Topic: Functional Flamethrower:)

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Topic #2255
March 7, 2008 8:28 pm #

Does anybody have the flamethrower plans from ebay? They arent on there anymore. Please help the new guy.:(

March 7, 2008 9:50 pm #

I don't have the plans, but am in total awe of the idea; just don't use it in the house.............or anywhere an 'authority figure' might see you   :D

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
March 7, 2008 11:18 pm #

Jeeezz! i would love a flamethrower gauntlet on a BF costume. Unfortionetly I dont have one........

You're foolish words can never hurt me
March 8, 2008 4:04 am #

*faints at the idea of having working flame throwers*  don't have the plans, but if they aren't there anymore, either someone bought them, or authorities weren't to pleased with the idea :P  I'd keep an eye out for them, you never know who might put up more plans :D

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
March 8, 2008 6:08 am #

Can I point out some very real flaws with actually making a working flamethrower unit for a gauntlet.

1) Even if your armour is made from metal, your flightsuit is going to be cotton. Add to that leather belts, cotton half cape, boots, vest, mowhair rope belt etc etc - ALL flammable. I have seen the footage of a few people using real flameunits on their suits and in my opinion they have been very very lucky not to set themselves alight. If your armour is plastic then you'll simply melt it on you making the whole situation even worse.

2) With a Mandalorian helmet on your field of vision is cut down considerably. Not as much as with a Stormtrooper, Clone or Vader but still enough for you to have to spend some considerable time getting used to (even after 2 years of trooping on a very regular basis I still occasionally walk into small kids that appear below my field of view). This means the potential is there to miss what you are aiming at with the flame unit.

3) Any and every police force in the world would consider it a dangerous concealed weapon (one with the potential to blow up on the user) and would arrest you on sight.

4) It's bloody stupid!

My advice - Make a great Boba, Jango or Mando costume, have fun doing so but don't make a working flamethrower.

March 8, 2008 6:46 am (Edited March 8, 2008 06:46 am) #
Orthar wrote:

3) Any and every police force in the world would consider it a dangerous concealed weapon (one with the potential to blow up on the user) and would arrest you on sight..

Well there aren't any laws in the USA that state you can not have a flame thrower. it is a perfectly legal weapon.
And I have SEEN a working wrist flame thrower, BUT the user did have to take off his helmet to use it.

...I live by one rule and it is this: Freedom. Enslave no one and be no ones slave. No more no less. I am a hunter and no one rules me. - Alo Fett
March 8, 2008 6:49 am (Edited March 8, 2008 06:50 am) #
Alo Fett wrote:
Orthar wrote:

3) Any and every police force in the world would consider it a dangerous concealed weapon (one with the potential to blow up on the user) and would arrest you on sight..

Well there aren't any laws in the USA that state you can not have a flame thrower. it is a perfectly legal weapon.
And I have SEEN a working wrist flame thrower, BUT the user did have to take off his helmet to use it.

Orthar is right. A flame thrower could get you arrested if you parade around with it. Its a SEVERE safety hazard, If you accidentaly trigger it, you could hurt someone , even kill them. Then you have a manslaughter/murder charage on your hands, and no one wants that.

Of course....with the proper safety measures...*evil grin*

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
March 8, 2008 7:19 am #

Don't get me wrong you should NOT try to make/buy a working flame thrower. What I'm saying is that if you don't "parade around with it" or try to flame you friends cat you could own a flame thrower. it is all too easy to mess up a flame thrower:

On the flip side though...

...I live by one rule and it is this: Freedom. Enslave no one and be no ones slave. No more no less. I am a hunter and no one rules me. - Alo Fett
March 9, 2008 10:34 am (Edited March 9, 2008 02:58 pm) #

well yall i am a country boy so i've played with fire before. I am also not mentally retarted so i no not to go through town incinerating people. I just noticed that some guys in the Costumes: Working Parts page said they had bought them. I was going to but didn't have the money at the time. I was just wanting to build one because i thought it was cool.

March 10, 2008 6:09 am (Edited March 10, 2008 06:10 am) #
Tdmoparguy wrote:

I am also not mentally retarted so i no not to go through town incinerating people.

Never even crossed my mind. My concern with the whole working flame thrower thing stems from the fact that you've got a flame thrower attached to your arm, you can't drop it if it goes wrong and your dressed in a combination of plastic and cotton. One loose connection or small leak and the flame unit isn't spewing flame 10 meters in front of you, but instead the flames are crawling up your arm; and that's just a few seconds before the fuel in the tank catches light and blows up. At that point you are no longer Boba Fett you're Barbecue Fett!
Okay so you're not going trooping with it (glad to hear that) but it doesn't make it any safer to you personally. There's a world of difference between professional stuntmen and woman doing this kind of thing, with all their safety gear and support personnel just off camera and Joe Six-pack rigging up a flame thrower in his basement at home and then wearing nothing more protective then a layer of highly flammable cotton! I'm not saying you're an idiot or trying to insult you, I just don't want to hear on the news one night that a Star Wars fan burned to death after trying to make a working Boba flame unit.

