Topic: RPG: Supernatural II: Rise of the Vampire Mage

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Topic #3487

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August 19, 2009 5:59 pm #

Due to popular demand, it’s time to revisit this idea. Below are the types of beings you can chose to be:

Elder Vampire: Has been a vampire for over 500 years. They can walk in daylight provided it’s a cloudy day. Has some control over their bloodlust. Can cloak themselves from human view by influencing their blood flow to slow it to the optical receptors. Have some resistance to garlic and holy water but not much.
Abilities: (Including Regular & Young Vampire abilities) Further heightened senses, can levitate and can influence the minds of young werewolves.

Regular Vampire: Has been a vampire for over 20 years. They cannot stand the sun, able to move in shadowed areas, such as indoor buildings. Have little control over their bloodlust. They are badly affected by garlic and holy water.
Abilities: (Including Young Vampire abilities) Able to leap extremely high, can scale brick walls easily and take large falls and land unscathed.

Young Vampire: Newly created vampire up to 19 years. Can only move around at night and are highly sensitive to garlic and holy water. Has an insatiable bloodlust.
Abilities: High speed running, fast healing and extremely strong. Also has heightened senses.

Elder Werewolf: Has been a werewolf for over 400 years. They can control when they want to change from human form to wolf form. They can change into human, partial wolf/human form or full wolf. Has some ability to influence the human mind, mainly to confuse them so they don’t know where an attack is coming from. Elders are generally Alphas of their pack and control the hunts. They can only be killed by more than three silver bullets.
Abilities: (Same abilities as Regular Werewolf, though desire to breed fades) Extremely rapid healing abilities, able to survive long term exposure to silver although it will make them weak.

Regular Werewolf: Has been a werewolf for over 50 years. Have some control over when they change, can however choose the form of full wolf or partial wolf/human. Has a very strong instinct to hunt and find a life mate. They can be killed with three silver bullets.
Abilities: (Including Young Werewolf abilities, except full moon change) Able to shield themselves from vampire mind attacks, able to heal more rapidly than Young Werewolves and are able to breed at this age. They are also extremely agile and able to leap extremely high.

Young Werewolf: Newly created werewolf up to 49 years. Have no control over when they change, can only change into full wolf form. Has very strong instinct to hunt and kill. Aging process slowed down by six fold and continues through life. They can be killed by three silver bullets or long term exposure to silver contacting their skin.
Abilities: Extremely highly developed sense of smell. Other senses are also heightened, more so than a young vampire. They are extremely strong, can rip appendages from sockets easily. Runs very fast and can only change under the full moon.

The Storyline:

Set in the present, location shall be a fictional city of  Marley’s Point (20 km from Murk Valley). The city is old, mostly in a state of deterioration despite the local’s determination to renew the city’s CBD.

The city hides and ancient evil, an evil that has lay undisturbed for centuries, however that evil is about to be reawakened…

The Rules:

The Enemy is a vampire Mage, more importantly he’s a Necromancer. His crimes to humanity and the supernatural have been many during his long existence. He’s an Elder vampire and knows patience pays off. He’s been underground in his crypt for many centuries; awaiting for some fool to awaken him… (I’ll be playing this role).

We need at least one Elder Vampire and one Elder Werewolf. The Elder Werewolf is likely to have an Elder mate also. Please limit the number of Elders as we need Regular and Young variations of both.

Slayers are optional also, but must be human or a half human hybrid.

1. You may create any character you want but follow the guide above. Clarify their name and species so others can follow their actions easily. I will be moderating.

2. You can kill characters you create but you can't kill other people's characters unless they say they have been killed in battle with you. However you can wound them.

3. You can have any weapon you want but you can only have what your character could physically carry - otherwise they wouldn't be able to move. Also it must be of this time. You can have newly developed weapons from your coven or pack.

4. Be consistent, eg if someone says they blew up a building, don't suddenly be assaulting it.

5. If you have sustained many wounds you will have to weaken and possibly be killed, healing factors can reduce this. If human you will need to seek medical help or you will die.

6. Follow the storyline, sure add a few twists and turns but allow others to see where you want to go so they can help you get there.

7. Have fun.

Name: Ansgar The Destroyer
Species: Elder Vampire (Mage/Necromancer)
Sex: Male
Age: 849

Weapons: Kasimir (destroyer of peace):

Personality: Ansgar is almost a wraith, his age and memories have driven him mad. He wants to cleanse the earth of all that lives, as he believes that everything deserves to die, as once they are dead he can control them for his own dark purposes.


1286 at what would become Marley’s Point

The Oracle:


Sixty vampires dragged the setting stone to the top of the hill. It would be the final seal on Ansgar the Destroyer’s crypt. The Oracle stood overseeing the process, knowing that such a crypt would not hold the Destroyer for eternity.

“Oracle, the setting stone is in place. Is it time for the chant?” Aldrick, leader of the vampires, asked.

The Oracle nodded, “Yes my friend, we must now chant.”

“Will this stop Ansgar from re-entering the world?” Aldrick asked as he waved his people into line.

The Oracle closed its many eyes. “Eternity is a long time my friend and anything can happen. There is no guarantee.”

“Then we shall do what we can,” Aldrick stated and then the chanting began.

The Oracle held up the Amulet of Delkath; its ancient inscription held the words to the chant. The Oracle led the chant and listened as the vampires echoed the words. Over and over they repeated the words until the setting stone glowed red. The stone’s edges melted to seal in the Destroyer.

On the horizon the touch of orange began to illuminate the sky. The vampires quickly retreated leaving the Oracle with the Amulet of Delkath still in its hand. “A safe place you must be stored,” the Oracle said to the amulet.


The Present

Name: Avlynn Adams
Species: Werewolf
Sex: Female
Age: Regular Werewolf – 168
Appearance: Looks like she’s 28:

Weapons: Sawn off double barrel shotgun
Personality: Is trying to live like a human being, doesn’t really want to be involved with her pack. Avlynn works as a shop assistant in the Marley’s Point Museum. She is saving her own money to go to university and study Archaeology.


Avlynn wiped off the counter for the last time of for the day. The Marley’s Point Museum was closing for early today as a new collection was arriving. Avlynn had volunteered to help set up, but as usual was brushed aside. The humans thought she was a weak human female, if only they knew she was stronger then one of their burliest men.

But Avlynn didn’t want to stand out, if she showed her true strength questions would be raised and she’d have to go back into pack life at Murk Valley.

Instead she’d been given the task of putting up posters on the new exhibition: “Treasures of the Past”. There were five different posters, each displaying a different article to be shown in the exhibition. Avlynn unrolled the first poster which showed an unusual amulet with a red stone. “Would look good with my ruby ring,” she commented dryly to herself.

“Yeah well don’t get any ideas,” the curator, Julian Williams, snapped.

Avlynn looked at him and tried not to roll her eyes, “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 19, 2009 8:18 pm #

Name: Ronsom Sa'ab
Species: Regular vampire
Sex: Male
Age: 105
Nothing special, skin a little too white, sunken eyes, blue-lense glacier-glasses
pair of butterfly swords,
Tired, continually under-fed, and distant. Eyes glossed over most of the time.

Not sure where to go from here but ready.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
August 19, 2009 9:52 pm #

Ansgar the Destroyer’s form lay still, the dust covered body had not stirred in centuries but then it had no need to. A finger twitched, an eyelid flickered and parched lips parted. The amulet’s call awoke the ancient vampire.

The Destroyer rose with a slowness due to his fragile state. His skin seemed to be stretched tightly over his bones. His muscles only remanent of what they once were. His dark eyes opened, their irises as red as the ruby that had ensnared him. “Delkath,” he hissed, his voice nothing but a whisper of dry air.

His black robes were stained with age, they were also haggard and hole-riddled. Ansgar couldn’t have cared less. His skeletal hand reached for his only companion, his sword: Kasimir.

Ansgar took the sword in both hands, dropped to his knees and plunged Kasimir into the soil. He began to chant, “Agneth geetah halnarg teskin.” Over and over he repeated the chant, it was a spell upon the Amulet of Delkath, some poor fool would feel compelled to pick it up and take it to his crypt and then Ansgar would be free once more...

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 19, 2009 11:26 pm (Edited August 20, 2009 08:50 am) #

Name:  Fendren Kalman
Species:  Regular Werewolf
Sex: Male
Age: 194
Appearance: Around 30
Weapons:  Colt Python .357 Revolver
Two Scimitars strapped to back under coat.

Personality:  Doesn't much go for human company.  Dislikes the humans and thinks they are much too weak for him to bother with.  Happily will slay a few to sate his hunger.
He is very opinionated and let's people know it at times.

Short History:  Fendren's werewolf ancestry has been traced back to the early medieval age in Britain.  Since then they have relocated to America where Fendren was born.  The old clan which Fendren's family was apart of was massacred by slayers and his parents and him fled to Marley's Point.

