Hey there,
I'm getting my new white faced cockatiel in a few days and I need help with a name! I'm not sure if it's a boy or girl yet so names of both genders would be appreciated. Also I know a lot of people are going to suggest I name it Boba or Jango, but I already have two betta fish named Boba Fish and Jango Fish (haha, I'm such a dork :P ). Anyhow, looking for something really unique, preferably not an average human name (no bobs or jills) Doesn't have to be a Star Wars name but I'll consider anything.
Thanks :D
Topic: New bird, Help with name?
Note: this topic was started 14 years ago.
13 posts
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Your fish names are awesome!
I don't really have any ideas though, for me naming a pet is something I have to do when looking at it. Like if I'm around it and looking at it I can think of a name that sort of feels like that animal.
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I already have two betta fish named Boba Fish and Jango Fish (haha, I'm such a dork :P ).
I have a betta fish I got for my birthday whom I call Max (lol get it?), so I'm a big ol' dork, too!
I'm not sure of any names off the top of my head. I'll see if I can think of anything unique sounding, though!
some unique names that come to mind are Logan and Grayson, they're also unisex names, so it doesn't matter what gender it is :D
what's the bird look like? depending on its color, you could use a republic commando name. sev, scorch, boss, fixer, those are unisex.
How about Talvin, abdo or Rhan if it is a male
or Arisa, Kana, Yooka, Saba or Rhan if it is a female.
All of these names are real names from India or Japan or Pakistan.
Rhan works both ways :)
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Plenty of non-SW names here. Your pick along the gender, I dunno.
Perseus, Phoenix, Regor, Polaris, Alioth, Antares, Rigel, Orion, Vega, Draconis, Delphinus, Capella, Altair, Chaos, Gaia, Nemesis, Eris, Io, Maia, Asteria, Leto, Artemis, Hades, Enyo, Muse, Prometheus, Hemera, Nyx, Dao, Apollo, Poseidon, Atlas...

Wow, thank you people! Love the idea of using a republic commando name (I am partial to Sev ;)), I'll have to see if it fits him/her. The other names are awesome to. I love the Arisa name, that sounds so pretty. And wow Terra, all those names are awesome, I really like the Greek feel. I'll let you know what I choose. I get the bird Friday and all my parents can come up with is "killer" lol.
Anyhow, the bird is silver grey and white, it will darken up a bit once it has its first molt. Really young, and since it has the color mutation with no orange or yellow anywhere, it almost looks like a miniature falcon (minus the feathers on the top of its head).
Anyhow, Thank you so much, I love all the names, it will be so hard to choose :D
Sone if its a girl, Zam's daughter!
I bet CA will choose a name that's not even in our list. :P

I bet CA will choose a name that's not even in our list. :P
Haha, I might, I'd hate to make people feel like their names were no good :( I love all the names and I'm thinking about a few of them. I'm also looking online for some too, just want to have a lot of choices.
Here are a few I've found myself:
Gavin- Little hawk- Welsh
Killian: small and fierce (Irish/Gaelic)
Malin: little warrior (Old English)
Sterling: little star (Middle English)
Jena Arabic Female Little bird
Keelin Chinese Male Little dragon
Alida Latin Female Little winged one
Lila- Night
Amir- Princly
They even have meanings and everything. Still not to sure though, might be one of your names, might be one I've found :P
Cool choices. You do what you want hon, was just teasing you. :P
It's your bird. You'll be the one saying his name all day, gotta be something you like, lol.
Bats ideas on names might help
Boy-George [not sure of the sex]