Topic: Tatoonie Power of the Hutt RPG

Note: this topic was started 15 years ago.

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Topic #3593
January 12, 2010 12:10 pm (Edited January 13, 2010 11:46 am) #

Tatooine Power of the Hutt RPG.

In this RPG I act as the Hutt’s liaison issuing the daily jobs.  It does not involve in-depth character creation, you can if you want.  Everything for each mission will be provided in the RPG. To complete the mission use the Roll Dice in the chat room for your results.

6= Perfect job completion, max credits and 100% chance of item drops +5 character  development.
5= Good job completion,  90-100% credits 75% chance of item drops +4 character development.
4=Above Average job completion 75-100% credits 50% chance of item drops +3 character development.
3=Average completion 50-100% credits 25% chance of item drops +2character development.
2=Completed poorly 25-75% credits no items +1 character development.
1=Mission Failed, no reward.

You can attempt the same Mission Twice per day, even if you are successful to add to your wealth.  I will try and keep track of your Items and credits, but you are ultimately responsible for them.

Character Development Ranks you start at zero
0-1 Drifter  Development points 0-20
1-2 Thug    Development points 20-50
3-4 Henchman Development points 50-80
4-5 Associate Development points 80-110
5-6 Apprentice Bounty Hunter Development points 110-150
6-7 Journeyman Bounty Hunter  Development points 150-200
7-8 Bounty Hunter Development points 200-300
9-10 Fett’s Apprentice Development points 300-500
11-12 You Are Fett. 500+ points

Mission Eliminate Black Sun Gang Member : No Items Needed to complete this mission.

100 credit bounty
Item swoop bike valued at 50 credits

January 12, 2010 10:33 pm #

Er, you wrote "Tatoonie." It's Tatooine. Lol you did the same typo my friend did in our video project. I must say, you've created a cool dice system, thanks to the chat room.

January 13, 2010 12:17 pm #

24 HR. Limited time Mission.  (AU members get a +8hr time.)

Hi-Jack Ice Shipment from Hoth. (No Items Needed.)

Rewards 750 Credits and Electrobinoculars.
(Electrobinoculars give a +1 to the dice roll on a scouting mission.)

New Daily Mission

Collect Protection Credits From Moisture Farmers.  Swoop Bike Required.

Rewards 500 Credits and a chance for Blaster Rifle Item
(Blaster Rifle gives a +1 to dice roll on elimanation missions.)

Raid an Imperial Warehouse

500 Credits and Item drop of 25% chance of Stormtrooper Armor
                                          25% chance of Blaster Rifle
                                          50% chance of blaster pistol
Hutt Store Now Open.

Daily Special 25% off Body armour.

Blaster Pistol 15 credits (+1 dice roll on elimanation missions.)
Blaster Rifle   25 credits (+1 dice roll on elimanation, and collection missions)
Stolen Stormtrooper Armour 250 credits (+1 dice roll on Imperial Spy missions)

Swoop Bike 75 credits
Skiff 150 Credits (+25% chance of item drop on Raid Missions)
Sail Barge 12000 credits (+2 dice roll and an additional item during raid missions.)

June 2, 2010 12:55 pm #
wizardofcars wrote:

Tatooine Power of the Hutt RPG.

In this RPG I act as the Hutt’s liaison issuing the daily jobs.  It does not involve in-depth character creation, you can if you want.  Everything for each mission will be provided in the RPG. To complete the mission use the Roll Dice in the chat room for your results.

6= Perfect job completion, max credits and 100% chance of item drops +5 character  development.
5= Good job completion,  90-100% credits 75% chance of item drops +4 character development.
4=Above Average job completion 75-100% credits 50% chance of item drops +3 character development.
3=Average completion 50-100% credits 25% chance of item drops +2character development.
2=Completed poorly 25-75% credits no items +1 character development.
1=Mission Failed, no reward.

You can attempt the same Mission Twice per day, even if you are successful to add to your wealth.  I will try and keep track of your Items and credits, but you are ultimately responsible for them.

Character Development Ranks you start at zero
0-1 Drifter  Development points 0-20
1-2 Thug    Development points 20-50
3-4 Henchman Development points 50-80
4-5 Associate Development points 80-110
5-6 Apprentice Bounty Hunter Development points 110-150
6-7 Journeyman Bounty Hunter  Development points 150-200
7-8 Bounty Hunter Development points 200-300
9-10 Fett’s Apprentice Development points 300-500
11-12 You Are Fett. 500+ points

Mission Eliminate Black Sun Gang Member : No Items Needed to complete this mission.

100 credit bounty
Item swoop bike valued at 50 credits

this makes no sense

oh!why'd ya slice of mah hand?!

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