Fendren checked the piece of paper in his hand and looked at the building in front of him.  This was the place.  Marley's Point Museum.  Didn't look too bad.  But the hackles on the back of his neck were telling him otherwise.  Ignoring these warnings he strode up the steps.  An overweight human bodyguard stepped in his way.

"I'm sorry sir but we are closed at six tod-" Fendren none too gently continued on through him.  The pack leader had given him a task and he wasn't about to let a puny human stop him from accomplishing it.  He spotted her hanging up posters.

"Avlynn.  It's been awhile since we've seen you around."  At the sound of his voice she froze. 

"What are you doing here?"

"Come on.  You know.  Everyone is missing you.  We all really want you back so very dearly."  Fendren let the sarcasm seep into his voice.

"You sound so sincere."

"I'm just about as thrilled as coming here to talk as you are.  But he told me to come over and try and we all know I couldn't tell the pack leader no.  Not without having to watch my neck for the next century."

"Listen Fen.  I-"

The security guard and a short balding man in a suit interrupted.

"Excuse me sir but I suggest you leave now or we will have to get the authorities involved."

Fendren didn't even turn.

"Avlynn and I were having a conversation.  I am going to give you 5 seconds to leave us."

"You can't tell me to get out of my own museum!  Who do you think you are?"  Fendren tensed and clenched his fists.  Avlynn glared at him. 

"Don't do it Fen.  Just leave."  Fendren smiled sweetly.

"Fine I'll go."  He slid a small piece of paper with an address for a bar 3 blocks down the street.

"We have some things to talk about."  Fendren turned and strode past the two men and out the door.  He inhaled the air as the sun set over the horizon.  He headed for the bar.  Hopefully she wouldn't show up and Fen would head back to the pack leader and tell him he tried.  But luck hadn't been with him theses past few years.

((Left the leader position open if anyone is interested.))

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
August 20, 2009 12:41 am #

Avlynn looked at the piece of paper and sighed, she really didn’t want to go to the Hard Luck Tavern but for some reason she found herself heading there as she left the museum.

Rick, the bodyguard Fendren had ignored, was still looking peeved as she left the grounds and said goodbye.

There was a chill in the air and Avlynn pulled her jacket tighter around her. The Hard Luck was pretty quiet but it didn’t take long to spot Fen who was sitting in the darkest booth looking too serious for his own good.

It was hard to imagine that Fen and her had once been good childhood friends, but that was a long time ago.

She slid into the booth and looked at Fen with questioning eyes. “So what’s the go this time?”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 20, 2009 8:58 am #

Fendren scowled darkly as she sat down in front of him.

"So what's the go this time?"

"I was hoping you wouldn't show."

"Nice to see you too Fen.  It's been what 20 years since we last spoke to each other?"


"Ah.  Now really, why did you barge into my museum causing such a ruckus?"

"Like I told you.  He wants you back.  Don't ask me why.  He sent me to hunt you down and give you the offer to come back to the pack."

She stared at him unblinking.  Fen continued on.

"I have one question though.  Why would you choose to spend your time among these pathetic humans?  They are nothing!  I saw that man you consider your boss.  How do you sit there and let him boss you around when you know you could squash him like the worm he is?"

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
August 20, 2009 2:51 pm (Edited August 21, 2009 06:40 am) #

Name:Ian Waters
Species:Regular Werewolf
Appearance:Looks 29

Weapons:Martial arts
History:He was born a werewolf and is the nephew of the pack leader his clan was slaughtered in old Britain and fled to Marely's point
He waited out side of the Hard Luck Tavern waiting for Fendren, Fen was supposed to get back Avlynn a renegade clan member that ran off to go live a normal life. Ian could here there conversation Fen just cept bad talking about the humans as if we weren't like them. Ian ironically envied them, he wished he could go back, he knew he couldn't but he still prayed every night. He had a long history with both of them Fen was a friend and Avlynn was the same (although he had loved Avlynn) but years had past and each went there different ways in life, Fen staid so did Ian but grew apart slowly and Avlynn left. But now they meat again.

[b]Void fighter[/b]
August 20, 2009 3:55 pm #

**Hi Droideka, yeah feel free to interact with other people's characters in your posts - makes things more interesting**

Avlynn sighed, she didn’t know when Fen had become so jaded about humans but she could understand why. Humans didn’t like what they didn’t know, anything different was something to be feared. It was one of the reasons why she wished she were human: no secrets meant no threat.

“I’m not interested in returning to the pack,” she said, then more quietly, “although it is nice to see you, even if you are the world’s biggest grump.”

Avlynn swore she almost saw a shadow of a smile. But Fen quickly hid any sort of response by drinking a mouthful of his beer.

“As for my boss, yeah I wouldn’t mind showing him just how strong this little girl is but that’d blow my cover.” Avlynn commented.

“We shouldn’t have to hide who we are,” Fen growled.

“Yeah and all vampires should be toast. Some things just don’t change, Fen.” Avlynn pointed out.

“Speaking of the leeches, I thought I smelt one of the undead’s stench outside.” Fen commented and a gleam of the predator within shone in his eyes.

Avlynn couldn’t help but respond in kind, “Really? I didn’t think they bothered much with Marley’s Point.”

“Could be an exile or they might be looking to extend their territory,” Fen pointed out.

“So you’ve come hunting? Did you come alone?” Avlynn asked and waited with baited breath.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 20, 2009 5:18 pm #

Ronsom stood atop the roof across from Hard Luck, it was late. And now Santiago arrives.
"It's good to see you Ronsom." He turned to Santiago behind him. The slightly younger vampire carried a small knife with a curved blade, claw-like, a karambit.
He hoped that wasn't the only thing he was carrying tonight.
"Yes well, the sooner this is over, the sooner we part." Ronsom moved to the edge once more, and jumped to the alleyway below.
Iago not far behind, they hopped into the parked jeep. Iago would be the driver. Ronsom looked to the back seat, a small hard case was placed on the floor. He didn't think too much about it.
They pulled out and headed down the road.
"You look sick."
Iago changed over to the left lane.
"I eat enough..." Ronsom rested his head against the widow.
"Don't have to worry about you do I?"
Iago turned the radio down.
"I eat enough. Just drive."
And the job, the musuem would be closed. Easy money-maker.
Then a light dinner and bed.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
August 20, 2009 10:22 pm #

"No.  Ian came as well."

That drew a response.  She always had a soft spot for him.  Ian was quite infatuated with her a long while ago.  Fen suspected he still harbored feelings but he wasn't sure about her.  Probably found some human to replace him.  The thought made him cringe. 

"He's outside?"

"He's taking point watching for any of these unsavouries."

"I see."  She stared outside the front door looking around.  Fen slid out of the booth.

"Well we should be getting leaving now.  I'm slightly hungry."  He grinned wolfishly but the smile quickly disappeared.  He lowered his voice and addressed her.

"But really it was uh nice seeing you.  As much as I hate you living with these humans, I came because I missed it.  I miss those days were we were young and feral.  If not for the pack leader then for me and Ian.  Ian and I are drifting apart.  And I ain't the best with relationships.  You were the one that held us together."  Fen didn't really want to pull this out but he had specific orders.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
August 21, 2009 1:51 am #

Avlynn was a little surprised to know that Ian was with Fen. The pair had numerous disagreements when she’d still been part of the pack. She could well believe that what Fen said was true, but then Fen was never a very good liar. She didn’t point out the fact.

She wasn’t ready to go back to the pack, she liked the freedom of her new life too much. However if Fen was telling a partial truth she was going to try and extend the olive branch. “How about you, me and Ian meet up for dinner and have a bit of a catch up?”

Fen wrinkled his nose in disgust, “In a human restaurant? I’d rather swallow razor blades.”

“Drama queen,” Avlynn teased.

Fen sneered, “At least I don’t deny my nature.”

“So you admit you’re a drama queen?” Avlynn said ignoring his pointed comment.

“You know that’s not what I meant,” Fen said as he lifted his glass and drained it. “Now if you’re not going to come back to the pack, then I’m outta here.”

Avlynn found herself standing as Fen went to leave. There was no point in her staying at the Hard Luck so she followed him out. As Fen said, Ian was standing outside and seemed a little jumpy at seeing her. “Hi Ian,” she said in greeting.

Ian smiled quickly in response but looked rather uncomfortable, “Hi Avlynn, so are you coming back?”

Avlynn shook her head, “Not at this point in time.”

It was then that all three werewolves caught the scent of vampires.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 21, 2009 9:46 am #

((Hmm.  Not sure I was going to transform into a wolf now.  And judging from the first RPG we do in fact have control as wolves.))

