Topic: Anger management thread

Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.

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Topic #331

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May 4, 2006 3:48 pm #

I know that lately, we at the BFFC have been a little tense, and so I made this thread so we can expres our feelings without getting off topic. So:





YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
May 4, 2006 4:03 pm #

lol, good idea. :P As long as it doesn't turn into a fight, that is.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
May 4, 2006 4:12 pm #


YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
May 4, 2006 5:58 pm #

Yes that is a good idea, and I HATE CLOWNS AND D.C.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
May 4, 2006 6:46 pm #


YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
May 4, 2006 6:56 pm (Edited May 4, 2006 06:56 pm) #

I hate customers! :D

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
May 4, 2006 7:00 pm #
Ph34r wrote:


The Berlin wall? That was not a good thing!

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
May 4, 2006 8:26 pm #

I feel that war is something that shouldn't be loved or desired. And i'm sick of hearing that people like it...blood guts and all... It's just not logical or reasonable to like such a thing. None of the soldiers that we sent to iraq came back saying how much they loved war!!! they talk about how awefull it was......and how much they wish they didn't have to go through it...leaving their families behind. My friend Justin came back awhile ago...and he was getting really nervous and up tight when people were setting off fireworks on new year's day.....remembering the sounds of explosions and bombs going off over in iraq. War is not something to be taken lightly, like it think scifi and yautja have been doing. It can ruin a young man forever, like justin, who will probably never enjoy fireworks again...:(  I'm not saying war isn't needed many just shouldn't be worshiped. (see scififreak90 and the yautja for opposing views....)


“(I’m) Just a fly in the ointment, Hans. The monkey in the wrench. The pain in the a$$.” -John McClane
May 4, 2006 8:43 pm (Edited May 5, 2006 12:07 am) #

War might be madness but peace is the calm before the storm and Sci and Yautja aren't that bad. Sure, they argue till the roof comes down should they want to but I can pick out a few times where someone besides them could have ended it by not saying what they said.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
May 5, 2006 7:29 am #

You're probably right...and i could be guilty of that. It is hard to avoid arguements with them...must be just a unique personality type. I'd like less cussing isn't necesary...ya know.   whatever....but yeah   i think you're right...somewhat.

                                                                      MS9 :cool:

“(I’m) Just a fly in the ointment, Hans. The monkey in the wrench. The pain in the a$$.” -John McClane
May 5, 2006 7:48 am #
draco fett wrote:

Yes that is a good idea, and I HATE CLOWNS AND D.C.

Ever seen "IT"?

Boba: Lord Vader, I bring good news.--Vader: You have captured Solo?--Boba: No.--Vader: Then what is it?--Boba: I just saved 15% on starship insurance by switching to Geiko! {MW}
May 5, 2006 10:33 am #

Guys, this is okay as long as you don't fight or attack any specific people.  Hate the idea, not the person.  Please try to avoid talking about people.

Estuans interius ira vehementi SEPHIROTH!
BFFC Moderator
May 5, 2006 3:41 pm #
Spider-Fett wrote:
draco fett wrote:

Yes that is a good idea, and I HATE CLOWNS AND D.C.

Ever seen "IT"?

Yes I have. That is where my fear started, and whan I heard abould that clown and construction worker who killed people and stuck them in his walls. He talked to them when he was lonely. Also, I hate animal cruelty.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
May 5, 2006 4:19 pm #

People that hide in Refridgerators in the dead of night, leap out the moment you go to the milk and yell "boo"

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
May 5, 2006 4:26 pm (Edited May 5, 2006 05:42 pm) #

Deleted. This thread is already pushing the limits here. -- BFFC Admin

......*Huff, Puff, Huff,Puff*............



{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
May 5, 2006 4:28 pm (Edited May 5, 2006 04:29 pm) #

I think we were supposed to be fairly indirect, instead of outrightly flaming someone. You might want to write stuff like that out in private instead of the public of the web.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
May 5, 2006 4:31 pm #

Um.......well I was never told this :/.......and I think most people would have to agree with me, anyway.......

No hard feelings SciFi and  Yajuta..........

