Topic: Welcome to the New Message Boards

Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.

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Topic #31

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AvatarBFFC Admin Mod OP
February 10, 2006 6:18 pm #

Register for a username/password, to post messages and enjoy interacting with the board members and topics.

Unique perks, compared to our previous board:
Avatars - 60x60 graphical images to go with your posts. Upload one in your profile.
Private Messages - Up to 20 at a time, to strengthen communication. Select a user's profile to see the "Send private message" link, and see Messages at the top.
Sticky Posts - Bringing the best topics to the top.
Well-Developed - Skins, mods, and regular maintenance. Here, you can change the look to our Fan Club colors: blue with Jango, red with Fett Empire, or green with Fett Return.
Subscribe to Posts - Always at the bottom of each topic, to know when to come back for more.
RSS Feeds - For easy integration with My Google, My Yahoo, and others. Look for the orange RSS image, or read our guide to RSS to see how it can work for you.
Forget Password? - Beyond our UBB from 2001, this should be smooth for years to come.
Quick Post - No need to press the reply button if you're at the end of a thread; the input box is waiting for you.
Search - Fast and accurate, see what's already being discussed about your topic.
Silent Edits - No longer do you need to have "edited by..." tagged to your message if you have something else to add.

Founder/Editor, BFFC
February 10, 2006 6:37 pm #

Sweet, the new boards!  Thanks Guys, this is awesome!

February 10, 2006 7:46 pm #

Awesome i really like the template.

February 10, 2006 8:43 pm (Edited February 10, 2006 08:43 pm) #

Yay!! New boards, I like how it looks. Now to edit my profile, hehe...

btw, as I was first going to make this post I forgot about signing in and I was like, "Hey, where's the reply button?" I actually spent about two whole minutes looking for a reply button and refreshing before it hit me. lol

oh, btw again, to those who don't know, I was Obi-Wan_Fett before.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
February 11, 2006 5:07 am #

Not sure where ideas go, but how about a main message board for collectors to discuss upcoming Fett toys and etc?

As seen on YouTube: [url][/url] or [url][/url]
February 11, 2006 5:23 am #
Sharpy wrote:

Not sure where ideas go, but how about a main message board for collectors to discuss upcoming Fett toys and etc?

I agree... But I think the entire forum layout could be redone to be better... It is very confusing... I have a few ideas. But I also have questions...

Does everything in the Boba Fett categories have to do with Boba Fett? When it says discuss the Star Wars movies and TV shows, does that mean only about Boba Fett or just in general?

Also, this "General" board... Is this just for talking about anything at all?

And is there any forum here to discuss the Star Wars EU, like the comics and books?

[url=][b]Please check out my message board, Star Wars Planet![/b][/url]
February 11, 2006 5:51 am (Edited February 11, 2006 05:55 am) #

Considering this is practically the "first day" of operations again I'm sure it will all fall into place soon enough... But if there was a collecting, EU, comics/books indexes on the main board that would be great :D

oh, oh... costuming too :D :D

As seen on YouTube: [url][/url] or [url][/url]
AvatarBFFC Admin Mod OP
February 11, 2006 11:15 am #

For collecting, use General
For EU, use Serious Geeking
For costuming, use Creative

Founder/Editor, BFFC
February 11, 2006 1:44 pm #

I hope this forum kicks off like the last one did. I'm happy to join.

AvatarBFFC Admin Mod OP
February 11, 2006 5:09 pm #

With word-of-mouth spread, and integration tomorrow with the old board address along with the navigation at, it might.

Founder/Editor, BFFC
February 12, 2006 5:52 am #
BFFC Admin wrote:

With word-of-mouth spread, and integration tomorrow with the old board address along with the navigation at, it might.

This board will totally rock, just like the last one!  Worry not!
Where else on the net would you rather be for your Fettish?

February 12, 2006 5:54 pm #

And asides from Fettishes, the boards are cool anyway, I don't really go to any other boards. The ones are stupid now, and TFN gives me a headache with the multiple-colored backgrounds.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
February 12, 2006 6:08 pm #
Miba wrote:

And asides from Fettishes, the boards are cool anyway, I don't really go to any other boards. The ones are stupid now, and TFN gives me a headache with the multiple-colored backgrounds.

I go to a few other boards... I do agree with you on the ones, but TFN I'd have to disagree. I love that place. You you are entitled to your oppinion.