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
August 21, 2009 9:54 am (Edited August 21, 2009 09:57 am) #

ok ill do it again but differently?
read it then tell me

[b]Void fighter[/b]
August 21, 2009 1:01 pm #

((Well generally once your character has left somewhere you aren't really aware of what's going with other characters.  You don't want to take too many liberties writing for others.  For instance.  I'm not sure my character would take too kindly too being held onto the collar.  He'd probably do more than struggle and give up trying to get out.  And I'm not sure Avlynn would hold us back.  She might have even hunted with us.  I don't know.  Other than that you're doing good.))

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
August 21, 2009 2:49 pm (Edited August 21, 2009 02:53 pm) #

ok man... i don't know. can you right it? cause generally i don't know what to do, ill delete and stuff but im stumped. but isn't Avlynn trying to hide her powers whatever ill try again

[b]Void fighter[/b]
August 21, 2009 2:59 pm #

The Hard Luck was a popular den for wolves. No doubt they'd been ordered to meet there just to catch their interest. His mind worked on a couple of dimensions. He only knew the tavern was a dive for wolves, and he knew he was being paid to steal an amulet. Anything else, plots and politics were over his head. He had trouble bothering.
Ronsom was task oriented. Santiago didn't care either way, with the two of them so distant from the other blood-suckers.
"Are we being followed?" Iago glanced to the little hard case.
"Who's to say...turn at the light."
They turned in. They pulled up, got out. Iago opened the case, left it behind.
It was an autorevolver, Ronsom guessed it took a .454 casull, medium-large game rounds.
"You only have to pull the hammer once." And of course, they'd be after large game eventually.
The musuem was closed.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
August 21, 2009 3:51 pm (Edited August 21, 2009 06:00 pm) #

Name: Daniel Fortesque (Youngest son of the Fortesque family)
Species:Human (Slayer)
Age: 29
Weapons: Nasher,a large ornate two handed sword (Silver inlaid blade naturally) strapped to his back. A Desert Eagle on a holster on his chest, that machine gun in the picture and other minor slayer devices.
Personality: Dan is usually very untrusting and bitter after the loss of his father, but his newfound relationship with his older brother has made him more accepting. He has been in all kinds of military organizations, and is now following his family history by being inducted into the Silver Knights.


Daniel Fortesque stood within the war room of Crispin's coven, a very unsettling position for him. He had just been inducted into the Silver Knights of St.Michael, so he hadn't gone on any serious raids yet. However he had been on several skirmishes and knew that werewolves did not toy with slayers.

He was here on the good graces of his older half-brother, Nathaniel Fortesque, who was now bringing up a map of Marley's Point on a table read out in front of them. The room's only light was a blue hue ascending from the read out, casting an odd, dim glow through out the area. The whole underground coven had an eerie feeling that Dan expected, but did not feel comfortable with none-the-less. The unfriendly glances from other werewolves were also adding to this.

"Alright here's the museum, you cant miss it really. Its near the center of town next to the town hall building, who's architecture is unmistakable. Once you're in, navigate to the amulet's display and read the Relisiance Sphere scroll so the spell will be cast on it, cutting off all possible magic connection to it." Nathaniel said, pointing at the rectangle on the read  out.

"How will it create the sphere around the amulet's display and not something else near me? They really should have sent one of the priests or clerics to do this." Dan said shifting his feet and leaning onto the read out table, emerging his face into the blue light.

"The scroll is formatted for the amulet. The Knights do this every time the amulet is moved so the wraith or lich or whoever is connected to it cant use it for manipulation. Marley's Point hasn't been scouted or even researched, so we dont know what can be waiting for you there. But be aware of any cult members trying to resurrect the vampire lord connected with that amulet. Those cults are always a pain in the ass."

"Alright... and when im done?"

"Come back here and i'll get in touch with HQ to see if they have anything else for you to do. Leave now so you get there before morning. Its close so you can take your bike."

"...can I take Nasher?" Dan said with a smirk.

"What? No. Wait, what? Nasher? What do you know about sword play? You'd cut your own leg off!" Nathaniel said walking out of the room. Dan quickly followed him, he would need to work him over to allow him to use the slayer sword.

"I've been training with Dalton at HQ with two handed weapons. You said yourself earlier that this would be a cake mission. Nothing would happen!"

"...Nothing better happen to it. It IS a quick mission after all. Ok, but i swear if you lose it, its your head."

"Perfect! Its already packed with my things..." Dan said and ran off, leaving Nathaniel in disbelief.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 21, 2009 4:00 pm (Edited September 9, 2009 09:38 pm) #

Name: Lev 'Jimbo' Pliskin
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 26
Affiliation: Silver Knights of St.Michael
Appearance: 6', average build, short blonde hair, silver-grey eyes rimmed with black. Wears mid-calf length brown leather trenchcoat with matching buckled bracers and gloves, white long sleeved button-up shirt with dark grey period wool vest and pants, knee high brown leather period cowboy boots with spurs, brown bandolier-style gunbelt across chest.

Smith & Wesson Model 29 .44 Magnum

Pfeifer-Zeliska .600 Nitro Express Revolver

Personality: Random at best, usually a nice guy. Lev is obsessed with old western-styled clothing and is often considered weird or just plain crazy by most.

"This IS my signature."
August 21, 2009 4:19 pm #

*Okay guys hopefully this sorts things out for you...*

The moon would be full within three days, so all three wolves had the ability to transform at will. Had they been adolescents such an ability would not have been controllable. But the area was too exposed for the transformation and frankly Avlynn didn’t really want to strip out of her clothes in public for the change.

Both Fen and Ian seemed eager for the hunt. It was werewolf nature to hate the vampires. Fen growled in the back of his throat, “I think it’s time to make some of the undead fully dead.”

Ian smiled, “Sounds good but we’re a little out in the open here.”

Fen rubbed his chin, “Bloody typical.”

Avlynn stepped back, “You guys should check it out.”

“You could come with us,” Ian suggested and quickly looked at the pavement.

Avlynn considered it for a moment, chances were she’d get caught doing something very un-human if she continued on with Fen and Ian. “Nah, but thanks for the offer.”

“Wuss,” Fen said challenging.

Avlynn was about to respond when her phone rang.

“Saved by the bell,” Fen sneered.

Avlynn glowered at him but answered. It was Julian, “I wouldn’t ring you accept I’m desperate. One of the museum co-ordinators is sick and I haven’t been able to contact anyone else. Can you come back and help set up the new exhibit?”

It wasn’t really a request, Avlynn could tell by the tone, “Sure Julian, I’ll be right over.” She hung up the phone and turned to the guys, “Sorry duty calls.”

Fen snorted, “No a pathetic human does, go we don’t need you anyway.”

Avlynn shrugged, “Fine, I’ll see you in another 20 odd years then.”


Ansgar was still repeating the chant, his mind was reaching out with the limited abilities his current state allowed him. The Amulet of Delkath was contained, it seemed it was being transported but the environment was so foreign to Ansgar that he could not be sure.

The main thing he wanted to know was that there were people around the Amulet of Delkath. Humans were pathetically weak and easy to manipulate. Now all he had to do was wait for one of the fools to pick up the amulet...

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 21, 2009 6:29 pm #

Name: Emeline Tulloch
Species: Regular vampire
Sex: Female
Age: 204
Weapon: Belgian Crossbow Pistol
Personality: Emeline has been on her own for a long time.  In general she doesn’t associate with other vampires unless she has to. She is very self assured and exudes confidence. But her existence is a lonely one.
History: Emeline was protégé to Aldrick. Her aging master trained her to be a guardian for the Amulet of Delkath. She travels where ever the amulet goes, her mission is to stop it getting into the wrong hands and reawakening the vampire mage.


Night had finally come and Emeline was immediately in her black Lotus Elise. She knew where the Amulet of Delkath was going but had run out of night to pursue it all the way to Marley’s Point. She had a good hour’s drive ahead of her, but then Emeline never kept to the speed limit.

As luck would have it, thirty five minutes into the trip a black and white flashed its lights and blared its sirens. Emeline didn’t have time for Police, she had nothing against them but she really didn’t have time for a lecture on how she should be driving. She was undead, her senses were far superior to a human and her reaction times had saved her from any potential accidents. However humans didn’t believe that vampires were real, so the truth wouldn’t get her out of a ticket.

Instead she put her foot down hard on the accelerator and smiled as the small sports car leapt forward like a cheetah chasing its prey. The Police took some time to catch up but by then Emeline had found some traffic to dodge and weave through. The sirens continued to wail and Emeline watched as her destination grew closer.

Marley’s Point turn off was looming, she didn’t hesitate in taking the exit. The Police followed. Emeline wasn’t familiar with Marley’s Point but she’d taken the opportunity to study the street layout before arriving, she had some idea as to possible escape routes and immediately made for a string of alleyways that interconnected in the most confusing ways.

