Topic: RPG - Dark by Light

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Topic #3436

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June 30, 2009 11:18 am (Edited July 2, 2009 08:23 am) #

Dark by Light.

It is several years after the Great Jedi Civil War and the Jedi Exile; the Galaxy is left in ruins from the extreme conflict between the Sith and the Republic. Though the Republic has emerged victorious, the need for Jedi and soldiers to maintain peace from the feuds ensuing from the sudden surplus in free territory is in high demand.  Czerka Corporation has been contracted by the Republic to start a Galaxy wide reconstruction of all the war torn and damaged worlds. This operation comes with a great need for mineral rich worlds for rebuilding purposes, and in this unnamed sector of space lays an unheard of concentration of such materials: a world loaded with innumerable amounts of durasteel and other metals vital to the re-stabilization of the Republic government. Unbeknownst by the Republic Senate, an Echani sect of force users leading a large faction of their own people had already taken claim to the sector and threatens the use of deadly force on the already established miners of Czerka Corp. if they are not removed from their sacred grounds and ruins. Threatening the already unstable situation is Mandalorain raiders warring with the Echani and raiding Czerka outposts on the planet from a hidden base. Faced with this dangerous and volatile situation the Jedi Council has dispatched a group of Jedi escorted by a detachment of Republic forces and naval groups. Sent with the Jedi is a group of Republic archeologists insisted on by Czerka Corp. to investigate the unexplained ruins on the planet’s surface. Unwilling to strain the already shaky relations with Czerka, the Jedi Council is forced to accept.

Location Description: The planet is mostly Jungle and forests, but there are multiple Sith ruins and mass burials grounds scaring the landscape, and nothing really grows around there. Czerka Corp has recently entered the area and set up a dozen mining faculties, a head quarters and a   space port in just less than two weeks, all located on the same continent. The Planet is crawling with Echani and Mandalorains with multiple skirmishes accruing every day. This planets jungles are also home to a variety of deadly wild-life, especially a number of large bug species.

The Rules:
(Please READ them)

1. You may create character you want. But please be realistic. Clarify their name and species so others can follow their actions easily. There will be a maximum of 3 Mandos available right now to avoid one-sided conflicts. Get em while they last.

2. You can kill characters you create but you can't kill other people's characters unless you get their OK or they say they have been killed in battle with you. However your character is not invincible. So don’t pit him or her against something that he or she is unlikely to survive. (Trust me; there will be a lot of that.) I’ll be watching to make sure no one is overpowered. Also please include a weakness in your character; this also helps to prevent overpowered characters.

3. You can have close to any weapon you want but you can only have what your character could physically carry - otherwise they wouldn't be able to move. And also please bear in mind that this is the Old Republic, super high-tech weapons are not allowed. Slug-throwers are common. (Rev = :D right now.)

4. Be consistent, e.g. if someone says they blew up a building, don't suddenly be assaulting it.

5. If you have sustained many wounds you will have to either get medical help or eventually die.

6. Follow the storyline; sure add a few twists and turns but allow others to see where you want to go so they can help you get there. Out-of-game communication/coordination is highly encouraged.

7. Have fun.

[…and the Light shall bring Darkness upon us all]
An incomplete fragment of a translated text found on a Sith obelisk just outside the ruins of the newly discovered Terran-class planet, presumed to be a Sith mockery of the Jedi. Further investigations are being conducted.


Streaking across the sky at Mach 3, in a Aurek-class fighter (  Jax Talo surveyed the ruins with a critical eye. Sith ruins were always overly dramatic, too many pointy spires, too much black…ect. Even from 10,000 feet he could already tell that these ruins were nothing less than dreary. Talo sighed and banked to the right. The Sith had a lot to learn about architecture.
Talo’s Comm suddenly went off:
“*Stzzz*Um…Sir this is Hea *tzzzzzzzz*own fighters on *tzzz*ar please give visual *tzzz*formation. Over.”
“Uh, what was that Command? Over.”

“Come in Command. Over.”


“….Kriff. That can’t be good.”

Talo checked his scanners, Aurek fighters were unfortunately only equipped with short-range scanners, and those were only showing static.
“Stupid Force-forsaken peace of sh-“
He was interrupted by high-pitched beeping. The ships computer began to rant:

“Weapons lock, commence evasive maneuvers. Weapons lock, commence evasive maneuvers. Weapons lock, commence evasive maneuvers.”

“Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap” Repeated Talo as he started to juk and jink wildly like a madman, as the sky he had previously occupied exploded in a hundred mini-flak-like explosions. Talo opening up an all-frequency comm. channel, while simultaneously trying to evading the exploding sky, tried not to sound too scared began to broadcast:

“This is Jedi Padawan Jax Talo, requesting assistance, am taking fire, repeat I’m under attack. Please assist!” Jax hit the repeat button then shutoff the comm.

“Now to get out of jamming range…” he whispered to himself.

He proceed to carry out his plan by taking a steep dive, the g-forces shoving him into his seat, the ground rapidly coming to meet him. Pulling up in time to see the enemy fighters (four of them) fly overhead (incapable of making such a steep dive) then break-off evenly and cleanly to the left and right coming around to get on his six again. He was able to catch a look at the ships.

“Mandalorians. Predictable” He grumbled.

“Why oh why did I have to go alone?” he asked himself, while he hit the accelerators quickly speeding past the wide turn of the Interceptors.

“I really hope that was far enough outside the jamming signal…”

He had only a brief moment of peace before they began shooting again. He resumed his reckless maneuvers along the surface. He was shaking and sweating profusely, and was just about to slip up, and get himself blasted all over the planets surface when two streaks of white flew just a dozen feet above his ship spewing green fire. It was over before he fully realized it had started.

“This is Echani patrol ‘Fire spray’.” Announced a female voice over his comm.

“You are to proceed under are escort to outpost ‘Green Haven’. Do not resist. Will you comply?”

“No, I’m going to resist and get smeared all over the planet surface…I mean yes.”

“Copy that, form up please”

Why do I get the feeling I’m going to regret this… He thought hopelessly.

Name: Jax Talo
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Occupation: Jedi Padawan

Weapons: Light saber, concealed hold-out blaster.

Weapon details: Light saber is generally unremarkable save for one small gem on the bottom. The Light saber color is yellow.

Appearance: Jedi robes: outer robes dark brown, inner robes cream colored. Dark green eyes, brown/blonde hair.

Personality: Easy going, inexperienced, annoyed easily. Prone to emitting large amounts of swearing and sarcasm.

Short History: Jax Talo was one of the few people to escape the complete destruction of Taris, found in an orphanage after the events of the Jedi Exile, Talo was taken at an older age for Jedi training and is weaker than most in the Force, and was taken simply because of the extreme need for more Jedi. Due to the massive shock he felt during the deaths of billions of people on Taris when he was a child, his Force awareness extends just a few feet away from him. It is unlikely he will ever overcome the fear of extending himself with the Force.   


Inside the Czerka Corp headquarters, Traya Fray listened to the heated exchange from behind the wall of Jedi, Republic soldiers and Czerka Corp officers, crowding around the holo display, with interest. It seemed that one of the Padawan scouts that had been sent out had been captured by the Echani, and were holding him hostage in till the Jedi and the Republic left the planet. Something about him being dueled every day in till the Republic was off planet. From all the yelling, negotiations didn’t seem to be going so well. Then the comm. was shut off and there was silence. Master Haron Bal, the Jedi in charge spoke up:

“We need to put together a team to rescue Talo. Put out a request for Mercs in the Spaceport, were going to need all the help we can get. We still have to defend Czerka Corp faculties from Mandalorain raids, and escort the Archeologist’s down to the ruins.” He paused for a moment.

“I need volunteers.”


Name: Traya Fray
Species: Near-Human (has only a few biological differences from humans and the only remarkable ones are her pointy ears and pale skin.)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Occupation: Jedi Padawan

Weapons: Light saber, fore-arm length Vibro-blade.

Weapon Details: Her Light saber is completely smooth and organic looking; almost looking like an upside down tree without branches. It is emblazoned with streaks of a light catching gold colored crystal along the hilt. The Light Sabers color is oddly darker than the normal blue.
The Vibro-Blade has black-and gold style hilt (same as her Light saber) with a few of the gold linings curling along the surface of the blade

Appearance: her outer robes are black brown, her inner robes are black. Armor includes: The armor is extremely light and allows a considerable amount of movement. But still strong enough to stop a blaster bolt, before being melted.

Personality: Serious, no nonsense type, a bit on the sensitive side, doesn’t like to be criticized. Easily angered. Dignified. Outsider in social groups but is almost always given a command position by the Masters.

