Topic: RPG:Champions of Geridarr

Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.

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Topic #2838
August 20, 2008 12:12 am #

Gorfin face smarted.  This female was strong.  But what was more infuriating was this Shadow character.  He could not manage to find him.  His identity was clouded.  In fact he had managed to gain the upper hand on Gorfin's abilities causing him to see things.  Gorfin would strike with his blade only to make thin air.  It was only a matter of time before someone would attack someone else... or worse.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
August 20, 2008 12:19 am #

Vanessa blinked as she attacked one of the ninjas. But then his face seemed to change, it was like the black covering on his face was coming lose. It had to be the shadow. Vanessa sent a volley of bolts at the Shadow. She blinked and suddenly realised she’s shot a defenceless tree.

She gritted her teeth. “He’s playing mind games,” she snarled. “Show yourself you pathetic creature.”

Vanessa watched as Indiana morphed into the Shadow. “Speak to me,” Vanessa said wanting to identify if it was the real Indiana Jones or not.

“It’s me,” he said.

Vanessa blinked and turned. She looked and Jack had suddenly turned into a ninja. “This is crazy,” she muttered to herself.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 20, 2008 12:32 am #

Gorfin looked around madly.  A cackling was heard.  Using his telepathic abilities he managed to find a presence which he thought to be malevolent.  He faced the presence and saw a ninja right beside him.  He ignited his blades and brought them down.  But the ninja brought his arms up and blocked his blades.  Strange.  This one must have some shield under the clothing. 

The ninja brought a fist into Gorfin's stomach knocking him off his feet.  When Gorfin was on his feet the ninja produced a gun and fired two bursts at Gorfin.  Gorfin dove but took one in his arm.  His black blood leaked from his body.  The wound did not seem to match the lead bullet that was fired.  No matter.  Gorfin shifted his gauntlet into a blaster and launched his own salvo of shots.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
August 20, 2008 5:39 am #

Vanessa gritted her teeth and wondered why this particular ninja was more hearty then the others. She'd managed to score a hit but his blood was... black. She blinked, "Who are..." before she could finish she was being lunged at.

Vanessa lifted her arms using her aegis suit's outer to protect herself. She matched the ninja move for move but had a feeling that the ninja may have just been an illusion. She hesitated as he punched at her chest and she took a low blow and was thrown back.

She landed at the pirate's feet, "Parlay?" she said trying to remember what the pirate had said to surrender.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 20, 2008 6:30 am #

While The Shadow was preoccupying the others with fighting amongst themselves, Indy was in his own little fun house of horrors.

Wave after wave of ninjas were rushing at him, seemingly mindless. Each time they neared, Indy could easily throw a punch but when it contacted the ninjas would die easily. Indy thought they were just illusionary ninjas, yet when he would let his guard down he found out the hard way that their katanas were very real.

To any unaffected onlookers, it looked like Indy was punching wildly at nothing, non-stop. He was tiring quickly, yet more ninjas kept coming. Suddenly they stopped and Indy bent down in exhaustion. He could see the others fighting themselves and was about to yell at them to stop, yet The Shadow appeared in front of him.

" you have no Soul Crystal? You arrrre not a guardian... This has become significantly more interesting heh heh HEH HEHHHHH" The Shadow said in his eery voice.

Indy leveled his revolver but the Shadow disappeared with a puff of smoke and reappered just the same behind him and Indy turned just to have an uppercut crash into his chest. The impact sent him airborne and he landed several feet away.

Indy's champion medallion shown a bit from his satchel and the shiny swastika caught the Shadow's dark eyes. He walked up calmly and aimed a large silver desert eagle at Indy's face while bending down and taking the medallion out with his free hand and inspecting it.

"Heh heh hehhh...what have we hereeee? You, my interesting friend, are certainly NOT a champion...." The Shadow thinks a moment and replaces the medallion into Indy's bag. He stands up, still aiming one of his desert eagles and Indy couldnt move.

"...You sneaky sneaky snuck into Geridarr didn't you? You may prove very useful..." The Shadow said, narrowing his eyes.

Just then practically a horde of Draconians followed by the inn keeper burst into the spa area.

"GET HIM!!!!" One of the draconians shouts and points to the Shadow. The Shadow doesnt turn or move in their direction. he just keeps staring at Indy. 4 Draconians advance and shove their electrostaffs into the Shadow....yet they travel right through him. The avatar of the Shadow then slowly disappates as he winks towards Indy and then there was nothing.


