Topic: Mutant Hunt - RPG

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Topic #2117

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January 12, 2008 8:38 pm (Edited January 14, 2008 12:49 pm) #

Right, so my last attempt at an RPG has gone kaput. So, I decided to make this. This is a battle between humans and mutants in new York City. Here's a basic story outline:

2020: A new race of humans has emerged to the public: the mutant race. These superior humanoids have been living in the dark for the past four decades. While most of the 'normal' people have become prejudiced, there are those who help. Some mutants are self-hating. It's basically like back in the 1960's with the Civil Rights issue. However, a few mutant uprisings have occurred, and the state militia has taken action against all mutants in New York.

Character Name:
Alliance: (Mutant, Militia, or Human- can be on side of militia or mutants)
Weapons: (if militia or human)
Power(s): (for mutants only, no more than a max of 4 powers)

1. Follow all BFFC rules.
2. No god-moding, or we will eat your brains.
3. Be realistic (AKA you can't get hit and then instantly jump up).
4. If you wish to have more than one character, you may do so. Max of 3 characters per poster.
5. Have fun!

Character: Zayne Carrick
Alliance: Mutant
Age: 16
Powers: Telekinetic energy/telepathic, invisibility, regeneration
Description: Umm, click on the link.
Personality: Living proof that the Force has a 'sense of humor'.

It was 10:30 PM. The militia would be making another trip anytime soon, and Zayne knew he'd probably be caught this time. Bad luck tended to go his way. Tanks, guns, and all sorts of weaponry.

"Crap, they're coming."

Even though he had powers that would easily take out the entire militia, Zayne just felt like he'd be captured.

"Sir, we haven't checked here yet."
"Then get a move on it!"
"Yes, sir!"

The two soldiers advanced their way towards Zayne's hiding spot, which had managed to save his life the past three  'street sweeps'.

"Hey, what is that?"
"Looks like a kid to me. Son, just what the ruddy hell are you doing there?"

Zayne frustrated.

"I don't know, the sweeps got me a bit scared, so I hid."

The two soldiers looked at the kid, who was dirty, and in fact, hiding in a dumpster.

"Damn, kid. Had you come out earlier, you coulda been home now."

"That's just the thing sir."


"My home is what you're after."

"Holy crap! He's one of em! Get him!"

Too late for the soldiers. Not only had Zayne telekenetically pushed them back, but he had gone invisible and was running now.

January 13, 2008 3:41 am #

Character Name: Skyler Davis
Alliance: Mutant
Age: 26
Weapons: Whatever comes to hand
Power(s): Shapeshifter and telekinetic
Description: In her true form Skyler skin is tinted with a faint purple. Her hair is a darker shade of purple and her eyes are a sparkling sky blue. She often changes her form so her skin looks like a normal human's and her hair is a vibrant red.
Personality: Has a strong distrust of humans but wants to fit in. She feels that her fellow mutants are often kindred spirits and tries to support them whenever possible. She often works as a spy.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
January 13, 2008 7:13 am (Edited January 15, 2008 03:18 pm) #

(Ok here we go......)

Name: James Shepard
'Name': Abaddon
Species: Mutant (?)
Age: 23
Weapons: Staff. A katana that i forgot to put in the hero machine thingy
Powers:Flight, Strenght, Has Incredible agility/speed. Slightly Telepathic, can speak to anyone, but cant hear someones thoughts unless he knows them well or they let him in
Discription:  Go to


Lower the headband so it covers his eyes and you have him ((To get the code just tripple click, copy, go to the Hero Macine click on the 'load' button paste and take out every thing else.))

Personality: Tries to help people when he can, though the people he saved usualy run when they see him. Longs to fit in.

James crouched on the steeple, he was at the very top. The steeple gave a pretty good view of the entire district. A storm began to make its way into the city, within seconds he was soaked. Lightning flashed  around him, lighting the area in quick pulses. He leapt from the steeple, his wings unfolding behind him. Soon he was above an old hous, its roof was practically gone. He landed in the attic and made his way to the basement. he lifted a small metal dish that was hidden under a large crate. he climbed down, closing it behind him. He found himself in a hallway, lit by torches, he began to follow it, reaching behind his head and pulling the blind fold from his face. He wore the blind fold because his eyes tended to disturb people, even mutants. They were blank, greyish orbs with no visible iris or pupil, he was not blind though, even wearing the blind fold he could see. He stepped into a room and placed his blindfold on a small table. He had rather good acomidations considering his situation. He had a table, some chairs, plenty of books, a nice bed, and runing water. He walked over to the bed and got in, lieing on his stomach, as his wings made it very uncomfortable to do otherwise. Within moments he was asleep

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 13, 2008 10:55 am (Edited January 13, 2008 10:59 am) #

Character: Copyright Infringement. Seriously man, you just like stole my idea of a follow up twenty years after Superhumans.


Ph34r wrote:

((Since you guys keep wondering about whether or not there will be a sequel, I guess I may as well spill it...










YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
January 13, 2008 11:26 am #

(alright then i changed it, so now this takes place in new york.)

January 13, 2008 11:54 am #

((Thanks. Sorry if I came off control freak-ish.))

Character: Noah Thaddeus Ross.
Species: Militia
Age: 47
Weapons: prime weapon is one uzi, has a pistol or two hidden in various places on his uniform for easy access and surprise attacks. Also hides a Rambo-esque bowie knife in the heel of one of his boots.

Description: stands 6'2'', peak physical condition, incredibly muscular, especially considering his age. Wears army fatigues that display his highly decorated career as a soldier of the state militia. Is now commanding officer of the organization. Has a bushy mustache and silver hair, and cold blue eyes that look into your soul.

Personality: Has a great disgust for mutants and would like nothing more than to see them rounded up in Concentration Camps. His wife and daughter were killed in a mutant riot, and he intends to make them all pay. Will go to any lengths to put an end to the mutant "menace".

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
January 13, 2008 1:17 pm #

Zayne entered an abandoned building. Looking around, he realized where he was. Buildings like these were once havens for mutants that didn't want to be found, they also doubled as the ideal place for any drug deal. He once stayed here for two weeks when he was 13, after the sweeps had begun. The building had changed in the last three years, it was mostly destroyed, there was no way to get upstairs unless you could fly or super jump, the roof was pretty much an empty hole, and another hole in the main floor where Zayne stood led to the basement. There it was that Zayne realized there was a man below, snoring. Peering over the edge of the floor, Zayne noticed that he was in a bed. Unfortunately, the floor gave away, and Zayne fell down to the basement.

"Damn floor."

The sleeping man awoke, and jumped at Zayne's throat.

January 13, 2008 1:42 pm #

((He was in the basement when he opened the 'door' and went into his house thingy, if you mean my character that is))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 13, 2008 2:39 pm #

((Okay so does this mean we aren't doing superhumans?  Because I'm really looking forward to it and I have quite a few ideas.))

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 13, 2008 3:59 pm #

((We're doing the superhumans sequel soon, it's just there's that half-sequel going on at and I'm gonna let that get a little more underway before I start it. Semper Fi, patience is a virtue.))