Short History: Traya Fray comes from a rich aristocratic family one of the key financial supporters of the Jedi Order. She was discovered at an early age (nearly right after birth) to be strongly force sensitive, and was immediately taken in by the persuasive Jedi, leading to some discomfort to parents and gossip of ‘baby-snatchers’. She was afforded many special treatments during her training, due to her high-family standing causing her to be somewhat of an outsider in Jedi-social groups. It is rumored that her expensive Light saber was made available by her wealthy family, but that is denied by the Jedi Council who lamely excuse the matter saying that higher gifted students receive better equipment. She is also very sensitive about her physical near-human appearance. She has been falling from the light in recent years, a lot of resentment is building up inside her, and she is easily susceptible to Dark Side influences.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
June 30, 2009 11:44 am (Edited July 10, 2009 12:38 pm) #

Name: Jonas Merill (changed after birth)

Occupation:Private Contractor/Mercenary

Weapons:Zabrak Blaster Carbine, two modified Mandalorian Rippers
(Helmet linked scopes)Short Vibrosword(no cortosis)

Helmet and arm sections(excluding gloves) are retractable
Visor includes tactical display, showing region of planet, GPS map, Translations, weapon and armor status, kill counter. Right arm section(and glove) are cortosis weave

Appearance: Standard Echani phenotype, Right eye is augmentic blinks is of poor quality and doesn't give a good image when it works at all, long scar running down right side of face, Augmentic Jaw (think Malak, but not without the neck protection) voice is rendered mechanical and raspy by this.

Personality: Generally a loner, doesn't speak much to people he doesn't know, or doesn't like.

Slightly force sensitive, ability mainly comes across as him being lucky, and usually 'knowing' when something bad is about to happen

Short History:Both parents were spacers. At the age of 14 his family was spending a day at a port city, having lunch in the hills off to the east. Jonas began to feel ill and stood to take a walk, on returning he heard blasterfire. He rushed back to find his siblings and mother dead and witness his father being shot by a group of heavily armed fighters. He began to believe that his parents died due to the Echani culture and its general neglect of heavy armor or weapons.He embraced these things, and became a mercenary.Due to this he is generally disliked by most Echani, and has become a pariah to his species. In more extreme cases their dislike turns to hate and disgust, many would kill him just as soon as see him.




Jonas secured himself against the drop pillar, lowering the harness so he didnt go flying about bay when the ship took the plunge an alarm sounded, it was unnecessary Jonas didnt have any company, but he didnt want to turn it off, he found it oddly comforting. He felt the drop and felt the forces begin to push him against his harness. It didnt last long, his ship righted its self, low enough for him to drop into what it had designated as an lz. The ramp dropped, revealing the ground rushing past below him. The red light turned orange. He unhooked and stepped to the ramp, with a loud buzz the light turned green and Jonas jumped.


Landing was interesting, Jonas flared his parachute and touched down in a busy street,  the main Czerka office in the distance. He was thoroughly aware that parachutes were not very common anymore and he drew quite a few stares as he withdrew the thing. Checking his surrounding he began to trudge towards the Czerka building. The street was full of stands, people selling things trying to make some extra money, a man who was vending clothing on his right took a step forwards and suddenly disappeared along with half the street. He swore and smacked his helmet, hoping the shock would put whatever piece of machinery in his augmentive eye was out of place this time and causing him not to be able to see out of it. He continued to the headquarters and made a note to get the damn thing replaced.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
June 30, 2009 8:35 pm (Edited July 14, 2009 11:40 am) #

(Conversation in Huttese, translated into Galactic Basic for the meatbags)

"Honestly, I still think I should go instead of you, Gadon."

"Tai, you may be older than me by a minute, but I'm more experienced than you. Everyone in the Order knows it."

"A minute and ten seconds, to be exact."

"Whatever. I'm going and you'll have to accept it. Besides, it won't be too dangerous, I'm not the only Jedi in this strike team."

"I heard there are Mandalorians that attack the Czerka Corp structures on a daily basis. You know how crazy things get when they're around."

"Tai, the last time Mandalorians were a threat, Revan was still on our side. I shouldn't be long, maybe I'll be back in time for dinner."

"Right. I'll see you soon then, hopefully. Take care, brother."

Gadon walked onto the shuttle, where the remaining Jedi and Republic archaeologists sat.


Name: Gadon Morn
Age: 26
Species: Rodian
Occupation: Jedi Knight
Weapons: The Force, lightsaber with green crystal, melee/throwing knives hidden in boots
Appearance: (outside of Jedi robes)
Personality: Gadon isn't like most of the other Rodians from Tatooine. His twin brother, Tai, and he were found at about four standard years of age by a now deceased Jedi and brought to the Jedi temple. While he isn't one to lose his temper easily, Gadon is a serious threat when he is in a fit of rage.

July 1, 2009 8:05 pm #

Name:  Haylen Stokes
Species:  Twi’lek
Gender:  Male
Age: 27
Occupation:  Miner
Weapons: Concealed vibroblade

Appearance: Considered a “pretty boy” by Twi’lek standards, Haylen has come to work for Czerka in a “manly” profession. Wears brown trousers, worn lace up boots, a blue work shirt and utility vest – also brown.

Personality: Due to his appearance Haylen has a short fuse and chip on his shoulder, when anyone remarks about his looks. Generally he’s laid back and cheeky. However he’s hiding a darker streak.


Blue smoke bellowed from the digger for the fourth time that day, “You stupid piece of poo-do.” Haylen snapped. He would have used courser words but his shift partner, Darla Keenah, hated foul language.

“What? That thing blow up again?” Darla said pointing to the engine.

The thing in question was the fuel pump, “I’m guessing so. Probably tampered with by the locals just to pi- tick us off.”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 1, 2009 10:10 pm #

Name: Solus
Species: Human (Mandalorian)
Occupation: Medic
Gender: Female
Age: 35.
Armor Color: Blue with black trim.
Everyday Clothes: Long sleeved blue shirt with matching pants, tucked into black combat boots.
Weapon: Jango's Pistols (Not HIS, just the same model.)
Personality: Outwardly she's irritable and cranky, making her appear to be cold, but once you get to know her, she very caring and protective especially when it comes to her patients.

*    *    *

Solus leaned back in her chair, resting her eyes from the paperwork she was currently filling out. Twisting the kinks out of her back, she sighed. Being stuck down in the mines wasn't really up to her abilities as a medic, but seeing as her people weren't very well accepted, she had to take whatever job opportunity she could take, even if that meant working down in a mine. Though the few months she'd been down there was starting to get to her.

A nearby explosion nearly made her jump out of her chair, before she sighed and got up, walking to the door, and stuck her head out it.

"What the shab was that?" she asked to anyone who was close enough to hear. "Did that pump blow up again or did someone do something stupid?" She stepped out of the door.

"Hopefully no one got hurt this time." she added to herself, walking down the tunnel that also doubled as a hallway, towards the source of the noise.

(I hope you don't mind if I'm playing in the mines and bringing back an all ready used character. I just really wanted to bring back Solus.)

"Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
-Rampage, Beast Wars
July 2, 2009 8:19 am #

((Just be sure to know that everyone your going to encounter by the mines is going to be killing Mandalorians))

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
July 2, 2009 11:37 am #
Mandal_ShadowWarrior wrote:

((Just be sure to know that everyone your going to encounter by the mines is going to be killing Mandalorians))

No one knows she is yet though. She covers up her Mando swearing by saying she just using it to mock Mandalorians. When they find out she is, well, that's good for some conflict.

I should of explained that last night, but I didn't think my post through well enough.)

"Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
-Rampage, Beast Wars
July 3, 2009 4:57 pm (Edited July 8, 2009 05:57 pm) #

Well, a recent inspiration for a character has prompted me to join. Like to see how many of you recognize him.

Name: Jayne Cobb
Race: Human (Male)
Affiliation: Mercenary
Age: 30

Appearance: Typically, Jayne wears no more than a shirt and pants, with half-gloves (fingerless) over his hands.

Also shows his gun, Vera. Looks and acts like a modern Assault rifle, with longer range and better stopping power. Fires 40-cal armor piercing (AP) rounds. Also uses a suppressed SMG with a red-dot sight. He also uses a revolver and a knife when he's not expecting a fight.

Grenades and other common accessories may also be used.

Armor--Jayne doesn't wear a helmet, and only wears body armor in heavier fights.

Personality: Jayne is a long-time fighter, and has closed himself down to relationships as a result. But if someone manages to earn his trust, then he develops a form of loyalty to them, maintaining a gruff exterior. He also has a tendency to act dumber than he is, leading many to underestimate him, but he occasionally shows his intelligence.

Strengths: Jayne is very tough, able to take a lot of pain and continue to fight. He has a lot of experience fighting, and what frequently lacks in tactics, he makes up for in tenacity.

Weaknesses: Jayne is neither a tactical genius nor a trusting man. He has a tendency to jump into fights without fully thinking, but generally makes it out without too many new scars.

IC: Jayne walked into a bar, a slightly nicer one that its neighbors, ordered a drink and joined a game of pocketball (think pool), with a small credit wager to beat the reigning champ. Ten minutes later, he was ten creds richer, and was facing a very large, very angry man.