"Bastards damn near impossible to capture."

"The Emperor himself will have to come here and do it himself."

The Draconians begin exclaming as they start to file out. All the illusions fade and more light returns to the spa and the mist leaves. The team realizes whos who. The lead Draconian who shouted 'Get him' walks up and addresses the group.

"The Shadow has been plagueing us for months. We dont know how he keeps summoning ninja's, but we believe he got ahold of a powerful artifact from a contestant he bested that is able to summon them. Due to his treachery and failure to comply to the rules of Geridarr, you all will not be charged with fighting in a safe zone. If you have any information on the Shadow, let us know." The Draconian says and his tongue flicks out like a lizards. They all leave and the inn keeper follows them, sighing to himself.

Indy stands up and collects his gun and whip. He was dead tired.

"Sleep anyone?" He says and he re-coils his whip, mocking all that had just occured.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 20, 2008 10:52 am (Edited August 20, 2008 10:58 am) #

Gorfin was just about to come at the ninja again with his sword when suddenly Vanessa was in front of him.  He immediately halted his attack.  He fell prey to the Shadow's trick.  Pathetic.  Gorfin was supposed to be a champion telepath on his homeworld and here he was being beaten with a simple Eskellion childling's trick.

Gorfin made his way over to Vanessa and helped her up."I am truly sorry for what I did."  Gorfin brought his hand to his forehead in a show of apology as was his custom.  "I believed you to be a-"

"Ninja.  Yes.  I had the same thing.  But I believe I am the one to be apologizing."  She motioned to his arm. 

"I thank you for your concern.  Sleep may not be the wisest choice Dr. Jones."  Gorfin hadn't quite caught the sarcasm in Indy's voice.  Indy rolled his eyes.

"Thanks for the update.  Listen how about we have someone go on watch?"

"I will volunteer.  My 'sleep' takes on a different form.  I can stay alert when morning comes if I am awake throughout the night."

"But you're injured."

"I don't know if you have noticed Dr. Jones, but my race is completely different than yours.  Do not worry I will be fine."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
August 20, 2008 11:33 am (Edited August 20, 2008 10:59 pm) #

Ocelot walked across the street to the nearly run-down hotel; the shutters looked as if there were going to fall off their hinges. He smirked as he walked in the doorway, Ocelot has seen worse. There was no one tending the check-in counter, only a lone bell to ring for assistance. He heard footsteps and looked to the long hallway on his left; it was the innkeeper. Ocelot stood there for a moment with his arms crossed; the fat man hurried his pace.

"What...Can for you?" The overweight innkeeper stopped in front of him, out of breath.

"I'm looking for a large party that came in earlier, led by a man in brown fedora."

"Ahh should have been here five minutes ago." The man's odd moustache twitched.
"The infamous Shadow paid us a visit...without paying..."

...the shadow?

"Interesting. Where can I find Dr. Jones?"

"Eh...up the stairs, nine rooms down."

Ocelot nodded, walking up the thick wooden stairs up to the party's row of rooms. He stopped at Dr. Jones' room, the door was kicked open. Odd. He almost walked in when he heard a voice from behind.

Indiana stood there with his Webley-Green Revolver trained on Ocelot.

"You lookin' for me?"

"Ah yes, Dr. Jones..."

"This IS my signature."
August 20, 2008 3:28 pm (Edited August 21, 2008 06:30 pm) #

Vanessa returned to her room and did a quick sweep before laying down on the bed. It was most uncomfortable lying on her back so she turned onto her side. She wondered if leaving the light on would stop the shadow from coming into her room. She let out a disgusted noise and turned out the light, she wasn't a child needing a night light.

In the darkness Vanessa closed her eyes and dreamed.

As soon as Vanessa’s eyes closed she was back in a memory. She was tired yet pumped because she’d defeated yet another one of those huge robot monstrosities out for her blood.

As she stepped into the room she was taken in by the large cylindrical tank. There was a woman held suspended within the tank. Vanessa scoped the area for threats but there were none. As she neared the tank she saw a familiar face. Her own face.

“What?” she gasped.

“You don’t have time to save her, the facility is rigged to blow,” came her employers voice.

Vanessa shook her head, “Who is she?”

“You need to leave, I’ll explain later.” Her employer said coolly.

Vanessa stood transfixed, in her memory she had left the woman behind to save herself. Now she found that she couldn’t do it a second time. “How do I get her out?”