{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
May 5, 2006 4:33 pm #
True Warrior wrote:

Um.......well I was never told this :/........

Look at Chry's post #12, And I don't agree with everything you typed, most but not all.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
May 5, 2006 4:35 pm #

Alright, alright.......I was just trying to express my feelings though........O just forget about my post....

True Warrior :/

{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
May 5, 2006 4:40 pm #

Nothing against you, we can all get a little flustered with people. I'm an antisocial, I can't stand most people around me, it's just how you take it.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
May 5, 2006 4:43 pm #

Yeah......I'm a little anti-social too........I just can't stand most people.

{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
May 5, 2006 4:45 pm #

To a point where your 4rth grade teachers nearly had to force you to join in a group or work with anyone?

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
May 5, 2006 5:05 pm (Edited May 5, 2006 05:07 pm) #

Well, I dont mind that...........I said I was a little anti-social..........I'm going into high scool next year, so I've gotta expect stuff like that.

.......Carry on with your anger, and rage.....but be cautiuos that you dont give in to the dark side ;)......

{MW} [color=#FF0000]"Death and Destruction to our Enemies!"[/color]
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
May 5, 2006 5:30 pm #

I am also very anti-social. My teachers do not make me join groups when I should, just because they now that I will not work with them.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
May 5, 2006 6:31 pm #

What do annoys me.... Well,,, my family(as in seeing them, with the exception of my kid sister), t**ts, who don't indicate when they are turning, people who don't fill the kettle up when they empty it.

That could be it really

"This is where my theme song would kick in, if I had a theme song. And not that Flash Gordon movie thing, either." —The Flash
May 5, 2006 6:36 pm #

Yea, it's gotten to that point

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
May 5, 2006 8:47 pm (Edited May 5, 2006 08:55 pm) #

I hate people who mess up my facing. Facing is one of the most impoertant parts of the grocery shopping experiance and yet it's something no one knows about and no one cares about, and when people mis-face they have on idea how badly it gets to me. It gets to the point where I don't even feel like maiming them anymore, I just want to curl up and cry. It's made me lose all faith in humanity. All because no one will pay attention to facing. :(

And for those who have no idea what facing is: It's when you pull all the items on the shelf forward to make the shelf look full. That's a basic idea of it anyway. But it also has other meanings. Like say there's two rows of something, and they're side by side. But they also have two layers, one on top of the other. Example:
0 0
0 0
Now someone comes alone and takes one.
0 0
This is all fine and well and good and all. But then someone else comes along and takes one.

0 0
Now, what's wrong with that picture? Oh, that's right, this person has ****** up my facing, has driven me crazy, sent me off on a mad rant and has made me drop everything I'm doing to go all the way around and fix it. (cause in my store we stock dairy from inside the cooler, so when customers do this I have to go from one end of the cooler to the other, push open the door, dodge and avoid customers to get to the door I need to face at, then make my way back, stopping to help people along the way, both ways) Now, my eternal hatred of you can be avoided if you take your item like this instead:
YAY! Everyone's happy happy happy happy happy! Cause now I can push up the row behind and have it all nice and neat again like this:
0 0
0 0
This idea also applies to the idiots who think that they can get a better date by reaching far back into the cooler, and to the idiots who think that an item farther back in the cooler is colder than an item closer to the front. Do not under any circumstances reach around an item in the front to get one in the back of the shelf. If you must have a later expiration date, get an employee and they will gladly go and get you your later-dated product, ok?

Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to post an imagey example. Disclaimer: Not posting about any certain person or persons on this forums, I am posting about customers at my store, who probably have no idea any of you guys exist and so therefore have no relation to any of you. :P

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
May 6, 2006 12:36 pm #

hey your a clerk i was one for a little while hated the coustumers loved the job. i worked at movie rental store a little mom and pop one.

some blood lines were ment to end.
May 6, 2006 3:35 pm #

Yeah, at a grocery store. Smith's, owned by Kroger. I partime in Dairy, partime in Nutrition, and I check when they need someone extra. I agree, the customers are the worst part of the job.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
May 6, 2006 4:00 pm #

