It seems like the boards are really quiet these days. Is everyone really busy or just losing interest? or What?
Topic: Where is everybody?
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
24 posts
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I am still here.
Sometimes I go into a type of self-exile. Or my computer crashes. It does seem much quieter than the last time I was on. I don't know why.
I have way too much real life work to do, and only recently have had time to get back here. (And I am not even ging to go into the bloody computer losing Internet access problems...Hate them)
I am still here :) Just very very busy lately. I come here whenever I have a spare moment.
Just haven't had anything to say is all. And tired and busy as well.
It seems like the boards are really quiet these days. Is everyone really busy or just losing interest? or What?
school is still in session
Life is busy at the moment, gotta get things sorted for my maternity relief replacement at work. Also been really tired with being pregnant, had ante natal classes etc etc.
Also Dad went in for another lot of surgery on his brain tumour, they were able to remove 95% but now he's got to go for radiation therapy.
Jawa and I went away for our last holiday as a couple, should have gone for a week rather than three days.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
woah Mel, I had no idea you were pregnant. o_O Boy have I been clueless. You miss, get rest. Lots and lots of rest. Because soon, you won't get any at all.
Congrats on the new ad'ika Mel.
Been really busy too...full time work, a Christening (the GF's nephew / godson), a funeral (close friend's grandfather), a retirement Ceremony (next week, for my uncle who's retiring from the his position at the USMC base near Quantico), and attempts to write my novel.
LOL...real life, neh?
no interesting topics as of late

I'm still around, been busy with school and work, among other things. I just started cycling, so been busy with that, recovering from a bad crash that left a puncture wound in my leg. plan on buying a road bike this summer.
Life is busy at the moment, gotta get things sorted for my maternity relief replacement at work. Also been really tired with being pregnant, had ante natal classes etc etc.
Oh my God! Congradulations Mel!! I had no idea!! That is wonderful!! I wish for your baby to be born in good health :D
Thanks everyone, I'm 30 weeks today. As usual bubba is kicking a lot. Still have no idea what we're going to call it - it'll probably be a boy because we're having more trouble coming up with boys names then girls names :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
I know a guy who, no lie, legit, named his kid Mara Jade. That's Star Wars dedication right there.
ya Im around, just lookin for a good RPG to get addicted to, kinda disappointed when the second battledome seemed to fall through.
I was wondering where everyone went too. I'm still here though.
And, Mel, I didn't know either!! That's great! :)
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30 weeks huh? Man, less then two months to go. That means it'll be born around the first week or so of April, right? Hopefully your kid won't grow up resenting a cold weather birthday like I did. ^^;
At least you're not listening to what the doctors are telling you which gender it is. Even these days its not exactly...accurate.
"I know a guy who, no lie, legit, named his kid Mara Jade. That's Star Wars dedication right there." Man, no offense to anyone, but I hate people who do that. Naming their kids after fictional characters.... Save it for your your pet or something. Don't humiliate your own kids.
I'm due 30th April, so not too far off Cecilia. Should be just coming into Autumn. I finish work on the 27 March which I'm looking forward to. I'm finding I'm getting more and more tired. Plus my brain is turning to fudge :P
Nah don't think we'll be naming the bubba after any fictional characters.
I've got to go to the hospital on the weekend to be stabbed, need to do further blood tests to check if I've got pregnancy diabetes - I sincerely hope I don't. Also need a B12 shot and Anti-D as I'm Rhesus Negative so if the bub has positive blood and both our blood mixes, my body can create antibodies to attack the babies blood - oh being pregnant is so much fun.
Mel, the human pin cushion :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
I wonder if in Star Trek they could just "beam" the baby out....
Congratulayions, Mel! I wish you the best of luck :)
Congrats Mel, and good luck! Or as complete nerds would say, "May the Force be with you". (I guess that makes me a nerd :P )
I wonder if in Star Trek they could just "beam" the baby out....
Believe me, I want that technology ASAP! :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
I miss the days when I used to post here every day, but I've been so busy with school, work, and running my new website, etc. It's at if anyone wants to join. But anyway, I've joined a few other forums since, but this is still my favorite, and I hope to keep posting whenever I get the time. Come summer, I will be here more for sure.

Congrats. Mel I wish your child all the best in the world.
And thanks to everyone else for chiming in.
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