Topic: RPG - Supernatural: Vampire vs Werewolf

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December 7, 2007 11:43 pm #

I was enjoying Draco’s Vampire Hunt RPG but it seems to have died unfortunately. So I’ve got a new suggestion. This one is another supernatural type RPG with a certain goal in mind.

Let’s pit the Vampires and Werewolves against each other once again but for clarity’s sake I’ll list their powers so everyone knows where they stand:

Elder Vampire: Has been a vampire for over 500 years. They can walk in daylight provided it’s a cloudy day. Has some control over their bloodlust. Can cloak themselves from human view by influencing their blood flow to slow it to the optical receptors. Have some resistance to garlic and holy water but not much.
Abilities: (Including Regular & Young Vampire abilities) Further heightened senses, can levitate and can influence the minds of young werewolves.

Regular Vampire: Has been a vampire for over 20 years. They cannot stand the sun, able to move in shadowed areas, such as indoor buildings. Have little control over their bloodlust. They are badly affected by garlic and holy water.
Abilities: (Including Young Vampire abilities) Able to leap extremely high, can scale brick walls easily and take large falls and land unscathed.

Young Vampire: Newly created vampire up to 19 years. Can only move around at night and are highly sensitive to garlic and holy water. Has an insatiable bloodlust.
Abilities: High speed running, fast healing and extremely strong. Also has heightened senses.

Elder Werewolf: Has been a werewolf for over 400 years. They can control when they want to change from human form to wolf form. They can change into human, partial wolf/human form or full wolf. Has some ability to influence the human mind, mainly to confuse them so they don’t know where an attack is coming from. Elders are generally Alphas of their pack and control the hunts. They can only be killed by more than three silver bullets.
Abilities: (Same abilities as Regular Werewolf, though desire to breed fades) Extremely rapid healing abilities, able to survive long term exposure to silver although it will make them weak.

Regular Werewolf: Has been a werewolf for over 50 years. Have some control over when they change, can however choose the form of full wolf or partial wolf/human. Has a very strong instinct to hunt and find a life mate. They can be killed with three silver bullets.
Abilities: (Including Young Werewolf abilities, except full moon change) Able to shield themselves from vampire mind attacks, able to heal more rapidly than Young Werewolves and are able to breed at this age. They are also extremely agile and able to leap extremely high.

Young Werewolf: Newly created werewolf up to 49 years. Have no control over when they change, can only change into full wolf form. Has very strong instinct to hunt and kill. Aging process slowed down by six fold and continues through life. They can be killed by three silver bullets or long term exposure to silver contacting their skin.
Abilities: Extremely highly developed sense of smell. Other senses are also heightened, more so than a young vampire. They are extremely strong, can rip appendages from sockets easily. Runs very fast and can only change under the full moon.

The Storyline:

Set in the present, location shall be a fictional city of Murk Valley which is surrounded by dense forest. The Vampires and Werewolves have been enemies for centuries and regularly battle with each other. However both sides are losing many of their kind. Both sides think it’s the other however a more sinister force is behind it. Both species have until New Year’s Eve to figure out what’s killing them or they will all perish.

The Rules:

The Enemy is a demon from Hell wanting the souls and power of all vampires and werewolves. Someone will need to pick up this role. He/She must have a weakness of some sort as he/she will need to be killed eventually.

We also need at least one Elder Vampire and one Elder Werewolf. The Elder Werewolf is likely to have an Elder mate also. Please limit the number of Elders as we need Regular and Young variations of both.

Slayers are optional also, but must be human or a half human hybrid.

1. You may create any character you want but follow the guide above. Clarify their name and species so others can follow their actions easily. I will be moderating.

2. You can kill characters you create but you can't kill other people's characters unless they say they have been killed in battle with you. However you can wound them.

3. You can have any weapon you want but you can only have what your character could physically carry - otherwise they wouldn't be able to move. Also it must be of this time. You can have newly developed weapons from your coven or pack.

4. Be consistent, eg if someone says they blew up a building, don't suddenly be assaulting it.

5. If you have sustained many wounds you will have to weaken and possibly be killed, healing factors can reduce this. If human you will need to seek medical help or you will die.

6. Follow the storyline, sure add a few twists and turns but allow others to see where you want to go so they can help you get there.