[url=][b]Please check out my message board, Star Wars Planet![/b][/url]
February 12, 2006 6:21 pm #

Oh, I'm not saying that TFN is bad, not at all. I'd love to post there and be an active member there. But the multiply-changing colors (why must every page be a different color?) just make my head hurt. Otherwise I'd post there a lot. I did try a few times to be a member there but it didn't really work out.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
February 12, 2006 6:24 pm #
Miba wrote:

Oh, I'm not saying that TFN is bad, not at all. I'd love to post there and be an active member there. But the multiply-changing colors (why must every page be a different color?) just make my head hurt. Otherwise I'd post there a lot. I did try a few times to be a member there but it didn't really work out.

I do agree, it can be a tad confusing. But it gives the graphic artists (like me) something to do besides make icons... The forums are also hard to navigate because there are so many... But there are so many forums because there are so many members. Tis the troubles of a large message board like that...

[url=][b]Please check out my message board, Star Wars Planet![/b][/url]
February 13, 2006 4:16 pm #

I love this message board because the people are so nice.  On other boards, people are always yelling at each other and trying to kill each other.  Sure, we have our moments, but we usually get along.

Estuans interius ira vehementi SEPHIROTH!
BFFC Moderator
February 13, 2006 4:53 pm #
BFFC Chrys wrote:

I love this message board because the people are so nice.  On other boards, people are always yelling at each other and trying to kill each other.  Sure, we have our moments, but we usually get along.

I noticed that too... But I like it when people try to flame me... I get to test my ability to defeat them without retaliating.

[url=][b]Please check out my message board, Star Wars Planet![/b][/url]
February 13, 2006 5:01 pm #

We did have a trollish type poster once a long time ago, about the same time I was offered a modship, but I said no cause I was afraid I'd use the power for against him and that would have made me as bad as he was.

Otherwise, yeah, the posters here are very nice!! :)

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
February 13, 2006 7:45 pm (Edited February 13, 2006 07:46 pm) #
Miba wrote:

And asides from Fettishes, the boards are cool anyway, I don't really go to any other boards. The ones are stupid now, and TFN gives me a headache with the multiple-colored backgrounds.

I post over there occaisionally.  I love reading the fan fic (gee, there's a shock).
But the glorious technicolor and frantic piling of text gives me acid flashbacks.  Today it blew my mind with the Valentine's day theme.  I wasn't expecting the brightness.

I also find the boards a bit hectic and confusing.

The SW boards are wild, like this free for all.

Mostly, though, I find them both too , dare I say "Jedi Centric"  for my tastes.  There's a bit of opening up with the clone troopers, and I think with the Mandalorian culture stuff released, that may change.

Last, I really like the camraderie this board fosters, and I enjoy the interactions we all have.  We're the hard cores that walk the razor's edge, and dare to like the most infamous bounty hunter around. We've never had a flame war. Everyone has a good time.  The staff work their butts off to make this a great place. I have not found another board like this for SW, or any of the other fan things I'm into.   Who'd have thought Fett's board would give you a warm and fuzzy?

AvatarBFFC Admin Mod OP
February 13, 2006 9:38 pm #

I'm going to have to print that one. :D I'm glad it's appreciated.

Founder/Editor, BFFC
February 14, 2006 1:52 am (Edited February 14, 2006 01:52 am) #

Group Hug!! :D ;)

As seen on YouTube: [url][/url] or [url][/url]
February 14, 2006 5:53 am #
Ursula wrote:
Miba wrote:

And asides from Fettishes, the boards are cool anyway, I don't really go to any other boards. The ones are stupid now, and TFN gives me a headache with the multiple-colored backgrounds.

I post over there occaisionally.  I love reading the fan fic (gee, there's a shock).
But the glorious technicolor and frantic piling of text gives me acid flashbacks.  Today it blew my mind with the Valentine's day theme.  I wasn't expecting the brightness.

I also find the boards a bit hectic and confusing.

The SW boards are wild, like this free for all.

Mostly, though, I find them both too , dare I say "Jedi Centric"  for my tastes.  There's a bit of opening up with the clone troopers, and I think with the Mandalorian culture stuff released, that may change.

Last, I really like the camraderie this board fosters, and I enjoy the interactions we all have.  We're the hard cores that walk the razor's edge, and dare to like the most infamous bounty hunter around. We've never had a flame war. Everyone has a good time.  The staff work their butts off to make this a great place. I have not found another board like this for SW, or any of the other fan things I'm into.   Who'd have thought Fett's board would give you a warm and fuzzy?

Yeah, that is an interesting thought... I think a lot of it may be that us Fett fans share common interests. For one, we all like Boba Fett. It might have been the relatively small size of the forum... Before it had over 1,000 members. Relative to, or some other boards, that is not a large number. (Don't get me wrong though, that is still a lot of members...) Or, it could just be that Fett fans are smart enough to realize that flaming won't get you anywhere.