“I told you, you don’t have time. Get out now!” her mysterious employer said forcefully.

Vanessa lifted her hand and shot at the clear cylinder. Water exploded through the breach. Vanessa jumped as the wave flowed and rushed under her feet. The woman tumbled out. Vanessa reached for her. “Are you okay?”

The woman who’s face was identical to her own opened her eyes. They were blood red, “You’re going to die.”

Vanessa sat up straight, it took her a moment to realise where she was, “A dream, just a dream.” She let out a deep breath. She turned to look at the clock radio beside the bed, it was the early hours of dawn. Funnily enough Vanessa felt as though she’d slept for only minutes rather than hours.

The room was cold but the aegis suit adapted and warmed her body, only her face was cold. She touched her nose with the covered hand. “Who was she?” Vanessa said quietly to herself. She knew the truth now, the other woman had been a clone just like her. The memories of her childhood were false, they’d been implanted into her subconscious. She wondered if the woman who had been in the tank had died with any knowledge of her own existence.

Such thoughts could drive a person mad. Vanessa opened the shutters and peered outside. The night was slowly glowing lighter. Yet the shadows were still dark enough for someone to hide themselves in.

Vanessa closed the shutters and turned to the small dented fridge. She opened the door and found a can of coke, a couple of chocolate bars that looked to be out of date and a cup of milk. “So much for breakfast,” she muttered to herself.

Closing the fridge door, Vanessa got up. Put the room key into one of her secret pockets and headed outside. The thought of scrambled eggs on toast was on her mind.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 22, 2008 12:46 am #

Gorfin immediately made his way to the exterior of the Dragon's Den.  He positioned himself where he could look as inconspicuous as possible.  He took the time to take a good look at the wound.  Fortunately Vanessa's shot had cauterized a portion of it and any bleeding was minor.  Gorfin reached into his armor and found he still had some cloth from his own dimension.  Concentrating he managed to turn off pain receptors in his brain.  This would allow it to heal without the annoyance of pain.  But unfortunately something this complex required all of his telepathic abilities.

Gorfin noticed a man walking towards the hotel.  Odd for so late.  Gorfin did a quick scan of his mind and was rewarded with a sharp pain in his arm.  But he continued.  No meanings of ill will, he could pass.  Hopefully another to help them out.  Time will tell.

Not much more activity throughout the night.  When the morning light began coming on the horizon, Gorfin headed inside.  Gorfin headed to pool and removed his armor and placed it in a specific container.  ((Has an under-armor type thing on underneath.))  Gorfin let the warm liquid sooth his body as he settled down and relaxed.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
August 22, 2008 1:00 am #

Vanessa was annoyed, apparently it was too early for the Inn’s restaurant to be open. It’d be at least another two hours until they would be providing any sort of food. Vanessa managed to find a vending machine and persuaded it to give up some booty.

She was chewing on a chocolate bar when she saw that Gorfin was in the pool. She was glad that someone else was up and decided to chat with him until the restaurant opened.

“How’s the arm?” she asked as she walked in.

“Not too bad,” he replied.

“Glad to hear it. I’m starving but the kitchen doesn’t open until 6am.” Vanessa said with disgust.

“Would you actually eat something from there?” Gorfin asked.

Vanessa shrugged, “I’d prefer something else but beggars can’t be chosers.” She offered him a chocolate bar, “Would you like one?”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 22, 2008 1:12 am #

Gorfin nodded and accepted the chocolate bar.  "If you may have guessed I take in sustenance differently."  He took a small portion of the chocolate bar and mashed it up as small as he could.  He placed his hand over the crumbs and absorbed them through the cell membrane.  Vanessa watched with curiosity.

"I thank you Vanessa.  What is it that you call this sweet food?"

"Chocolate.  Harvested from the cocoa bean."

"It is very tasty."  Gorfin repeated the process until the chocolate was gone. 

"A woman's favourite.  Back where I come from it is quite popular."

"Where is it that you come from?"

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
August 22, 2008 1:22 am #

Vanessa shrugged, “I’m from Earth but I’m from a future fast distant from Indiana Jones’ own time.”

“Tell me about it,” Gorfin said as he brushed of the remains of the chocolate on to the fake grass.

“We’re highly technologically advanced. There are many facilities that are controlled by automated robots. I’m not even naturally born. I’m a clone, I don’t know why I was cloned. As far as I was aware I had a past and parents but it turns out that these were false memories. I don’t know how they were inserted into my psyche.” Vanessa said as she placed her chocolate wrapper in the sole bin.