She found a small shopping centre with an underground car park and quickly parked her Lotus in the most populated spot. Quickly she emerged from the car, locked it and made her way up the ramp way and into the shopping centre.

She often dressed in fairly formal attire, mainly to remind her of the time she’d come from, but now with the tracking of the amulet she had dressed for the occasion. She wore a pair of bootleg navy jeans, an emerald green t-shirt and a black knitted cardigan. She blended perfectly well with the shoppers and quickly exited the mall.

Emeline found the street highly lit and decided to find the more seedy part of town. Her hackles rose as she sensed other supernatural creatures, it wasn’t surprising as Emeline knew a local werewolf pack had set up house in the area. She just hadn’t expected to come across them so quickly.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
August 21, 2009 9:03 pm #

Name: Marus Bronson
Species: Regular Vampire
Sex: Male
Age: 212

Weapon: Modified Beretta 92FS
History: Marus joined an order of werewolf hunting (and if needed, vampires as well) vampires about five years after he was bitten, approximately at the age of 32. After leaving the order some forty years later, Marus traveled the world to look for a covenant or order that would take him in. His current search has led him to Marley's Point, through internet searches in the local country.

August 21, 2009 11:47 pm #

Fen an Ian headed out the door.  Fen shoved his hands in his pockets and began walking towards the forest that existed just outside of town in the direction of the pack.  Ian sniffed the air behind him.

"Come on Fen.  Can't you smell them?  The air reeks of their stench.  They're so close."

Fen almost didn't want to because then he knew a bloodlust would enter him.

"But the pack leader ordered us to come back as soon..."

"What's with you these days?  Ever since Avlynn left you haven't been any fun.  All work and no play.  What say we relive some of our youth.  Nothing but us and some vamp scum."

Fen turned and experimentally sniffed the air.  The scent of undeath was heavy in the air.  Quite close in fact.  The beast in him was howling but he managed to keep in control.  When he tried to speak his mouth was dry.

"I ah... I think that would be good.  But I don't want to change jut yet.  These are new clothes and I don't want them shredded too much."  Fen smiled wickedly and headed off in the direction of the scent.  He stopped and looked back to Ian.

"You coming or what?"

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
August 21, 2009 11:57 pm #

As Avlynn arrived at the museum she saw two burly men moving a number of articles around in the museum’s back dock. “Hi Dwight, hi Rodney,” she greeted them.

Julian quickly emerged, “Forget the moron twins, we’ve got to start setting up.”

Rodney looked up, “We’re not related.”

Avlynn cracked up laughing. Julian glared and marched on with his clip board. “We need the new display set up in the East Wing.”

Tailing along Julian started with the small group with the set up. As the boxes were dropped off Avlynn felt an odd sensation, as if they were being watched.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 22, 2009 1:08 am (Edited August 23, 2009 01:46 pm) #

"Sixty years. First really publicized criminal ever to walk through these doors, and first to come in during my career as a guard here. I swear they were all cheering for him. Every last one of them. All the thieves and murderers, rapists, cop-killers, everyone. They worshiped him. Most of them are out on parole now, some others got killed. Couple of them are still here. And their cheering again, you know why Samson?"

"No sir"

"Their cheering because that bastard Drogan is getting out today. And I swear to God, he hasnt aged more then a year."

*Please allow me to introduce myself*

They were cheering, the same as they had sixty years ago, all of them. The guards were scowling, the two escorting him through the cell block looked straight on, their faces blank, but he knew they were angry, he knew they were afraid. Drogan could smell their fear. Closing in on the gate that so many had only passed through once he looked up, into where the wardens office was. He could see the old man's scowl as Drogan made his way to freedom. The Warden was, or had been, one of the Silver Knights

  As he walked the chains around his wrists and ankles clinked, ten more steps until these guards, who he knew for a fact had still been in diapers while he was killing and stealing from men who were stronger and smarter then they ever would be, could take these chains off. He passed the threshold, a door slammed shut behind him.

Guard number one bent to remove the ankle-cuffs, while Guard number two did the same with he handcuffs. "Approach the counter, dirtbag." Guard one grunted.

Drogan grinned at him, and stepped forward. The clerk at the counter wordlessly pulled a bin from beneath his side, and placed it on the counter. Drogan took the bin, marked with his name and his prisoner number and set it on a bench which sat on the right side of the room. He pulled the garments out, inspecting each of them. They were in perfect condition, the same as they were when he was put into this building. He removed the orange prison issue jumpsuit, the same thing he had worn every day for the past sixty years, and began to dress in what had been his usual fashion. The pants, shirt, tie, waistcoat, coat, though he refrained from putting on his overcoat, on the grounds that it was quite warm. That being done he looked to the bench once again, and noticed something wasnt there. He turned to the clerk.

"You forgot something. Wheres my hat?"

The clerk looked up sharply from the newspaper he was leafing through, and then quickly looked under his counter again, he came back up a moment later, and handed a a black fedora to Drogan, wordlessly as always. Drogan grinned putting on his hat. "Thank you."

Outside was beautiful, even more so because of how long it had been since he had seen it without being behind a fence. He had crossed the threshold, There was a single walkway, leading out the open gates. And at the end, were his people, in the same 1940 Standard Tudor. Jonah riding shotgun, dressed differently then he had last seen him , but mostly unchanged like himself. Roland was behind the wheel. and Michelle was in the back, behind the drivers seat. Drogan climbed in, and picked up the deck of cards which had been on the seat, waiting for him.

"Where to, boss?" That was Roland.

"Im sure things are a little different, what do you think?"

"Marley's Point, not that far from here."

"Is there a coven?"

"Yeah I think so, im not sure how many strong."

"Hmm, do you think they could be a problem?"

"Never know for sure boss, but we can try to steer clear of them and if need be we can make things messy."

"Ok, lets get out of here before the warden decides to have his snipers do a little target practice."

And so the engine started, and Drogan left Murk Valley Correctional Facility behind him.

Name:Walter Drogan.
Age:230, appears to be about 28
Species: Vampire, regular
Weapon:Thompson Submachine gun, 45 caliber revolver. Large knife.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 22, 2009 4:48 am (Edited August 22, 2009 05:21 am) #

(Dan's riding this )

Dan sped through the night, flying on the highways to reach Marley's point as quickly as possible. Soon, he saw the dark skyscrapers of the downtown area looming in the moonlit distance. With magic scroll safely tucked into a sealed pocket, Dan entered the city of Marley's Point, unaware of the adventure that awaited ahead.


The museum looked like any other, except it had banners announcing the new additions. It was sandwiched between other tall buildings, reminding Dan of New York. Although unlike New York, the streets were completely barren at night. This told Dan of the obvious undead activity. Or something more sinister he was unaware of.... but he put his money on vamps.

Speeding away from the museum, he parked his bike some ways away, so it wasn't obvious. He lifted a black duffle bag that was secured behind him and held it by the two overlapping handles. Proceeding to the back of the museum with his bag containing his machine gun and infiltration equipment, Dan shifted Nasher on his back and strode quickly into a dark, smokey alleyway leading to the museums rear loading dock.


Pale fingers extending from a dark leather gauntlet slowly turned the page of a decrepid tome that rested upon a large, antique desk. From a lone, nearly finished candle flowed an soft orange light that lit the strange runes upon the pages, and not much else. It was all that was required.

"Ah..." muttered the dark robed figure in a raspy voice that was nearly serpentine like. It had found the incantation it had been searching for. The pale hand rose and began to trace a myriad of runes in the air. They began to form in fiery lines that burned more fiercely each time they were passed over. It began the incantation, which sounded like a low mumble, yet in his concealed helmet could be heard clearly.

Upon completing the spell, the fiery runes flared one last time and then twisted and flew into the figures mind. The location of the Amulet of Delkath became known to it immediatly. With a snap of its pale, bony fingers, a six foot burst of green fire erupted in front of his desk, and a minion appeared.

"What do you require, my master..." The minion said in a deep, gutteral voice that did not sound human.

"The amulet's location has finally become known to me. Several of you must go to its location and see to it that the Silver Knights of St.Michael do not sever my, or our Lord's connection with the amulet again. They must not interfere this time." The dark figure said with finality. The location became instantly known to the minion.

"It shall be done." The minion said and bowed. In another flash of green fire, it disappeared.

The dark figure at the desk closed the ancient tome, where the symbol of Ansgar adorned the cover. Stroking it gently, the figure uttered a final phrase for the night:

"Soon, you will return my lord, and all the land will have the eternal darkness it so deserves. Death shall reign supreme, and none will escape their doom..." The candle's wick finally ended, and the small flame was consumed by the darkness.