[url=][b]Please check out my message board, Star Wars Planet![/b][/url]
February 14, 2006 4:22 pm #

Well, it was Boba who taught us, "Those who anger you own you." ;) And a smaller number of posters is good cause it allows you to get to know people more, instead of knowing a lot of people only a little bit.

And, yay!  *group hugs too*

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
February 15, 2006 6:21 pm #

Yes! I get my old name back, man i've missed this a lot

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
February 16, 2006 11:09 am #

Wow, really love the new boards. Recently I've been sorta dormant on here. (Work taking up toooooo much time.)

The only thing that I think sucked was that my account was deleted =(   lol

Either way, keep up the good job!

Kel Solaar at your service, for a price...
February 16, 2006 1:56 pm #

Oh WOW! I'm overwhelmed at the complete NEWNESS of all of this!!! Great job with the reformating, or whatever you guys did! :D

"Whoever is a highly evolved, super-genius raise your hand." *raises hand* "Oh."
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
February 16, 2006 4:40 pm #

i'm just wondering how to load a pic for an avatar, but even my smallests pics are to big. does anyone no of a good photo cropper online?

"This is where my theme song would kick in, if I had a theme song. And not that Flash Gordon movie thing, either." —The Flash
February 16, 2006 4:44 pm #

Yeah, go to I think and type in Irfanview (or just google it). I love Irfanview, it's very simple to use and it lets you do a small bit of effects on an image, including cropping. It's almost like a normal paint program except you can't paint, you can only work on images. It's free too.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
February 16, 2006 6:06 pm #
THE FLASH wrote:

i'm just wondering how to load a pic for an avatar, but even my smallests pics are to big. does anyone no of a good photo cropper online?

Even MS paint can crop and it comes on everything now adays. I think cropping won't satisfy you, at least as much as resizing would. I beleive Gimp has the ability to resize images, though I am not positive. I do hear though that it is the best free graphics program out there.

[url=][b]Please check out my message board, Star Wars Planet![/b][/url]
February 16, 2006 6:12 pm #

Gimp's for things other than Linux? Cause I'd never heard of it till I got linux and it came with the os.

Reality doesn't care if you believe in it.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
February 16, 2006 6:22 pm #
Miba wrote:

Gimp's for things other than Linux? Cause I'd never heard of it till I got linux and it came with the os.

I am pretty sure, but not positive. I have never used Gimp myself, I have only heard people say that it is the best free program...

Oh yeah, and Flash... If you still can't make a good avatar that suits your personal desires, you could just request one in our new avatar request thread.

[url=][b]Please check out my message board, Star Wars Planet![/b][/url]
February 18, 2006 4:50 pm #

I had a pic I wanted to use as an avatar, and I shrunk it in MS Paint (I have a Windows machine).  Just use the "Stretch/Skew" option, figure out the percentage to shrink to get it to 60 x 60 or less, and you're set.  My first try was just barely too big, but my 2nd try was accepted.

Mmmmm....    Avatar.....  Pretty.....

So why don't our display options show where we're from?  I just changed mine to "S.H.A.D.O. Moonbase"
(for all you Gerry Anderson fans out there).

What Would Boba Do?
AvatarBFFC Admin Mod OP
February 21, 2006 11:49 pm #

RC-3222, glad you like it!

Those who need a guide to avatars, I'll see what I can do. It also might be fun to tag-team with Kudar and company to churn out avatars that people can request AFTER they're made.

Lt. Gay Ellis, when we were testing the boards last month, we wanted a pretty slim left area, compared to other boards. But, if there's enough interest, there is certainly a worldly set of people here!

Founder/Editor, BFFC
February 23, 2006 7:22 pm #


What if he doesn't survive?He's worth alot to me
February 24, 2006 5:01 am #
BFFC Admin wrote:

Those who need a guide to avatars, I'll see what I can do. It also might be fun to tag-team with Kudar and company to churn out avatars that people can request AFTER they're made.

Ah, that is a good idea. I actually have 108 50x50 avatars that will work. (I originally made them for, but that doesn't stop them from being used here.) I would show you a link, but I am not sure if I am allowed to do that...

[url=][b]Please check out my message board, Star Wars Planet![/b][/url]
AvatarBFFC Admin Mod OP
March 4, 2006 12:55 pm #

Feel free. I'm welcome to giving the fans some options.