7. Have fun.

Name: Daphne Adams
Species: Werewolf
Sex: Female
Age: Regular Werewolf - 150
Appearance: Looks to be in her mid twenties. Is a brunette with striking blue eyes. Can be stunning if she wants to be. Usually wears black jeans, fitting t-shirt and a full length leather coat.
Weapons: Two hand guns, generally Glocks.
Personality: Loyal yet likes her own space from time to time. Has a good sense of humour and questions what's going on. She feels there is something more sinister going on.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 8, 2007 12:05 am #

Name: John Mitchel
Species:Human/Vampire Hybrid
Gende:M for Male
Age: 29 (Hunter)
Apperance: Tall, dark hair, green eyes. Usualy wears a t-shirt and jeans,
Weapons: A large knife, and desert eagle
Personality: Usualy happy, some times makes very lame jokes. Attempts to only kill dangerous vampires/werewolfs.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 8, 2007 2:13 am #

Name: Audrey Douglas
Species: Vampire
Gender: Female
Age: Young Vampire - 21 (vampire for one year)
Appearance: Blonde with long face and gaunt figure. Wears black leather pants and red halter top.
Weapons: Silver bowie knife
Personality: Wants to control her desire to kill but is unable to. Appears a killing beast but inside wants to go back to her old life.

Audrey ran through the forest, she had to get away as fast as she could. She wanted to get away from the smell of blood but it was everywhere. Be it human or animal. Her fangs were long and pricked at the inside of her mouth. She stopped and held herself up against a tree before biting it. She hoped it would help relieve her need to bite something but instead it made it worse.

She spat out the bark and smelt the faint scent of smoke. "Camp fire," she said and immediately moved in that direction despite herself.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
December 8, 2007 8:59 am #

It was dark, that meant that others wandering. John stepped outside. It was cold, and the wind winding throuh the city didnt help. He had a green t-shirt on, and a pair of jeans. He got in his car, and started to drive.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 8, 2007 9:14 am #

can we use our character from the vampire hunt if they're a vampire or werewolf?

December 8, 2007 10:01 am #

Name: Nathaniel Fortesque (Elder half-brother of Daniel Fortesque from the Quarantine RPG)
Species:Human/Werewolf Hybrid
Age: 31 (Hunter)
Apperance: Shoulder length brown hair and goatee, left eye is green and the right is blue, tall, muscular build
Weapons: a large ornate two handed sword (Silver inlaid blade naturally) strapped to his back, sawed off shotgun on his right leg, silver stakes attached to a bandolier across his chest. Usually wears a light bullet proof vest and a long black trench coat. Silver knife inside his boot. .44 magnun on his left hip. This man is a full on slayer.
Personality: Usually doesnt talk much. Mostly calm, cool and collective yet when he is outnumbered greatly he goes into a battle craze. Doesnt trust many people, only his comrades and family, whom not many people know. His job is to kill vampires and werewolves... thats what he does. That what he lives for. But when hes not doing that he does have some random hobbies...he isnt a soul-less killer, although many believe him to be. Only jokes around with friends

"Alright the drop off is just over this forest here!" yelled the pilot over the sound of the helicopter. "You'll be dropped off with your supplies and first thing to do is get a place to stay!"

"Yes I know what the plan is..." Nathaniel Fortesque said to the pilot.

"Sure you want to go alone Fort? I don't think its-" said Derek Jenson, Fort's long time comrade, but Fort cut him off.

"-i'll be fine Dek, it's a simple enough recon mission. I dont know why they sent me for this crap anyways."

"Yea but they think it may be serious." ("They" is referring to the slayer organization Fort and Dek work for. The Silver Kights of St. Michael came about as a slayer extension of The Knights Templar who served the Arch-angel Michael on earth. Eventually they became to potent that they broke off as their own, yet secret, Knight order. They would collaborate with the Knights Templar occasionally until their downfall. The Silver Knights continued however.)

"Everything is serious to them Dek, its probably just another little vamp infestion trying to recruit familiars again." Fort replied to Dek

"Ok then Fort. But you know how to call me if theres anything serious."

"Right right. Just take it easy this time Dek. Go on a vacation, enjoy yourself."

"They only way I ever enjoy myself is when im knee deep in vamp ashes." Dek said and smiled at Fort while scratching under his eye patch. Dek had a 4 inch long scar running down the side of his face and across his eye.

"I gotta be neck deep." Fort said and smiled back.

Fort shifted in his uncomfortable seat in the cramped chopper. His giant two handed sword, Nasher, lay on his lap at the moment. Dek was looking out the open side door of the chopper at the dense, dark forest below.

Fort cracked open a titanium case he took out from his trench coat. He handed Dek one of the cigars inside and took one himself. None better than Cubans of course. He took out his Zippo lighter and light his and Dek's. There was no need for words.

"Here we go! When I touch down remember to take the supplies crate with you!" The pilot yelled back into the cargo bay. Dek pulled the crate up to him, ready to hand it off to Fort when he hopped off the chopper.

The chopper touched down outside of the forest and about 40 yards from the city of Murk Valley. Fort strapped Nasher to his back and took out his shotgun he checked to see if the coast was clear and jumped off. he placed the shotgun back onto his thigh and awaited the crate Dek was tossing to him. The 2ft x 2ft x 4 ft metal crate landed like an elder werewolf on him.

"OOF!" Fort let out.