"So, stranger, you think you're tough, walking in here and robbing a working man of his money, huh?"

"Robbin'? Won it, fair an' square."

"You're talking about my money--I earned."

Jayne stared him down. "So what if you did, I  beat you, its my ruttin' money now--you gotta problem with that?"

"Yeah, I do. And I'm thinkin'," the man cracked his knuckles, "that you're going to give it back to me."

Jayne shook his head slowly. "I don't think I'll be doin' that any time soon. Never been big on giving things."

"Well, thats a pity." The man swung his fist towards Jayne's head, who ducked, grabbed the arm, twisted it behind the mans back, and kicked him into a wooden post. He fell to the ground, and a couple of his buddies stood up and walked towards Jayne, spreading out a few paces.

Jayne stood back, bided his time, and when the first one rushed, he snapped a kick into his kneecap, snapping it, then turned back towards the third, catching his punch in one hand and pounding his face with another.

He turned to the last, but the man reached him first, punching him in the face, then grabbing his shoulders and ramming him into a post. Jayne shook his head, then knocked the man back with a headbutt to the face, followed by a knee to the stomach. He dropped him to the ground with a elbow across the face.

The man who'd started it stirred, raising his head, and, seeing Jaynes boots, started to rise. Then he froze.

"Bad idea, movin'." Jayne pulled the hammer back with a click. "Now, I'm going to walk on outta hear with my money, and you're going to get my tab, and keep your head. We clear?"

The man nodded, and Jayne walked out of the bar, holstering his gun as he did. Nothing like a good brawl to celebrate a new job.

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
July 4, 2009 11:00 am #

((Nice, I love firefly))

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
July 4, 2009 11:30 am #

Just started watching it recently. Great show.

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
July 5, 2009 7:21 am (Edited July 6, 2009 10:08 pm) #

Name: Azure
Age: Young, probably too young, but she doesn't care
Species: Epicanthix
Appearance: Tattoed, a lot. Asymetric weird short hair, spiked, in silver and blue. She resembles a Native American.
Weapons: Modified Blaster Pistol, blaster hold-out, vibro-throwing-knives
Armor: Rough, dark brown blaster resistant leather, dark grey durasteel armor around vital areas
Weakness: She doesn't have a lot of endurance/constitution, so she rather avoids close combat and counts on her speed/agility to get out of sticky situations.

Background story
A fairly skilled mercenary, she'll steal or slay anything or anyone for money. Haunted by dreams of her past life. Her heart turned cold when her elder sister got killed in front of her eyes when she wasn't even a teenager. She then turned into an outlaw/merc.

Always managed to go through life on her own, working here and there. She can do anything, cook, repair, clean, train, teach, joggle. She doesn't have a place she can call home but she's alright with that.

Tied to the group of archeologists as their general helper, she's just looking for good (or rather bad) opportunities as a sideline, regardless of on which side of things they come from.

As her soul died the day her sister did, she doesn't care about getting out of it alive or not. That makes her even more deadly as she knows no fear. Slightly pyromaniac, and the eye appreciative of anything falling to ruins, she likes to stir some chaos in the world, just for fun.

*   *   *   *   * 

The archeologists were nice people, even if a bit snob, maybe. They considered her a low-worker, less knowledgeable than them, and could tend to speak to her as if she was some sort of dumb. And that was quite fine. In fact, she liked the idea of them thinking of her as a simple mind. They would never have any clue of her other activities, and it was very well that way.

Today was thursday. Pay day for Azure, and once she'd be done preparing the group's food for the day, she'd be free of her time until the next day. That was great. She had some contract to take care of.

[url=]LD[/url] / []E-[/email]
July 6, 2009 8:51 pm (Edited July 6, 2009 08:52 pm) #

Also please include a weakness in your character; this also helps to prevent overpowered characters.

- Quoted from the rules

Just a reminder, because I see a few characters out there that dont have one, or it is clearly enough specified.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
July 6, 2009 10:09 pm #

Edited. Tell me if it works.

[url=]LD[/url] / []E-[/email]
July 7, 2009 12:17 am #

Name: Sangue Vitae
Age: Late 20's
Species: Near Human
Appearance: nothing special
Weapons: Sith transference (I'll get into it later), vibro-sword, blaster carbine
Armor: lightsaber resistant vambraces, 
Weakness: Further away from a Sith ruin, weaker he gets.

Backgrounds: Born on the planet and eventually orphaned there, Sangue is unable to leave the planet. Caught between the warring factions he's just looking for a chance to be left alone. Searching for a Sith power crystal rumoured to be lost in the ruins.

Sangue drew the last drop of water from his canteen. No good then, he'd have to head back. He was tired, no way around it. And he couldn't just sleep in the abandoned quarters he'd passed. The dig team would be scrambling over them tomorrow morning.
It was a fifteen minute walk to the entrance. Where they'd set up the portable kitchen and nearby the campground they'd set up in the courtyard.
"You're looking cheery as ever Miss." Sangue waved to Azure, he didn't expect a response.
That was fine, he wasn't a full-time employee anyway. Just a bug smasher. The archeological pest control.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
July 7, 2009 10:21 am (Edited July 10, 2009 06:06 am) #

Continuing down the street Jonas was passing what seemed to be the towns main social area, seeing as there was a bar and games hall on the right side of the street and on the other side a more 'aged' establishment which probably contained a bunch of scantily-clad twi'leks swinging around and claiming to be using it to pay for a degree or some other story. As he approached the bar his eye suddenly filled with static, not fully losing the vision but obscuring it enough so he could run into some local looking guy who had probably spent his weekly earnings on booze.

The drunken man muttered something Jonas didnt understand, and stumbled off. Grumbling under his breath about useless miners Jonas continued to the command center

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
July 8, 2009 8:34 am #
Cin Vhetin wrote:

Edited. Tell me if it works.

That works fine.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
July 9, 2009 12:04 am (Edited July 9, 2009 12:06 am) #

((I'm going to work on a mando here.  Expect one sometime tomorrow.

By the way Verda.  Jayne Cobb is great and all but I like Mal better.  Favourite scene was in the train job.

"The last thing you will see before you die will be my blade."

"Darn."  *Sparta kick*))

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
July 9, 2009 9:05 am #

((I'm working on a Mando also, should have it up later this afternoon.))

"This IS my signature."
July 9, 2009 11:04 am #
Sev Fett wrote:

((I'm going to work on a mando here.  Expect one sometime tomorrow.

By the way Verda.  Jayne Cobb is great and all but I like Mal better.  Favourite scene was in the train job.

"The last thing you will see before you die will be my blade."

"Darn."  *Sparta kick*))

Love both of them. SO many good lines--the writers gave them some great material, and they both deliver it REALLY well. Just finished Serenity. Amazing movie.

Will try to post later.

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
July 9, 2009 1:03 pm #

((Hey, um its good to know that you guys all like firefly, but an actual post here and there would be nice.

Subing for Mandal cause hes gona be out of communication for a little bit))

Traya was looking over some of the files that had came up. Czerka Corporation and the Jedi task force had sent out an active request for mercenary aid there had been a few inquires and a few actual acceptances. She had a couple of files on the inquires, and two full on the acceptances. One of them was a human, not that remarkabe, except in that he seemed like he knew what he was doing from the file, a definite hire. He could easily pass for just some spacer if you just looked at him, which Traya guessed was valuable in his line of work.

The other however seemed to be an Echani, which was odd considering the nature of the assignment. She studied that file for a moment, he had some pretty bad luck from the looks of it, jaw missing, augmentative eye. Not much chance of going unnoticed. He looked rather intimidating due to the various disfigurements, she wondered if he had been as unattractive before a grenade blew up in his face, or he got on the wrong side of a man with a vibrosword, or tried to shave a wookie. The final image of an angry wookie ripping of a mercenaries jaw  was quite frightening and she decided to quit looking over the files. She leaned back and started thinking about the padawan that had been captured.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
July 9, 2009 6:49 pm (Edited July 11, 2009 10:33 pm) #

Name: Lev Kerradin

Species: Human (Mandalorian)

Gender: Male

Age: 38

Occupation: Private Contractor / Freelance Mercenary

Weapons: KarSel-Magnum Model 11 Slugthrower Pistol, Czerka Blaster Carbine.

Weapon details: The Model 11 is a heavy revolving-type pistol, firing a 11.2 mm cartridge with high stopping power. It easily penetrates common light armor meshes.

(Lev has a gray-white poncho cape over his armor whenever he wears it)


Out of Armor Appearance:

Personality: Lev will fight dirty and shoot first, if required by his own self-defined sense of justice. Although he mostly looks for ways to benefit himself, he has, on a few occasions, helped others if he feels an obligation to. He's a man that takes no crap, especially from his employers.