Commander Noah T. Ross sat at his desk in his office in City Hall. A file on a newly captured mutant was open on his desk.

Noah looked at the photo of the prisoner. It was a little german boy, surely no older than 9. The file said he somehow sucked the oxygen out of the air and killed his entire preschool class.

"Damn it..." Noah muttered. "It's getting to the children..."

He kept reading, going on to learn the boy was being heavily sedated in one of the prisons made specially for the mutants.

"Commander!" A soldier burst in Noah's office.

"What is it, Newman?" Noah barked, his hand on his gun holster.

"We've got a bit of a problem. It's one of them, sir, a mutant, we caught him during the sweep and he came pretty quietly but--" the soldier was cut off by the sound of a small explosion and a jet of flame illuminated the hallway behind Newman.

"What happened?"

"When he got here, he set himself on fire, melted the cuffs, he's gonna burn down the building!" 

Ross picked up his tranq gun that was laying on the desk next to the file. He didn't like to use the tranqs, good old lead slugs were more efficient, but there was protocol from higher authority to be followed.

"Leave it to me."

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
January 13, 2008 5:29 pm #

Character Name:aegob
Alliance:mutants and is a mutant
Weapons: long sword and a dagger
Power(s): turns on fire (can shoot it out him) x-ray vision, regeration, can leap buildings
Description:short blond hair, tall, muscular, green eyes,
Personality: wants humans and mutants to live together, will give his life to save innocents, helps people alot,

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 13, 2008 5:52 pm (Edited January 13, 2008 06:31 pm) #

This was bad. James slamed the kid's head against the wall, knocking him out. He would need to leave now, this was bad, he had lived here for three years, he had made the chairs himself, and all the books were his. He didnt have time to take them, he grabbed his sword, staff, and blind fold and ran.

(( I didnt intend for his place of residence to be one that is accessible to anyone.))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 13, 2008 6:22 pm #

I'm running i had been shot and barely got away. I would survive and the bleeding had already slowed because of my regeneration but i needed to take shelter. I run out of the alley and see a abandoned factory. There's factories all on this street but there all abandoned. I live in the basement of this one. I walk in and got to the basement. I made a fire pit, a few chairs, and  a table. I had found a old bed. I sit on a chair next to the firepit and start to remove the bullet. When I do i feel a sharp pain. I have bottles of water over in the corner. I take one and pour some water onto  the blood to wash it away. I rip one of the shirts I found and tie it over the wound. I hadn't killed the man who shot me. I don't like killing people. It's a last resort to me. I want humans and mutants to live together and killing people doesn't help.

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 14, 2008 1:32 am (Edited January 15, 2008 01:40 am) #

Character Name: John Drakus
Alliance: Mutant
Age: 25
Power(s): Can control Electricity *ie Force Lightning*; electrocution only heals and makes him stronger; very dangerous in rain/water, even to allies if they are too close;  Very high strength;  Higher then normal intelligence/born leader
Weapons: Caries a pair of black and silver 1911 Colt .45 autos, with extended slides and laser sights strapped to his hips


copy this code and past in into the HeroMachine’s load window


*if I did this wrong, or for those who can’t see this for other reasons *like me :( * I have long’ish black hair, very strong and lean build, black double-breasted shirt under a black leather trench-coat, a black mask that covers the lower half of his face, and slick black shades to cover his only visable non-human trait-his nearly glowing blue eyes* 

Personality: Very cold and commanding, except to those rare few who can get close; Parents were murdered because of him when he was 9, has hated humans ever since; turned to crime to make his living, but only against humans; seeks to lead a full resistance against human rule   

John stepped out of his black GTO.  It was raining harder now in the abandoned industrial park..  He’d long since gotten used to the ‘fuzzy’ sensation that water gave him.

Kicking in a locked door to one of the larger facilities, he strode in.   

This is a good spot, he thought as he began to inspect the inside of one of the buildings.  It was filthy, but he’s lived in worse.  At least the roof and construction were still in good shape. 

This will be my home now; and home to any that will follow me against the human scum.

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
January 14, 2008 2:58 am #

Character Name: Arista Jamieson
Alliance: Mutant
Age: 22
Weapons:  Blades and axes
Power(s):  Secretes poison from the splotches on her skin at will. Has extreme strength and some healing ability.
Description: 2.5b5*f1*Arista*Hair:Feminine,horned,FFF764,FFFFFF,100,100,23,Eyebrows:Expansion1,thinmean,FFF701,A66900,100,100,21,Eyes:Expansion1,cyclops,9482B6,9482B6,100,100,20,Nose:Standard,ring1,940018,FFF764,100,100,27,Mouth:Standard,line2,F79D9C,EF6972,100,100,18,Beard:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,26,Ears:Standard,mule,940018,F79D9C,100,100,19,Skin:,spots,940018,F0689A,100,100,6,Mask:Expansion1,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,22,Headgear:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,29,Undershirt:Bustiers,plainhalf,F79E72,EE694A,100,100,7,Overshirt:Standard,downchevron,FFFFFF,DDDDDD,100,100,8,Coat:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,25,RightGlove:Standard,wrap,EE694A,F8B684,100,100,17,LeftGlove:Standard,wrap,EE694A,F79652,100,100,16,Insignia:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,9,Neckwear:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,24,Belt:Expansion1,doubleWrap,5A3410,BDBDBD,100,100,15,Leggings:Standard,capris,F79E72,EE694A,100,100,10,Overleggings:Briefs,splitmid,FFFFFF,E7E7E7,100,100,11,Pants:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,14,RightFoot:Standard,coolats,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,13,LeftFoot:Standard,coolats,FFFFFF,BDBDBD,100,100,12,Back:Standard,shortcape,FFFFFF,DDDDDD,100,100,3,Wings:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,4,Tail:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,5,Aura:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,2,Companion:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,31,Background:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,1,RightHand:Standard,woodaxe,BDBDBD,8D6531,100,100,30,LeftHand:Blades,plaindagger,9C9C9C,724D21,100,100,28,#
Personality: Deep distrust of humans. Her odd appearance has made her seek shelter in the underground. She has met many other mutants this way and formed strong alliances.

