Does anyone know all of the Bounty hunter pair-ups? I know a couple,
Bossk & Zuckuss
Fett and D'harhan
4-Lom & Zuckuss
I forgot a a couple. :/ Anyone know any more?
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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Does anyone know all of the Bounty hunter pair-ups? I know a couple,
Bossk & Zuckuss
Fett and D'harhan
4-Lom & Zuckuss
I forgot a a couple. :/ Anyone know any more?
Jango Fett and Zam Wessel,maybe?
Yeah, thats another one.......anyone else?
Boba Fett and Dengar.
I dunno...does Boba and Aura Sing count?
I dunno...does Boba and Aura Sing count?
I think that was a pair-up Boba didn't want. At least he got his ship back. Sometimes, it's good to be a clone.
Yes, and I dont think Boba was a Bounty Hunter just yet. He was still training.
You forgot the best one: Arcuse and Sathik :D
Chenlambec and Tinian I'att were neglected to be mentioned.
Boba, Bossk, Dharhan, IG-88, and Zuckuss.
I don't know IG-88...Hmm,I'l check it out....
I suggest that you read some Fett books.
Yeah, you really should. IG is awesome! he's my 2nd favorite Bounty Hunter. But I never figured out how he runs with those legs. :/
Instead of bending, they apparently stretch out with each step...that's how my 12" IG works. Must look somewhat ridiculous.
Can't think of any other bounty hunters work alone. ;)
Ah yes!Now I remember!I have him in a story but I didn't managed to find it...I guess I'l buy others.
Bossk and Skorr, from the Jango Fett vs The Razor Eaters books. Jango also teams up with Aurra Sing in those, too.
kid Boba and Jango is another one.
I dont think that one counts. Boba wasnt officialy a Bounty Hunter yet.
Any other pair ups, or groups?
shade wrote:kid Boba and Jango is another one.
I dont think that one counts. Boba wasnt officialy a Bounty Hunter yet.
Oh sorry
I thought he was... :(
s'ok dude. Any others?
I think we covered all the bounty hunters...
Dengar working with Jodo Kast was planned.
In Bhw Boba works with Bossk then takes the bounty himself.
Dengar working with Jodo Kast was planned.
I'd heard about that. It was supposed to have been a comic book, right? That would have been interesting. It'd be cool if they did a little more back story stuff about Jodo Kast. I'm sure the character had more depth to him, if he survived as long as he did. I mean, if he was taking bounties that were meant for Fett, I'm sure they weren't easy bounties. Especially if the people hiring him out wanted Fett to take care of the bounties. The fact that Kast came through on a lot of them says something about his skill. But it like I always say. Age and treachery will always triumph over youth and skill. The older you get, the dirtier you fight. We're too old to show off. We just want the fight done and over with so we can get back to our rocking chair.
Instead of bending, they apparently stretch out with each step...that's how my 12" IG works. Must look somewhat ridiculous.
Lol, that does sound kind of funny. How does that get him foward, though? Does he do that side to side wobbling thing that R2 does sometimes?
It probably works somewhat like th tri-pods from War of the Worlds .
Maybe, thats a good prediction, draco. I think he leans back, then steps, and leans forward , then leans back and repeats the cycle.
I'd like to see Jodo Kast paired up with Aura Sing - I think they'd try to kill each other, it'd be a crack up :P
Zek (spelling?) and Boba/Ailyn?
It wasn't Ailyn, I'm pretty sure, since when it tell part of the story from Fett's point of view, he refers to himself as "he" and I don't think Ailyn would do that. Maybe it was Boba part time and Ailyn part time. Ayways, Zekk is spelled with one more k then you put, but you were close.
Though the Twi'lek chick did accuse him of being a woman.
It was in Young Jedi Kinghts, Diversity Alliance.
There was Zuckuss and Boba trying to fool Bossk, but we all knew what Boba did...
i think the 4 ig-88s were a bounty hunter group
i think the 4 ig-88s were a bounty hunter group
there were only 3 IG-88's total.
Actually we were all wrong their were five.
What happened to the other 2 then?
No there were 4 IG-88's and one IG-72 IG-72 went free lance. 1 IG was destroyed by Boba on bespin, 2 were destroyed in a dogfight over tatooine by Boba and the last IG ook control of the second death star. Althouhg i think 2 of the IG's uploaded there memorys to mechis 3.
Hey I agree I always thought that there were four but the author of that article said five? So who am I to change it?
Tinian was posing as a bountyhunter was she not?
who's Tinian , Niner?
Boba Fett87, someone is using that avatar.
what !?? so bobafett 87 has picked another persons avatar!/.986$%*
bobafett87 was in the chatroom demanding that I stay there and chat and not leave earlier.
Strikes me as a bit odd.
Tinian I'att was a Rebel human female from the EU.
Tinian was a bounty hunter working with Chenlambec.
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