Brief History: Details of his early life are sketchy, but it's known that Lev fought in the Mandalorian Wars against the Republic and was a ranking officer at the time of the First Battle of Taris. Since the end of the war, he's done a few freelance jobs, but remains a drifter. Rumors of the Echani uprising have reached his ears, and where there's conflict, money is to be made.

Czerka Operated Landing Pad, 1307 Hours, Local Time.

"-well it sure is a nice ship you got there mister, even if it is Mandalorian. Say, which side did you say you fought for again?"

Lev glanced over his shoulder, clearly annoyed at the Dockmaster's persistence. "I didn't."

"Ah, well... I uh...believe I have other duties elsewhere..."

Lev ignored the man and finished locking up his Davaab-type starfighter, the very one he commandeered at the Second Battle of Taris. He patted the ship's hull and began the walk to the local Czerka HQ.

"This IS my signature."
July 9, 2009 11:00 pm #

Sangue moved on. He needed to head back to town. The dense forest was a bother. The fastest way was over the treeline, and Czerka had made sure to organize a shuttle system to and from principal locales. Unfortunately this archeological site had not been on that list.
But the settlment wasn't that far off, he could walk.
"Heading out for your paycheck?" One of the team ran up, his name was Odis, or Odeon...
"I figured I might." Sangue rolled his shoulders and began to move on.
Odis followed him.
"Boss Gruth took his airspeeder back. I guesss we're expected to get them at the main office."
Sangue nodded and kept going. Gruth was an enigma of sorts. He wore an environment suit, masking all but his overall body shape. A near-human incapable of breathing the atmosphere. Maybe he thought it was a good disguise.
A while back he'd hired a Yam'rii bodyguard. After a long day of squashing bugs the first thing Sangue wanted to see was a bigger, angrier bug.
The whole of the expedition was a farce, a hunt for the buried treasure of the Sith. But it paid better than most jobs planetside.
When they burst through the tree line on the edge of the village. The two parted ways.
Odis to the main office and Sangue to the bar. He needed a meal before he collapsed. The structure had been erected in a day. There was no door, just a set of stairs leading down to a rickety counter-top and a few tables. Sangue was stopped at the entrance by a hard turn of the shoulder.
He now faced...who?

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
July 10, 2009 5:41 am #

After leaving the bar, Jayne started walking towards the command structure, but received a message requesting that all Mercenaries meet at the hangars. Before he got there, he swung by his quarters to retrieve his equipment--ammo belts, grenades, Vera, and his SMG.

Several minutes later, he was at the hangar, and he headed towards the largest cluster of mercs, all who seemed to be fairly idle. He approached one.

"What are we all doing here?"

"Waiting for orders, from the sounds of it."

Jayne wandered off to the side, and started polishing Vera.

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
July 10, 2009 9:13 am #

A small icon lit up on Jonas's view screen. He blink clicked it and the message opened up. He had been directed to proceed to the primary hanger. He changed his course and a short while later he arrived.

There were actually quite a few mercenaries in the hanger, and there were some ships as well. Jonas briefly considered bringing in the Maelstrom in, but decided against it, the ship was a little larger then most, and he didnt want to risk it being hit if the Echani or the Mandalorians decided to do a little bombing run. The ship would stay in orbit where it could quickly reach him if he needed support or extraction. He made his way to a stack of cargo crates, and wondering why he didnt do it before, triggered the auto-pack sequence on the parachute he used and handed it off to the nearest Czerka worker.

He returned to the crates and retracted his armor. He took a deep breath, the air making a slight hiss as it passed through his mechanical jaw. If he had a set time limit he might have been able to see a mechanic about his eye, but he didn't know when or even where they would be briefed so he would just wait here for now. His eye was behaving quite well at the moment though, which he was relived about.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
July 10, 2009 7:26 pm (Edited July 10, 2009 09:32 pm) #

Name: Gerindolus ‘Gerin’ Solo


Species: Human (Corellia)

Occupation: Professor of Archaeology, Expert on the occult and ‘Obtainer of rare antiquities’

Dexly Slug Ejector 2b: The Dexly 2b marks the current pinnacle in Dexly Industries hand held slug thrower pistols. The company has long been a leader of accurate pistols, and the new 2b has opened new possibilities with its superior firepower and various slug types while maintaining the accuracy Dexly Industries is known for.

SynthLeather whip: Gerin’s SynthLeather whip is an upgrade from the child whip that he used on his farm when he was a boy. He grew fond of using them and eventually started using better grades and lengths of whips to do all manner of things unheard of by whip users. This SynthLeather whip was made by Gerin himself, and he crafted it into an impressive device. He had to use SynthLeather instead of the traditional Leathris because running along the inside of the whip is a Polyfibe cord connected to a power source within the handle which releases immense electrical currents, frying any organic material touching it. The SynthLeather is the only material that can be used in a whip and withstand the shock without burning.

Armor: Gerin doesn’t wear any armor, it isn’t appropriate for his job. He does wear a SynthLeather jacket which he uses after he liked the durability of his whip. He also has a utility belt with numerous archaeological tools and other devices he’s had to call upon in a bind to help him. Attached to the belt is the holster where his Dexly rests and it is strapped to his leg to secure it well. He also has a combat satchel that he acquired from his days as a Republic airborne trooper during the war. He wears shin high boots with his beige pants tucked into them, as he’s learned not to leave openings for any of the infinite creatures around the galaxy to crawl into. He is also more often then not wearing his hat, where no one really knows where it came from or why it is so significant to him.

Weakness: Gerin has no armor, no heavy weapons, and no Force ability.


Personality: Being Corellian, Gerin has always been one to fly by the seat of his pants. He is sarcastic at times to ease the stress of certain situations, and he is very determined to be the best at his job in the galaxy. He is driven by his desire to preserve the history of the galaxy, as it is slowly being wiped away by the rapid progression of civilizations, technology and war. He harbors a dislike of Jedi, because they consider themselves the only real archaeologists and historians and consider non Jedi archaeologists ‘treasure hunters’.

Short History: Gerin grew up on Tralus of the Corellian System, in the homesteads where his family maintained a farm while his father was a professor and raised him strictly. He stressed upon Gerin the importance of history, and Gerin soon became attuned to it as his father had. After numerous escapades during his younger life, Gerin finally finished his ‘break’ after finishing his university studies and is now teaching in Coronet City University and also working on the side for the Corellian Space Museum and Galactic Museum.


“-within the chamber there was everything except the archaic trans-light field generator, which looked like it had been long gone, taken by the ‘Kwa’ people after their conflict likely. This is another thing leading to the dangers of xenoarchaeology, especially with the Gree Enclave because the areas once taken over by the Kwa in 100,000 BBY are currently controlled by the Nightsisters, who aren’t too keen on the idea of any living being excavating the Kwa after they exterminated them.” Gerin said to the hundreds of students in the massive audience chamber as he pointed at the holographic image of the Gree Enclave chamber.

His voice was projected from the back of each seat and the hologram was large enough for everyone to see.


“Ok that’s it for the week! Remember next time we meet that everyone’s essays on the Star Temples of Dathomir need to be turned in. No exceptions!” Gerin told his class as they emptied out of the huge room to go enjoy their weekend.

Gerin shut off the hologram and began collecting his things when his old time friend and curator of the Galactic Museum in Coronet, Perth Novar, appeared in the room and walked towards Gerin.

“Perth…I’m telling you, these kids have zero appreciation of anything but the next pod race. Its like teaching a bunch of rocks…” Gerin said lifting a stack of datapads with some school work on them and walking out of the room.

“You weren’t much different when you were their age Gerin, I remember you skipping class to go swinging on your whip through the Coronet rooftops.” Perth said with a smile, following Gerin out of the class.

“Yeah that’s because I already KNEW what the professor was teaching….So what brings you down here Perth, found out where another fragment of the Krassus Orb may be?” Gerin said walking out into the open air of Coronet City on a bright day, high in one of the taller buildings of CCU. They boarded a mag-lev train and it took them deeper into the campus.

“Not quite…I don’t really know Gerin.” Perth said keeping his head down while looking at Gerin.

“What? What do you mean you don’t know? How do you not know what you came to see me for?”

“Well, there’s two men from the Czerka Corporation here to see you.”

“Czerka Corporation? What do they want? I’m not in some sort of trouble am I?”

“Wouldn’t be the first time Gerin, but they didn’t seem the type to give you a knock over the head, more the knock over your head with an indictment.”

“Oh boy…well, let’s see what they’re here for. Take me to where you left them.”


Gerin and Perth entered a smaller, now empty classroom where the Czerka Corp officers had insisted on meeting for privacy. Once of the officers was a sure of himself type, portly and impatient. His partner was a lanky accountant looking man who seemed nervous for no reason. The four sat at the large desk at the head of the classroom.

“Gerindolus Solo: Professor of Archaeology, expert on the Sith occult, and how does one say it…obtainer of rare antiquities.” The fat one said shaking Gerin’s hand.