"You suuuuuure you dont want me tagging along Fort? You could diiiieeeeee this tiiiime!" Dek said to him

"Unlikely..." Fort whispered to himself as the chopper lifted and took off. Dek waved and Fort waved back. He wantched as the chopper disappeared from view. He took a long puff from his cigar and picekd up the crate. He looked at the metropolis ahead of him and sighed...

...many vampires and werewolves would die over the next few days.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 8, 2007 3:13 pm #
Fett_II wrote:

can we use our character from the vampire hunt if they're a vampire or werewolf?

((I guess so, though this is at least two hundred years later. However the powers are as above.))

Daphne Adams stood at the edge of the camp fire. The humans were talking but she was not interested in them. She was waiting. This was a perfect trap for a hungry vampire and Daphne wanted to have a little chat with any who came by.

In the last two weeks Daphne had lost her mother, her brother and her current lover. She could only assume it had been done by vampires but there'd been an odd element to all the deaths. Each of them had been in their human form in death while they'd been in wolf form when they'd gone out. It didn't make sense, you died in whatever form you'd taken last.

It was definitely a supernatural death so that ruled out the slayers in the area, but still even they could know something. Daphne smirked, like a slayer would ever listen, they were too busy trying to kill you.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 8, 2007 5:07 pm (Edited December 8, 2007 05:22 pm) #

John drove around the city, he had the window down, like many other hybrids, he had a very good sense of smell. The radio was on, the current DJ a sub for the 'famous' Mike Athens, was blabing about some event at the city center. "Just play some damn music" John said, and the sub did....after these breif messages from our benefactors. About a minuet later, AC/DC started playing Hell's Bells.  John personaly would have prefered something by Ozzy Osbourne, but he turned up the volume anyway. Some balding middle aged guy stuck his head out the window, yelling. "Hey! Keep it down! Its four in the f***ing morning." John showed his respect by giving the man the one-fingered-salute.

  He continued to drive, listening to the song, nearing the surounding forest, where most of his prey would be.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 8, 2007 6:43 pm (Edited December 9, 2007 09:51 am) #

(right, im using my character from the Vampire Hunt, so ill stick the info)

Name: D
Sex: Male
Age: Over 500 years old
Species: Well, even though he's only half-vampire, Elder Vampire fits the best description for him.
Weapons: Longsword, Left Hand
Description: 6'5", dark black hair, beautiful in every way, wears a blue pendant around neck that glows in ominous situations, rides a motorcycle that gains extra strength from his abilities, clean of emotions, voice doesn't change often

December 8, 2007 6:48 pm #

((Well Fett_II looks like that makes you the Vampire leader for now - unless we get another Elder Vampire...))

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 8, 2007 8:50 pm #

(Hey Mel, do you mind if i be a Dragon/Human hybrid, working for the Vamps or Wherwolves? Or maybe just a regular (small) dragon?)

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
December 8, 2007 8:55 pm #

((Yeah that should be fine, just note down what your powers are.))

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 8, 2007 9:31 pm (Edited December 8, 2007 09:36 pm) #

((thanks Mel! :) btw: is there an enclave where all the Wherewolves hang out, or are they just spred out over the whole area?))

Name: Zan
Species: Dragon/Human Hybrid
Gender: Male
Age: 82
Agenda: Zan is apart of the Werewolves clan, and feels at home amungst them.
Appearance: 6'1", unnatural black/blue eyes. Black hair, pale skin. Can almost be considered buff

Weapons: During human form: Small dager, teeth. During dragon form: claws, teeth, tail.

Powers: Breath fire, hightened senses, lengthened life. Can morph into a black/blue man-sized dragon.   

Personality: Brash, and fiery. Always looking for a chalenge, Quick to jump to conclusions, and sometimes trys to hard to make new enemys. Willing to stand up for what he belives in. Like all dragons, has a mad craving for gold, and jewels.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
December 8, 2007 9:39 pm #

((Under each Elder Werewolf & mate there will be a pack and under each Elder Vampire there will be a coven. However individuals are allowed to come and go as the please.))

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 8, 2007 10:56 pm #

John's car pulled slowly to a stop, the gravel under the wheels makeing the characteristic grinding noise. He had the window rolled up. He stepped out of the car, pulling a belt, with a holster for his desert eagle and a sheath for his knife out. He clipped it on, closed the car door, locking it then slipping the key into his pocket. He looked up at the sky, Full moon tonight he thought to himself.

  He walked through the woods, listening to the sounds, seeing the sights, smelling the smells. His sense of smell was slightly better then that of a normal person, but blood, that had all the subtlety of nuke in an enclosed space. He ran his tounge over his teeth, it had been to long since he fed last. There was a camp fire close, with a few people, some werewolfs enjoyed using campers as bait. He would wait until one had to take a leak or something. He would get behind them, knock them out, then get what he needed.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 8, 2007 11:09 pm #

Daphne looked at the sky, there were lots of dark clouds but they could not hide the rising moon.

