Topic: Sith Tenants and Commandments

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Topic #4639
September 17, 2019 3:55 am #

Sith Tenants and Commandments.

By Darth Light (Ars Dangor), Regent of the Empire by Royal Appointment of Darth Natas and Sheev Palpatine, Emperor of the Sith.

1.    The Rule of Two is now null except in private agreement between a Master or Lord and his or her apprentice. The Sith will respect the privacy of a sponsoring Sith of Master rank or a Sith of Lord rank to his or her apprentice.

2.    The Sith are primarily heterosexual and believe in naturalism, including access to Force as such.

3.    For conflict between Sith members see rules of arbitration.

4.    Any Sith Master or Lord may summon a Sith Inquisitor.

5.    All Sith work to bring about the Empire (Sith ruled).

6.    A Sith maybe of any moral alignment, but dedication to the Sith is foremost.

7.    Strong romantic attachments are encouraged (the other way is the Jedi way).

8.    The Emperor must be obeyed as must the Regent.

9.    There are categories and secret categories and secret states of power and awareness among the Sith. Diversity is sometimes our strength, even among the Sith of Light. The Sith must always excel.

“Purpose is power, power is purpose.”
–Darth Natas

Evil is not to think.

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