“Yes, and I’m sure you all have nice long titles too. So what does the all-mighty Czerka Corp need with me? You’ve got your own scientists don’t you?” Gerin said, putting down his stack of datapads.

“Yes. And they’re all stumped on what we’ve found while searching for mineral deposits in a recently discovered Terran-class planet.” He told Gerin and Perth. They looked at each other with raised eyebrows and turned their attention to the officer again.

“What have you found exactly?” Gerin asked, the lanky man answered.

“Well, normally it looks like typical Sith ruins. However, an Echani sect of Force users is guarding the area like their lives depended on it. Also, from what little our people have been able to research, many of the markings and writings found in the ruins say things that have apparently never been seen before on other Sith ruins. Namely, the possible mockery of Jedi. An incomplete fragment of a translated text found on a Sith obelisk just outside the ruins says this: […and the Light shall bring Darkness upon us all]” The lanky man said while reading from a datapad he produced from his case.

Gerin and Perth looked at each other once more, wide-eyed in disbelief and realization. The Czerka men noticed their reaction.

“What is it?” The portly one asked.
“The Echani have discovered the Lost City of Sith.” Gerin stated.

“Whats so special about this city?”

“This specific city isn’t considered ‘Lost’ because no ones been able to find it after it disappeared, its considered lost because no ones been able to find it EVER, even when it was populated. The mockery of the Jedi was something supposedly found there because it was a dwelling specifically made for the raising of more Sith to, probably, take over the galaxy and exterminate the Jedi. There’s hundreds of possibilities really, but it is almost definitely a place of great Sith power and the Echani are no doubt curious as to how they can use it to their own gains.” Gerin explained to the Czerka men.

“That’s what we were afraid of…” The lanky one said

“So I’m guessing you need my help in some way?” Gerin said, the portly man looked at him intently before answering.

“We have the Jedi there and our own men. But no one knows what to think or do about the Sith ruins. So far you seem to know more than even the Jedi historians were able to pick up, they just thought it was a unique Sith ruin with nothing nefarious about it, but the Jedi in the field who visited the ruins themselves had different to say about what they felt. Needless to say, we have no reason or want to rely on the Jedi and we have our own way of dealing with the situation.”

“And that way is me.” Gerin said



(Mandal i tried to keep the info about the Sith ruins as vague as possible to not write soemthing you dont want in, if you need anything put in or changed let me know)

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
July 11, 2009 10:17 pm (Edited July 11, 2009 11:55 pm) #

Lev walked through the reception area of the Czerka administration building, bypassing the GE3-series receptionist droid.

"Excuse me! Sir, I am afraid you must have appointment to proceed through this area!"

"Hhhmm." Lev turned around. "The Hanger, where is it."

"Three corridors down to your left, at the end of the hallway, but I must protest! You are required to sign in on a scheduled appointment!"

"Thanks." Lev continued down the passage, following the droid's directions to the hanger. The door hissed open, and he entered the large open main bay. His boots made a distinct  'ka-ching-chnk'  sound as he stepped across the duracrete floor, echoing throughout the room. It was apparently loud enough to draw the attention of the large gathering of mercenaries away from the Czerka Director of Operations and his presentation. He wasn't sure if it was the yellow-gold Mando armor he was wearing or the protocol droid called security for stepping over some imaginary line, because either way, everyone in the room had their guns drawn on him.

"There he is! The Mandalorian!" The obnoxious GE3 Droid came bumbling into the hanger, followed by a dozen Czerka security officers.

"Well well, looks like we got a Mandie, boys. I'll handle it." The Czerka officer stepped forward. "Where's you buddies? There anymore of your filth in my outpost?"

Lev tilted his head slightly, glaring at the officer. "I work alone."

"Well, ain't that cute. Get this, he's alone. All alone. You want to cause trouble? Do it. I'm not afraid of you, Mandie. You take me on, you take on the whole force."

"Hmph." Lev slowly reached into one of his belt pouches, pulling out a dark cylindrical shaped wrapping of dried, aged leaves, carefully placing it in the side of his mouth. "You're not worth my time."

"Yeah? think I can't shoot?" The officer stood for a moment, then raised his blaster. "I'll show you, Mandie."

Lev halfway turned around when a bright red bolt of energy zipped past his face. Everyone braced for a gunfight, but he simply pulled the cigarra from his lips in mock toast. "Thanks for the light." Lev inhaled a whiff of the sweet smoke, then continued walking to the gathering of mercenaries, most of which were stifling laughter.

"Now that our final member of the group is here, let us continue..."

"This IS my signature."
July 12, 2009 4:24 am (Edited July 12, 2009 03:07 pm) #

Moments before the doors opened, Jonas began to feel a slight touch of nausea, the hairs on the back of his neck raised and his eyes felt as if they were being drawn to the door between the Czerka facilities and the main hanger. It slid open and a lone figure stepped through. Jonas was quick, as was every other mercenary in the room, suddenly every ranged weapon in the room with a line of sight was fixed on this man, who had walked into the room wearing Mandalorian armor. A group of security guards showed up behind him and there was a brief exchange, ending with the big tough security guard taking a shot, missing and somehow not starting a huge volley of gunfire in his direction. All he did was light the mercenaries cigarra, or whatever it was. Jonas laughed slightly, as did most of the others, but he was relived. As the Mandalorian made his way to the other mercs to be briefed and given a mission assignment, Jonas turned back,  holstering his pistols.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
July 12, 2009 2:41 pm #

Gerin was packing his travel case when a beeep notified him that someone was at his door. He walked through his artifact filled apartment to the door, passing glass cases and shelves that held silent pieces of the history of the galaxy.

SHOOook! The door opened.

Perth stood in the doorway, a knowing smile on his face.

"Did I get it? Did they agree to the payment?" Gerin asked holding his hand out to Perth, as if trying to pull the answer out of him.


"HaHA! Great! This is crazy... THE lost city Perth." Gerin said as the two walked back into the apartment and Gerin continued packing.

"This is a somewhat serious matter Gerin," Perth said, taking a seat. "Its nothing to be taken lightly...No one knows anything about the City. No one knows its secrets......"

"...You're beginning to sound like my mother Perth. I'm going after an increadible find of historical significance and you're talking about some hokey religion. Besides, you know what a cautious fellow I am." Gerin said, taking his Dexley out of a silk bag and tossing it into his case.


Gerin boarded a passenger liner in Coronet City's main public hangar, shoving his case into the over head. He took a seat and immediatly set his hat over his eyes, he learned from experience to catch sleep whenever he could.

Unbeknownst to him, 3 aisles behind him sat a man watching him from behind a HoloNet projection. His affiliations or intentions unknown.


After stopping Tatooine and making the switch to one of Czerka Corps private ships that knows the location of the planet, the Czerka ship Gerin was on was approaching the planet and a 'ding' sounded through the cabin, notifying everyone of the arrival.

With Gerin in the ship were several Czerka workers and officers, probably reinforcing or replacing some others. On Tatooine, in between route changes, Gerin changed into his field clothes. His whip and Dexley were now at his side, hanging from his utility belt.

Walking off the docked ship and into the space port in the middle of the Czerka city, he approached an officer with a datapad logging in all the arrivals.

"Mind pointing me in the direction of the HQ?" Gerin asked

The officer looked him up and down and raised an eyebrow.

"What are you supposed to be, a rancor tamer?" The man asked

"Archaeologist. Where should I be going?"

"You sure dont look like the rest that have come through here. You should probably go to the hangar where the mercs are being briefed. The other archaeologists are already on their way. Exit here and continue North West until you see the biggest gray building. The hangar is attached to it."

"Thanks." Gerin said with a nod of his head and walked out. He arrived later than the rest, and would have to bunk with the mercs instead of the scientists. Not that he minded, the Czerka scientists are notorious for being book smart morons. Then again, mercenaries arent exactly fond folk either.


Entering the hangar, Gerin passed several heavily modified merc ships and headed towards a group of them facing an Czerka official. The official looked like he was about to begin, and was going through some datapad lying on a desk before starting. Gerin walked up to him before he could start.

"Who are you? Everyone thats in the list is here already..." The man said, giving the list a once over.

"Gerin Solo, archaeologist." Gerin said handing him a datachip that he was given back on Corellia by one of the Czerka men. The man took the chip and clicked it into his data pad were orders for Gerin poped up.

"Oh I see, you're the expert they've brought in. The other scientists are already on their way so just wait here with the mercs and you'll leave with them." The man said, Gerin nodded and leaned against a crate and waited.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
July 12, 2009 4:07 pm (Edited July 12, 2009 05:15 pm) #

Traya viewed the Mercenary gathering place from a open balcony above the muttering group, quite a few rough looking individuals. She went over a less-than-complete background check on the lot, flagging the more interesting cases for Master Bal, especially the Echani merc who seemed to of had his jaw ripped off by a wookie, she didn't want to know how that happened. Also a Mandalorain, interesting that one of them choose to fight his own kind, defiantly needed to keep an eye on him.

