pm #

Um which character from Inuyasha?
By the way, Draco have you checked your messages lately?

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
July 9, 2006 4:21 pm #

I am talking about the leader of the Band of Seven. I am not cumputer swavy, what messages?

take it easy baby take it as it comes
July 9, 2006 4:25 pm #

Instant messages on the boards.
And you're thinking of Bankotsu.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
July 9, 2006 4:33 pm #

Whoa, I never even noticed that! If my computer works, I will join the R.P.G. right now.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
July 9, 2006 4:37 pm #

Alright! I thought something was up.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
July 9, 2006 4:51 pm #

Coolest supervillain? I say Bullseye. An Irishman who can throw any item with pinpoint accuracy, now that's just freakin cool.

Draco, you said the Crimson King? You've read the Dark Tower series? I just started The Gunslinger, on SciFi's insistence. He thought I'd like it. And Firefly...I haven't seen any of them yet, or Serenity, but Sci's mentioned them like five times in his e-mails. I guess that means there pretty good.

"Alright, they're in front of us, they're behind us, they're on our left, they're on our right.....they can't get away this time."
-Lewis B. Puller, United States Marine Corp
July 9, 2006 4:58 pm #

Firefly and Serenity are freakin' awsome! You need to see them. That assassign from Serenity was a pretty cool bad guy, but I dunno if he'd be considered a SUPERvillian...

There's only one Return, and it ain't of the King... It's of the Jedi.
July 9, 2006 6:45 pm #
draco fett wrote:

I like the Crimson King.

I thought the Crimson King was a horrible villain.

I mean, there are references to him all throughout the series, starting with Wizard and Glass, but he only appears in the last chapter of the last book. He never...did anything. Well, I guess he tried to tear apart the entire cosmos...but he never did anything. I would've liked to see a lot more of him, that's for sure. Especially because I love reading things from crazy peoples' perspectives :P

Mandalor_the_Smart_Alec wrote:

That assassign from Serenity was a pretty cool bad guy, but I dunno if he'd be considered a SUPERvillian...

Jubil Early was hilarious. He wasn't an assassin, though; he was a bounty hunter, after River (she was wanted alive if possible). He definitely wasn't a supervillain, though, since he only appeared in one episode (thanks to good old FOX. GRAR.)

Bit of trivia: he was named Jubil Early after the Civil War general because apparently Nathan Fillion is a distant descendent of his. How cool is that?

As for my favorite villains, I'd have to say Grand Admiral Thrawn from the Thrawn Trilogy. He was a genius bad guy: the New Republic only beat him because they got lucky. Go smart people.

GPI: Fondly regard crustacean
July 9, 2006 6:49 pm #

I didn't think the guy had a name... Maybe I just didn't pay close enough attention to the movie... Though it was cool how he made that guy fall on his sword at the beginning for allowing River to escape.

There's only one Return, and it ain't of the King... It's of the Jedi.
July 9, 2006 7:08 pm #

Comic Books- JOKER <<<only villain to truly piss Batman off to no end

Star Wars- Nihilus <<<i dont know why, but i always thought he was awesome

And for whoever said deadpool, his comic book is hilarious! But i'm guessing you don't mean his comic book because then he would be the hero...

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.
Hail to the King Baby!!
July 9, 2006 7:17 pm #
Fetterthanyou wrote:

Comic Books- JOKER <<<only villain to truly piss Batman off to no end

There's some guy who's laugh is even crazier than the Jokers, I just can't remember who it is at the moment.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
July 9, 2006 7:59 pm #
Fetterthanyou wrote:

And for whoever said deadpool, his comic book is hilarious! But i'm guessing you don't mean his comic book because then he would be the hero...

He would be considered an anti-hero. He kills people for money. Have you read his etiquitte lesson? That is truly hilarious.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
July 9, 2006 8:10 pm #

Yes i realize he is an anti-hero, but he is the protaganist after all. and the lesson on etiquitte, now that is true genius.

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.
Hail to the King Baby!!
July 9, 2006 8:46 pm #
Mandalor_the_Smart_Alec wrote:

I didn't think the guy had a name... Maybe I just didn't pay close enough attention to the movie... Though it was cool how he made that guy fall on his sword at the beginning for allowing River to escape.

Oh. Whoops. That was The Operative. I thought you were talking about Firefly the mistake.

He was pretty villainous; you know, killing children and being all cold about it "I do...if I have to." He was an amazingly cool character, for sure. So cool it was creepy.

GPI: Fondly regard crustacean
July 9, 2006 9:16 pm #
TheGunslinger wrote:

Jubil Early was hilarious. He wasn't an assassin, though; he was a bounty hunter, after River (she was wanted alive if possible). He definitely wasn't a supervillain, though, since he only appeared in one episode (thanks to good old FOX. GRAR.)

Bit of trivia: he was named Jubil Early after the Civil War general because apparently Nathan Fillion is a distant descendent of his. How cool is that?

As for my favorite villains, I'd have to say Grand Admiral Thrawn from the Thrawn Trilogy. He was a genius bad guy: the New Republic only beat him because they got lucky. Go smart people.

Another bit of Trivia:  Joss Whedon stated in an interview that he based part of Jubal Early off of Boba Fett.  How cool is that?

--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
July 10, 2006 6:37 am #
Maltese Kentaiba wrote:
Fetterthanyou wrote:

Comic Books- JOKER <<<only villain to truly piss Batman off to no end

There's some guy who's laugh is even crazier than the Jokers, I just can't remember who it is at the moment.

The Evil Mdnight Bomber who bombs at midnight.

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July 10, 2006 7:47 am #

He may have a more evil laugh, but the joker killed... 2 or 3 robins (can't remember)

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.
Hail to the King Baby!!
July 10, 2006 8:58 am #

I thought that the Joker almost killed one. It turned out that the one that he "killed" was alive in Bat-man Beyond.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
July 10, 2006 9:27 am #
Ph34r wrote:
Maltese Kentaiba wrote:
Fetterthanyou wrote:

Comic Books- JOKER <<<only villain to truly piss Batman off to no end

There's some guy who's laugh is even crazier than the Jokers, I just can't remember who it is at the moment.

The Evil Mdnight Bomber who bombs at midnight.

No, it's actually a guy named Jinnai from an anime series called El Hazard.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
July 10, 2006 12:17 pm #
draco fett wrote:

I thought that the Joker almost killed one. It turned out that the one that he "killed" was alive in Bat-man Beyond.

Not really sure if that Batman beyond movie-type thing is truly canon. Because Joker killed Jason Todd (second robin) and paralyzed the original batgirl.

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.
Hail to the King Baby!!
July 11, 2006 5:26 pm #

He didn't really kill Jason. Todd came back later as a baddie/antihero sort. I dunno much about it other than he came back. And he didn't kill 2 or 3 because there've only been 3... last time I checked... The first one grew up and became Nightwing. Second thought killed. Last time I looked (and its been a while) the third was still alive.

There's only one Return, and it ain't of the King... It's of the Jedi.

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