Topic: Boba the Time Traveller

Note: this topic was started 9 years ago.

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Topic #4294
July 16, 2015 4:13 pm #

Hi,during the late sixties and early seventies our local library imported an american magazine,it carried mostly non-fiction stories about science and other interesting stuff,among its attractions were some beautiful cartoon strips,most in full color,the art work was truly superb,some were reality based while others science fiction,in one strip a mercenary made an appearance,his companions were dressed in the weirdest gear,German helmets,old armor,some space suits etc etc,the easiest way to describe them is they looked like the guys who killed the boys family in the film American Werewolf in London,the odd thing is the anti-hero looked exactly like Boba Fett and was also a mercenary/bounty hunter,i read the magazine every month and only remember one story that feature him and his friends,when Boba first appeared on film i thought the creators/artist had written for the magazine or were paying homage to the artist,after checking i found no reference to the old cartoon,the library stopped getting the magazine around 1976 and when i asked why they explained they were now too expensive to buy,i think Mr Fetts image may be a lot older than people think.

Also in the strip,while on their travels,they met a female soldier called Tank Girl or something like that,she recounted her tale (in cartoon form) to the Boba type guy,also his fellow soldiers/spacemen mentioned the Lost Patrol.

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