Daphne started to move away from the camp, her breathing became heavy and she began to sweat. A full moon was rising and she knew she would be changing soon. She could not stop the change under a full moon but she could chose the form. Tonight she'd be full wolf.

She let out a slight cry as she felt her muscles and bones start to shift. She had to clench her teeth so no further noise could be heard. She felt hair sprout out all over her body while the hair on her head shrank in length. She dropped to all fours as her hands turned to paws.

After a moment it was done. Instinct made her want to howl but she held back. She lifted her moist nose to the air and sniffed. A vampire was coming and it was time for Daphne to hunt.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 8, 2007 11:37 pm #

(Adeptus how are you a slayer if you feed on human innocents? are you affiliated with the vamps?)

Fort eased the crate on his shoulder, it was really digging in now. His extra strength helped though. One of the pros of being a Werewolf hybrid. He never knew his mother, his father never told him about her. Daniel's (his brother, the one in the Quarantine RPG) mother was known to him, but she was not the werewolf that his father mated with. He never explained the circumstance...

Fort took the last puff of the cigar and smashed it under his foot. Now he could smell better without the smoke. He sniffed the air and caught the scent, humans naturally, and something else... possibly a vamp or werewolf. They probably infested this forest.

He looked to the city ahead of him, then back toward the direction of the possible camp site of the humans. He really wanted to get settled first, but he couldnt help it. He dropped the crate next to the largest tree he saw and headed in the direction of the campsite.

Fort rarely turned into his wolf form. Since he was a hybrid it didnt take over him so easily. He had rejected it for so long that he sometimes couldn't turn into it if he tried. And he only tried in the most dire situations.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 8, 2007 11:44 pm #

Daphne padded silently around the camp, her need to hunt was strong but she was not interested in the humans. She wanted to hunt vampire. There were two nearby, she could tell they were both young and both intent on killing the humans.

Daphne lifted her head and scented the air. One vampire was male and the other female. The male was closer. Daphne saw his silhouetted figure and bared her teeth. She charged the vampire and as soon as she was close she bit at his legs. He tried to move and Daphne saw that he reached for a gun. She leaped at him and bit into his shoulder he crashed to the ground and Daphne bit deeper, then the vampire pulled got a hold of the gun.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 8, 2007 11:49 pm (Edited December 8, 2007 11:58 pm) #

(Hey, its either that or die, and he cant find people mugging other people very often. He does what he needs to, he only takes enough to survive. And besides, not all hunters are like holy men.)

John pointed his gun at the wolf's skull, but it hit his hand, causing him to miss and lose the gun. The campers looked up, and saw a giant wolf thing fighting a man, and ran. John tried to hold the snapping jaws back, and reached for his knife, hoping he could get the silver coated blade out and use it before the dog ripped his throat out.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 8, 2007 11:58 pm #

The humans were close, so close. Audrey was salivating and her fangs had grown so long that she had to have them on the outside of her mouth. She could hear the humans singing. Her vision was becoming blurred from the hunger and the desire to feast.

She ran towards the closest human and launched herself at him from behind. Her fingers dug into his solf flesh before she bit into his neck and tasted the glorious blood. Pleasure flowed through her and she felt as though there was no better sensation.

Then she felt someone hit her. She looked up and hissed with a blood coated mouth.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
December 9, 2007 1:23 am #

Fort reached the camp site...although some one else did first.

The humans were gone, and at the moment there was a freelance slayer fighting what looked to be a female mature werewolf. This seemed an even fun match.

Fort unhitched his sword and stuck it in the ground in front of him and placed his two hands over the bright red pommel. He would intervene for the slayer's sake only if necessary...even though he smelled funny.

(I decided not to run into you, Net-a-fett because i thought my slayer might be too great of a match for your young vampire...but we'll meet up eventually)

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 9, 2007 1:29 am #

John hit the wolf in the snout, and managed to push it off. He stood, his shoulder was bleeding. He held the knife in a reverse grip. She charged agian, and John stepped to the side, barely avoiding disembowlment. He brought the knife up, cutting a deep gash in her side.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 9, 2007 1:43 am #

Daphne decided to cut her loses and run, she was now outnumber even if the half wolf wasn't doing anything. The wound was bad but she'd heal.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 9, 2007 1:51 am #

The wolf ran off, pausing momentarily to turn back and snarl at John. He leaned against the tree, he needed to do something about his shoulder. He went to retrive his gun, ignoring the other slayer there. He began to head to his car, so he could drive himself to the hospital.

(if you want to try to talk Valth, go ahead, hes on his way to his car, not there yet.)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 9, 2007 2:06 am #

As Daphne paused she looked at the half wolf, he smelt kind of familiar. Perhaps his bloodline was mixed with one in her pack. She howled for a moment and then ran to a safer place, she wouldn't go back to her pack just yet, she didn't want to jeopardise their safety.