“I know I’m the third clone, my designation was PN03: Product Number Zero Three. I’d been given an identity but I don’t know if it’s the same name as the person I was cloned from. Somehow I doubt it’s the same. I’m very skilled at combat and I have to wonder if it’s all me or if I’ve been enhanced in some way.” Vanessa lifted her hand to study it, “Well beyond the enhancements of the aegis suit.”

“Is the suit part of you?” Gorfin asked.

Vanessa shook her head, “No I can change out of it, but while it’s on it’s connected to my neural system. It acts as I think it, even faster I sometimes feel. What about you, does your suit connect to you?”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 22, 2008 1:34 am (Edited August 22, 2008 01:36 am) #

"No.  It acts as normal armor that I strap on.  Except for the gauntlets.  Those are special.  As you have seen they are specifically Eskelion.  I telepathically control them using them for melee or ranged.[i]"

"Eskelion?  Being your race?"

"Yes.  I am from a different galaxy as your 'Earth' does not sound familiar.  Our population is quite mixed.  There are humans as yourself, Slithiss, which resemble the Draconians, and many more races.  Eskelions keep to themselves usually.  I am different in that I choose to serve under a human on our ship.  Eskelions cannot stand being second rate.  But I have assumed the role of first mate on a smugglers ship.  But recently we have been forced to take an...agressive stance."

"Do you have anyone special waiting for you back home?"

Gorfin chuckled.  "I do not.  In my profession life expectancy is not high.  So I have made the choice to remain by myself until I have settled down a bit."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
August 22, 2008 1:41 am #

Vanessa nodded, “I know all about that. I’ve stayed on my own because I like a dangerous job.”

Gorfin looked at her, “The thrill of the chase?”

Vanessa smiled, “Something like that. Since I lost my family, well thought I’d lost my family, I decided there was nothing to hold me back. So I lived dangerously. I’ve been alone for what seems like a long time. On my last mission I found another clone. She seems to know more than I but she is not forthcoming.”

“Perhaps she is protecting you,” Gorfin suggested.

“But from what?” Vanessa said, she knew that Gorfin could not answer. He didn’t need to, his silence let her know that he understood that she wasn’t really looking for an answer from him. “So do you think we can get out of this situation?”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 22, 2008 4:58 pm #

"Only time will tell.  You can never be sure of the world you live in.  It has to be one of the more complicated situations I have found myself in.  For now I think it is best to gain the trust of allies."

She nodded.  "From what it sounds like we have no chance alone against this emperor.  We'll see how it all pans out."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
August 22, 2008 6:22 pm #

"Yes?" Indy answered annoyed, yet not lowering his revolver.

"My name is Revolver Ocelot. I over heard your conversation with your friends back at the cantina and I've decided that your plan may be something I wish to be part of. I want out of this place just as you do, and I want to be on the winning side." Ocelot replied.

Indy thought for a moment. He really couldn't tell what the man's intentions were, yet its probably true that he wants to get out of Geridarr. However, 'I want to be on the winning side' could be either the Vindicators or the immensly powerful Emperor. Damn...

"So you want to be a Vindicator?" Indy asked

"Well...I'd like to know more."

"I'm not taking that chance. You're with us or you're not."

"....very well. Where do I sign?" Ocelot said smiling. Indy didn't trust the smile.

"Not just yet. We got a couple of telepathics or psychics or whatevers in our party and I want to be sure that you're not trying to pull a fast one on us."

"....right. What? Theyre gonna scan my head?"

"The hell if I know, but i'm sure one of them can tell me something." Indy motioned down the hallway and the pair began to walk to the spa area, where Indy was pretty sure Gorfin was taking first watch. Flame was MIA.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 22, 2008 7:17 pm #

Vanessa sat down and contemplated Gorfin’s words. It seemed that they were going to be taking on an extremely powerful enemy. “He has to have some weakness, everyone does.”

Gorfin seemed relaxed in the water, “I have a feeling that we’re going to have to worry about his minions first.”

Vanessa nodded and was about to reply when she saw Indiana walking over with an unknown man close behind. Vanessa didn’t miss the fact that Indiana was keep a close eye on the stranger.

“We may have another recruit,” Vanessa said to Gorfin as the two men approached.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 22, 2008 8:10 pm #

Indy brought Ocelot to the spa where Gorfin was relaxing in the water and Vanessa was sitting in a chair nearby speaking with him. He nodded to Vanessa.

