Topic: Where'd that come from?

Note: this topic was started 7 years ago.

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Topic #4445
February 14, 2017 1:03 pm (Edited February 14, 2017 06:06 pm) #

I cannot find anything on Google about what the paragraph inside the box on the picture. It sounds awesome and I want to read it if it's a book or watch iT if it's a movie. In short can you identify what source if any he's talking about? I included the link to the full article below.

February 14, 2017 3:23 pm #

Is this screenshot some kind of blog?

February 14, 2017 6:04 pm #
MacheteFett wrote:

Is this screenshot some kind of blog?

MacheteFett, Wheelsinthejic updated the post above. It's Quora. The link is up there. :-)

Wheelsinthejic, it sounds like Star Wars Tales #11, which is a comic book and always had far-fetched plots. The Quora response doesn't exactly sound complete and it's definitely not canon.

Founder/Editor, BFFC

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