Arista shuffled her way through the storm water drain. She was searching for a mutant child that had gone missing. Chances were he’d gone above ground. Arista was hesitant in going to the surface during the day, as she was too different to the humans above to blend in during the sunlit hours. Instead she’d wait for night and make her way through the more populated areas.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
January 14, 2008 8:56 am (Edited January 14, 2008 01:23 pm) #

Name: Derek "Dirk" Sanchez
"Real" Name: Blackout
Age: 26
Appearance: 2.5b5*m1*Blackout*Hair:Expansion1,bowlcut,4B4B4B,4B4B4B,100,100,21,Eyebrows:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,19,Eyes:Standard,blank1,FF0000,DDDDDD,100,100,18,Nose:Standard,slash,000000,000000,100,100,25,Mouth:Standard,clenched,202020,202020,100,100,29,Beard:Expansion1,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,24,Ears:Expansion1,fraBlank,B2B2B2,313131,100,100,22,Skin:Expansion1,fraBlank,181818,FFFFFF,100,100,6,Mask:Expansion1,fraBlank,B2B2B2,313131,100,100,20,Headgear:Expansion1,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,27,Undershirt:Expansion1,gloved,101C42,014574,100,100,7,Overshirt:Expansion1,upchevron,101C42,313131,100,100,8,Coat:Expansion1,fraBlank,B2B2B2,313131,100,100,28,RightGlove:Expansion1,taped,8D6531,8D6531,100,100,17,LeftGlove:Expansion1,taped,8D6531,8D6531,100,100,16,Insignia:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,9,Neckwear:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,23,Belt:Standard,x,014574,724D21,100,100,15,Leggings:Expansion1,stockings,014574,005572,100,100,10,Overleggings:Expansion1,shorts,002C53,313131,100,100,11,Pants:Expansion1,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,14,RightFoot:Expansion1,ringboot,101C42,000000,100,100,13,LeftFoot:Expansion1,ringboot,101C42,000000,100,100,12,Back:Expansion1,sabre,B2B2B2,313131,100,100,5,Wings:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,3,Tail:Expansion1,fox,181818,202020,100,100,4,Aura:Standard,forcefield,313131,4B4B4B,100,100,2,Companion:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,31,Background:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,1,RightHand:Blades,persian,B2B2B2,313131,100,100,30,LeftHand:Blades,persian,B2B2B2,313131,100,100,26,#

Personality: Due to his unique appearance, he is commonly hated or feared by humans.  Therefore, he tends to lean toward a lone wolf sort of lifestyle.  He also despises his appearance, and the loathing it inspires in humanity.  Therefore, he will usually put himself in very dangerous, combat-heavy situations to punish himself for being as he is.
Powers: He can drain the light out of a small area, and can adhere to any surface.  While these alonemay not be particulary powerful, he is a master bladesman, and uses his prehensile tail to wield a third blade in times of duress.

Blackout stared over the city, the night breeze throwing the hir out of his face.  The city was at war, he knew, and the time had come.  Humans had gotten sick of the mutants, and were rising up against a minority.  He would have to either hide or fight.  Feeling the weight of his triple swords on his back, he knew his answer.  He would fight, or die trying.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
January 14, 2008 12:50 pm #

It must've been an hour or two before Zayne woke up. His head was throbbing in the back, probably bleeding. The winged man was gone. The next sweep was just passing by, and Zayne already felt as if he was going to be discovered again. Surprisingly, he wasn't. He got up, out of the basement, and headed out of the building. The rain was still coming down, but it made his head feel better.

While walking down the street, Zayne heard what sounded like gunfire. It was probably another battle between a mutant and militiaman. Turning invisible, Zayne went on ahead to see what was going on. There were two militiamen firing upon three mutants, who were all on the other side of a building. Using his telekinetic powers, the soldiers fell back, and slammed into the wall, instantly being knocked out.

"Damn militia."

The three mutants saw Zayne, gave him an expression of thanks, and left.

January 14, 2008 1:05 pm (Edited January 17, 2008 10:02 pm) #

Name:  Syphon
Real Name: Adrian
Age: 527  (Appears to bein late 20's/ early 30's)


You know the drill.

Weapons:  Don't know what to call it so it is a M4A1 SOPMOD.  At his home he has a cache of many other weapons including the Barrett M82A1 .50 cal, some MP5 and some demolition equipment.  Not really a weapo but wears a type IV Ballistics vest.  Which protects from .30 cal and lower.
Powers:  Bishop from X-men.  Hsa the ability to absorb all energy based things that come into contact with his body.  Includes electricity, nuclear, plasma, kinetic (all sorts of concussive force.  Bullets can hurt him but the force he absorbs and turns to energy) etc.  He can release it in a pink energy blast of his own.  The reason he is so old is that he also capable of stealing people's soul energy.  It rejuvinates him and keeps him healthy.  It also is his way of healing.  He does this as little as possible.  Stealing the soul requires direct contact with skin.  He does have a store of energy in his body but if he uses it all he will kill himself.  He does not need to eat as he can change the stored energy to nourishment. 
Abilities:  Served in World War I, II, and just came back from trained as a Seal before he went to Iraq.  So he has advanced military training in hand-to-hand, sniper (and stealth comes with it), demoltions, and close quarters combat.
Brief History  (Last 5 years):  Instead of being received a hero, he was received as a mutant as one soldier observed him using his powers while fighting.  Looks to find a compromise between humans and mutants.

As Adrian walked the streets he peered at the mutant list scrolling through the news channels.  After about 5 minutes he saw his face.  Adrian sighed and continued on.  Back in World War II he was respected because he saved lives with his abilites.  Now everyone views him as a monster.  What made things change?

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 14, 2008 1:08 pm #

I decide to go asleep. I get into my bed and fall asleep.

In the morning 5:00am
I decide to go out and try to find something to eat. I get out of bed and get a coat on that will conceal my face. I go onto the first floor and use my x-ray vision to see who's on the face. I go onto the street. It's dark and no one will know i'm a mutant. I move down the street. I know a guy who sometimes helps mutant by feeding them and I decide to go there to get some breakfast.

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 14, 2008 1:27 pm #

James landed on the roof. There were men below him. Soldiers. They were armed with guns, and melee weapons, as most of the mutants were skilled in close combat. The weapons were stun batons, they wanted their targets alive. One looked up. "Mutant!" He yelled, pointing. The others took aim. James dived forward, he could out distance and loose them easily. A sharp pain exploded in his side as one of the soldiers fired. He fel to the ground, the soldiers drawing their stun batons and activating them quickly. Jamed looked up at them with blindfolded eyes, reaching for the staff on his back. They were close enough. He pulled it put qickly and hit the first in the face with it, the blow knocked him out. The second was doubled over by a smack to the gut, and taken down when the staff hit the back of his head with a loud crack. The third put up his M16, blocking a blow. James spun in and disarmed the soldier, who jumped back and drew a sword. James swore inwardly and quickly replaced his staff and drew the katana that was in a reversed sheath (upside down) on his back. He slashed quickly, the soldier blocking expertly.  The man slashed, he was fast, but James was much faster. James dodged and grabbed the man's arm. James pulled him forward and placed the katana against the mans throat and ran it across quickly, severing the soldiers jugular. He stepped back, the adrenaline was wearing off, and he could feel the pain much more now. He needed to find somewhere to rest.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 14, 2008 2:13 pm #

Running as fast as he could, Zayne fled towards the battle. Peeking from behind a corner, he saw a winged man fighting several soldiers, then running off. Following invisibly, Zayne saw the man take off into the skies. In his disappointment, he let off his invisibility.

"Damn it! I wanted to question him.."

There were a few soldiers from the battle, and they instantly pointed their weapons at Zayne.

"Turn around kid! And put your hands behind your head!"