She went to one of her regular havens and sat to lick her wounds, the cut was already healing and was now only shallow. She'd been careless, the desire to hunt had been so strong. She looked at the moon and blamed it for her aggression. She wondered what had happened to the other vampire.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 9, 2007 2:15 am #

Audrey left her first victim and attacked the one who hit her. A shred of her human thoughts came through, she'd had enough blood, she should leave. Her instinct wanted her to kill the human she'd fed upon but she fought it.

With a scream Audrey ran, she heard the humans charge after her. A shotgun boomed and Audrey screeched as she felt hot fragments hit her back. She stumbled to the ground, then clawed her way back to her feet.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
December 9, 2007 9:44 am #

Name: Originally named Sharr'ka'karntula, though he(it?) has had many names throughout the centuries, including Cian'thar, Frescoe, Legion, and countless others. His current cult uses the name Gezeru.
Species: Demon
Gender: None, but when using a human form prefers male
Age: Ageless
Appearance: Can take a wide variety of forms. You'll get descriptions as they occur.
Weapons: He's a freakin' demon.
Personality: Obsessed with personal power, and cares for nothing else. However, since he is an ageless demon, he is extremely patient and methodical in everything he does. You'll get more as it develops.

I'll be back on later to make an actual post. How exciting.

GPI: Fondly regard crustacean
December 9, 2007 9:55 am #

D looked at the time. 6:00 PM. That meant those furry punks should be coming out of their hole any minute. The bike lay on its side some 50 meters behind. This fight was going to be bloody, and D was just the one to take on them all. He had been bitten over 500 years ago, and now led a Covenant of vampires who never underestimated him. If he had wanted to, he could have the entire Covenant here, ready to take on the werewolves with their silver artillery. 6:30 PM. The howling began. The soft sound of a sword unsheathing from its owner's scabbard to hand struck across the sky.

December 9, 2007 10:00 am #

Name: Griggs McMillan
Species: Human/Werewolf Hybrid
Gender: Male
Age: 97
Appearance: Mid 30's, 6'1", Medium Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, Athletic Build, Wears Military Style Clothing and Body Armor.
Weapons: Black Desert Eagle .50AE, H&K G36, Super-Shorty Remington 870.
Personality: Short tempered, Can be a nice guy if he feels like it, otherwise shows little emotional envolvement due to years of service in the SAS.

"This IS my signature."
December 9, 2007 10:49 am #

Name: Crispin McPhee
species: Werewolf
Gender: Male
Age: 572 years old, werewolf since he was 23.
Appearance: Dresses regally in fine, lacy, 18th century-esque apparell, a time period he was quite fond of and was sorry to see end. Usually a long black coat with golden trim, an all white buttton up shirt beneath it, black pants and black/gold boots.
Weaponry: Aside from being a werewolf, carries a 2 six-shooters hidden under his lapels at all times. Also has a pouch filled with wooden throwing stakes to take care of vampires. A large butcher knife is strapped to his lower left leg, hidden by his pants.
Personality: Cold, calculating, will do anything necessary to gain what he desires. Speaks with an old English Accent, and will often make sarcastic remarks. Enjoys fine wine and other expensive pleasures, but has also adapted to the times. Will often listen to Black Sabbath to calm himself and is fairly fond of Big Macs.

(( Mel, would you mind if your wolf-girl was part of Crispin's pack?))

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
December 9, 2007 11:34 am #

Fort resheathed his sword on his back and intercepted te freelance slayer on his way to his car. Now that he was closer he could smell him better. He was a vamp hybrid. Interesting.

"Ho there wanderer, can I ask you a couple questions?" He asked the slayer

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 9, 2007 11:37 am #

John turned around, the bleeding had stopped, so he thought he could allow this guy to talk a bit. "What do you want to know?"

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 9, 2007 12:50 pm (Edited December 9, 2007 11:38 pm) #

Griggs and 2 other SAS soldiers tread through the forest on a routine 'search and destroy' exercise with the Americans. Although this simple mission seemed like a walk in the park, Griggs felt uneasy as they got closer, like there was some evil force awaiting them.

"How far we have to go yet?" Griggs whispered.

"Half a klick." Corporal Tavish replied.

"Wait. You hear that? Gunfire...Sir, that's not part of their itinerary is it?" asked Sergeant Nolan.

"No it's not. What the bloody hell are they doing?" He wondered. "Soap to Eagle Seven."


"Eagle Seven come in."


Griggs, Nolan, and Tavish sprinted forward until the camp was in view.


"We have four tangos in sight sir...and you're not gonna believe this." Tavish replied as he looked through the scope of his AS50. "Orders?"

"I believe it. We go now. Tavish, proceed  to the west side and provide sniper support if we get in too deep. Nolan, follow me to the east then split. We'll box e'm in. MOVE!"

Griggs and Nolan moved up to find 2 SpecOps prone behind a large tree.

"Leutinant! What the bloody hell happened?!" Griggs Yelled.