"Dr. Jones..." Vanessa said in greeting.

"Call me Indy. Gorfin, this is Revolver Ocelot. He wants to join us, but im not completely sure of his intentions." Indy said

"Understandable." Ocelot said

"I wanted to know if you could get a feeling of intentions or something with your...skill." Indy asked Gorfin.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 22, 2008 8:59 pm #

Jack was worn out, and he wasn't sure why and how he had ended up in this situation at all.  "Rogue." came to mind. "Where is the lass?" He muttered to himself. He wasn't going to go crazy here and not get something to show for it. "Probably she's just a deep sleeper." he thought. Something that sounded like a really good idea. He had long day.

Once back in his room, Jack looked around it, double checking the shadows. Behind one door, he found not shadows, but small bottles. Jack's curiosity won, and he took a closer look at them. "Spiced Rum" Jack sounded out off the label, and a smile lit up his face. Once the bottle was empty. He sat on the bed. And fell asleep, dreaming of the open sea, and large chested women.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
August 23, 2008 12:31 am #

Gorfin nodded.  He looked to the other man.  "If you co-operate this will be relatively painless.  If not I can make it quite painful."

Revolver Ocelot shrugged.  "I have nothing to hide."

Without another word thought Gorfin placed his hand on the man's forehead.  Physical contact made deep searching easier.

Gorfin found just as the man said.  The man tried to repress some memories but Gorfin wasn't here for those.  Although he wasn't the most savoury person back on his realm he wanted to get back.  And he viewed the Vindicators as the best way.

Gorfin removed his hand and addressed everyone.

"He is like us all.  He wants to get home."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
August 23, 2008 3:28 am (Edited August 23, 2008 03:39 am) #

The thing had dissapeared into the night, and Flame had perused it, slipping back to  his more reptilian form, he  was slightly more agile like that, or at least he felt that way. After quite a while of chasing shadows and thoughts he gave up, spent quite a while in a small bar then stumbled back to the inn, barely able to walk straight. Eventualy he stumbled through the door, up the stairs, through a door.....and fell into the pool. He quickly recovered and draged himself out, the sudden shock from the water had cleared his head somewhat. "Whad I miss?" he asked, changing back to a human.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 23, 2008 4:16 am #

Vanessa raised a brow at Flame’s unusual entrance. “Oh you know you missed the ninja of doom, nothing special.”

“What?” Flame said looking rather disappointed.

“If you want to kill something that bush over there is just waiting for a thrashing,” Vanessa said with a teasing smile.

Flame shook his head, “I want some real action.”

Indiana pushed his hat up with his finger, “Stick around and maybe, just maybe, you can pick up my shell casings," said Indiana, clearly annoyed that Flame was off getting drunk while they were all outmatched by the Shadow. "Now then Gorfin, you were saying?”

“Like us, Ocelot just wants to go home.” Gorfin confirmed.

There was a faint rustling in the bushes. Vanessa adjusted her glasses, “Looks like there’s a ninja for you now Flame.”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 23, 2008 4:22 am (Edited August 23, 2008 04:22 am) #

Flame glared at Indy. "There was something following us. But maybe you didint realize that because you were too busy jumping at shadows."

The bushes rustled and before Vanessa finished her sentence Flame looked over, and the bush combusted. The fire died quickly, whatever was in the bush had been unharmed by the fire.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 23, 2008 4:25 am #

"Yeah well in this case, this shadow just so happens to weild two handguns bigger than my head. But go on with your handy work here...with any luck the Emperor will hire you to do his lawn." Indy replied extending his hand towards the burnt bush.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 23, 2008 4:25 am #

"Um that was the garbage man, Flame," Vanessa said as she saw the man run away with the seat of his pants of fire. "Lucky for him the trash can save him, well mostly."

"You said it was a ninja," Flame complained.

Vanessa shrugged, "I was being sarcastic."

Flame grumbled something under his breath as he stalked away.

"Get some rest," Vanessa grinned and twitched her brows at the others.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 23, 2008 11:08 am #

Link's ninjas had been easy enough to defeat, but he hadn't been fast enough to attack the "Shadow" person.  By the time he registered what was going on, the fight had ended.  Obviously, this group of adventurers that he was a part of were more than capable of handling themselves in battle.  This was good, as he was getting tired of having to protect people who didn't know how to handle themselves.  he liked them and all, but they tended to place themselves in danger far too often.  these people, though, were different, and for that, Link was thankful.