Name: Mar Alom
Species: Unknown
Sex: Unknown
Affiliation: Ansgar the Destroyer
Weapons: An ancient, magic tome that harbors his most devastating spells. The rest he knows by heart. (scratch that, memory. He has no heart)
History: Mar Alom is Ansgar's eternal servant, and his apprentice. He appears to have human hands, yet only Ansgar really knows who or what he is. He is very well endowed with magic ability, and requires no use of melee weapons or attacks. He seeks to become a lich, yet Ansgar never gave him the knowledge to do so out of fear. Out of respect and admiration for his master's power and ambition, Mar still serves him.


Dan put his back to the wall and peered around the corner, to check the loading dock. There was a solitary back light, but no movement. He did not want to be seen by anyone.

*Poof!    Poof! Poof! Poof!*

Dan looked back into the fog of the alley just in time to see the last three bursts of green fire within the mist. Four looming figures approached and Dan wheeled around, dropping the bag. He leveled his Desert Eagle at the figures as they lurched forward into view.

Sickly green light emanated from their hideous faces, and their purple robes looked near rotted. They weren't vamps, and they weren't werewolves, which were the only enemies supposed to be in this area, so Dan took pause. What resulted was the four creatures and Dan staring at each other in the dark alley, the only sound being their rumbling breathing.

"...Identify yourselves." Dan said, not lowering his heavy pistol.

"We answer only to our master. Do you serve the Silver Knight of St.Michael?" One of the creatures responded in a deep gutteral voice. Dan though for a moment...they hadn't attacked him, or raised any weapons in response to his hostility...

"...Yes? Daniel Fortesque, I've only been-"


Dan was hit in the chest by some swirl of green and red light and was sent flying into the back area of the museum. He tumbled to a stop and coughed hard a few times as he rose and leveled his pistol. One of the creatures was already finishing casting another spell, and upon completiong, a dim purple wall of light was erected in front of the creatures.

Dan let loose a volley of bullets, which fizzled away into non existence upon hitting the purple wall of light. Dan had learned about these, Missle Protection spells. He holstered the Desert Eagle and pulled out Nasher, aware of its enchanted properties.

The other three creatures began launching bolts of pink light that fly towards Dan while the fourth maintained the wall. Dan used Nasher defensively and parried the bolts away from him off the blade, filling the dark area with purple light. The magic missles collided with the floor and brick walls, dissolving a small portion with each hit.

The spells ended and Dan bolted forward, Nasher ready for more. The creatures began new incantations their hands swirling in the air, and their deep voices echoing in Dan's head eerily. With a warrior yell, Dan swung Nasher through the purple wall, which was only a protection from minor missles, and cleaved the creature holding up the spell in twine.

*SCREEEEeeeetch!* *fizzle*

The two body parts burned away in green fire before they hit the ground and the purple wall fell. In the same motion as the swing, Dan thrust Nasher deep into another close creature who couldn't finish his spell. Green light erupted from the large wound, and the creature let loose its screetch that didnt match its deep voice as it burned away.

The third creature finished its spell, and the same green and red swirl that knocked Dan on his ass burst forth. He reflected it, knocking him back a little, but sending it into the creature who casted it, who smashed into the wall and burned away before it had a chance to scream.

The last creature finished its spell, and a blackness Dan had never dreamed of encompassed his sight. He was blind.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" *WHOOoosh clang!  WHOOoosh clang!* Dan screamed in fury and swung Nasher back and forth, hitting the alley walls. He heard the creature lunge forward, and a kick to his chest knocked him 5 feet and onto the floor.

Hearing another chant begin, Dan withdrew his gun with his free hand and aimed towards the unnatural sound.






-click click click click*

The chanting stopped. All that was heard was Dan's heavy panting. He regained his breath, and then holstered both his gun and Nasher as he shakily stood up rubbing his eyes. He moved his head around as if to check his surroundings. Those looking at his eyes would see them completely black.

"Crap........I'm blind."

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 22, 2009 8:26 am #

"We're just looking my dear. My friend here has a terrible skin condition, exposure to much sunlight could kill him. Surely the curator informed you we'd be coming?" Santiago waved his hand toward Ronsom.
Ronsom didn't notice, suddenly enthralled by the lovely lady's neck line.
Flabergasted, the young intern ran toward the curator's office. She had to run up a flight of stairs and down a hallway. By then, Iago had knocked Ronsom out of it.
The two headed to the loading dock entrance, and stopped hand on the knob.
"Humans...we could easily wait out 'till the next night and swipe it from the display..." Ronsom moved his eyes to the staircase.
"No, no. Let's have dinner shall we?" Ronsom threw the door open and walked in butterfly swords out, pulled from the sheath on his belt. It smelled so good. So tender. He had arrived to a buffet.

quick question on a vampire's ability. Can these or any vampire become mist or wolves or bats? How is their sense of smell, do I know a werewolf when I see one?

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
August 22, 2009 9:20 am #

(I can vouch, these vamps dont shape change. I think only the elders MAY have the ability. They will know a werewolf, mostly by smell. Their sense of smell is almost more useful than their eyes.)

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 22, 2009 12:12 pm (Edited August 22, 2009 12:20 pm) #

((I took the bit I edited into my sheet and made a longer post out of it, enjoy.))

((900th Post))

Hotel Maracaibo, Venezuela, 0355 Hours

Lev leaned against one of the hotel lobby's finely carved marble support pillars, eying the the front revolving door. He was awaiting a particular subject of interest: a wealthy, terrorist-funding vampire known simply as Vance. At exactly five minutes 'til four, an elderly man wearing a particularly expensive looking suit, walked through the front door.


Lev unholstered his .44 and followed the man to the gold plated elevator. The distinct *clack-kachink* of his boots prompted the old man to look over his shoulder, suddenly quickening his pace. The doors to the elevator were almost closed when a gloved hand caught and parted them, and Lev casually stepped in.


"I know who you are, you're making a very grave mistake."

"Well, I'll just assume you're going down," He pushed the *Close Door* button. "...straight to Hell."

The old man, who was not just simply an old man, gave a sinister toothy grin. "You first, Silver Knight of Saint Michael...!" The vamp shoulder-slammed Lev into the ebony-lined elevator wall, knocking the wind out of him. "Pathetic. This is the best they can do? Ha. A child-"

Lev regained his composure and headbutted him, Vance stoopered backwards. "You should act your age, old man." Suddenly he was now on the ground trying to hold the vamp off his neck. "...shit...get off... me...!" Lev brought his knee up hard into the vamp's left kidney several times before he could roll him off. He frantically fled to the corner of the elevator and squeezed off 3 .44 Magnum rounds before Vance was in his face. Lev was holding off a knife attack with his left hand, while  trying to twist his right hand free enough to make a killing shot.

"You...assumed I incompetent...old man? Fool..." It happened all too quickly, the vamp released his grip and brought the ivory-handled knife down and straight into the right side of Lev's ribcage. But he was not without injury, the sacrifice had cost him as well. There were now two large holes dead center of his chest. Vance rasped for breath, coughing blood. "If I go, I'm... *cough*...taking you with...*hack* *rasp*" He griped the knife hard and pushed it as hard as he could into Lev.

"raaAAAHHH!" Pliskin screamed in pain, grabbing Vance's hand, pulling the knife out. The vamp was dumbfouned with confusion, it was over. Lev twisted the knife from Vance's grip, bringing his arm around into a chokehold. "A good man always knows his limitations..."


Lev buried the muzzle of the .44 hard into the side of Vance's head, cocking the hammer. "Do me a favor...*gasp*...and die already."


He dropped the now-headless body on the marble elevator floor, and stood for a moment, looking over the chaos that had ensued; just listening. They said elevator music was supposed to be soothing and stress relieving, but he didn't think so. Lev hit the *Open Door* button, and casually walked out, clenching his side.

Pliskin hailed a Taxi, and got in. "To the airport, kind sir."

"This IS my signature."
August 22, 2009 2:26 pm (Edited August 22, 2009 02:27 pm) #

"Are you coming?"

Ian paused to think for a minute.

Fen put on a surprised face.
"Then what are going to do? Go after them, you'd be killed!"

"I'm going to find me a vampire head, bring it back and show it to the leader!"

Fen was surprised to see him so eager to kill. Ian waved good bye and left the premises. He went to the only place he could...the museum.

[b]Void fighter[/b]
August 22, 2009 2:59 pm #

Marus stood on the roof where he could see the street from a crow's view. He had been following a pack of wolves that had been using an old house as their base of operations for two days now. What he didn't expect was to pick up the scent of another vampire... specifically a female... coming towards the house with all the werewolves. If they picked up her scent, they would indefinitely pick up his, and being outnumbered and cornered was not the tactical advantage to take at the moment. Softly, but with a booming echo, he spoke to the other of his kind.

"It's suicide if you try to take them on by yourself."

Leaping down from the rooftop corner, Marus stood up next to the female.

August 22, 2009 6:24 pm #

Emeline raised a brow at the male vampire’s entrance. As usual he had the typical opinion of most male vampires: women were helpless on their own.