Sensing a familiar presence, Traya looked up just in time to see Master Bal enter the hangar through a side door.

"I'm sorry, to keep you all waiting but defensive operations orders had to overseen."

He paused for a moment.

"Your about to engage in a conflict that will most certainly end in the death of many of you, if you want is the time. You will have to wait in till this nasty business is over before you leave of course. There will be no going back after you have been deployed. Deserters will be shot.

A moment of uncomfortable silence went by before he continued.

"Here's the situation, we need three groups, one for each operation. A Jedi padawan has been captured by Echani forces and are threatening his life if Republic forces are not removed. I've just received word that the Senate has now decided that this included with the un-militarily-provoked assaults against are installations during peace talks, as an act of war."

A murmur rippled through the crowd. Master Bal continued:

"This will not be announced officially for another five hours, during that time are first team will launch a sneak strike against the Echani base our intelligence has reported that is holding Padawan Talo.

Our second team will be heading to the ruins, to neutralize the Echani defense perimeters  and destroy whatever Echani teams are inside the ruins themselves, its is imperative that we secure those ruins for ourselves. There's no telling what they may have found in there. The members of this groups will also have the double job of escorting our scientists down to the ruins location, and protecting them [the ruins] from counter attacks, that will certainly be launched.

Finally, are third team will be heading to the predicted position of the Mandalorain camps, to secure are flank from any attacks they might launched after we've sent are other two teams to there perspective positions which will leave are main base here weak."

One of the less rough-looking mercs raised his hand.

"Um...last time i checked the Republic has more than enough military power to subjugate this planet in less than a day. Why don't you just call for back up?"

"Good question," replied Master Bal. "We can't call in any back-up because this planets location must remain a secret. This conflict is generating a lot of sympathy in religiously-similar races. If this planets exact location were ever to become known publicly, reinforcements for the Echani would almost certainly arrive, sparking a full scale war. We cant allow that to happen. Czerka Corp has gone to extreme lengths to make this happen. Everything has been kept hush-hush. You yourselves were only given the location of this planets after you accepted for a reason. There is also a reason for why the the application was given in Czerka Corp space: If any of you had been given the coordinates and not shown up at an predesignated assumed time...well you probably don't want to know what would've happened."

Another (louder this time) ripple of murmurers broke out.

"Now, if there are no more questions, you will go and see Padawan Traya about your assigned position." He gestured up to her previously unnoticed position, just before she jumped down with out a sound. "If you survive, you have the word of the Jedi Council and of the Republic Senate that you will all be compensated, individually, 1,000,000 credits.

You have your orders, may the force be with you...and may it save your soul."

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
July 13, 2009 1:43 am (Edited July 13, 2009 12:06 pm) #

Name: Jagriim Martuul
Species: Human (Mandalorian)
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Occupation: Mercenary
Weapon: His beskad.  His is slightly longer than the average beskad.  It measures at about two feet.  A Mandalorian Ripper.  Concussion Grenades.

Weapon Use:  Jagriim heavily favours his beskad.  He considers it a much worthier weapon than a blaster pistol.  In most situation he will be wielding a sword. This focus on melee training has left his ranged skills in question.  He's moderately good with a pistol but worse than most out there.

Appearance: Armoured
Out of Armour:  Obviously not with those weapons.

Personality:  He is a patient individual overall.  Willing to wait long periods in order to get what he wants.  Slow to anger but when he gets angry he is more prone to mistakes.  Thinks usually of himself but is bound by his own sense of honour.  If he feels his target is decent enough he will offer him to one on one combat.

History:  Was born on Althir.  During the early stages of the Mandalorian Wars, the Mandalorians conquered Althir.  During one of the raids by the Mandalorians his father, mother and sister were killed.  Jagriim was only 7 years old at the time.  As the Mandalorians approached him he picked up a beskad of a dead Mandalorian and attempted to hold them off.  One of the Mandalorians found this display amusing and decided to adopt Jagriim.  He spent his time on Dxun training during most of the Mandalorian Wars.  After the fall of Malachor V he began taking up work as a mercenary/bounty hunter doing whatever got him cash.

“Eem.  Ee wronged me.  I want eem dead or alive back ere to ze rendezvous point.  You can do that non?”  Jagriim nodded as his employer, Qolleb, handed him a datapad took the datapad containing information about his target.  He studied the man’s features.  Gerindolus Solo.  Corellian human. 

“I had claim to a precious artifact and ee beat me to it ze swine.  And I want eem as compensation.” 

“Consider it done Qolleb.”  Jagriim put his helmet on and walked out the door.


Jagriim carried a bag containing his armor and precious beskad over his shoulder.  The bag was made of Verpine fibermesh which should cause enough interference in the machines of the Corellian spaceport facility to hide his effects but not be too suspicious.  He boarded the plane and took his seat.  He cautiously watched the boarding passengers over the top of his holonew reader waiting until his target finally boarded.  Jagriim sat a few seats back from his target.  Turns out this man was not too hard to find.  He was a professor at an institute in Corellia.  And like Qolleb had said he did some treasure hunting on the side.  He had tailed him for a day until he found his break.  Solo was interviewed by some Czerka Corp members.  After bribing one of them after the meeting he learned that Solo was heading to a highly secret Czerka outpost to investigate some ruins.  Jagriim had managed to do some research and he had found that Mandalorians have a high presence there.  This was shaping up to be an easy payout.  Ambush him at some ruins and the survivors will confirm it was a Mandalorian raiding party. 

The shuttle stopped off at Tatooine where Jagriim had a contact who set him up with a smuggler who was travelling in the area and was willing to make a stop at this planet.  The greasy human and his ithorian counterpart weren’t exactly the most trustworthy of types but they got him from A to B and for the most part left him alone.  After a long trip the ship managed to touch down at a remote location without Czerka, Mandalorian, or Echani contact on the planet.  Jagriim paid the smuggler and suited up in his armour.  Ditching the bag he headed out towards a location he had worked very hard to find.  These Mandalorian outposts here were quite hard to find.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
July 13, 2009 2:14 pm #

Jonas pushed his way though the crowd, he didnt know why he had to get up to the Czerka staff, they could just as easily send coms to every one or just read their lists out. One of the staff was checking the list, and Jonas got the distinct sense that he was scared.

"And you are?" he said, looking at Jonas with forced disinterest, he probably was afraid the mercenary would hurt him for looking at his jaw funny, as Jonas had his helmet and arm sections retracted. and probably did look rather intimidating.

"My name is Jonas." Jonas said, and he would have grinned at the way the employee reacted to his voice, if he still had a jaw.

"Jonas.....?" The worker trailed off, asking for a last name to search by.

"Just Jonas."

"Ah" the worker muttered, keying something into his console. "Your assigned to the assault on the echani stronghold at the ruin. Report to the West gate by 1500 local time. Thats in about 30 minutes and its a two minute walk. The rest of your fire team will assemble there for transport."

Jonas turned and walked away, pushing through the crowd again and heading out, looking to see who he would be working with on the way.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
July 13, 2009 3:01 pm #

Jagriim casually strolled through the dense foliage of this planet's surface.  He took note of the creatures that scurried across his path.  A twig snapping caught his attention but he made as if he heard nothing.  As he kept walking he heard a voice behind him.

"Not another move aruetii."  Jagriim slowly turned around to face three Mandalorians.  They all had their blasters leveled at him.  He slowly raised his hands.  One of them motioned to the sword on his back.

"Awfully nice sword you have there.  Steal it off a Mandalorian during the wars?  Or do you actually know how to use a beskad."

Jagriim smirked under his helmet.  "Calm down vod.  My clan is Martuul.  I was only a child when the Mandalorians conquered Althir and they adopted me.  Spent time on Dxun afterwards."

All the Mandalorians relaxed a bit.  The leader adressed Jagriim.  "What are you doing so far away from the rest of your clan?"

Jagriim shrugged.  Looking for some more excitement.  One Mandalorian merc I met let me know of this place.  I was tired of hiding on Dxun and wanted something to do simply."

The leader lowered his rifle and the rest followed suit.  He reached his hand to Jagriim who shook it.  "I'm Talvin.  Clan Erthros.  We've been having quite a problem with Echani here and any extra help is most welcome.  We heard an unknown ship entered the atmosphere near our base and left so we came to investigate.  That was yours I presume?"  Jagriim nodded, "Good.  Makes our job much easier.  Let's see what we can get for you.  Follow."