Even so, Link had difficulty trusting the Ocelot person, although he could not figure out why.  And the telepath being was disconcerting; one who could read your every thought was something to fear.

At this, the alien telepath turned and shot Link a glare, or, at least he thought it was a glare; it was hard to tell with the inhuman face.  Link sighed, and decided to take the advice of the others and rest.  The moment his heat struck the pillow, he was asleep. And dreaming....

There was a field, vast, and seemingly without end.  The long grass waved gracefully in the wind, and the cool breeze stirred through the clear blue sky.  Link breathed deeply of the peace and closed his eyes in ecstasy.  When they opened, he saw the landscape changing; going from lush and lively to dark and dead.  A shadow stretched across the earth, like a stain destroying everything in its path.  Link tried to draw his sword and shield to fight it, only to find that they were gone; he was defenseless.

As suddenly as the dark advance began, it halted, and a figure arose from the shadows.  it was...him.  A Dark Link, a mirror image of him.  His tunic and chainmail were coloured black, and his skin the colour of charcoal.  His eyes flared an evil red, and his mouth was twisted in a sadistic grin.

"Hail, Hero.  I do so hope you find your stay here... eventful.  For you have arrived in the land of your death; you will not be leaving Geridarr alive, boy."

Link was used to threats; usually they came from Ganondorf and were overcome.  This one however, being much simpler and direct, and different stirred a feeling of primal fear within him.  As the Dark Link laughed maniacally, Link awoke, screaming...

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
August 23, 2008 7:27 pm #

Vanessa heard her stomach growl and decided it was time to see if the restaurant had opened. She left the guys to their conversation and was glad to see that it was 5.45am. As she reached the restaurant she almost let out a whoop of delight. The lights were on and there was activity.

A woman in her mid thirties came to unlock the door, “Welcome fraulein, please come in and take a seat.”

Vanessa raised a brow, “You’re from German decent?”

The woman nodded, “Yes, although my English is good.”

Vanessa smiled, “It is, I wasn’t questioning it.”

“I am Claudia, would you like a table for one?” the waitress asked.

“Yes please,” Vanessa said as the woman led her to a window seat.

Claudia handed her a menu, “The special this morning is Knackwurst with a side of onions and toast.”

“I’m feeling the need for scrambled eggs on toast,” Vanessa said as she lifted the menu. She grinned as she saw she could have a choice of sausages or bacon on the side. She placed her order and watched as Claudia left.

Vanessa looked out the window to see Rogue heading over. As she walked through the doorway Vanessa waved her over.

“I’m starved, what looks good?” Rogue asked as she picked up Vanessa’s menu.

Claudia came back over and Rogue decided to go with the special.

“Did you sleep well?” Vanessa asked.

“Not really, yourself?” Rogue said as she chose something to drink.

“Bad dreams, but I’m rested enough.” Vanessa replied

Rogue nodded, “I think it’s this place. I had bad dreams too.”

“Great we’re supposed to kick butt on minimal sleep, peachy.” Vanessa grumbled but smiled as her food arrived.

“So what do we do today?” Rogue asked as her plate was set before her.

“I guess Dr Jones, will be informing us soon enough.” Vanessa replied.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 24, 2008 12:10 am #

Ocelot got up from the stool he was sitting on; next to him was a slumped over Indiana Jones, and a large half asleep alien in a jacuzzi; as if things weren't weird enough. He walked away from the pool to the restaurant, it was reminiscent of a diner he'd been in once. Ocelot sat down comfortably, putting his arm over the back of the booth.

"Well well. Look who's here."

"This IS my signature."
August 24, 2008 12:33 am #

Vanessa looked up to see the newcomer enter the restaurant. "Here's our latest recruit," Vanessa told Rogue.

Rogue smiled and waved him over, "Come join us, sugar."

Vanessa watched as Ocelot pulled up a chair, "I'm almost done, you can have my spot if you want."

Ocelot shrugged, "It's fine. I'll make do."

Vanessa nodded, "So what's the plan for today."

"Stay alive and kick some butt," Ocelot said as he picked up a menu.

