Topic: Knocked Out or Dead?

Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.

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Topic #447
June 2, 2006 3:41 am #

In Episode VI Return of the Jedi, We all know that Boba's jetpack is activated by Han Solo accidentaly hitting him.  He flys up and slams against the side of Jabba's Sail Barge.  When he hit the barge did he get knocked out or killed.  The movie cannon states that what you see in the movies is the truth.  Boba fell in the Sarlacc pit and possibly died.  (Did he die).  The lower cannon is anything from books and comics.  Those comics say that he survived.  Should I believe the books/comics or the movie to find out whether he died or not.  Did he die at all?  some sites say he was just knocked out but woke up again and escaped. 

Sorry, I know it has been posted many times before but I must know.

June 2, 2006 6:36 am #

Well, Boba fell into the Sarlacc, and then blew it up and escaped... That's from 'The Bounty Hunter Wars' trilogy books. And you should definately believe them! :D

"Whoever is a highly evolved, super-genius raise your hand." *raises hand* "Oh."
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
June 2, 2006 8:05 am #

I'm not quite sure, but I think that Boba makes some noise as he's rolling down the sand. This would mean he's not knocked out cause I don't think you can still make involentary yelps/grunts when you're unconcious. But he probably wasn't far from it, because as I remember he wakes up inside the sarlacc.

There is no "top canon" and "lesser canon", btw. SW is a massive saga spanning many mellenia. It's just the format that changes. Like for the older days we only have some comic books. Then it starts drifting more and more into novels, but still mixed with comic books. Then we have a mixture of all. Movies, novels, and comics. Then no movies, just novels and some comics. Then, no comics, just books. It's all canon under one name: Star Wars.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
June 2, 2006 2:50 pm #

Alright, as RC says, he comes back later to kick some ass and take some names. Therefore, he's not dead. It's common knowledge to...pretty much everyone, that he's still alive. IT'S IN THE BOOKS!!! READ THEM!!!! I've never known a Fett fan who didn't know he survived, congratulations, you're the first.

June 2, 2006 3:01 pm #

He got out, and that's that.


Boba: Lord Vader, I bring good news.--Vader: You have captured Solo?--Boba: No.--Vader: Then what is it?--Boba: I just saved 15% on starship insurance by switching to Geiko! {MW}
June 2, 2006 3:07 pm #

He went in. I like to pretend the girlie scream was not him. So the knocked out thing works for me.  And Miba's right, they do say he wakes up , so my guess is his lights were off for a few critical moments and then he comes to in hell.  Which he promptly (more or less) escapes.

June 2, 2006 5:47 pm #


I don't know whether this site is already found or not but I found this: 

Click on Confirmation Site: Boba Fett (in the table of contents)

This site is valid.  They directly quoted George Lucas from interviews and DVD commentary.  Thay also site all the sources from which they took the imformation from.  This site talks all about the different types of canon and the many canon questions of the Star Wars Universe.  As of now I only read the part about Boba Fett but there seems to be more information on other topics about the types of Star Wars canon.  In short, Lucas accepts both what was shown in the movies and what is going in the comics and novels of Boba Fett.  2 sepearte timelines for Boba. 

It's a must read.

June 2, 2006 7:16 pm #

Thanx for the info DOODOO. :P Very informitable. :)

                                                                     {MW} TW :cool:

{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
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June 2, 2006 9:18 pm #

Yeah, kind of like in the book Timeline there explaining there are many dimensions

"One where Hitler won the war and one where he didn't"

How its decided who goes where i have no clue

Jawa Java: The Starbucks of Tatooine
June 10, 2006 7:16 pm #

I use to be so passionately against Fett's death in Return of the Jedi. I use to hold "Tales of the Bounty Hunters" up like it was the bible. However, I'm older now and more jaded (probably due to the prequels, special editions, the media corporate empire that is Lucasfilm, etc). As it stands right now in my mind I'm not sure, I guess anything is possible. I don't really care one way or another and yes, I am a big fan.

As writing my own stuff I can find beauty in a cool death even of a character I love. While, Fett's death may not have been amazingly cool or you might think he went out olike a "chump," but I find a certain beauty to it. It is as if the skiff battle was a ballet. I kind of appreciate the simplicity of how he got knocked out of the game. Think of it as one in a million chance. Han won the lottery that day.

June 10, 2006 9:33 pm #

boba is still alive to this day!:P

"once i've caught my prey, nothing stops me from bringing it in" -boba fett, mandalorian armor, book 1 of the bounty hunter wars
July 2, 2006 6:34 am #

I suggest that you believe whatever makes you happiest.

Estuans interius ira vehementi SEPHIROTH!
BFFC Moderator
July 15, 2006 2:59 pm #

boba fett dead or alive? would be a better title
george was even gona add in a scene of boba fett crawling out of the sarlacc
dont underestimate boba fett cos

vrd ori'shya beskar'gam
(a warrior is more than his armour)
also may i point out their armour is made from near inpervious beskar (mandalorian iron)

" was so artistically done." - last words of grand admiral thrawn
July 16, 2006 2:04 am #

[Pops out of lurkie mode.]