The rest of the Mandalorians headed off and Jagriim tailed them through the thick jungle through what seemed like a random trek.  But as he watched where they were going he noticed very discreet markings on trees and other plants.  Finally they came to a set of ruins that looked to be completely deserted.  Talvin headed to a stone slab and pulled a bush aside revealing a keypad.  He entered in a passcode and the stone slab slid back revealing a durasteel door.  Jagriim followed his party in.  They passed many Mandalorians doing various tasks.  Finally they entered a great hall of sorts.  Holoscreens and maps lined the walls.  A fierce looking Mandalorian sat observing them all.  He turned to the party.

"This was our unexpected visitor?" 

"Yes sir.  He came here looking for work."  The Mandalorian's eyes scanned Jagriim sizing him up.

"You say you want something to do?"

"Yes sir."

He turned back to the holoscreen inside.  "We have learned from our agent inside Czerka that they are planning an expedition into one of the more prominent Sith ruins on this planet.  We are running low on certain supplies.  I would like you to accompany a raiding party against this group of archaeologists.  Take what we need and kill anyone who tries to stop you.  You should meet little resistance.  What did you say your clan was?"

"I didn't.  It's Martuul."

"Ah.  They were responsible for Althir during the second battle correct?"


"And most of them were slaughtered."


"We'll see if you can make up for your vode failures.  Dismissed."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
July 13, 2009 7:16 pm #
ZZTOP wrote:

my person died... no one saved me!!!

Or you could just save yourself, no rule against it. As opposed to relying on others to continue your story when no one will.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
July 13, 2009 8:41 pm #

ZZtop: I would appreciate it if you stopped posting on this RPG, were trying to do a serious game here and I don't want complete beginners dragging it down.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
July 13, 2009 8:46 pm #
Mandal_ShadowWarrior wrote:

ZZtop: I would appreciate it if you stopped posting on this RPG, were trying to do a serious game here and I don't want complete beginners dragging it down.

If someone can't post here, then where do you expect them to learn? Seems a little rude to me.
There's no rule that I've seen that says you have to be a competent or experienced writer to participate in anything here.
Perhaps we can find a better solution.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
July 14, 2009 12:18 am #

The only issue i can see is that your not really trying to participate in the story line. Your just making up your own and expecting us to follow it. If you want to do that then starting an RPG is a better option as opposed to setting a character loose in vacuum and expecting everyone to jump onto their ships in order to save someone they have no connection to and dont know about.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
July 14, 2009 9:44 am #

Okay so that's a start.  Now create a history for him, personality, occupation etc, and find a way you can get him to fit in the story.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
July 14, 2009 7:50 pm #

Jayne watched impassively as a Mandalorian walked into the hangar and shrugged off the taunts of the security officers, then listened as the Jedi gave them the rundown on the job.

He walked up to one of the less busy lines, shoving a smaller mercenary aside from the front, drawing some protests from those behind. He responded only by drawing his pistol, narrowing his eyes, and giving a rough grunt. He turned back to the man holding the list, who looked slightly nonplussed.


"Jayne Cobb."

"Mister appears you've been assigned to the third mission, the assault on the Mandalorian Base."

Jayne nodded, then turned away, thinking. The attack would be one of the more dangerous, and important missions--if the Mandalorians could counterattack the ruins, they might able to thwart that entire operation. Plus, if half what he'd heard about Mandalorians was true, it'd be a good fight.

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
July 14, 2009 9:18 pm #

Azure. Sangue relaxed a bit. They'd talked on occasion while she cooked. It was a good change of pace from the egghead scientists. They bothered him, so smart they couldn't defend themselves planetside. Made him feel more like a babysitter than employee.
Maybe that's what Gruth wanted, roll a few credits their way and keep the rats down while they foraged.
He'd refused to pick up his pay from the paranoid boss. Which was probably why after a good month of it he'd demanded it. The Yam'rii wasn't doing well enough then. Even standing in the background of meetings, Gruth was still paranoid of what they'd find and if he'd ever see it.
"You want a drink?" Sangue stepped down into the bar. Taking a spot at one of the table.
Azure joined him, silent as she moved from the door to her seat. That walk. It bothered him. He couldn't quite say why. Reminded him a little of the striking serpent.
He ordered a generic ale and she a stronger brew concocted from local harvesting.
"Gruth asked me to find you. Wants to get pay out of the way." Azure took half the glass in one long pull.
"More like pick my brain." Sangue lifted his up to his lips but didn't take a drink.
"What is it you do again?" She leaned foward. Giving him a better view of the interwoven tattoos.
"I'm considered a local guide. Spent a good number of years exploring and when Gruth needed an exterminator who knew the wildlife. Czerka directed me to him." Sangue finally took a sip and set the glass down.
"Then why is Gruth so interested in you?" She leaned back, testing her weight on the ramshackle chair.
"How's that?" He rolled the liquid around, watched it flow up the sides and crash down into itself.
"Like you said, he wants to pick your brain."
The treasure supply was running out at the site then. He might want a new locale, untouched and unknown to any faction.
"Then I guess I need to be paid." He moved to stand up.
"What if you were paid a little differently...say ten times more." Azure looked him dead center.
A feeling overtook him, a stranglehold of desire. He wanted Gruth's findings. Maybe. Stealing from a thief.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
July 15, 2009 10:34 am #

((Alright everyone I am going to be gone until Monday.  Assume I will be waiting in the ruins where Val is heading.  If you feel you want to use me for a purpose go ahead but don't take too many liberties.))

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
July 17, 2009 10:37 am (Edited July 23, 2009 05:45 am) #

"You're looking as cheery as ever Miss.", he said, as he waved to her.

Her whole attention was at her cooking, she didn't bother replying. She wasn't exactly the chatty kind, but sometimes he'd talk to her and she'd listen... or pretend to. She really couldn't care less, but who knew when she'd need a pal for something? So she played nice.

Sangue. That was the guy in charge of... what, already? She forgot. No one was really paying attention to him, the scientists were even more scornful to him than they were to her. He didn't seem to care about that. All in all, not a bad dude. Maybe a little too... she wasn't sure. There was something odd about him.

Ah, yes. She remembered his... job, if it's one. Bug killer. Damn. She was glad that they didn't ask her to do that too. She had to admit that she loved the crunchy-wet sound the critters made when you crushed them. She had killed a few, from time to time. But doing that as job?

Good enough for him, she supposed, but that was fishy. There was something more about him than that.

He had left a little while before she got done, but after the food for the day got all ready, she went to tell the team, then decided to head for the bar, where Sangue went.

"You want a drink?", he asked. As reply, she simply took a seat at his table. Her distant, blasé stare all around the room, wondering if she'd find someone she knew. Not that they'd be happy to find her there, as most were either victims of her raids or friends or family of one of her victims...

As they ordered their drinks, she made eye contact with him.
"Gruth asked me to find you. Wants to get pay out of the way." Azure took half the glass in one long pull.
"More like pick my brain." Sangue lifted his up to his lips but didn't take a drink.

"What is it you do again?" She leaned forward.

"I'm considered a local guide.", he said. "Spent a good number of years exploring and when Gruth needed an exterminator who knew the wildlife. Czerka directed me to him."

He finally took a sip and set the glass down.
"Then why is Gruth so interested in you?" She leaned back, testing her weight on the ramshackle chair.
"How's that?" He rolled the liquid around, watched it flow up the sides and crash down into itself.
"Like you said, he wants to pick your brain."
The treasure supply was running out at the site then. He might want a new locale, untouched and unknown to any faction.
"Then I guess I need to be paid." He moved to stand up.
"What if you were paid a little differently...say ten times more." Azure looked him dead center.

His eyes went away past her, the idea was obviously making its way, and he seemed delighted. He'd join in, she thought. Her own eyes became as bright as the day as she felt excited at the idea of some action.

Half satisfied, half curious. He's not as dumb as it seems. There's something dark about him, she thought, intrigued. She wondered how it would turn out to have him tag along. Could be interesting.


[url=]LD[/url] / []E-[/email]
July 19, 2009 1:26 pm (Edited July 19, 2009 03:37 pm) #


The group of Mercs trickled into the Group 2 staging area, waiting for them was a group of marines, some vehicles, and one hard looking Sergeant.

"Gentlemen, welcome to Galactic Republic Marine Core! You are now officially under my command!"

The Mercs looked at each other in bewilderment.

"By engaging in this operation, you have now lost all your civil rights as Republic citizens! You will now all be referred to as Marines! My Name is Sergeant Johnsen, But you will refer to me always and only as Sergeant or Sir! Understood?"

There was a mixture of mumbles.

"I said was I UNDERSTOOD?"


"That's what I thought you said...Now if you maggots are done lallygagging I'd like you to meet the M- 12-L-R-V...I like to call it the Warthog.


One of the Mercs spoke up "Why warthog sir?"

"Because M12 LRV is too hard to say in conversation son."

"No, I mean why Warthog...It doesn't really look like a pig."

"Say that again."

"I think it looks more like a puma."

"What in sam hell is a puma!"

"You know like a big a lion."

"...Your makin that up."

"No, I'm telling you it looks like a puma."

"Whats your name soldier!"