"Isn't that always the plan?" Rogue said with a chuckle.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 24, 2008 7:32 am #

Flame couldnt sleep. Not that he ever really could. This place just made it worse. The dreams were back again. More memories then anything else, the confinement, the pain, but only made worse by the place he was in. He woke up, remembering the screams as he burned his way out. He remembered the death, the heat. The rage. He was angry. He did not think he liked Indiana Jones much, coming into the situation and instantly acting as if he knew what was best. Flame did not assume that he knew more of the place than the others, but he did not like how a man who had been here a few hours and deemed important by that damned fool felt he had the right to treat Flame like he was under his command. Flame felt he could have delt with the shadow slightly better then Indy. He knew he could have. That Dr. Jones believed that he was better then Flame perhaps because Flame wasn't  there fighting because he felt something that might have been a threat to them all and went after it then he was just like the others, just like the people in mission city.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 24, 2008 8:46 am #

Jack woke up suddenly, realizing that it was morning. He was in the horrid place not on his beloved Pearl. So he got up, reaffirming his weapons, and flipped a gold coin up in the air once. "For Luck" he muttered.

He didn't see anyone out in the hall and didn't hear anything either, so he went off to look for the rest of the party, and hopefully Rogue.

*sorry its so short. I'm not sure what to post right now......

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
August 24, 2008 1:27 pm #

Indy woke with a start.

His dream had been penetrated by The Shadow. Indy couldn't remember much from it, only that The Shadow said he would be watching. And that laugh...that blood curtling cackle....

He got off the stool and saw that Vanessa and Ocelot had left. Gorfin was in a trance in the jacuzzi. Indy walked over and put his hand on Gorfin's shoulder.

"Lets get some breakfast." Indy said when Gorfin looked up at him.

"Agreed." Gorfin said and slid out of the Jacuzzi. He grabbed a towel from a chair and dried himself off.

Indy and Gorfin entered the restaurant and the whole party was there...eating no less. Indy wasn't sure how they were gonna pay for this. Flame was in a far corner looking out the window and Indy wanted to rely on him as less as possible after his absence last night when they were nearly all killed. So he wasn't going to ask him for any more silver.

There were several chairs put together and everyone was having some small talk and eating. Indy and Gorfin joined them.

"Morning, sugar..." Rogue said, with her thumb seductively placed upon her lips.

"Nice of you to join us, Indy, Gorfin." Vanessa said

"Whaz da plan?" Jack asked, already cuddling with a bottle of rum he ordered.

At the mention of a 'plan' Flame turned to the group, mainly Indy, to see what he was going to pull out of his ass this time. Indy looked to Flame for a moment, then back to the table.

"For now, we eat. We'll need the strength. Afterwards, Flame is going to take us to the Spirit Temple." Indy said, not bothering to look at Flame. He could feel the anger from Flame from being ordered to do something. In truth, Indy wasn't ordering anything. He was following what Dumbledore had asked of him. He seemed the most knowledgable about their situation.

The waitress came over and Indy hadn't thought about ordering yet.

"Try these things." Link said with a mouthful of food and pointed to a stack of pancakes on his plate. Indy went ahead and ordered them.

"So whats the contraption on your back?" Indy asked Vanessa as he waited for his food.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 24, 2008 3:53 pm #

Vanessa smiled, "Oh that's just my favourite weapon. It's able to produce several different types of fire power. Each has a unique motion. Let's see, there's one that basically shoots beams that are as powerful as rays from a sun from my hands. Another I can spin and shoot them all around me. I also have this orb of energy that explodes like a bomb that destroys anything electrical. But honestly you really need to see it in action to understand."

"So is the fire power unlimited?" Indiana asked.

Vanessa shook her head, "Each time my suit lets off a powerful burst it's drained. It will recharge but I can get off three power shots in quick succession before it's fully drained. Recharging doesn't take long, but it can be too long if the situation is bad. You look like you're having an idea."

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 25, 2008 3:20 am #

Flame walked past the others. "Do not eat too much, the spirit temple reeks of death" He stepped outside, and tried to find whatever it was that had been stalking them last night. He thought he felt something but he was unsure. A moment later two people walked up to the inn, one in a white button-down shortsleeved shirt spattered with something red and a red and black striped tie, the other, a female in a blue shirt. The man apeared to be carrying a criket bat. As they passed flame looked over "You got red on you."

((so, can we have NPC vindicators? :P))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 25, 2008 3:24 pm #

(Yeah, but they cant come with us to any temples just yet. Is that Shawn of the Dead? I somehow doubt his capability to traverse Geridarr with a cricket bat...)

"No just asking." Indy said while the pancakes arrived relatively quickly. They may have some futuristic way of preparing food quicker.