Turning around, Zayne had a smile on his face as the soldiers closed in. One of them was from the previous night, at his dumpster incident.

"What's so funny, punk?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing really," Zayne continued to hold a smirk on his face.

The soldier did a double-take, but Zayne had seemingly vanished.

"Christ, it's that one I was telling you about, Frank! The invisible one!"

"It's a bit too late for that Jerry, he's probably in the next universe, the lot of freaks."

Zayne still had a smirk on his face.

"Actually, Frank and Jerry, I'm right here!" and Zayne seemed to appear from nowhere and thrusting out his hands, Frank, Jerry and the other soldiers were sent into a bank, breaking all the glass of the doors and nearby windows. Running into the building across the street, but slowly closing the door, Zayne watched, without his invisibility, through the window as the soldiers got up and went off elsewhere.

January 14, 2008 3:24 pm #

Noah stormed into the lobby of New York city hall. A man, average height, appearing to be in his mid-20's, hovered in the air, his body covered in crimson flame. The charred remains of his clothes and a melted pair of handcuffs were on the floor below him.

"Die, human scum! Make way for your genetic superiors!" The mutant barked, tossing sparks of flame all around the room, trying to hit as many humans as possible.

Noah took cover from a curtain of flame by crouching behind an overturned desk,  rising up just enough to get a shot in at the mutant. He pulled the trigger of his service revolver, and was annoyed to watch the mutant burn the bullet in mid-air.

"Is that all you got, you silver-haired sapien! It's a wonder you racist $%#&'s lasted this long without nuking yourselves! It's a wonder how we haven't exterminated you ALL yet! But we will, we sure as hell will! We're mother nature's way of weeding out you runts from the genetic litter. I't evolution, baby!'

Noah ducked and rolled around the room, dodging the unclad mutant's fireballs all throughout the rant. He picked up a splintered piece of wood from a destroyed chair, and barrel rooled around the room some more to get the mutant's attention and get him to have his fiery back facing the water cooler.

When the mutant was aligned, Noah hurled the wood at the mutant's head, following the chair-leg with 3 squeezes of the trigger aimed at the mutant's abdomen. The enemy stopped the wood mid-air, but could not stop the unexpected bullets. He increased the heat surrounding his body, preventing a fatal wound, but the force and inertia from the bullets still caused him great pain and his flames temporariyl died.

Noah knew he didn't have much time, so he picked up another chair piece, sprinted over to the mutant, and clocked him on the head before the flames reignited. Again and again Noah struck, before grabbing the mutant's arm and tossing him into the water cooler, shattering it and covering the mutant in water.

" of--" The mutant began, but not before Noah grabbed his throat, thrust him against a wall, placed the service revolver in the mutant's mouth, and fired once.

Noah dropped the body, looking at the surviving soldiers standing around, since any non-military personell was either evacuated or dead.

"We all saw that, right?" Noah barked. "We all saw me attempt to aprehend this mutant, who upon realizing defeat, stole my service revolver and shot himself. We all saw that, right?!?" He snarled, his statement more a command than a question.

"Yes sir." All the soldiers said in unison, unquestioning.

"Good. Now let's clean this mess up. Gonna be a hell of a lot paper work to fill out on this one."

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
January 14, 2008 4:15 pm (Edited January 14, 2008 04:15 pm) #

((Ok if it's 2020 does Earth have energy-based weapons?))

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 14, 2008 4:41 pm (Edited January 20, 2008 11:41 am) #

Character: Shawn Arain "Flip"
Alliance: Mutant
Age: 21
Power(s): Has super enhanced agility. This entails rapid reflexes, extreme coordination, lean muscle build, incredible speed, and a masterful control of his body. He is an accomplished acrobat, thus his nickname, "Flip." He also has pinpoint accuracy with any type of projectile, be it dart, bullet, or baseball. Is also creepily stealthy.
Description: (And a sudden HeroMachine craze swept across the boards at BFFC)


Without Mask:


He only wears his mask and gun on his thigh when he is in danger or expecting confrontation, otherwise, he poses as human with his equipment in his jacket pockets, which he zips up.

Personality: Seems totally oblivious to the gravity of situations, as he will make jokes or ignore negativity in any circumstance (Think Al from Sahara). Is sometimes narrow-minded.

Flip was "flipping" across the society in his daily limber-up routine, when he saw a kid pop out of nowhere, and through some invisible force, push a group of soldiers through the windows of a bank, then retreat into a building. Well, you don't see that every day... he thought. Then again, not seeing seomthing every day had a totally different meaning than it did about 15 years ago. Random and incredible occurrences did happen every day, but they were so varied and sometimes disturbingly different, that you really don't see the same thing every day. Flip, now silently slipping through a window a floor above the kid with skills, he made his way down, creeping up on him, covering his mouth to avoid attention, then introduced himself.

"Hi, I'm Shawn, but you can call me Flip. Nice job on those soldiers by the way."

"Mmmfhmmfmmhmmm. Fannnnks. UMmmmm."

"Oh, sorry." said Flip, realizing he had his hand still on the kid's mouth.

"Thanks, I'm Zayne. Ummm, not to be rude, but you are a mutant, right? You can't be too careful."

In a flash, Flip had grabbed Zayne's shoulders, flipped himself over him, landed behind Zayne on both feet, than relocated in front Zayne, all within the span of about a second and a half.

"Okaaay, I believe you. Nice to meet you Flip."

Luke: Your overconfidence is your weakness. Palpatine: Your faith in your friends is yours... Luke: Faith in yo mama. Palpatine: What was that?
January 14, 2008 5:03 pm (Edited January 14, 2008 05:11 pm) #

(no sev, we're unfortunately still lacking that technology. we stick with good ol' fashioned bullets. this is still like another four years before the first proposed moonbase is gonna really be in the works.)

(and since we only have one current member of the militia, i'll make a second profile to help Ph34r in the onslaughter.)

Character: Alek "Squint" Squinquargesimus
Alliance: Militia
Age: 28
Weapons: Pocket knife, sawed-off shotgun, standard assault rifle (with extra 20 clips)
Description: is the dude like right under Ph34r's character. always calls Ph34r's character (sorry i forgot name lol) 'Chief'.
Personality: total badass dude.

"Squint, report to city hall."

"Right-o, chief."

Squint jumped onto his bike, and pulled out his shotgun as he drove down the road. City Hall, let's see... a right at 23rd and 5th... left onto 34th... ahh, City Hall.

There was a storm of mutants all over the front of City Hall. Shotgun in the left, rifle in the right, and the bullets flew.

January 14, 2008 5:25 pm (Edited January 14, 2008 05:30 pm) #

Adrian passed by the city hall.  There seemed to be a commotion coming from within.  He silently slipped in the lobby just in time to see a man covered in fire burn a chair, but then get shot at by a soldier.  The soldier picked up a chair and beat the man shoving his arm into a water cooler.

" of--" The lead soldier shoved his sidearm into the man's mouth and blew his brains out.  Adrian didn't even flinch. 

