Topic: Boba Tours Europe

Note: this topic was started 12 years ago.

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Topic #3978
April 15, 2012 10:17 am (Edited January 10, 2017 09:37 pm) #


April 19, 2012 11:11 am #

TravelingMandalorian, very cool! Thanks for sharing! How often are you updating the site?

Founder/Editor, BFFC
April 23, 2012 4:14 pm #
BFFC Admin wrote:

TravelingMandalorian, very cool! Thanks for sharing! How often are you updating the site?

I try to update the site shortly after taking new pictures. How often do I talk pictures? Well, it depends. I've tried to take photos of Boba with some kind of landmark in the background; that way, everyone will know Boba is actually touring Europe and not three blocks down the street from my house. Otherwise, I could get a few shots of Boba visiting the beach. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them :)

November 27, 2012 8:01 am #

I have heard europe is a great to visit!
Countries like Great Britain,Spain and italy!
Have fun friend!
Will be great if you upload some pictures..

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