Indy finished his food and everyone else seemed about done. The waitress stood near by, check in hand. Indy waved her over. It was time to pull a fast one...

The waitress came over and handed Indy the little plastic tray in which the check was laid. Indy reached into his satchel, took out the shining medallion and tapped the tray with the medallion.

"That enough silver for you?" Indy asked, trying to seem like he owned the place. The waitress' eyes opened wide and she shook her head 'yes' in fear. She craddled the check and disappeared into the kitchen. Indy would try to pay her back sometime. He stuffed the medallion away and stood.

"Alright well....lets move out." Indy said adjusting his fedora.

(Dont drag that meeting on AA, we gotta go to the Spirit Temple)

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 31, 2008 12:08 am #

With her meal finished Vanessa stood and wondered how Indiana had managed to convince the waitress to let them go without paying.

Rogue walked by her side, "Well that was weird."

Vanessa nodded, "I know, I wonder why she was so willing to let us go without paying."

"Maybe he used the Force," Rogue joked.

"The Force?" Vanessa asked.

"It's from a movie in my time, Star Wars." Rogue told.

Vanessa nodded, "Ah one of the classics. Unfortunately I've never seen it."

"Shame, sugar. You don't know what you're missing," Rogue said with a smile.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 31, 2008 12:21 am #

It had been an exciting night.

Dark clad humans had raided the building where the party Krash’nah had been watching.  The diverse party had handled themselves admirably.  Even without his help they probably would have all survived.  Holding a highly polished skull up against the breaking sunrise, Krash’nah recalled the bulging eyes of the man just as the spear had pierced his chest.

Turning his attention back to the ground level, Krash’nah watched the party gathering outside in the street below.  He especially eyed the reptilian shape shifter who had spoken to him the night before.  He could sense my presence.  The voice still echoed in Krash’nah’s head.  He lied…he didn’t know exactly where I was…but he KNEW I was there…and he may have the power find me if he’d had the time.  I must Never let that one out of my sight.

As the party started out into the desert, Krash’nah dropped to the ground and followed…

When they were all accounted for and had double checked their supplies

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
September 1, 2008 10:51 pm #

Gorfin watched curiously at the transaction between Indy and the waitress.  He actually sensed genuine fear from the young humanoid.  Strange how a harmless piece of metal could cause such a disturbance.  If only Gorfin had one of those. 

For now he would have to find a way to get his own currency.

He followed Indiana outside.

"So.  How do we get to this Spirit Temple?"

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
September 1, 2008 10:59 pm #

Vanessa looked up, "Yeah I'm hoping there's a bus this time."

Jack laughed as he staggered over, "A bus? Is that a better sort of donkey?"

Vanessa smirked, "Yes, it's huge and can seat many people."

"Hmm," Jack said as he raised his fingers to his lips and tapped them, "I think I could use one of these bus things. Will it fit on a ship?"

Rogue joined in, "Depends on how big your boat is."

Jack smiled and twitched his eyebrows, "Oh it's plenty big, love. Maybe I'll show you some time."

Rogue rolled her eyes, "We have lots of buses were I come from."

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
September 3, 2008 12:47 pm #

(uh yeah, i'm pulling out of this RPG due to sudden huge amount of homework from school (this includes all other RPGs i am active in), so i won't be on as much. val, u can have my dude get killed by the emperor or something)

September 3, 2008 10:34 pm (Edited September 3, 2008 10:37 pm) #

*I hear ya man; that's why I've been off a sucks*

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
September 3, 2008 10:44 pm (Edited September 3, 2008 10:55 pm) #
Fett_II wrote:

(uh yeah, i'm pulling out of this RPG due to sudden huge amount of homework from school (this includes all other RPGs i am active in), so i won't be on as much. val, u can have my dude get killed by the emperor or something)

Might be better if I do the same. Same reasons. Sorry Val, your RPG rocks, but I just can't keep up to date with it. Lost track since too long and it's not sure I can do better in the future.

As he was walking in the city of Tesba, Gilius Thunderhead suddenly felt a punctual pain in his neck. His reflexes slowed down by the numbness from the night before, he grabbed whatever caused it, crushed it in his hand, then looked : he found out it was a bee. He also found out he was allergical to bee stings, but a bit too late.

He suddenly felt like the world was fading around him, and he quickly started to lack air. The people passing by seemed worried and a bit sorry for him as he just died there, within a couple minutes.

Cast iron and treadmills? Oh yes. Still sculpting me to what I really want to be, and I love it. :)

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