"We all saw that, right?  We all saw me attempt to apprehend this mutant, who upon realizing defeat, stole my service revolver and shot himself. We all saw that, right?!?"

"Yes sir."  The soldiers shifted uncomfortably.

"Good. Now let's clean this mess up. Gonna be a hell of a lot paper work to fill out on this one."

One of the soldiers turned and saw Adrian. 

"Sir!  We have a civ witness."

The silver-haired man whipped around to face Adrian.  "Identify yourself."

"Adrian.  Sir."  He struck a military pose.

"Army eh?"

"Yes sir.  Navy Seal."

"As I said to the others.  You didn't see anything."

"Did you have to kill the mutant sir?"

The man's eyes darkened.  "What a stupid question.  Of course I did.  All mutants are to be shot on spot.  They are a menace to society and they must be stopped.  Now please leave."

Adrian turned around and made his way out the door.  One of the soldiers spoke to the silver haired man.

"Sir.  While you were talking I patched his the helmet cam through to command.  They have confirmed he's a mutie.  Powers unknown."

Adrian cursed and sprinted out the door only to run smack into a crowd of mutants.  He saw a military man at the head of the crowd mowing down mutants.  Senseless slaughter.  Drawing on his wells on energy he fired a concussive blast at the man.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 14, 2008 5:53 pm #

"Mutant scum!" Noah yelled at the one called Adrian! "You're invading my office! You"re invading my LIFE!"

Noah fired a rain of bullets at the mutant who dodged them with ease by somersaulting and flipping through the air.

"What the--?"

"Chief, what's the situation?" Squint, Noah's right hand man popped up, heavy artillery at the ready.

"There you are, Squint! I need you to kill that twinkle-toed mutant ASAP! Lethal force approved and advised!"

"Sir, yes sir!"

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
January 14, 2008 6:32 pm #

Abaddon(James) Watched the fight rage near city hall. He didnt think he would join in. "This looks like its going to get mes-" He shut up as a shot whizzed past him. At first he thought it was just a stray bullet, but then another grazed his arm. He dived down ward, landing silently behind a group of soldiers. One of them turned. "..the fu-" He was cut off by the steel of Abbadon's katana.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 14, 2008 10:13 pm #

Skyler was currently in the form of a military man. She’d killed him when he’d attempted to extinguish her worthless mutant life. She had decided he was the one needing extinguishing. She’d made her way towards the crowd of mutants that were being eradicated.

She recognised Adrian and grabbed him by the arm. She shifted her face into its normal form. “Don’t shoot as the militia don’t know you’re a mutant, we can use that to our advantage.”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
January 14, 2008 10:40 pm (Edited January 14, 2008 10:41 pm) #

Adrian smiled at Skyler.  "My aren't you looking fabulous today."  She smirked as she changed back to the soldier. 

"You take what you get.  I think we need to get out of here.  The media will be here soon and I don't think you want your face broadcasted more than it is.  By the way your mugshot looked particularly handsome."

"Don't I always look dashing?"  laughed this.  "We'll exchange banter later.  Right now I want to get out of here.  This will turn into a slaughter.  The riot police are already arriving."  Adrian looked over at the head of the crowd and saw the police forming a barricade. 

"Apres-vous madame."

He followed her through the mutant crowd and ran towards the barricade.

"Help!"  She screamed still as the soldier, "Some mutant is trying to kill us!  Let us through!"

Obidiently they parted and Adrian and Skyler dashed through.  After they were out of earshot of the troops Adrian faced her.  "So, do we go and take a few humans out, or find some place to lay low?"

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 14, 2008 10:55 pm #

Skyler shifted back into her normal form sans the purple skin and hair. She made the hair a strawberry blonde and the skin pale. “Okay sweetheart I say you go to the roof and play sniper. I’m going play Shifter.” She said with a grin. Shifter was when she continually changed form and generally got rid of people as stealthily as possible.

Adrian grinned, “Why do I always have to play sniper?”

“Cause you couldn’t shift to save yourself,” she said with a cheeky grin. “The tally starts when I hit the ground. You better not cheat.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it babe,” Adrian smirked.

“I remain sceptical,” Skyler said as she departed. She shifted so her form was more heavy set and her features broader. She found a human guard hanging back from the rest of the militia and smacked his head hard into the wall. “Sorry sweetie but it’s nap time,” she said as she shifted into his form.

She walked up to the line of other militia and saw a soldier opposite shoot a mutant. She rewarded the soldier with a matching wound. He went down holding his leg. The soldier beside her opened his mouth to expose her but he suddenly dropped next her screaming. Skyler touched the brim of her hat as she acknowledged Adrian’s hit. “Sniper!” she shouted in the male soldier’s voice.

Skyler shot another soldier in the foot. One of the mutants saw her and Skyler shifted her skin to its purple tone for a moment so the other mutant would know what she was. He nodded in understanding and grabbed the hand of his friend and ran passed Skyler’s turned back.

Skyler pivoted behind a tree and shifted back into the strawberry blonde woman. Some of the soldiers ran after the mutants but Skyler stepped in their way, “They touched my belly! My unborn baby might be contaminated! You’ve got to help me!” Skyler had to stop herself from grinning, as she loved playing the hysterical woman. She managed to hold off three of the soldiers as they tried to calm and reassure her. “I should have an abortion. I don’t want to give birth to an abomination! Wah!”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
January 14, 2008 11:18 pm (Edited January 20, 2008 01:48 pm) #

Adrian chuckled to himself.  Quite the actress she was.  He took out the 3 soldiers all around her in quick succession.  She went about her business shifting into riot gear and out before anyone could even notice while he went about his. 

"5."  He aimed at another and squeezed the trigger.

"6."  He aimed at another one.  Missed.

"Darn."  This would be so much easier if he had his M82 with him.  Quickly he lined up the next shot and took him out at the body.

"7."  This was turning out to be fun.  He was about to take out another when Skyler slit his throat from behind. 

"Touche."  He noticed the mutants were getting restless.  One of them charged and was shot down.  That was the catalyst.  The rest broke rank and charged.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 14, 2008 11:31 pm #

Here's Skyler:

Skyler realised she was losing the body count, although she was scoring those who she'd taken out with non-lethal means. In the form of a soldier she took out another four soldiers and was now on equal ground with Adrian she flashed a smile at him and she shifted into a winged mutant. She picked up a soldier by his shirt collar and threw him at another two soldiers, "Strike!" she shouted as she bowled them over.

"I'm up to 10, Loverboy." She shouted in Adrian's general directions before dropping to the ground, pivoting behind a car and turning back into a soldier.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
January 15, 2008 12:02 am (Edited January 15, 2008 12:22 am) #

"8.  Loverboy?  To be a loverboy don't I need a lovergal?"

She flew up again.  "Only in your dreams."

He shurgged.  "Worth a try."

A singl soldier took the time to look up in the sky.

"Sir!  The sniper is on the ro-"

Adrian didn't let him finish his sentence.  He swung the rifle aimed and shot in one fluid motion. 

"Like poetry eh Adrian?  Well I'm gunna go back-"  A hail of bullets cut her short.  He flew over to the edge and shifted into her true form laying low.