"Uh...Cobb, Sir!"

"Now look here Cobb, unless you want private Simmons over here to poison your next meal, I SUGGEST you shut the hell up! Understood?"


"Alright then. MOVING ON. Since these jungles would eat through an air speeder engine in  half a day, we will be conductin this operation with these vehicles:


( (3)

( (3) (attached to pelicans)


( ) (6)

( (1)

( (4)


( (6)

( ) (4)

( (2)

They are cheaper, easily maintained, and better suited for this operation! You will use the vehicles and you will like it!"

The mercs rang out in a chorus: "SIR YES SIR"

"You will also be turning over any blaster tech to Private Jenkins here. It'll be useless in a hour anyway. To replace it we have a crate load of weaponry you can pick up over there.

((pick from these:

"Now then, lets mount up, and show those Echani sons-a-b*tches that they could not of picked a worse enemy then the Republic, we are gonna blow the hell out them dumb punks in till we don't have anything to shoot em with, then we are gonna strangle them with there own living guts!



The Mercs rang out in a chorus. "SIR YES SIR!"

Johnsen stuck a unlit cigar in his mouth to chew on. "Uh Huh, damn right I am."

Name: Avvry Johnsen
Gender: Male
Race: Human. Black.
Rank: Sergeant 
Affiliation: Galactic Republic Marine Core
Age: 44
Weapons: M90 CAWS ( 357. Magnum ( M9 HE-DP grenade (

Weakness: He is a NPC.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
July 19, 2009 2:50 pm #

Some quick questions:
1. Why would the jungle destroy an air speeder's engines? They can cruise well above the height of the trees.
2. Why would Halo weapons and equipment be in the Star Wars universe? The jeep-like vehicles don't seem very capable of traversing jungle terrrain. 
Not that the RVB reference wasn't funny. Just hoping to clarify.
Also, one of the links leads nowhere.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
July 19, 2009 3:34 pm (Edited July 19, 2009 03:37 pm) #

1: Jungle spores effect the Air speeder engines a lot more, because they have air-intakes.  The gas type Warthog doesn't. The spores also rise well above tree level. Don't worry the Warthogs are quite capable of going over almost any terrain.

2: These guns are no different than any other slug throwers. I simply like the look and feel of these guns, and the pictures were handy.

3: Link was fixed.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
July 19, 2009 3:56 pm #

Moving from there, if the trees produce spores that effect engines of air speeders. Why wouldn't they affect any other machinery?
I'm no botanist but why would trees produce spores and how would they damage or inhibit engines?
Especially repulsorlift technology. Which doesn't have an air intake that I'm aware of because it rebounds gravity. Someone please clarify.
Spores are used to seed life. If so, why would they be so high up? Spores don't have as much energy in them as seeds to produce life and don't last as long.
Gas-engines have air intakes.
It's not a matter of the ground in a jungle, it's the foliage and lack of perception. A ground vehicle can't clear trees it accidentally runs into. For a ground vehicle to move through the jungle it has to be cleared.
Clearing the jungle would only reveal the movements of an attack force.
Where is the gas coming from? Even during the old republic is repulsor tech. I wouldn't think they'd have petroleum based fuel handy.

I'm not a Star Wars technology buff by any means.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
July 19, 2009 4:16 pm (Edited July 19, 2009 06:12 pm) #

1: They are affecting other machinery. Blaster tech for one.

2: Its not necessarily JUST trees its the plant life on the planet.

3: I believe your wrong in this respect I remember reading multiple SW books and the air speeders had air intakes.

4: I can use new kinds of plant life because this is a undiscovered and non-cannon planet,
who knows what kind of plant life is on there, or why the spores do what they do, going into
explicit detail into how and why they produce these spores isint necessary.

5: True, I didn't mean to say they didn't, but they aren't used quite like the ones in an air speeder which sucks in way more air than a car based one would, effecting it faster. Plus it doesn't have all the advanced circuitry a Air speeder has which a speeders needs for flight.

(Also I didn't say the Warthogs are completely immune to the spores either. Just that they where better/easier.)

6: Its not complete forest/jungle there are more-openish areas. Even where the trees/folage are, its not super thick. Its possible to drive through.

7: Special arrangements were made by Czerka for the the Republic forces and the fuel was acquired before these events at hand. Besides I could make them battery powered for all it matters.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
July 21, 2009 12:49 am (Edited July 21, 2009 02:57 pm) #

QJagriim trodded through the forest with the rest of his assigned squad.  They were quite a mixed group.  Some had said this was their first assignment while Jagriim could easily pick out the silent veterans of this squad.  The commander of the group was a particularly grizzled veteran by the name of Brutus.  After about an hour march they approached the ruins their contact had flagged.  Brutus called a halt.

"Alright vode listen up.  Alpha follow me up to the front of the ambush point.  We'll make our presence known first.  As soon as we do I want Bravo to flank them picking them off on the sides.  Finally Omega follow up from behind.  We shouldn't encounter too much resistance based on our intel.  A small squad of merc protectors."

Jagriim gathered with the rest of Omega who he had been assigned to.  Each squad had ten men.  The ambush point was the entrance to the courtyard of the ruins.  Strategically this was quite a good position.  The entrance was a long walkway that could be blocked off from either end with enough men.  The fallen stones in the courtyard provided ample cover while the plantlife around the walkway and to the rear was quite dense and could easily hide Omega and Bravo.

Jagriim settled down into the foliage and a light rain began to fall.  He snorted.  How fitting.  Amidst the pitter patter of rain on the leaves and spores around him a mechanical noise rose from the distance.  A trooper pulled out a pair of macrobinocs.  He hissed audibly through the com. 

“Brutus sir.  They are more heavily armoured than we were led to believe.  I can count 1 heavy weapon transport 3 or 4 medium and a fair amount of transports.

“Fierfek.  Our intel was sour.”  Silence filled the comm.  Finally Brutus spoke again.  “How many men do we have capable of taking those out?” 

“Only 2 men sir.”

“Fierfek.  Kriffin’ intel.”  Once again a long silence.

“Orders sir?”

“We fall back.  I know of a remote ruin location not far from here.  We will head there and call for back-up.  Talvin will not be pleased.  But I'm not leading my men into a slaughter."

Jagriim followed the rest of the Mandalorians as they followed Brutus through the jungle.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
July 23, 2009 7:18 am (Edited July 24, 2009 09:31 am) #

Jonas was in one of the transportation variants, he refused to call them warthogs or pumas, on the account that he had never heard of either of those creatures. The closest thing he could think of was a Corellian sand panther. He actually thought that would be a good name for a light reconnaissance/attack vehicle such as this. The Panther. There was no way he was going to call it the puma anyhow, or the warthag, or worthod or whatever the sergeant said.

He looked down at his new gun, slug-thrower, optical scope, burst fire only. He was holding what could possibly be one of the worst rifles in the history of projectile firearms. It looked prone to jamming, the scope was slightly limited with just one magnification factor. There was no room for any sort of suppression, you couldn't change the fire mode. It was nice and light but that meant it would be a little fragile and might not make a good club if the need arose. At least he still had his rippers.

Can we be done nitpicking?

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
July 23, 2009 11:15 am #

(I just wanted to express my opinion here, i dont really have a post yet. Idk how everyone else feels about this, but the blatant mixing of Halo and SW is just... wrong Mandal. Its not mixing well. I mean, when i brought in my Indy/Gerin thing I converted it to SW as much as possible, but you even kept the same names of the vehicles. The weaponry of each persons character is what also makes them unique, when ppl think them up its important to them. Replacing everything with weapons you want is a bad move in my opinion. The technology is FAR inferior to the weapons everyone currently has, and im pretty sure few ppl in the SW universe would know how to operate the weapons or something with wheels. I dont see how the worthogs are cheaper due to the fact that it would be pretty tough to find someone in the galaxy who still makes them, and who uses gasoline there? A_A's character's monologue says it well, as did Maltese. I maybe should have PMed you personally about this, but I would like to know what everyone thinks.)

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
July 23, 2009 2:01 pm (Edited July 23, 2009 02:10 pm) #

((Ive been thinking about this same thing for awhile now, and ive been considering changing it for awhile, and now with all this negative feedback I think my mind has been made up for me.

However, I would like to defend my position first.

The names may have been a bit much ok, I should of changed them, but the gasoline thing can be easily fixed with electric batteries.

As for the weapons I'll give you the whole unique thing, but them being inferior to other tech is kinda the point, the circuitry and adv. tech is more susceptible to the spores. As for the Warthogs being cheaper, I never meant to say that I must of been in a hurry, or something. Now that I think about Id think they'd be even more expensive. But they were special acquired by Czerka for this operation. 

Furthermore, the people of SW are fully capable of understanding how to operate a slug thrower, they are still in use during those times. I dunno about the cars though.

Anyway...Let me think for a bit and I'll edit my posts.))

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]

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