“I’m not hear to fight with the mangy wolves. I’ve bigger fish to fry.” Emeline said sharply.

“You can hardly avoid them, besides it’s our duty as vampires to rid the world of the filthy dogs,” the male replied.

Emeline continued walking, she sensed that a wolf was headed their way but she was inclined to ignore it. A tingle ran up her spine with a familiarity that disturbed her. “No, the Brotherhood are here,” she whispered quietly to herself.

“The who?” the male asked.

“The Brotherhood,” she repeated and shifted into a sprint. She passed the surprised werewolf who reached out to grab her, he missed and immediately gave chase. Emeline didn’t care, if the wolf managed to snatch at her then she’d deal with him.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
August 22, 2009 6:49 pm #

With her superior hearing Avlynn heard the gunfire at the back dock first. “Do you hear that?”

“Hear what?” Julian grumbled as he continued examining his clipboard.

“Sounds like gunfire,” Eva, one of the other workers, said.

Julian’s brow wrinkled, “Gunfire? You can’t be serious.”

Avlynn snorted, “Fine I’ll check it out.”

“Be quick about it, we’ve got a lot to do.” Julian huffed.

It took enormous effort for Avlynn to avoid rolling her eyes in Julian’s view. The man was a self-absorbed simpleton. He considered nothing else but his own agenda. Avlynn hoped he was moved elsewhere, chances were the only way that’d happen is if he were promoted.

The sound of gunfire became more prominent the closer Avlynn got. Then it stopped, she heard something more disturbing. Voices speaking in a language she didn’t recognise, but she was pretty certain it was magic connotations. Before she could think much further she reached the back docks. The gunfire continued and she looked out just as a green flame flickered and vanished, along with the chanting.

The man with the gun stopped firing. Avlynn eyed him warily, she tried scenting the air but the strange green fire had left an odd smoke behind that befuddled her sense of smell.

The man stood rubbing his eyes, “Crap... I’m blind.” His eye rubbing became more furious.

Avlynn decided it was probably best to declare her presence, as she really didn’t like the idea of being shot. “Hey mister, are you okay?”

The man immediately turned his head and squinted in an attempt to see her, “Who’s there?”

“My name is Avlynn, I work for the museum.” She said and was able to draw close enough to finally scent him. The guy was human.

He let out a sigh, “I was... attacked. I can’t see.”

“What did they hit you with? Pepperspray?” she asked though she was fairly certain something more sinister had happened. However if she asked chances were this guy would think she was a fruitloop.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 22, 2009 8:54 pm #

The dock had workers, an organizer. Ronsom smelled more than that but they could wait...although the werewolf stench brushed his attention...he was hungry. Santiago held the autorevolver toward the biggest grouping of bodies, they noticed immediately. Ronsom had moved behind a wall of boxes. The closest one, had a clipboard, Ronsom placed the dull edge of one sword to the man's neck and pulled him away from the rest in one heave.
His preference was women. Oh well. He dug his fangs in to the man's neck and as the sweet life drained out the hunger only seemed to increase with the knowledge of other warm bodies.
"The amulet of Delkath. Or I let my friend have seconds." Iago pulled the hammer back for emphasis.
The door to the loading dock opened.

As for drinking blood, are there any rules for creating new vampires? Such as, have to be opposite sex, have to be a virgin, etc.?

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
August 22, 2009 10:28 pm #

Fen stood confused as Ian ditched him.  Didn't Fen say he wanted to go hunt vampires?  And Ian just ditched him to go hunt vampires?  No matter.  Fen turned to follow him.  But he picked up a scent.  Fainter this time.  Fen took off at a sprint towards the smell.  After a short way he made out voices in the night.  He sniffed once again.  Two of them.  He rounded a street corner and saw them. 

He singled the female out but she dodged him and fled.  Cowardly.  He went to gave chase but the male jumped and him with inhuman speed.  Fen rolled and threw the man off.

"Look at you scum protecting your females.  I didn't know the undead had morals!"  Fen snarled and launched himself through the air towards the vampire.  They tussled on the ground but in human form the vampire had the edge.  Fen managed to shove him off and stood up to face him once again.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
August 23, 2009 1:07 am #

**Ah making vampires, let's just say that the vampire has to drain their victim of blood and then make them drink the vampire's blood. Generally the head vampire of a covern does the changing to maintain control. Doesn't matter if the victim is male or female etc.

Werewolves aren't able to be changed into vampires.**

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 23, 2009 11:39 am #

Dan stood in the back alley of the museum trying to adapt to the blindness like some sort of cavern dwelling creature.

“Hey mister, are you okay?” Came from a female voice approaching him.

“Who’s there?” Dan turned to her, his hand discreetly slipping over his gun.

“My name is Avlynn, I work for the museum.” The woman said as she came closer. Now he was in trouble... So much for stealth.

Dan sighed and responded, “I was... attacked. I can’t see.”

“What did they hit you with? Pepperspray?” the woman asked naively. Although something in her voice was odd.

"Not exactly..." Dan sensed her pause. She was observing him.

"Are you sure it was you who was attacked, and not the other way around?" The woman asked, taking note of his tactical appearance, and the sword hanging on his back. Dan felt he should have worn a trenchcoat like everyone else at this point.

"I uhh-" just as suddenly as it had come, the darkness fled his eyes, and Dan was able to see again. The spell had worn off.

Dan blinked hurredly at looked at his new acquantance. She had blond hair, up in a bun, and vivid green eyes. She still wore her museum uniform, so that much was true.

"Alright I'm fine now I think. Thank you for trying to help."

"I didnt do much for you to be thankful for. Well you know my name..." Avlynn said, extending her hand, and a smile. Dan looked at it for a moment, then smirked and took it.

"Daniel Fortesque, call me Dan."

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 23, 2009 2:38 pm #

Avlynn smiled but in the back of her mind she was certain she’d heard the surname Fortesque before. “So Dan I’m guessing you’re not from around these parts?”

“What gave it away?” Dan said with raised hands.

Avlynn pointed to his back, “The sword for one, who carries such a thing these days?”

“Uh, I’m a collector.” Dan said hurriedly.

Avlynn tried to walk around behind Dan for a better view of the sword but he kept turning, it seemed he didn’t trust her at his back. The thought crossed her mind that he might be some sort of slayer. “I just wanted to look at your sword. You know being a museum worker makes me into that kind of stuff.”

The sound of footsteps coming fast made both of them turn. “I suggest we go indoors,” Dan said somewhat forcefully as he grabbed Avlynn by the arm.

“What’s the hurry?” Avlynn said but already she caught the faint scent of vampire.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 23, 2009 2:53 pm #

Emeline would have cursed as she drew closer to the source of the Brotherhoods presence but it was a waste of breath. When she realised where the trace was coming from she didn’t hold back. The faint smell of the Brotherhoods departure was also present. Someone had managed to kill the mongrels.

With caution Emeline turned the corner. She saw a door close as she arrived on the scene. The scent of the departed Brotherhood minions was strongest here. Her nostrils flared as she touched her own amulet: the Amulet of Trekin. Its blue stone glowed slightly in response to her touch.

In her mind the scene unfolded that had transpired only minutes ago. Four Brotherhood minions had arrived and been ambushed. The surprise was that it was by one lone man. Emeline suspected that he must be supernatural. Then he admitted to being part of the St Michaels’ group. So he was human... damn.

Emeline knew all about the St Michaels bunch. Generally they tried to kill her whenever they came across her. Like most humans they simply assumed she was a typical vampire. If only they knew she was guarding them from a much greater evil. Although chances were she might be too late to reach the Amulet of Delkath. She hurried to the slightly ajar door and made her way into the museum.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
August 23, 2009 3:32 pm #

(Posting this for Adeptus, he's having weird Internet trouble.)

((Edited opening post, Drogan's a vampire now.))

Drogan exited the car, they were in the centermost park in Marley's Point. He walked to the other side and gave Michelle his hand as she exited. "Always were a gentleman, despite everything you've done, Drogan." Drogan grinned to himself as he draped his overcoat over her shoulders. He looked up at the sky, rendered dark and starless by the nearby lights, breathed in deeply and relished the fresh night air. Jonah and Roland had already disappeared into the darkness, going to find something to conceal the car with and to find a place to spend the daylight hours.

He turned and looked to the city. "Tell Jonah and Roland to do what they will when they get back. Wheres my knife?"

"In the glove compartment, with your pistol. The Thompson is under the drivers seat if you want it."

"Not now nowhere to put it." Drogan said as he retrieved his weapons. He began to walk off towards the city.

"Oh and Drogan?" Michelle called, "Take this," she tossed a silver rectangle to him, "Its a cellular phone, when it vibrates open the lid thing and press the green button then place it to your head like this." She demonstrated using her own. "You can talk through it, Jonah will call and tell you where were going to be spending the day."