Founder/Editor, BFFC
March 13, 2006 5:41 pm #

I am new here, and I am having a great time, I hope to stick around for awhile!Also I am Manji_ninja's younger brother.

Quote of the Month.
My sister-"No way, Jose!" Me-"Yeah way, Enrique!"
March 14, 2006 5:23 am #
Lando Fett wrote:

I am new here, and I am having a great time, I hope to stick around for awhile!Also I am Manji_ninja's younger brother.

Welcome Lando Fett! I would like to be the first to welcome you to the Boba Fett Fan Club! Thanks for joining! Please enjoy your stay! If you have any questions, you can PM or AIM me. (Or the administrator if you feel he would be able to give you a better answer)

So Lando, what are some of your hobbies and interests?

[url=][b]Please check out my message board, Star Wars Planet![/b][/url]
March 16, 2006 4:32 pm #

Well what I am most passionate about is video games.;) But I also enjoy cooking, golf, drawing, movies, and reading.

Quote of the Month.
My sister-"No way, Jose!" Me-"Yeah way, Enrique!"
March 17, 2006 8:28 am #

Good to have you, Lando Fett.  Kudos for the disturbing avatar.  :)

Estuans interius ira vehementi SEPHIROTH!
BFFC Moderator
March 17, 2006 2:51 pm #

Thanks... I think!;)

Anyway, thanks for the warm welcome everbody!

Quote of the Month.
My sister-"No way, Jose!" Me-"Yeah way, Enrique!"
March 20, 2006 6:46 pm #

I gave no such welcome, why am I thanked?

March 21, 2006 2:11 am #

Oops, I hadn't realized there was a "welcoming thread" for all this time... :P

Well anyway, here I am! My name is Diana, I live in France and I'm 23..... You probably know that I spend a lot of time reading the Creative board but I look forward to posting in the other areas as well, if I have time! You people are great! and I like the cosy "family" feeling here..... I think I'll stay :)

[url=]Fan art[/url]
March 21, 2006 4:54 am #

Wow, France, that's cool.  I don't know if we've had any French users before.  Welcome to the boards and we're glad to have you!

Estuans interius ira vehementi SEPHIROTH!
BFFC Moderator
March 21, 2006 7:23 am #
Daenna wrote:

Oops, I hadn't realized there was a "welcoming thread" for all this time... :P

Well anyway, here I am! My name is Diana, I live in France and I'm 23..... You probably know that I spend a lot of time reading the Creative board but I look forward to posting in the other areas as well, if I have time! You people are great! and I like the cosy "family" feeling here..... I think I'll stay :)

FRANCE!!!!!!!! :o:o:o:o:o:o:o

{MW}--[color=#FF0000]"Death and destruction to our enemies!"[/color]
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
March 23, 2006 3:27 pm #

Welcome stranger!

Have a nice stay here!

Quote of the Month.
My sister-"No way, Jose!" Me-"Yeah way, Enrique!"
March 23, 2006 3:52 pm #
Boba Dude wrote:

FRANCE!!!!!!!! :o:o:o:o:o:o:o

Hehe yeah.... I'm not exactly proud of it, living in one of the most messed up countries of the planet :P

[url=]Fan art[/url]
March 30, 2006 10:48 am #

Thanks guys........i love the message boards and will be sure to post often...


“(I’m) Just a fly in the ointment, Hans. The monkey in the wrench. The pain in the a$$.” -John McClane
March 31, 2006 9:07 am #

I Dont Know Were To Post This At

But Are Rites Bracking Out At My Skool Kids Are Bracking The Gate To Get Out This Is The
3 Day Of This What Would Fett Do! Im Helping Kids Stand Up For Them One Kid Sed I Was The Go To
Guy But Im Lost Were Marhing Downtown On Sundy Im Going To Go Crazy Ther Is Class At All
Just Running A Runde Its Kind Of Fun But Scary At The Same Time Help Me!!! All Cuz That Bill 4437

March 31, 2006 9:15 am #
SLAVE 1 wrote:

I Dont Know Were To Post This At

But Are Rites Bracking Out At My Skool Kids Are Bracking The Gate To Get Out This Is The
3 Day Of This What Would Fett Do! Im Helping Kids Stand Up For Them One Kid Sed I Was The Go To
Guy But Im Lost Were Marhing Downtown On Sundy Im Going To Go Crazy Ther Is Class At All
Just Running A Runde Its Kind Of Fun But Scary At The Same Time Help Me!!! All Cuz That Bill 4437

What are you talking about!?  And why is every word capitalized?

If ya love me . . .And ya know me . . . And ya've seen me . . .
I'm Old Gregggggggg!

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