Topic: "Holy Grail" Rocket Firing Boba Fett

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Topic #4525
AvatarBFFC Admin Mod OP
February 23, 2018 1:04 am #

Every few years, one of the ultra-rare rocket-firing Boba Fett prototypes comes up for sale, usually in an auction.

There's one right now with a bidding war starting at $19,800 with a few more weeks to go. There are also countless cheap replicas, nowhere near as valuable but kinda neat if you really just want that rocket to fire.

Thoughts on the collectible? Overpriced?

How about the much-cheaper replica? Neat to have in lieu of the ultra-rare?

Founder/Editor, BFFC
February 23, 2018 8:49 am #

To me, it's ridiculous that really anything THAT small could go for almost $20,000. Now maybe I could see it if it were life-sized or something like that, but $20,000 for something that is essentially a really awesome action figure (albeit rare) is just a little bit ludicrous. Would an original be really cool, yeah! But when you have replicas that are pretty much the same, even if I HAD that kind of money, I don't see a point in paying that much for something.

“Whoever angers you, owns you.”
AvatarBFFC Admin Mod OP
February 24, 2018 2:03 am #
MandaloreRising wrote:

Would an original be really cool, yeah! But when you have replicas that are pretty much the same, even if I HAD that kind of money, I don't see a point in paying that much for something.

Fair point, but the key take-away here is original vs. replica.

Maybe think of it this way:

1. There are so few originals, so the real deal is just plain rare.
2. It wasn't ever sold in stores, so getting any in the first place took some luck right off the bat.
3. It's the item that kids never got because the rocket firing feature was removed for safety, so there's a history/nostalgia which can boost impulse purchases.

Fortunately we can have knock-off replicas on the cheap, but some people (a rare small crowd bidding on this) prefer the O.G.


Founder/Editor, BFFC
April 26, 2020 3:56 pm #
MandaloreRising wrote:

To me, it's ridiculous that really anything THAT small could go for almost $20,000. Now maybe I could see it if it were life-sized or something like that, but $20,000 for something that is essentially a really awesome action figure (albeit rare) is just a little bit ludicrous. Would an original be really cool, yeah! But when you have replicas that are pretty much the same, even if I HAD that kind of money, I don't see a point in paying that much for something.

you just read my mind.

Favorite Star Wars character: Boba. (Well, duh!)

And no, I do not have disney plus. I have to have everything spoiled for me. :(
April 30, 2020 7:23 am #

Worth it. Come on it’s crazily rare.

Fetttttt fannnnnnnn
April 30, 2020 12:14 pm #
Fettfan080p wrote:

Worth it. Come on it’s crazily rare.

you would have to be a millionaire to get it.

Favorite Star Wars character: Boba. (Well, duh!)

And no, I do not have disney plus. I have to have everything spoiled for me. :(

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