I work in a large wearhouse, opertaing forklift trucks, so i never have to deal with customers, YEY....but there are plenty of idiots who work there who more than make up for stupid customers....DAm IT lol

"This is where my theme song would kick in, if I had a theme song. And not that Flash Gordon movie thing, either." —The Flash
May 6, 2006 5:32 pm #
MandalorianSpy9 wrote:

I feel that war is something that shouldn't be loved or desired. And i'm sick of hearing that people like it...blood guts and all... It's just not logical or reasonable to like such a thing. None of the soldiers that we sent to iraq came back saying how much they loved war!!! they talk about how awefull it was......and how much they wish they didn't have to go through it...leaving their families behind. My friend Justin came back awhile ago...and he was getting really nervous and up tight when people were setting off fireworks on new year's day.....remembering the sounds of explosions and bombs going off over in iraq. War is not something to be taken lightly, like it think scifi and yautja have been doing. It can ruin a young man forever, like justin, who will probably never enjoy fireworks again...:(  I'm not saying war isn't needed many just shouldn't be worshiped. (see scififreak90 and the yautja for opposing views....)


Destroy my life? The only thing that could destroy my life now is if I found out that I couldn't join the military. You people don't get it. I want to go to war. I want weapons, I want targets, and I want to kill those bastards that are downing our men every day. You're right, some of them do have families, something to go home to. I won't. I stay away from relationships because I want absolutely no ties back home. My life is going to become the military, and if they switch me out after a few months or years, I'm heading right back in the first chance I get. Let them shoot at the guy who doesn't have anything to lose, and who wants them dead.

I don't want anything more than to fight. That's it. And if people love something more than the military, then let them stay home with their families, the thing that they love; and let me stay and fight, the thing that I love. I don't love innocents dying, women being raped and murdered, or children being killed, but those all come along with the fighting. Ever think that maybe I want to kill the sick things that do that? I'm a kid obsessed with firearms and killing things, not exactly a knight in shining armor. But, as was wonderfully put in The Chronicles of Riddick, "Sometimes evil cannot be fought by good. Sometimes, evil has to be fought by a different kind of evil."

May 6, 2006 8:56 pm #

Yes, those imoralists should be killed.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
May 6, 2006 9:40 pm #

I hate geometry. Life would be so much happier without geometry. (SciFiFreak, your welcome to come and fight MY war with geometry anytime you like!!! :P)

"Whoever is a highly evolved, super-genius raise your hand." *raises hand* "Oh."
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
May 7, 2006 4:42 am #
RC-3222 wrote:

I hate geometry. Life would be so much happier without geometry. (SciFiFreak, your welcome to come and fight MY war with geometry anytime you like!!! :P)

Or my war with clowns. Actually, that sounds fun, hunting down clowns...

take it easy baby take it as it comes
May 7, 2006 5:44 am #

I once wanted to be a clown.  And my adopted aunt is a professional clown.  I used to hate clowns too.  Then I suddenly got over it.  Now I find them fascinating.  If you go to the Ringling Brother Museum in Florida, that'll get you over your fear really quickly.

Estuans interius ira vehementi SEPHIROTH!
BFFC Moderator
May 7, 2006 7:41 am #



Ovaltine Commercials!!!!!!!!!!!

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
May 7, 2006 8:12 am #

Just because you've never seen a soldier who liked what he does doesn't mean there are none.

If ya love me . . .And ya know me . . . And ya've seen me . . .
I'm Old Gregggggggg!
May 7, 2006 10:33 am #

Most songs by Greenday and the jingle on my mom's cellphone.
Mace Windu and the romance between Anakin/Padme and Han/Leia.
Desperate Housewives and One Piece.
Johny Depp(or however you spell his name).He tries to act like he's well cultured and has a british accent and he's from Middlesborough, Kentucky.
Love Stephen King but hates/love how he knows what buttons to push and how to get under your skin.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
May 7, 2006 11:19 am #

Japanime..... No offense meant towards any of you who enjoy manga/anime. I just hate that style of drawing. I know many people who learnt to draw that way and when we talk about drawing techniques, they try to do the style that I have, and ask for hints and help... No matter what I tell them, they'll keep doing those huge eyes, triangle mouths, roundish faces, female attributes to male characters (WAY too tall and slim, thin hands, no muscles, etc). It's like they can't draw real shapes, the japanime style takes over their objectivity. Besides: ALL anime characters look alike.