"How the f#@% am I supposed know? I was takin' a leak." Jackson replied.

"Where's Simmons?"

"His Neck's broke and he's bleeding...bad."

"What in blazes is goin' on 'ere?! This is supposed to be a trainin' exercise!" Griggs came around from behind the tree to find Simmons on the ground bleeding out the neck. "Simmons!"

"I-its good to see you sir...I'm sorry." Simmons mumbled.

"No, no. It's not your fault...Oh shit, don't do this to me...Simmons!" Griggs watched the captain slump over and die in his arms. He tried to hold back the tears, but h could only do that for so long.

"Over here!" Nolan yelled to Griggs as he gave the bloody woman a blast from his Mossburg 500.

"Sir you're not gonna believe what attacked u-"

"Oh, I think I do." Griggs cut Jackson off and ran to find Nolan.

"This IS my signature."
December 9, 2007 12:53 pm #

"I can see your a freelance slayer working in Murk Valley here. My slayer organization has heard of odd occurances in this area concerning deaths of vamps and wolves. They are apparently dying in their human forms, although they leave in their other forms. Doy ou know anything about this situation? Is there a cult group or hell spawn doing something he shouldn't?" Fort asked the free lancer.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 9, 2007 1:03 pm #

"I heard about some wierd murders, it was all over the news. I just thought it was some serial killer guy, or something. Now, if you dont mind, I need to get this looked at." He shrugged his wounded shoulder slightly. Pain flared from the movement, and he winced slightly, gritting his teeth. The other hunter looked suprised. John remembered his fangs. A slayer would see those, and realise what he was, most people just assumed he had big canines.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 9, 2007 2:22 pm #

"Dont gimme that crap. I know your a vamp hybrid, you'll heal fine. Is there a slayer organization in this city that I can contact to find out more?"

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 9, 2007 2:31 pm #

"There are some, I guess. If your looking for one, some guys go to a nightclub. The doors in the ally behind the pawn shop on the corner of Oak street and 10th ave. Big guy, dreadlocks. Has a private booth. Talk to him, he can point you in the right direction." John walked off. A moment later, he was in his car, listening to War Pigs, by Black Sabbath

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 9, 2007 2:31 pm #

Daphne sat for a while until her wound had fully healed. It didn’t take too long. She was curious now, who was the other half-wolf? She was certain he must be a blood relative to one of her pack members.

Daphne was a member of Crisp’s pack, he was an Elder who was wise and a strong leader. His daughter, Anita smelt very similar to the half-wolf.

Daphne also thought it odd that under the full moon he had been able to resist the change. Either he was very old or he was more human than wolf. Daphne padded away from her haven. It didn’t take her long to scent the half-wolf and half-vampire.

Staying low, Daphne made sure she stayed up wind of the pair. They were talking. She pricked her ears to listen and heard murmurs of their conversation. It seemed that they were both slayers. Daphne wondered if the half-wolf would kill his own kin. She assumed he would, he seemed the loner type and that meant his own pack must have rejected him.

As for the half-vampire Daphne probably should have let him be. She should have taken the full female vampire instead. Daphne lifted her head slightly to sniff the breeze. She couldn’t detect the female vampire but it didn’t mean she wasn’t around.

((Ph34r, there you go Daphne’s in your pack. Val, hope you don’t mind the liberties I’ve taken about your character’s relatives ;) ))

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 9, 2007 4:03 pm #

Crispin was in his limousine, being driven through town from a private meeting with some friends. He had told his chaffeur to circle around the block slowly. Crispin was hoping to find his wayward daughter, who had ran away earlier. Perhaps if he circled around long enough he'd catch her scent. He drummed his fingers nervoulsy on his armrest, tapping out the guitar riff from Iron Man over and over again. Then he caught a whiff.

"Stop." He growled to the driver. "Let me out here."

Crispin exited the vehicle. It was a full moon, and his boiled, his body begging to change into its lycanthrope form. While his age allowed him to keep from transforming completely, his will was not strong enough to resist at least partail change. His skin was overcome with thick brown fur and his fingers and toes sharpened fierce claws. His eyes became an eery yellowish color. Crispin had always preferred this hybrid form over full-wolf. Allowed him to retain his human intellect while gaining his wolfen abilities.

Crispin let out a ferocious howl and bounded off into the night.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
December 9, 2007 4:18 pm #

Daphne considered approaching the half-wolf but chances were that he’d attack her. He wasn’t part of her pack so therefore he would want to instil his dominance. It was the way of the wolf world. But then if he was more human he might not be as inclined to be aggressive towards her.

Although the fact that she’d attacked another slayer would probably not go down well. Daphne sat and decided that it would perhaps be best if she approached the half-wolf in her human form. She would have to wait for the full moon to set before she could do that.

She suddenly realised that she’d left her clothes behind. She hoped she hadn’t shredded them in the change. Often she managed to strip herself as the change took place but never could never remember if she’d done it or not.

