Topic: What does Boba Fett really look like?

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Topic #3405
June 12, 2009 8:57 pm #

{sorry if there's already a topic about this}

   i just want to know what you all think Boba Fett actually looks like under his helmet.
we all know he's a clone of Jango but that just doesn't tell me enough..
he could be thinner, thicker, more scarred, less scarred, different hair style, facial hair, tatoo's..  .. i mean really what do you all think he looks like.. be discriptive..

  personaly i like this one where he's still has the escence of jango but is alot thiner, has scraggly hair that the back comes down behind his ears, younger, has a bit of facial hair.. like less then a beard and mustash, but more then stubble, and has a realy big scar going from the bottom of the right side of his face to a little under his cheek bone...

   :P :)

,,Ca'nara ne gotal'u mirjahaal
shi gotal'u haastal,,
June 13, 2009 3:25 am (Edited June 13, 2009 03:25 am) #

Honestly, I'd always imagined a dude who looked pretty much like Jason Statham *dude from Crank and The Transporter movies*  Unfortunately Ep. II killed that image...

Now, I'd pretty much agree with you.  He's about as pure a recreation of Jango as the Kaminoan's could make, so yeah he'd have most all of Jango's features. 

Thinner, totally agree, combined with more gaunt facial features *in my mind*

Longer hair...not sure.  That Jason Statham image dies hard with me.  I'd imagin him with either a shaved head or military style 'high and tight' for ease of maintanence.

I kind of imagin him as being a little paler, as I see Boba taking his armor off a lot less then Jango would for various reasons.

Scars?  Not sure...  Boba's quite a bit smarter then Jango by most accounts, and despite the marked up armor, I've always invisioned himself being able to take down his pray with little to know physical strain - outsmarting or trapping them instead.  That being said, I don't picture him with any scars, especially not under his Mandalorian helmet.  On his arms/legs though, sure.  Mostly burns caused by blaster shots that nearly penetrated his suit's micro-fiber armor weave, or in rare cases actually did.

That's my take - very thought prevoking question   *thumbs up*

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
June 13, 2009 5:02 am (Edited June 13, 2009 05:05 am) #

Someone did already think of this: ;)

Anyway, my take is that he would be paler from always being under the armor.

Thinner, definitely.

I'd always assumed he'd have scars, but Ralin put it so nicely that I would have to agree with him on that point.

Now, for me long hair is hot. Every guy I've been attracted to has had long hair, and when I was a little teenager and had a crush on someone it always went away instantly the moment I saw them with short hair. (it doesn't have to be so VERY long, like Han's hair in ESB is about as short as handsome gets, from there any length longer is good) So I always naturally assumed he had long hair. Not very long, certainly not past the shoulders. But not the same haircut as Jango, either. Sort of his AOTC look, more or less.

I think he would have hair on his face, from spending long days on hunts and stuff. Which is also something I like on a guy. (My own man has hair to the shoulders and a beard) So, of course, I naturally, I assumed he had that too. It doesn't matter if it's a bit of stubble, a bit more, but I do have trouble imagining him with an actual beard. And goatees are ugly, so I never imagined him with that.

And no tattoos, Boba strikes me as the type who wouldn't want to do something like that to his body.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
June 14, 2009 3:00 pm #

In some ways, I would like to salvage whatever mystery there is left on this. However, paler and thinner than Jango does seem too fit. As for hair length I haven't a clue-it could go either way. Tatoos, I doubt it. Who would look at them after all?

A man's worst enemy can't wish on him what he can think up himself. Yiddish saying
June 14, 2009 7:57 pm #

I'd expect Fett to have short hair. Not millitary short, but not nearly as long as when he was a kid. He'd have that rugged, unshaven look after being on a mission for several days, but probably he'd shave once back in the safety of his ship. He'd probably really pale, as much as me, or even more. Scars, definitly after the Sarlacc. Maybe some before then.

