Bats is Left-handed and at times I have found it hard to be in this Right-Handed World
Worse was School ,,the few times I was able to go ,,I was whacked on my hand
that was OK!! ,but they never ever said why I was wacked on the hand
But I have noticed more People are left handed,,
Anyone else have times to tell been left=handed
Topic: Who is Left Handed???
Note: this topic was started 15 years ago.
9 posts
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Left handed and proud of it.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
I'm not left-handed, but my brother is. And one of the people where I work is. My husband is for the most part.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
i'm left-handed when it comes to racket sports, or brushing my teeth.
I'm a lefty when writing, ambidextrous for almost everything else, and right-handed for something that's none of your business.
Too much information guys. We don't want to know. :P
My left hand has an IQ of about 2, lol (average human IQ is 110). Good for certain things, even in art, like irregular lines and some chaotic stuff, but I'd be really destroyed if I lost my right hand. I'd definitely have to change jobs/aspirations then. Or maybe just change my artstyle to abstract?
We have a lot of left-handed guys where I work, and I have a few friends which are lefty as well. I heard left-handed people have the logic side stronger and creative side weaker. Like better at math, computers, chess and puzzles, and weaker at languages, arts and psychology. I wonder if that's true.
Although I am now right handed, when I was very young I was ambdextrious and confused about which hand I was supposed to use, because everyone told me I had to be one or the other, not both. Gradually over time I became right handed, though not without obvious problems. When I was 5 and in kindergarden I didn't know how to properly hold a pencil (this was in the middle of the transition), and therefore the teacher made me put a "gum" over my pencil which was supposed to help me hold it properly. Did anyone else have to use them?
I've heard that there is a thing where people are "left brained" and "right brained", but I'm not sure if its connected to which hands we use. Or which one is which. I do think its true, though. I'm really awesome at being creative, but I absolutly suck at math. I wonder why people are like that, though.
oh i'm lefty for that.
just wow.