Drogan thanked her and began to walk away, putting the phone in his pants pocket.

"This IS my signature."
August 23, 2009 3:36 pm #

"I dont want the uhhh- attackers to return." Dan said, and hurried Avlynn off by the arm. He took notice of something becoming very warm in his side pocket. Reaching in with his free hand without notifying Avlynn.

He could feel one of his two warding stones becoming hot, and pulled them out quietly. The werewolf warding stone was a clear yellow stone, and was shining brightly. The vampire warding stone was a deep red, and was shining dimly. This meant a werewolf was very close, and a vampire was near.

The warding stones are holy devices used by the Silver Knights to warn its slayers of nearby enemies. There are all kinds of stones, warding against trolls, minor undead, goblins, etc. However the werewolf and vampire stones are the most useful, and each member of the Knights is given each as one of the tokens of joining. When the stones' creature is near, it glows and becomes warm.

Dan looked to Avlynn as they hurried into the museum and he stuffed away the stones. It seems he wasn't the only one keeping secrets... Why this werewolf hadn't ripped him to pieces yet, he didnt know. But by now she probably knew he was a slayer. He'd have to play along.

The two entered through the loading dock door, and shut it behind them. It was unusually quiet.

"Where are the workers? and where's Julian..." Avlynn said, looking around the crates of the back area. It was dimly lit by a few service lights.

"There were people here?" Dan was growing uneasy...could she be setting him up for a trap?

"Yes but....they're gone. Come, i...sense something." Avlynn said, motioning for Dan to follow.

"Sense?" *CLANG* "Cut the charade. I know you're a were, and you know im a slayer. I'm not falling for this." Dan said. He had Nasher out, and cut into a large wooden crate behind Avlynn. The blade ran across her neck as he held it, and she had to hold herself away because the silver blade was burning her neck.

Avlyn hissed with the prescense of silver, "Look, I keep to myself, I dont kill humans. I'm not in a pack. I have a job for god sakes. Theres a bigger problem right now, if you know im a were then for sure you know theres vampires in here doing who knows what."

"Maybe, but what reason do I have to trust you?" Dan said, not moving the sword. The smallest gesture and she'd be decapitated.

"I would've killed you while you were blinded. I dont bother anyone Dan, please." Avlynn pleaded, looking into Dan's eyes.

She wasn't really pleading for her life. She may be able to use her speed to escape, but that would start a fight where she could die before transforming. Dan could see she really didn't want trouble, and the human in him decided to listen where many other slayers would kill without reason. He lowered the sword.

"You must understand that this was necessary." Dan said

"Perhaps. None-the-less, your trust would be nice."

"We'll see about that. Let's check out what these vamps are up to." Dan said, taking out his pistol and handing it to Avlynn if she wanted it.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 23, 2009 3:51 pm (Edited August 23, 2009 04:19 pm) #

Avlynn felt disappointed that Dan had discovered what she was. She’d been trying to escape her werewolf heritage and it took this guy all of five minutes to figure out what she was. No wonder her pack stayed together, the old safety in numbers routine.

Lifting her head Avlynn scented the air, “I think they’ve gone into the South Wing. That’s odd.”

Dan shifted so his sword was less of a burden, “How’s it odd.”

“The South Wing is the only one with another docking bay. I’m guessing someone’s about to steal something.” Avlynn said as they headed in the direction of the South Wing.

“Wait,” Dan said, “any idea what they’d come to steal?”

Avlynn shrugged, “Could be anything. The black market loves artefacts.”

“Or maybe they’re after the same thing I am,” he confessed.

Avlynn’s eyes narrowed, “You came here to steal something?” Her fists clenched at the thought.

Dan noticed and quickly informed her, in part, of his mission. “Not steal, but... guard.”

“Do tell,” Avlynn said, though she had a feeling he wouldn’t.


Julian had convinced the young man to wait in the foyer while he went to retrieve Avlynn. Truth was the young idiot could sit out there and wait. He was back to supervise his people when all hell broke loose.

Two guys appeared from nowhere and one bit him! Bit him for crying out loud! He was so stunned he didn’t initially take in what the first guy said, something about an amulet, “Huh, what amulet?”

“The one with the red stone on the massive poster outside, moron,” said the man who had bitten him.

Julian blinked, “Oh the ruby amulet.” He was talking but his brain was like cotton wool. Suddenly it dawned on him. Vampires, these guys were actual vampires. There had always been speculation about Murk Valley having vampires but he’d considered it rubbish. Besides this was Marley's Point, what were they doing here?

“Yeah the ruby amulet, give it to us now.” The biter demanded.

“It’s still boxed, it’s in there,” Julian said pointing to the large group of boxes stacked neatly at the side of the room.

“Ha ha, which box, moron?” said the second vampire.

“I have no idea, ask them.” Julian said pointing to Dwight and Rodney.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 23, 2009 4:53 pm #

Emeline walked into the museum as silently as a ghost. She could hear the faint hum of voices ahead of her. Stealthily she moved faster to catch up. A female werewolf was speaking to the slayer. It seemed completely at odds with what Emeline knew of the St Michael’s assassins but she decided it was probably a case of let’s deny what we are to each other and I’ll kill you when your back is turned.

It seemed that they were heading for the South Wing. Emeline already knew the layout of the museum from her studies of the layout. She knew how to bypass the odd pair and get to where the amulet was.

She approached the room she knew was designated for the amulet. Before she arrived she heard the chatter of voices and caught the distinct scent of other vampires. She touched her amulet to extend her senses. It seemed the other vampires were after the amulet too.

The amulet told her something else too: the man with the clipboard was lying. The amulet had been one of the first things put on display. It was in the chamber three rooms up.

She immediately made her way to it. It stood encased in a glass cube, laying on red velvet with a number of other jewellery from newer eras surrounding it. Emeline stopped in her tracks as she felt the impulse to pick up the amulet. “Ansgar is awake and calling,” she said quietly to herself.

Before she could chant the counter spell she heard someone approach. It seemed fighting was going to be inevitable. Emeline reached for a sword hanging from the wall and poised herself in waiting...

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
August 23, 2009 6:50 pm #

Maricaibo Airport, 0437 Hours

Lev tipped the cab driver generously before walking out to the tarmac, where a private jet awaited him. His SKSM Ops Director, Sam, climbed out of the cabin to greet him.

"Jimbo! Everything go alright?"

"Eh...let's just say Vance won't be making any withdrawls or deposits again."

"Ha! I'll bet he won't." Sam offered a hand to help him up the ladder.

"I'm fine Sam. Although, we have a problem." Lev pulled back his coat to reveal the dried black ink- looking stain on his waistcoat. "The wound itself has already healed over, but I haven't been in for bloodwork recently. Last time I checked, black blood and ultra pale skin isn't normal far a twenty-six year old."

"Well...damnit Jim, I don't know. I'd lay low and go for the smaller jobs, try not to get any medals or anything. You remember how finicky the head honchos are about the whole 'purity' garbage."

"Yeah, maybe I'm just paranoid." Lev pulled a large cherry-flavored Blow-Pop out of his coat pocket and stuck it in his mouth. "Let's just get the hell out of here."

Somwhere Over North America, 0500 Hours

Lev sat gazing out the small window, unable to sleep. Sam, on the other hand, was sleeping on the adjacent couch, snoring. Pliskin kicked him a couple times to get him to stop, but it didn't help that much.

"*sigh* Sam. Sam, wake up. Sam!"

"Huh...wha?" He sat up and grogilly rubbed his eyes.

"Candy's calling for HQ."

"Oh, right..." He proceeded to lay back down before the words registered in his mind. "OH...wait one sec..."

Lev shook his head and put the video feed on the main TV screen without hesitation. "Hey Candice, anything new?"

"Hello Lev, Samuel. I trust you've taken care of Vance DeMercel?"

"Yeah, he won't be giving us any more problems."

"Excellent. We've got a small support operation up for grabs, if you're interested."

"Am I? Of course."

"Okay, we've sent in a single Knight, Daniel Fortesque, to ensure the safety of a powerful ancient amulet. Your mission will be to assist him in keeping it out of the wrong hands at all costs. It is located in a city by the name of Marley's Point, in which you will be arriving in 15 minutes. I just sent the coordinates to your pilot, and the full mission briefing has been sent to your PDA. Have a nice flight, gentlemen."

The screen went blank, and Sam hit Lev in the arm. "That my friend, was close."

"I'll say." Lev pulled off the tan leather glove and examined the ink black veins in his hand.
"Way too close."

Marley's Point, 0527 Hours

Lev stepped off the plane, double checking his gear. "I'll give you a call when I meet up with Fortesque."

"Your ride, a black Humvee, is sitting in a 15 minute parking spot by the baggage claim. Tag number 07M4R8Z. Here's your keys."