"Someone's gotten sloppy Adrian.  You drew attention to us."

"Me?  Well Miss, I wasn't the one sitting around make small talk while a fight was going on below us."

"I believ it was you who initiated conver-"

"Hold that thought.  I just had a brilliant idea."  Skyler began opening her mouth to say a retort but Adrian cut her of again.

"Please refrain from commenting.  I get my genius moments here and there."  After the flying concrete and whizzing bullets died down he got up a sprinted for a antennae.  Ripping it out of the ground he grabbed a wire and tore it open.  Instead of receiving an electrical shock he felt the energy being transfered into him.  It felt good.  Turning to the soldiers down below he released a continuous blast of energy that tore through their ranks causing them to scatter.  The mutants who finally saw their escape made a break for it.  Skyler stood up and used some of her telekinetics to keep the soldiers at bay.  Adrian was sure he was burnin energy faster than he was taking it in.  Stoping his energy blast he collapsed to the ground still holding onto the cable.

"That took a lot out of me.  Phew."

"Ah so the al mighty Adrian falls.  Well I say we get out of here before they come to investigate.  Care for a ride?  She shifted into a winged mutant again and pulled him up to his feet.  She picked him off the ground and made her way off into the distance.
"So where to fearless leader? "  she asked him.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 15, 2008 12:17 am (Edited January 16, 2008 09:38 am) #

Designation: CyberReasearch Division Autonomous Terminator No.1
Alliance: Human/Military
Age: Less than 1 year since acivation
Weapons: Desert Eagle .50AE, Barrett M82A1 Sniper Rifle, M90 Automatic Shotgun, P90 SMG with silencer, laser sight, and modified fire rate, numerous other weaponry in the trunk of his car
Vehicle: Black 1970 Dodge Charger (Fast and the Furious)
Personality: (Think T-800 Model 101 from T2)

2.5b5*m1*CyberResearch Division AT1*Hair:Standard,messy1,53453A,000000,100,100,23,Eyebrows:Standard,eyebrows4,53453A,FFFFFF,100,100,21,Eyes:Faces,face17,5A3410,FFD08C,100,100,20,Nose:Standard,thinhook,FFD08C,FFFFFF,100,100,28,Mouth:Expansion1,fraBlank,EE694A,EE694A,100,100,18,Beard:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,27,Ears:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,19,Skin:Standard,fraBlank,F8B684,FFD08C,100,100,7,Mask:Glasses,blues,181818,000000,100,100,22,Headgear:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,30,Undershirt:Expansion1,Tshirt,A6A6A6,8C8C8C,100,100,8,Overshirt:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,9,Coat:ModernCasual,leatherjacket,313131,000000,100,100,26,RightGlove:Standard,plain,313131,000000,100,100,17,LeftGlove:Standard,wrap,000000,313131,100,100,16,Insignia:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,10,Neckwear:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,24,Belt:Standard,wrap,070707,FFFFFF,100,100,25,Leggings:Expansion1,loincloth,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,11,Overleggings:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,12,Pants:Standard,slacks,313131,000000,100,100,15,RightFoot:Expansion1,hikingboot,313131,000000,100,100,14,LeftFoot:Expansion1,hikingboot,313131,000000,100,100,13,Back:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,4,Wings:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,5,Tail:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,6,Aura:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,3,Companion:BigWeapons,fraBlank,070707,848484,100,100,2,Background:Standard,fraBlank,fffaf7,313131,100,100,1,RightHand:Miscellaneous,duffel,202020,181818,100,100,31,LeftHand:Firearms,fraBlank,313131,070707,100,100,29,#

((HeroMachine is so awsome.))

"This IS my signature."
January 15, 2008 12:19 am #

“You’re flying,” Adrian said in response.

“Admit it, you don’t know where you are and you won’t stop for directions.” Skyler teased.

“As a man my sense of direction is impeccable,” Adrian retorted.

“Sure it is,” Skyler said in response. “Admit it, you’re geographically embarrassed.”

“I admit nothing,” Adrian teased.

Skyler smiled at him, banter was so much fun. She decided to land at the back of her favourite café. “Okay here we are, Lola’s Café. Best food around.”

Adrian dusted himself off, “I know.”

Skyler laughed at him and extended her arm as she shifted back into her normal form. This time however she was a redhead with lightly freckled skin. “Now I believe I got more points so you get to buy lunch.”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
January 15, 2008 12:41 am #

Arista decided to go top side. She lifted the heavy grating and heard shouts around her. At first she thought it was because of her appearance but it seemed it was not. Gunfire was sounding and screaming followed. Arista climbed out of the underground and replaced the grate.

She moved to the shadows and made her way quietly to where she heard the noise. It suddenly went quiet. She peered around the corner and was pleasantly surprised when she saw James. “Hello there stranger,” she said with a smile.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
January 15, 2008 2:12 am #

What a mess thought John as he stepped out of his black GTO near the Town Hall. Guess I missed all the fun.

But fun wasn’t on his mind just this moment.  Turning away from the carnage that was the recent battle, John stepped into the bank he’d pulled in front of; it’s alarm still ringing.  The windows were smashed in, and there was some blood in the shards on the floor. 

Stepping into the vault, he found where it had come from.  Several guardsman where looting the pile of cash, and one had cut his arm in the glass. Someone threw you in, and you decided you liked where you landed, huh?  

“This is the best idea you ever had, Frank,” one said to another as the piled the bundles of money into their sea-bags.

“I had the idea first, Frank.”  Before they could turn, electric arcs beamed from Drakus’s fingertips. 

“Thanks for bagging all this for me boys” said John as he stepping around their smoking bodies and walked out the door.

This is a good start.  I can really fix up my base and outfit any volunteers with this load.  Two down, and three more to go; my what profit there is in confusing times he thought with a grin.

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
January 15, 2008 7:58 am #

Blackout heard the mobs shouts from his home even at the distance that they came from.  He heard the gunfire, and the subsequent shrieks.  He knew that the humans were tiring rapidly of mutants and had most likely opened fire at the prtestors; that's how it always worked.  He sighed, and then walked to the edge of the cathedral roof upon which he had perched, and stepped off.  His foot went over the edge and clung to the side effortlessly, and he began literally walking down the side of the wall, as if it was a simple sidewalk.

Once he reached the ground, he looked around at the streets nearby.  Humans were milling about, some feigning indifference, and others openly worried.  Their were mutants too, almost every one trying to make themselves invisible, and avoid the humans' detection.  Blackout snarled.  Mutants shouldn't have to hide, or fight to survive, they should be allowed to live normal lives beside humans.  That was an idealistic thought, he knew, for mutants like him, whose mutations were painfully obvious never would be accepted into society.  As he mulled about this recurring topic in his mind, he noticed something.  Two humans armed with steel bars and a pistol were hounding a mutant with horns on his head into a corner.

"We don't need muties like you spoiling our fair city.  Your kind oughtta be purged."