[url=]Fan art[/url]
May 7, 2006 12:40 pm #
Atinvod wrote:

Most songs by Greenday and the jingle on my mom's cellphone.
Mace Windu and the romance between Anakin/Padme and Han/Leia.
Desperate Housewives and One Piece.
Johny Depp(or however you spell his name).He tries to act like he's well cultured and has a british accent and he's from Middlesborough, Kentucky.
Love Stephen King but hates/love how he knows what buttons to push and how to get under your skin.

One Piece???

YOU HATE ONE PIECE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?






okay. I feel better now. buh-bye.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
May 7, 2006 4:16 pm #
Daenna wrote:

Japanime..... No offense meant towards any of you who enjoy manga/anime. I just hate that style of drawing. I know many people who learnt to draw that way and when we talk about drawing techniques, they try to do the style that I have, and ask for hints and help... No matter what I tell them, they'll keep doing those huge eyes, triangle mouths, roundish faces, female attributes to male characters (WAY too tall and slim, thin hands, no muscles, etc). It's like they can't draw real shapes, the japanime style takes over their objectivity. Besides: ALL anime characters look alike.


I fail to see the similarity between Tenchi Muyo and Inuyasha...what kind of anime have you seen?
Anyway, drawing anime is a joke compared to the real thing. Most of the huge eyes are in Shojo style[teenage-girl].
Not all anime is the same, the stuff they put on cartoon network during the day is, marketing makes it look horrible. Because if the kids liked pokemon then they'll love this...I suggest either renting or adult swim's.
Naruto for example is fairly good, but I detest One Piece.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
May 7, 2006 4:27 pm #
Ph34r wrote:

YOU HATE ONE PIECE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?




The manga is okay...I believe she might be referring to the god-awful tv-show they made for it.

"If you don't want me to eat you.....SAY SOMETHING."
-Captian Murphy
May 7, 2006 5:29 pm #

The manga rocks!!!!

But I agree about the show. Luffey has no emotion at all, and all the characters either sound sinister or completely idiotic.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
May 7, 2006 5:31 pm #
BFFC Chrys wrote:

I once wanted to be a clown.  And my adopted aunt is a professional clown.  I used to hate clowns too.  Then I suddenly got over it.  Now I find them fascinating.  If you go to the Ringling Brother Museum in Florida, that'll get you over your fear really quickly.

I like jesters, and I and I actually do find clowns interesting. Anyways I like the One Piece manga and the Japanese anime.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
May 7, 2006 5:49 pm #

i hate sex in the city and depsperate house wives.

"This is where my theme song would kick in, if I had a theme song. And not that Flash Gordon movie thing, either." —The Flash
May 7, 2006 9:20 pm #


"If you don't want me to eat you.....SAY SOMETHING."
-Captian Murphy
May 7, 2006 9:21 pm #

I dislike people that talk loud and alot. I hate guys that act like litttle girlies and whine and cry when they get trouble. i realy do not like a reality tv or sitcoms at all. Oh and i hate drama queens.OH man i hate poeple that say books are stupid and a waste and that tvs great but then say that they've read all the harry potter books twice.

1rst gear*click*..ok.2nd gear*click* 3rd gear*click* 4rth gear *click* 5th gear *click*..rabbit speed*click*VRRRR* Wow to fast !!
May 7, 2006 9:26 pm #

That reminds me...I hate Harry Potter.

"If you don't want me to eat you.....SAY SOMETHING."
-Captian Murphy
May 7, 2006 10:38 pm #
BalanceSheet wrote:

That reminds me...I hate Harry Potter.

To a point of having a book burning in the middle of the street? If so we might want to look into that.
Those books are horrible, I know someone that's read the first 4 13 times. They're just not worth the read in my opinion.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
May 8, 2006 4:01 am #

Oh, you guys.....

They're not THAT bad....

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678

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