"Thanks, I owe you one."

Lev walked though the muninciple hangar out to the terminal entrance, and spotted the Humvee sitting by itself. under a streetlight. This was a classic movie ambush scene if he'd ever seen one. He casually checked the warding stones stitched inside his coat. Two of them glowed faintly, so he wasn't worried, but cautious. Lev got into the Humvee and keyed in the Museum in his GPS. Today was gonna be a cakewalk.

"This IS my signature."
August 23, 2009 11:10 pm #

As the brawl progressed Fen easily saw the vampire had the upperhand.  Fen was bleeding from numerous cuts and scratches and he could tell something in his arm was broken.  He hadn't had the time pull out the scimitars let alone shift into wolf.  He cycled through his options and the only thing he figured he could do was flee.  He cursed himself.  At the first oppurtunity he got Fen leapt at the vampire and landed a hard punch across his face.  He jumped off the dazed vampire and turned and sprinted down the main street. 

Where to go?  The pack gathering was out of the question.  It was too far and the vampire might pursue.  If he were to change now he would be injured and that wouldn't help him at all.  He needed a few minutes before he was recuperated enough to change forms.

Fen took left and right turns until he finally stopped.  Marley's Point Museum.  Why had he come here.  No matter.  He needed to get inside.  Fen smashed the glass door and crawled through the opening.  He immediately stopped in the lobby.  There were vampires inside.  Someone's blood had been spilled.  And everything just smelled...wrong. 

Fen cautiously headed into the museum not sure what he would find.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
August 23, 2009 11:22 pm #

The opportunity for Dan to change the subject came at the sound of smashing glass. “What the hell was that?”

Avlynn was surprised Dan had heard it. Her superior hearing allowed her to pinpoint the noise more accurately. “It came from the lobby.” Avlynn immediately took point as the breeze from outside brought the scent of the intruder to her nose, “Fen.”

“Men? Geez what did I do now?” Dan glowered.

“I said Fen, not men. Talk about paranoid, is there something I should know?” Avlynn said as she hurried along.

“Yeah don’t tick me off,” Dan said as he palmed his gun.

“Note taken, don’t tick off the man with the gun.” Avlynn replied sarcastically.

Fen was brushing himself off as they rounded the corner, “I don’t see you for 23 years and now I see you twice in one day. Is it a sign from the Gods?”

"Yeah they hate me," Fen replied.

Avlynn laughed. Dan eyed the new arrival, "A friend of yours."

"You could say that," Avlynn commented.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 23, 2009 11:48 pm #

Marus walked in with one of his twin Berettas held out, ready to fire. The museum was quiet, and unsurprisingly he was not the first one inside after hours, that much was obvious. Tracing the female vampire wasn't the hard part, he could smell her from a mile away. Keeping his scent to a minimum from the nearby werewolves was his challenge.

Drawing nearer, Marus gave into a sprint.

She's just around the corner.

Sure enough, there was the female vampire he had met earlier, standing around a display case and whispering so soft that no normal human could ever hear this, even if only three feet away.

“Ansgar is awake and calling.”

The female noticed Marus' presence and grabbed a sword and broke into a ready stance, eager to take down whoever came through the doors. Casually walking into the room, Marus lowered his pistol and began to break the ice.

"Not a bad place. Who's Angsar? We might want to get out of here, there's some nearby puppies that probably would have no trouble in disposing of us. Human too."

August 24, 2009 7:02 am #

Drogan walked through the city. For the most part he was ignored by what pedestrians he came across, but he did draw a glance due to his outdated outfit ocasionally. Even the small amount of pedestrians he came across were proving to be a distraction, however, as he had not fed in quite some time, the warden fed him enough to keep him alive, though only enough to do that. He could smell the blood of each of them, and was just waiting for one to be alone, so he could shove them into the nearest ally and feed.

An old man passed whith someone who could only be his daughter, then a large dark-skinned man who looked like he would strugle much more then Drogan would like, and finnally a young woman who seemed to preoccupied looking at the ground and listening to music to notice anything before it was to late. As she came up next to him, Drogan slammed into her, stunning her in the process, and pulled her into a dark alley.

About fifteen minutes later Drogan stepped out of the alley and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief. He straightened up his jacket, looked to the left and right, and continued to walk.

After a short while he came to what seemed to be a museum, the lights inside were on and it seemed that there was something going on inside. He could smell his kind, overshadowed by the heavier much more obvious scent of werewolves. Drogan grinned to himself and pulled the deck of cards out of his coat pocket, Jokers and Aces flashed in and out of view as he began to shuffle, walking towards the museum. "Might as well drop in and say hello."

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 24, 2009 1:47 pm #

Ian was happy, he had decided to start a new life. He decided to start in the museum, he stood at the door and breathed in. It wasn't long after that he smelled an unexpected surprise he smelled again to make sure, but it was still their it was Fen. He had tried to avoid him since the discussion, after he had saw Avlynn he had fell in love again but with Fen their he wasn't to sure he could start over. He walked in silently, Fen was talking to a human. Ian climbed from the walls to the ceiling, he used the smell from the human to hide his smell. Ian saw Avlynn in the room chatting along.

[b]Void fighter[/b]
August 24, 2009 3:40 pm #

Ronsom trudged up the stairwell to the upper floor. Lead along by scent, he'd fed, and the smell of werewolf was ever more obvious. He was running away. Santiago had pulled a second autorevolver from within his jacket and handed it over to Ronsom before they'd begun to ascend.
Yet again, .454, and fortunately silver bullets jingled in the quick load he'd also been given.
He threw the door at the top of the stairs open, prepared to leap from the window at any moment. The whole affair had devolved to shenanigans.
The first thing he saw, the overbearing sign heradling the arrival of the amulet of Delkath. Then the two others, and finally the scent of more arrivals.
"If we're all after this artifact. Maybe we can quibble over it after stealing it." Santiago poised his barrel to the opposing stairwell.
Ronsom merely stayed close to the door. Ready to move back down it.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
August 24, 2009 8:17 pm (Edited August 24, 2009 08:33 pm) #

Avlynn laughed. Dan eyed the new arrival, "A friend of yours."

"You could say that," Avlynn commented.

"...You told me you kept to yourself." Dan said, he was immediatly regretting his descision to 'trust' Avlynn. He dropped his bag (he brought it with him) and unzipped it, bringing out his G36C, but holding it downward to not seem hostile. His warding stones were going nuts, and the time for caution had ended.

"Yes well, [Avlynn watches Dan bring out a machine gun] he wont bother you if I tell him so." Alvynn said, putting her hand on Dan's arm. Dan looked at it, then back to her.

"And what's to say I wont bother him?" Dan said as the newcomer walked over. Avlyyn sighed at Dan's comment.

"Daniel Fortesque, this is Fendren Kalman." Avlynn intoduced them, expecting them to shake hands. They mearly looked at each other and then back at Avlynn.

"So you're hanging out with a slayer now? I don't understand whats stopping me from killing him right now..." Fen said, his hand idly fingering his Colt Python revolver. Avlynn stood between them.

"Please... we're in MY museum, Im not letting you meat heads trash the place. Dan is here for a quick mission that will help us all. Isn't that right Dan?"

"Yeah...whatever." Dan said shifting Nasher on his back. He wasn't used to the weight, his specialty weapon wasn't a medieval two handed sword, but a Japanese long sword, which was a katana that was several inches longer than normal. However, the Silver Knights only award (upon request) a sword with slaying capabilities to members who become Knights. Dan had not become one yet.

"Wait... whats that noise?" Fen said looking around.


Mar Alom stood upon the opening of the cave he dwelled in. This particular opening was near the top of the mountain he occupied, and was only meant as an observation area. He looked upon the steep cliff and forest below, the night had swallowed them. He awaited one of the Brotherhood, he knew they had failed.


"Master..." said the low rumbling voice behind him.

"Yes minion..." Mar replied

"Our efforts were futile, for the moment. We are prepared to return in more force, and release one of the amulets powers to repel more meddlers."

"Who stopped you?"

"A member of the Silver Knights of St.Michael, Daniel Fortesque."


"Daniel Forte-"

"FORTESQUE!?!?!? FORTES-!!!! AGHHHHH!!!!" Mar yelled and randomly launched a lighting/fire ball into the night.

"ANOTHER DAMN FORTESQUE! There everywhere, like a weed! Like a virus, a parasite! The greatest achievement I can ever complete would be to WIPE THAT FAMILY OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH!!"

The minion stood in silence.

"...Very well. I've yet to hear of the Daniel however... The family knows little of their true heritage, and as such are still weaker than they know. Minion, go forth with your plan, and then return quickly. We cannot risk you accidently slaying the one meant to take the amulet."

"It shall be done." *Poof*

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.

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