They raised their weapons overhead, to strike and shoot the helpless mutant.  And then, everything went black, as the light was drained away from their general location.

"What the...This is your doing mutie.  I toldja we should've killed him without the speech!"

That was all they had time to say, as a shadowy creature with a tail that looked like a devil's leaped off of teh side of the wall, eyes glowing the colour of blood, and two swords spinning in the blackness, unseen by their eyes.  Blackout darted to one side, and slit the throat of one of the thugs, while simultaneously knocking the pipe out of the second one's hand, following up with a thrust to the heart, Blackout's blade easily slipping between the ribs.  With a fllourish, he twirled the blades, cleaned them of the humans' blood, and sheathed them.  This all happened within the space of forty-five seconds.  And then he left, leaping up the side of the building, and running along the wall, allowing light to return to the location of the planned mugging, leaving a very confused mutant in his wake.

Things like this served as constant reminders to the futility of trying to blend and co-exist with humans.  He did not believe mutants to be the superior race, but nether did he view them as inferior.  They were simply different, and humanity hated what as not the norm, they hated what was different, and what they did not understand.  He walked off, trying to find some quiet place to plan his next few moves.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
January 15, 2008 12:02 pm (Edited January 16, 2008 10:31 am) #

"That last bit counted at least as 20."  He muttered under his breath.  He led her to the booth right next to the window by the entrance.

"Why here."

He tapped his head.  "Seal training.  Fastest way to the exit."

"So you say a Navy Seal?  How old are you anyway?  Don't you have to be at least 30 to become a seal."

"30 is the limit.  I'm old enough.  Age is irrelevant."

She punched his arm, "I believe it is the females that are hestitant to tell their age.  So you have to be under 30..."

He laughed.  "I'll tell you later.  You remember where we met?  I believe we hit it off right away."

"I think I was trying to hitch a train and I was in my true form.  You happened to be there.  I slugged you thinking you were some sort of guard."

"Good times."  The waiter came and placed 2 water in front of them.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 15, 2008 12:03 pm (Edited January 15, 2008 12:17 pm) #

Flip and Zayne walked by city hall.

"Whoa, ummm, I think something happened here." Zayne commented, looking at the strewn mass of mutant and human bodies.

"Yep, I think so. Let's go get some lunch." Flip said, wanting to leave before he got nauseous. "I know this great little cafe nearby. Best food around."

They walked until they reached Lola's Cafe, walking in and taking a seat by the window.

Zayne spoke first. "There are other mutants in here."

"How do you know?"

"I'm telepathic. One of them was, ummm. It's hard to explain. Okay, so you know when you talk to your self in your head?"

"Ummmm, yeah. Sure. Okay."

"Anyways, when you do that, your thoughts get really loud. So even though I'm trying to not listen, sometimes I can't help it. Anyhow, one of them did that, and he and his friend are mutants. And that's how I know."

"Nice. Soooo, where are they?"

"Over there at that table. The scary-looking army dude and the redhead."

"She's cute. Wanna go sit by 'em? Nice to meet other mutants."


Flip and Zayne walked over, pulling up two chairs.

"Hi there! How's it going?" Flip said genially, oblivious to the subverted attraction, and possibly the preference for privacy between the two.

Zayne however, remembered his manners. "I'm sorry, are we interupting anything?" Zayne said, influencing his chair without touching it in a subtle manner of proving he was a mutant.

The woman nodded in acknowledgement, asking, "What about him?"

Flip answered for Zayne. "Watch," he said, picking up a straw. He tore off a bit of a napkin, put it into his mouth, and rolled into a ball. A good ol' fashioned spitball. He took aim, then said through the straw, "Man in the corner, left ear." He shot the spitball with as little noise as possible at a distance over 30 feet, in a perfect trajectory, to the other side of the cafe. Sure enough, the man, disgusted, made a face and proceeded to remove the offending wad.

"Okay, we believe you. But how do you know that we're mutants?" Said the army guy.

Flip, looking like he was under suspicion, pointed at Zayne across his gut, like a child blaming a playmate.

"I'm a telepath," Zayne explained. "You were thinking loud," he said, talking to the army guy.

"Right," said the redhead. "Anyway, I'm Skyler, this is Adrian. I'm a shapeshifter, and he can suck energy from anything. And he likes weapons, he was in the military."

"I can see that." Flip quipped. "I'm Flip, this is Zayne, and you already knows what he does. Oh, he can move stuff with his mind, too. I'm an uber-acrobat, and I can shoot things pretty accurately.

"Nice to meet you, Flip, Zayne." Skyler said.

"Nice to meet you too, mademoiselle."

Zayne rolled his eyes. "Dude, you're hopeless."

"Shhh, can't you see I'm working here?" He turned to Skyler, "Did I mention I speak French? Most romantic language in the world..."

Luke: Your overconfidence is your weakness. Palpatine: Your faith in your friends is yours... Luke: Faith in yo mama. Palpatine: What was that?
January 15, 2008 12:41 pm #

Blackout arrived at the city square, and whisteld from the cover of a nearby alleyway.  Such a masscre, corpses were literally littering the ground, and the pavement had been painted a lovely red colour.  Such a waste.  This was living proof that mutants and humans could not co-exist.  He spat on the blood-stained pavement with disgust, and walked away.  He heard the sound of laughter drifting from a building nearby and sighed sadly.  That carefree life was never available for him.  It had been taken away twenty years ago.

The door burst open, and ten men with body armour rushed into the room.  The night air outside was crisp and clear, and the other families along the street completely ignored the events of this one house.  The mother was dragged into the street, and hanged from the streetlight, while the father was riddled with bullets from their automatic rifles.  No one paid attention to that six year old boy who watched all of this horror from the safety of his room, shrouded by shadows that he had made.  He watched both of his parents die, simply for being born different than the humans.  He watched the soldiers laugh heartily as they watched the boy's mother jerk and kick at the end of the noose.  The only two people who treated Derek with love and respect were murdered before his eyes, to the laughter of the murderers.  Since then, Derek had grown, physically, emotionally, and mentally.  He now understood exactly why his parents died, and why humanity hated him and his kind so much; they were the unknown, they were different.  This life-long lesson had been taught to him at the age of six.

He gritted his teeth against the pain of the memory, and turned away from the laughing building tears blurring his vision, and trickling down his cheeks.  He turned and walked away, slipping like a shadow down an alleyway.  His five foot tail whipped behind him in agitation, and he had to take a moment to calm himself.  He needed something to eat.  And, knowing the situation as it stood, he could hardly walk right up and buy himself some food.  Spying a cozy looking cafe down the street, he smiled to himself.  He hoped they were ready for a temporary power blackout...

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
January 15, 2008 12:43 pm #

Adrian mentally berated himself.  His telepathic blocks must be becoming weak.  He worked on putting them back up.  He turned to this new guy Flip who claimed he spoke perfect French.  When you live 527 years you pick up a few languages here and there.

"Allez sauter dans une flaque et avez un bain de boue.  ((Go jump in a pond and have a mud bath..))