March 11, 2008 7:04 pm (Edited March 11, 2008 07:08 pm) #

You make it sound like a 780CFM dual-line Holley Carburetor i tried to use on my 69 Charger. I payed a dude to rebuildit for me and he "supposedly" rebuild it for me and when i went to start the car after installing it the carb pulled an old faithful and started spewing gasoline all over my 440.:( luckily there was no fire.:) But i understand it is dangerous. Also im not going to be wearing a Boba Fett costume made of plastic and cotton because i dont have one yet. When i try this I will be wearing a fireproof racing suit and boots and there will be an extinguisher present. But enough about safety can somebody tell me the name of the seller who sold the plans on Ebay so i can get a hold of him? P.S. It is also nice to know that you are so worried about my personal safety and well being.:)

December 25, 2008 8:38 pm (Edited December 25, 2008 08:41 pm) #

Orthar dont get me wrong it would be bloody retarded to try to use a wrist mounted flame thrower. But as a Welder i have to point out a few flaws in your statements. I know when I weld im suposed to wear clothes that are either 100% cotton, or thick leather (aswell as my fiberglass mask). The reasion for this is these materials have a self extinquishing feature called wicking. now you'r corect about the plastic thing, that stuff is highly flammable because it is a byproduct of petroleum.

I still want one tho.....

December 17, 2009 3:26 pm #
Orthar wrote:

Can I point out some very real flaws with actually making a working flamethrower unit for a gauntlet.

1) Even if your armour is made from metal, your flightsuit is going to be cotton. Add to that leather belts, cotton half cape, boots, vest, mowhair rope belt etc etc - ALL flammable. I have seen the footage of a few people using real flameunits on their suits and in my opinion they have been very very lucky not to set themselves alight. If your armour is plastic then you'll simply melt it on you making the whole situation even worse.

2) With a Mandalorian helmet on your field of vision is cut down considerably. Not as much as with a Stormtrooper, Clone or Vader but still enough for you to have to spend some considerable time getting used to (even after 2 years of trooping on a very regular basis I still occasionally walk into small kids that appear below my field of view). This means the potential is there to miss what you are aiming at with the flame unit.

3) Any and every police force in the world would consider it a dangerous concealed weapon (one with the potential to blow up on the user) and would arrest you on sight.

4) It's bloody stupid!

My advice - Make a great Boba, Jango or Mando costume, have fun doing so but don't make a working flamethrower.

A surprisingly short forum on the Boba Fett Flamethrower...

More importantly, I want to set the record straight. No offense, but the above advice is from someone who obviously has no real experience with fire and flame making. I've built a few full-sized flamthrowers that can shoot about 7-8 meter flames of alcohol or gasoline. I use gasoline responsibly to light fires. I simply understand the items I work with and how flammable things really are. I got the plans from the guy on eBay (haven't had a chance to build it yet, but will as soon as I get back from Iraq). His design is a bit difficult to understand, but I'm sure once I get the materials in front of me I will have no trouble.

I will agree that cotton is flammable, so you would be better off keeping anything from the elbow down made of something less flammable or possibly giving it a coat of fire retardant spray (should be easy to find during the holiday season). Leather is no problem, you might catch it on fire, but it won't hurt you or burn through a work-leather glove. Plastic is going to depend on the thickness. It may catch, but again won't melt unless you don't put out the burning fuel on it. Metal is obviously good to go as well. I'm sorry I'm not more knowledgeable on the costume, I just found this forum through google as I'm a pyro, and wanted to spread my knowledge. The thing to remember is it is the fuel that is burning so unless the item is really thin, all that happens is the fuel burns on the surface of the item (cotton will catch, leather will not). Be aware of any paints used as those might catch on fire.

The helmet thing... probably a good idea to take the helmet off when lighting up.

Police... if you are using this thing in public, yeah you're stupid and probably will get arrested. If you are using this at a private residence then the police shouldn't be bothering you. If it's really a concern then talk to your neighbors before hand and explain to them what you are doing so they won't be alarmed if they see you shooting fireballs in your backyard. The laws in the US vary by state (I know for a fact that Texas has a law against a flame propelling device), but there is a difference between a novelty item and a weapon. A novelty is something that doesn't leave your property, where as a weapon is something brought into public (yes, loose definitions, but that's how people get away with "collector's items" such as butterfly knives) It is presumptuous to assume that "any police force in the world would arrest you on sight" for this. We don't all live in the UK.

Bloody stupid? Certainly not. People are stupid, not objects. Even a toaster in the hands of a stupid person becomes dangerous.

Please don't make such claims if you have no experience in such matters. Feel free to ask me questions!

December 17, 2009 5:38 pm #

I probably shouldnt say this but...
I grew up in the backwoods of Arkansas, and one of our favorite past times was a sport we made up called "Photon-ball".  We would take a roll of cheap toilet paper, soak it in kerosene, then play a sort of dodgeball with it (except no one was ever really out, we just kept useing it and playing) We realized that the kerosene would not burn our hads when we threw it as long as we were REALLY quick, plus we could always kick it at each other. As a result of playing this idiotic hillbilly sport I have had some experiance and I would agree with Flames McGee. Cotton isnt a problem as long as you let all the lint burn off of the surface. Leather isnt really a problem ( we started useing welding gloves when we played so that we could more accurately throw the roll of toilet paper) and as long as you have just a small modicum of common sense it shouldnt really be a problem.
By all means stay safe and Happy Hollidays.

"Everyone dies. It is the final and only lasting justice."
―Boba Fett
December 18, 2009 11:56 am #


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1. Suck Less 2. Do Better Learn it, Live it, Love it.

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