A few years ago if you'd have tried to get me to believe Boba Fett was dead, I'd have said, "Well, that's you're opinion." I still say it now, it's just that back then I said it for the wrong reasons. I said it because, quite frankly, I was being a fan girl.

I think I'm mature enough now to where I could be able to accept that he died in the sarlacc. Only thing is I don't. Or rather, I can't. Not because I'm being stubborn... it's hard to explain. I guess I've stuck by him being alive for so long and dreamed up so many possible adventures he might have had afterward, that it just became fact in my mind. (Which, now that I think about it, may or may not be kind of creepy...)

So, in terms of Fett history, I just think of "The Sarlacc Incident" as some painful and embarrassing thing that happened to him on the job once. (Which might be a fraction why he fuels the rumors of his death.)

And yes he was self-aware when he fell in, cuz he screamed. (Like I said, probably not an event he likes talking about.)

"Next time I'll just reach over and pull somebody's head off."
July 16, 2006 2:49 am #

george lucas was going to add a scene where fett climed out of the sarlacc
and after he fell in was that burb the sound of an explosive fron inside?
anyway why does the sarlacc look like craken ? the craken has been
described with a beak or like in the original film, with just a lot of teeth

" was so artistically done." - last words of grand admiral thrawn
July 16, 2006 2:07 pm #

I hate that they added the beak. Hate it!!!

"Next time I'll just reach over and pull somebody's head off."
July 16, 2006 4:41 pm #

GL only said that to appease fans. He does not really care.

As for the beak, I don't see the problem. I like it a lot better than just some dinky hole with nothing but a few tentacles. Anyway, I love that face you used, Fairyblood, I had no idea we even had it. lol!

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
July 16, 2006 5:19 pm #

We don't have it.  I "borrowed" it from somewhere.

"Next time I'll just reach over and pull somebody's head off."
July 16, 2006 5:22 pm #
mando_warrior wrote:

george lucas was going to add a scene where fett climed out of the sarlacc
and after he fell in was that burb the sound of an explosive fron inside?
anyway why does the sarlacc look like craken ? the craken has been
described with a beak or like in the original film, with just a lot of teeth

It is quite possible that the Sarlacc was based on the Kracken.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
July 16, 2006 5:24 pm (Edited July 16, 2006 05:40 pm) #

I really like the storyline of him escaping the Sarlaac, (the beak was cool, but didn't exactly go with the lamprey-styled teeth), only to spend a fortune on a cloned right leg and drugs to suppress his chromosone damage.  Aye, that scream as he fell wasn't very manly, but perhaps anyone would have done the same.  Imagine how Luke would have sounded if it had been him feeding the Sarlaac.  He'd have peed.  Yep, Luke's a peer.

Oh, sorry for the Luke bashing, it's my default to slam on "Wormy".  Anyway, it's our job as fanboys (meant in an all-encompassing PC way) to support Fett's escape from the Almighty Sarlaac.  Lucas can tease us with an escape scene.  It's what he does, but talk is cheap.  Instead of regaining our hero, we lose his indentity (voice).  Do I sound bitter?  It's only because I am.  Back to my point, if we don't keep him alive, then no one else will?  It's time for you to ask yourself whether or not you're a real Boba Fett fan, or perhaps just another Vader cultist...

"Be Like Boba." J. R. Duart -2006
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?
July 17, 2006 12:40 pm #

Lol Luke pee himself lol yep that probably would happen and he forgot his nappies lol. i think they should have had Boba kill someone befeore he fell into the Sarlacc sumone pointless like Lando lol.

I'm smiling because they havn't found the bodies yet. :)
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
July 17, 2006 8:48 pm #

But I likie Lando.  :(

"Next time I'll just reach over and pull somebody's head off."
July 17, 2006 9:36 pm #

I like Luke and Lando.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
July 18, 2006 7:43 am #

Lol im only joking.

I'm smiling because they havn't found the bodies yet. :)
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
July 18, 2006 9:32 am #

I know, I wasn't mad. I just felt I should stick up for Luke, poor guy. lol I do really like Luke. Lando I don't like as much as Luke though.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
July 18, 2006 10:31 am #

Your totaly right IG. I dont care f you were kidding, but that was a great idea. Although Lando wasnt pointless later on........I mean he piloted the Falcon to destroy the death star..........but they could of gotten someone els to do it!


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
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July 18, 2006 3:36 pm (Edited July 18, 2006 05:26 pm) #

*expletive*Lando Calrissian! Uncle Tom *expletive*!

Just kidding. It wouldn't really have worked out to have Boba kill someone before he fell in. Though, they could have made him the guy that shot Luke's hand instead of Jabba thug #45.

There's only one Return, and it ain't of the King... It's of the Jedi.
July 18, 2006 8:24 pm #

Why would Boba miss? If he actually got a shot off at Luke he'd hit Luke's head, not his hand.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
July 19, 2006 6:07 am #

Of Course, no doubt about it. Han had just hit him before he got the chance.


{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
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