What do my think?
Topic: The State of the Union
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
11 posts
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It is scary how Bush is sounding a lot like Palpatine in this instance, allthough I am sure not a ellquently so.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
if its about bush, i dont need to read it.
Ah, I watched this the day before last. (and can you point out why he sounds liked Palpy? Cus he doesnt to me.)
To me its more of an over all feeling not just a specific line where he's sounds like Palpatine. Like with all the breaks for applause. It was in one of the books, maybe it was Labyrinth of Evil, where Palpatine keeps having these applause breaks and Bail Organa comments on it. I know there's something morebut I can't put my finger on it. Plus this is something I have been thinking on and off for sometime now.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
nah, the applause breaks are just the Republicans and Democrats getting attention on TV. only happens when Bush mentions something they like.
replace the word "force" with "oil", and the phrase "lightsabre holding" with "money grabbing clown". and theyre
the same.
After reading his entire speech there is not one place that talks about environmental issues and the problems that the world is facing in that regard!!!! This is a topic that has never been important to the Bush Admin. and we can only hope that the next one in does something radical to the archaic laws that America has concerning the Environment!
I thought it was kind of funny how often he used the words "trust" and "empower" in sequence.