Half Dragon, half human, 100% Fett!
June 15, 2009 6:47 pm (Edited June 15, 2009 06:55 pm) #

yay, i agree with you all about the paler part.. but i still say he should have atleast one good sized scar on his face... :)

,,Ca'nara ne gotal'u mirjahaal
shi gotal'u haastal,,
June 15, 2009 7:41 pm #

Boba Fett in my mind is not Pale and Thin. Boba is very Meticulous about his fitness and agility. So he would be extremely muscular and fit, not bodybuilder bulk, but lean and mean like a middleweight fighter. As far as hair, he would keep it crew cut style, less worry and works better for the helmet. Take it from me, I  wear a helmet every day, and even with a cooling system, You sweat a lot in there and long hair is a pain, and  very impractical for a wandering soldier and Utilitarian. Boba would have some scars and maybe a broken nose considering he raised himself and would have had to fight his way into the Mando ranks while learning their warrior customs. Besides even a fullly grown and trained clone had to spend a considerable time in combat training, and they were no where near as good a Boba. And finally, in the Armor or out of the Armor he would have Jango's dark Ozzy skin tone, he would never be pale.    ;)

My Backpack's got Jetts....
June 16, 2009 4:49 am #

I agree on most points

I, and I'm sure nobody else, meant to say that we thought Boba would be scrawny by any means.  I don't know about the rest, but I've always envisioned him as being a total mind/body master - his fitness would be of the highest priorities, if not only for his job, but simply to maintain control and discipline over himself.

However, I don’t think he’d be a bulked as a middle-weight.  That’s more along Jango’s line.  I’d envision him as more of a light-weight/bulky gymnast.  Not built for a few bursts of energy like a boxer, but for stamina. 

Part of my vision here is based on my competing ideas of Boba’s and Jango’s different styles: Jango = brut force and firepower, leading him need a more bulked frame.  Boba = calculation and cunning mixed with the proper application of firepower, which requires a more agile and stealthy build.   

However, I also have the notion that Boba is a more mentally disciplined character then Jango, and would live by a more regimented lifestyle that would lead to a lighter frame       

As for skin tone, I think he'd be a little ligher then Jango, but again, that's probably my original vision of Jason Statham under the armor eating at me again  :P  But also, as I explained before, I have that notion Jango gets a lot more sun exposure then Boba, so there would probalby be a slight difference in tone

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
June 16, 2009 11:15 am #

yay, about light-weight fighter size, because i don't think he really needs to buff up as much as jango,

  because let's face, jango likes to attack his prey head on relying on his stregnth and weapontry to get the job done

Boba howerver usualy relys on supperior skill and his cleverness to capture his prey,,

kinda like a viking and a samuri

    both are really cool in my eys  :) ;) :P

,,Ca'nara ne gotal'u mirjahaal
shi gotal'u haastal,,
June 16, 2009 1:15 pm #

I never said that Fett would be thin (though I was thinkin it!), but thin doesn't automatically mean out of shape. Fett obviously would be in great shape. He's just not as bulky as Jango was. Jango liked to do hand to hand combat; Boba prefers to kill from afar.

Half Dragon, half human, 100% Fett!
June 16, 2009 2:26 pm #

Yes, I never meant that he would be scrawny. I meant he wouldn't be chubby or too overly bulky. He'd certainly be muscular, and I agree with Ralin on this, he seems the type who would be thin and muscley for his mind/body, and not just for the job. Though the job certainly does require it.

As for paleness, of course, given his origins, he wouldn't be ghostly pale. But he would be paler than Jango.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
June 16, 2009 4:30 pm #

i'm glad most of us our on the same page here...

,,Ca'nara ne gotal'u mirjahaal
shi gotal'u haastal,,
June 16, 2009 4:36 pm #

Viking vs. Samurai... That's an awesome analogy   

I'm getting a mental image of how THAT duel would go...   :P

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
June 17, 2009 7:33 pm #
Ralin Drakus wrote:

Viking vs. Samurai... That's an awesome analogy   

I'm getting a mental image of how THAT duel would go...   :P

i just call them as i see them.. :cool:

,,Ca'nara ne gotal'u mirjahaal
shi gotal'u haastal,,
January 23, 2016 11:16 pm #

I imagine Boba Fett looking and being like Sergeant Barnes from Platoon. Cool scars on his face with a bad-ass attitude.

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