Daphne silently moved away from the half-wolf and back to the human’s campsite. It was disturbingly empty and the scent of blood hung heavily in the air. Daphne noticed that one of the vehicles was missing however one still sat in place.

Daphne crouched instinctively as she heard gunfire. It seemed the humans were hunting the other vampire. Daphne immediately went to find her clothing thankfully it wasn’t a shredded mess. She picked up the clothing with her mouth and took it back to have haven.

She paused as she heard a howl. It was Crispin, she lifted her head and returned the cry. Several others followed. Daphne suspected that Anita was on the run again. Rumour had it that she ran with another pack, some suspected that she had a mate that she would meet with but would not bring back to her own pack. A female could leave the pack to be with her mate, but for some reason Anita kept coming back alone.

Daphne snorted, she’d keep an eye out for Anita but she really wanted to find out if the humans had caught themselves a vampire.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 9, 2007 4:47 pm #

John had basicly driven in a large circle, he found himself back at the woods, and he got out of the car, and walked back in. It was still dark. He could get in some hunting. He walked into the woods, seeing easily because of his vision. He crouched, walking slowly and quietly, he was mostly looking for werewolfs, or vampires, but he still needed to feed. He had his pistol in one hand, and his knife held in a reverse grip in his left. His shoulder was almost healed. He stopped, and moved against a tree, a woman, human, walked on a path. He moved behind her,and grabbed her from behind. She started to scream, but he covered her mouth. "Sorry about this" he said, and he tightend his grip on her throat, until she passed out. A moment later, he was finished, warm blood on his face. He had taken the blood from her arm, taking it from the jugular vein would have kiled her. He set her against a carried her over to the side of the road, making sure she was visible, then went back to the woods. He found a small stream, and washed his face. He then stood, and began to hunt.

(John needs a small amount of blood, twice a month, or else he die, or go on a rampage searching for blood.)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 9, 2007 5:04 pm #

Audrey could feel her body healing as she ran. She was getting further ahead of the humans, even if they were still shooting at her. They only gave chase a minute longer before the gunshots ceased. But Audrey kept running.

The sound of an engine got her attention and she deviated that way. Sure enough she found a vehicle pulled over to the side of the road with its headlights on. A man, no a vampire hybrid was laying a woman down at the side of the road.

Audrey hadn’t come across many of her kind. Part of her wanted to feast on his blood while the other half wanted to talk to him. Did he know of a cure?

She leapt on top of his vehicle. “May I have a moment of your time?” she asked as she spread across the roof of his vehicle on all fours.

“Get off my car and I’ll consider it,” he said gruffly.

Audrey didn’t miss that his hand went for his gun. She really didn’t want to get shot again so she slid herself to the ground. “I know what you are, I wanted to know if there’s an out clause?”

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
December 9, 2007 5:25 pm #

Fort took the free lance slayer's tip to heart. He would travel to the nightclub later. Now however, he was following the presence of a werewolf that he had sensed as he was leaving to pick up his crate.

He eventually caught up with the wolf who now had clothes in its mouth. It led him to a haven of hers. Suddenly a series of howls erupted through out the forest and the wolf responded. Fort quickly looked around to see if he was followed and it was a trap, but there was nothing.

Keeping stealthy infront of werewolves was a skill that took all of Fort's patience and ability. He watched as the werewolf turned back into its human form, it was a woman. She gave her the dignity of getting dressed before he approached her from behind. He placed the tip of his two handed sword at her neck.

"Morning...whoa whoa, calm down little lady. No rush." He said, she slowly turned, an expression of anger in her face for being helkd hostage by this man.

"Why haven't you killed me? What do you want?" She asked

"Where's your main conclave?"

"HA! You are such a fool. I would nev-" Fort cut her off by slamming the side of her face with the flat of his blade. This sent her reeling, but she recovered. There was a burning mark of her cheek in the shape of the tip of his sword.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 9, 2007 5:27 pm (Edited December 9, 2007 05:31 pm) #

John didnt answer, not wanting to do anything at all to even give the slightest clue he was a slayer. He was unsure how long she had been a vampire, but it probably hadnt been long. "I, uh, dont know."  Great, I blew it. This is bad, she probably knows who I am, shes probably been folowing me. Some coven probably sent her to kill me, or lure me into a trap or something.

John waited for her to respond, reasureing himself.
Calm down, she probably has no idea who you are, just be careful, the younger the vampire the more dangerous they are.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 9, 2007 5:59 pm #

“You sure don’t know how to approach a lady first thing of a morning. We’re generally cranky,” Daphne told as she held back her anger. It seemed the half-wolf did want to play domineering games.

He cleared his throat, “Again, where’s the main conclave.” He shifted the sword again and Daphne shifted in response but it didn’t touch her.

“It’s some distance from here.” Daphne told, planning to be as vague as possible. “Have you come looking for a relative?” she asked.

