Is it good?
Topic: Star Wars Bounty Hunter for Game cube and PS2
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
8 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestit is extremly good! in my opinion...
It was pretty fun. And fairly interesting.
--Captain Dynamic--
If you were to speak in a Star Wars game context, it's entertaining, and given the release date, it's better than many of the lucasarts games that have been released. It fills in a good background story for Jango, how he was hired and how/why he made the choice to have Boba...although in continuity with the comics it's debatable.
However, and this may be because it is in fact a Star Wars game, there is a level of maturity it doesn't venture into. It has all the capabilities of being a really gritty Bounty Hunter game that we've all been waiting for, but because of the very fact it is Star Wars it is limited to a young audience. Jango's journey through the criminal underworld and eventually to his final hunt taps into some dark places, but it's holding back and results in Jango's motivations, psyche and his moral dilemmas not that interesting--or at least I don't empathize with him as much as the creators want us to.
The more recent star wars game and the Republic Commando game are beginning a new wave hopefully of real gritty, intense psychological games. What I would like to see is a bounty hunting game with Boba Fett and the other hunters that is completely noir, the criminals scathing and nasty and Fett just about if not as bad as some of the criminals you have to hunt down. Not that I want a mature rated Rockstar developed game, but something that brings a more artful or dark storytelling than the entertainment ones of the earlier Star Wars games that mimic the films.
The more recent star wars game and the Republic Commando game are beginning a new wave hopefully of real gritty, intense psychological games. What I would like to see is a bounty hunting game with Boba Fett and the other hunters that is completely noir, the criminals scathing and nasty and Fett just about if not as bad as some of the criminals you have to hunt down. Not that I want a mature rated Rockstar developed game, but something that brings a more artful or dark storytelling than the entertainment ones of the earlier Star Wars games that mimic the films.
i would love to see rockstar make a star wars title. star wars needs to explore the seedy spice driven underworld. at least IMO. but i thought ur post was well written.
as for bounty hunter it was a half baked cool idea. the dead moon where jango has to fight off the "bando gora" i thought was great. but alas- the bounty tagging system was fail. there were a fair amount of glitches. but i loved the cinematics.
montross- "youre worth enough dead." class.
I agree. I wasn't sure how far I could go if I purposed such a game, i don't really know the age demographic in the forums and so to suggest an M game I wasn't sure. I'm glad someone agrees with me. Sometimes when one thinks of Rockstar, Manhunt comes to mind and to me that game was senseless gore. However, their latest release of the GTA games is showing that they're developing into better, more involving plots and character development.
For the hunting system in BH, I thought it was fun--especially in the Coruscant area, because you could look out across the landscape and maybe tag up to 5 people at once and then the annoying thing of trying to capture all of them while yellow and orange arrows are bouncing around the screen. But yeah, fun is all I can say about it.
revan, play the game, have fun and be tickled when Jango falls off from things and he flails about and screams pathetically--I never tire of how ridiculous that was.
actually i thought the first "manhunt" was one of my most intense gaming experiences. i did not play the second.
but i think quite a few fans would like to see a darker side of starwars, not a whiney anakin/vader "noooooo padme!"
sort of thing.
but the gritty underworld. explore who "bane malor" and other scum characters are- like SPIKER, had to say it.
the number of awesome undeveloped characters in jabbas palace alone is staggering.
Grand Theft Landspeeder :Tatooine Underworld, FTW
HAHHA. Jabbas palace...yeah.
I agree that Manhunt was extremely intense and playing it in the dark was terrifying. But I guess I'm more into plot driven games/stories/ than the visual. And while the premise is dark and psychological, the brutality of the killings was something I couldn't get in to. It's been a few years, I could probably get into it approaching it from a different perspective than I did then.
Anakin/Vader: DO NOT WANT!!!!