Flip paused.  But he worked up his courage and answered, "Oui.  Oui."

Adrian laughed. 

"What?  What did you say?"

"I told you how smooth you are with the ladies."

"Ah oui! Bien sur.  You must have been speaking Canadian French.  That's why I couldn't understand.  I only speak the real French."  ((Props to Night for this))  He smiled at Skyler.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 15, 2008 1:01 pm #

"Damn." Noah grumbled. The riot at Town Hall had been quelled, but the mutant called Adrian had escaped.

"That coulda gone better." Squint popped off.

"Enough." Noah said, turning to Squint. The seriousness in his face could have silenced a storm.

"Sir.." A scientist suddenly approached Noah. "There's something we'd like to show you."



Noah, Squint, and the scientist had been taken to a safe research facility not far from Town Hall.

"sir, behind this door..." said a scientist, rapping his knuckles on a large steel door "...Is something we think you'll like."

"Why? Is it a pile of mutant corpses?" Noah asked impatiently.

"No...." The scientist replied. "...But it's programmed to make them."

The door slid open to reveal the greatest thing Noah had ver seen since the mutant threat began.

((That'd be your cue, Revan.))

"N-no sir... but it is

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
January 15, 2008 1:15 pm #

Skyler couldn’t help but smile. She twitched her eyebrows at Adrian before turning to Flip. “Now I personally prefer to know what a man is saying to me, that way I know how to respond appropriately.” She moved closer so her face was mere inches from Flip’s. “Be it literal or physical,” she sat back with a cheeky grin. Oh how she loved to flirt.

She heard Adrian chuckle beside her. He knew that she loved flirting as much as banter. Hell she often mixed the two together.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
January 15, 2008 2:02 pm #

((Thank you :D))

"It's...well...May I introduce...the first...completely...autonomous Terminator. They just sent him here from DC a few hours ago, we were running some final system checks before we let him go to work."

"You mean this thing is a...machine?"

"Yes you remember that one movie?

"Yeah, yeah, I know. So, who does it the orders from?"

"The Secretary of Defense. We only control over his orders."

"Hmm, I see. Does it have a name?"

"He responds to A-T-One, sir."

"ATOne, what is your mission?"

"To purge the mutant threat to the United States citizens, government, and military personnel."

"I like the way this guy thinks, Bill."

"This IS my signature."
January 15, 2008 2:15 pm (Edited January 15, 2008 02:16 pm) #

Character Name: Sal (people usually just refer to him as a bug)
Alliance: Mutants? (is usually friendlier to mutants, but will kill humans on sight)
Class: Mutant
Age: 19
Weapons: Claws, Teeth, Stinger: The Stinger is poisoned and will take effect almost immediately, bites are much less potent, and sometimes take days for the poison to take effect. There is no know cure.

Power(s): Flight, Great Strength, Wall crawling, Infect: this will join another human into a hivemind state with Sal, and they will also mutate into a bug like Sal as well, others that already mutants are Immune, but the poison will cause considerble pain for the next 10 hours. (20 hours for bites, but the pain is not as great) The more minds that are connected to Sal, the harder it is for him to control. Sal can not be killed enless all other infected humans are killed as well.

Description: Think this:
But with larger jaws, claws, a stinger, bigger size, a darker color and a extra set of arms.

Personality: Hungry, Insane, Angry, Buglike, frustrated. Lost a large portion of his sanity, when he mutated during puberty.

Connected. Together. One.

These words were constantly repeated in Sals mind. They gave him comfort. Gave him something to live for, to care for: The others. Always in his mind. Forever. To a human this would be repulsive, but Sal wasnt human anylonger. He was something else completly...

The hive (aka: Sal) was currently praying on passerbyers in the streets. Eating them. There were only 3 bugs currently so Sal had an easy time of telling them what to do. During a lull in the hunting a rare memory came into the hives mind:

It was a bright sunny day in the city, it seemed even brighter because it was Sals birthday. Before he transforrmed. He was with his family: His Father, Mother, and little brother. Sal was opening presents in the living room. Rapping paper was flung everywere, by Sals little brother, excited by all the commotion he was to young to understand. The day before Sal had expirenced unexpected stomach aches, rashes and headaces among other things. But all that was forgoten in the excitment: of Sal Carmens 14th birthday. As Sals mother went to go get the cake and his father picked up the paper, Sal went to the bathroom for a moment,because he was suddenly feeling I'll again. He panted heavily as he looked into the mirror, and begain seeing chitin appearing on his skin. He vomited into the sink. He struggled out of the bathroom, calling feebly for his mother. As his mother appeared around the corner worried by her sons voice, Sal's wings has allready grown out of his back. She looked on in horror as her son changed before her eyes. Sal could feel nothing but pain in his body and......the desire to feed......then nothing. Sal could recall nothing more, but blurred (and bloody) images.....

The hive woke out of its slumber as two more humans came out into the street. Hunger became the dominate feeling in them. As the they took off heading for there meal. The 'meal' looked up in time to see them. They ran off away in the direction of a building called: Lola's Cafe.....

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
January 15, 2008 2:38 pm #

Abaddon spun. At first he didn't recongnise who it was, just for a second though. It wasnt every day you saw some one with purple spots on them. He ducked into the alley quickly, as a few soldiers sprinted past, shouting.

"Do you ever actually talk?"  Arista asked, she wasnt used to him 'voiceing'

"No Where you headed?" James didnt see her much, she prefered to keep to the underground.

"Looking for a kid."

James sighed. "Could I get a discription? I might be able to find him."

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 15, 2008 2:40 pm (Edited January 15, 2008 02:48 pm) #

Flip gulped, and took a deep breath. "Al-alright," he shuddered, "English." He gulped again, recovering his thoughts. "And actions speak louder than words..." He grinned mischeviously. Then Flip noticed a weird thing... Adrian, rather than looking, acting, or even giving off a hint of jealousy, he grinned, almost fatherly . Flip wondered about this, and became curious as to what was going on in the soldier's mind.

Luke: Your overconfidence is your weakness. Palpatine: Your faith in your friends is yours... Luke: Faith in yo mama. Palpatine: What was that?
January 15, 2008 2:59 pm #

As Zayne and Flip sat down, Zayne started hearing voices again. But, these thoughts were louder than usual, and clearly were not that of Adrian or Skyler.

"Ow, damn that hurts!" Zayne had only realized that everyone in the Cafe was now staring at him, even the waiter.

"Uhh, fork stab."

The rest of the people returned to their business. Flip couldn't help but laugh.

"Fork stab? Ha, you're quick."

"I don't know who it was, but they seemed pretty angry."

"What did his voice sound like?" said Adrian.

"I don't know, kinda menacing and all tyrant-like. I could use a beer right now, it tends to make this stuff easy on me."

The other three stared at him. "Beer?" they all said in unison. Flip spoke out.

"Beer? Man, what are you, 16? You're a minor!"

"So what? It helps me. Just please get me something to drink at least, my head is throbbing with pain now."

"Ugh, alright kid. Oi Lola, I need a cold beer!"

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