“What?” He said trying to appear untouched by the comment but Daphne saw the slight twitch in his cheek.

“You’re scent is familiar.” Daphne told simply then took the opportunity to duck down, pivot and kick his feet out from under him. She snatched the sword from his hands and pointed it at his throat in return. “I don’t know what business you have here but our numbers are few enough with the minions of vampires running around. Why don’t you show a touch of loyalty to the wolf blood that runs in your veins and leave us alone. If you want to kill something, find a vampire.”

“What like you? He wasn’t even a full vampire.” The half-wolf spat.

“No, but I thought he was there to kill the humans. I prefer to hunt vampire under the full moon.” Daphne told as her face healed completely. She lifted the sword, hefted it with her might and threw it into the forest so it landed some distance away. “Now fetch,” she said as she turned her back on him. It was a risky move but one that suggested she was not afraid of him.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 9, 2007 6:09 pm #

Audrey tilted her head, “You’ve not been a vampire long either?” she asked.

He shook his head vigorously, “Nope only a few years.” So it was a bit of a fib.

“Who turned you?” she asked.

“I-I can’t remember,” he replied.

Audrey narrowed her eyes at him, “Why are you so nervous?”

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
December 9, 2007 6:17 pm #

Screw it.

"My name is John Mitchel, and I kill werewolfs.....and vampires." She recoiled slightly at this, apparently confused. "Yeah, thats right. I'm not like you, I'm a hybrid, as you probably can tell. Don't freak out, I'm not going to kill you." He moved his hands away from his weapons.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 9, 2007 6:26 pm #

Audrey moved closer and extended her hand in greeting, “I’m Audrey Douglas.” She said, glad to have someone she could speak to without wanting to kill.

He took her hand and shook it.

“I don’t want to be a vampire,” she said with pleading in her eyes. “But I’m guessing there’s no cure.”

John shook his head, “None that I’ve heard of.”

Audrey sighed, “Is there a way I can control the… hunger?”

John shrugged, “I don’t feel the need as much as a full vampire.”

Audrey ran a hand threw her hair. “I’m better off dead then.”

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
December 9, 2007 6:31 pm #

"I could help you find a cure, if there is one."  He shurgged agian, not knowing what else to do "I dont know if there is one, but there has to be something to at least dull the hunger for a bit."

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 9, 2007 7:43 pm #

Fort was somewhat annoyed by her throwing the sword in such a manner. It was one of the ancient Fortesque family heirlooms, and one that he held the most dear.

However, he did not expect her to bring into account his werewolf heritage. She might have detected it, yet he did not think she would have thought he came here to find a relative. His mother could have been any werewolf in the world. He wanted to find the conclave for other reasons...

He took out his .44 magnum and sent a warning shot wizzing past her ear. She rolled her eyes and turned around once more.

"What?" She said,

He was going to ask her exactly where the conclave was, yet she had already said it was near here, so he could sniff it out later. For now, he'd play her game.

"Just practicing." He said smiling as he turned and walked towards his sword. She'd live for now. He'd kill her when he entered the conclave anyways. He had enough werewolf contact now. It was time to research the vamps in the area.

Fort had always enjoyed fighting werewolves however. Not because he greatly disliked them. On the contrary, he really hated the vamps instead. He liked how werewolves were straight on fighters and were somewhat honorable in battle. Vamps were illusive...sly...somewhat deceitful. He preffered the brute fight against a wereolf than that of the dance it took to kill an experienced vamp.

Fort reached his sword and resheathed it. He didnt look back, he knew the wolf was gone. he made his was to his crate and picked it up.

After entering the city he found a nice little quant motel that didnt seem too threatning, so he got a room. The sign that said The Murk Motel flickered gently as he walekd to his room with his new key. He opened the door and saw the crappy condition of the room.

"You get what you pay for..." Fort mumbled as he dropped the crate of supplies and closed the door. He walked into the bathroom and dropped a nuke in the toilet after placing an adequate amount of toilet paper on the seat so he didn't get some kind of muscle eating disease from it.

"There are some serious pros and cons to chili dogs..." He said as he threw himself on the bed and picked up the phone. He dialed a 20 digit number and it rang for a while before a secretary at the Silver Knights of St.Michael organization picked up.

"Security code please?" She said


"Code name please?"


"One moment please..."

Fort sighed, he hated remembering those damn numbers.

"Fort?" Said a gruff deep voice.

"Yes Commander Deckard?" Fort replied

"Took you long enough. What have you done so far?"

"Alright well theres both a vamp and a wolf conclave here. I already know where the wolf one is. I also know a contact to find out more about whats been killing the Vamps and Wolves in such a weird way."

"Hmmm, alright go to the contact first. I dont want you busting into the wolf conclave like last time, Beowulf."

"Wouldn't dream of it Commander." Fort said as a smile cracked across his face.

"Fort you better-!"yelled commander Dechard and Fort hung up.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.

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