Topic: RPG-Superhumans

Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.

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Topic #1946

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November 10, 2007 6:19 am #

Okay, so, in this RPG, your character is either a superhero or supervillian, depending on your preference. List your character's codename (real name optional), age, powers and/or weapons, appearance, secret origin, & personality.

No all-poweful characters. Please.

Be consistent. If somebody blows up a building, don't be attacking it in your next post.

You can kill characters you create but you can't kill other people's characters unless they say they have been killed in battle with you. However you can wound them...

You can have any weapon you want but you can only have what your character could physically carry - otherwise they wouldn't be able to move.

If you have sustained many wounds you will have to either get medical help or eventually die.

Follow the storyline, sure add a few twists and turns but allow others to see where you want to go so they can help you get there.

Let's have fun here, people.

Story overview: Basically, this is a world filled with brightly colored super-people, both good and evil. Typically, the good supers beat the bad supers and thwart any evil endeavors. The super-villians are starting to get annoyed. Time to strike back.

Character: Oni
Affiliation: super-villian
Age: 36
Appearance: Stands 5'11", wears wears complex jet-black battle-armor filled with gizmos & gadjets for fighting. wears a like-colored helmet with a voice-changer. Helmet resembles an oni, or japanese demon. (
Personality: Calm, clean cut, cool under pressure, extremely methodical, tactically brilliant, dry sense of humor.

It was a dark, rainy friday night in Mission City. Oni stood on a rooftop, the broken body of his fallen foe lying limp beside him. He jumped down off the roof of Happy Harry's bar. The place was deserted. Not surprising, considering the lateness of the hour. He removed the key to the front door & walked in. He made his way to a secret back room, used only by his fellow "enhanced businessmen". Using some rope, Oni strung up the battered and bllody of the C-list vigilante called Vigilance., whom Oni had disposed of earlier. After tying up the hero so that he hung in the center of the room for all to see, Oni safety-pinned a note to the corpse's lapel, reading:

" To any fellow businessmen who read this. My name is Oni. I, like you, have been labelled a "super-villian" by the media. We all of us have constantly been prevented from achieving the life we deserve by those called "Superheroes". Personally, I think it's time for a change. If you agree, come to this same spot on Friday the 21st. Tell your friends. This is the dawning of a new era, my brothers."

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
November 10, 2007 3:42 pm #

Character: Haze
Affiliation: Undecided
Age: 27
Appearance: Attractive, athletic brunette. She wears a dark orange body-glove with chocolate brown vest and flowing mini skirt, also has matching thigh-high leather boots.
Personality: Intense yet has moments of dry humour and wit. She isn't sure which side she's on as she despises the humans who treat her so badly.
Powers: Telekinetic and can create "psy-blades" with her mind (I'm basically modeling her from Psylocke of the Xmen, but not as powerful: )

Haze stood in the alley way. Her mugger lay motionless on the ground. They always thought they could take on an unarmed woman, but Haze was never unarmed. Since she was a child Haze had been able to manipulate things with only her mind. In time she had honed her skill and now she could create psy-blades to wound an enemy's nervous system. Her mugger would recover, though he'd never know what hit him.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
November 10, 2007 4:40 pm (Edited November 12, 2007 03:05 pm) #

Name: Flame Serpent  (real name unkown, though he has memories of being called John)
  Affiliation: Villian (though somewhat reluctantly)
  Age: Unknown, estimated between 19 and 25
  Apearance: (think argonian from elderscrollsIV oblivion) 6'0" covered in light tan scales. Has dark rusted iron chains wrapped around his chest, held in place by a ring of the same material (in a sort of "x" shape, with one of the "arms"  going horizontally left, the other, looping donw near the pants.) Coils of chains on arms. Black pants, with green "fire" patern on the outer legs.
  Personality: Harsh, and quck to act, however, can and will be a loyal ally to those he calls "freind"
  Powers: Psychic fire, is telepathic, can hear expecialy "loud" thoughs and can read minds/"talk" to people Can usualy sense people around him, unless they are say shilded, have a mental wall. Can hover slightly, and hopes to develop this into full fledged flight .

Flame stood in the middle of the abandond house. The thug, who only moments before had seemed so intent on killing him and spliting his few posesions with his freinds (who were all now chared corpses) sat on the floor crying. Flame didnt blame him, seeing your freinds burn from the inside out did that to people. He walked over to the man, who looked up at him, eyes red. His voice was shaking "Please" he pleaded. Flame said nothing, he looked down at the the man, and placed his palm over the man's face. The man began to scream, and purpleish olts of energy jumped from the chains on Flames chest and arms. Flame pulled his hand back. The man's face was burnt, and the skin was covered with burst blisters. His eyes were gone, and the sokets were smoking. Fire began to escape from his mouth, and the screams dies. Flame picked up the bodies, and threw them in the cellar. It had been the third time this month. He would have to move soon.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
November 12, 2007 1:51 pm #

It was the following morning after the murder of Vigilance. The superhero community had not taken notice yet. In this world of secret identities, it took awhile to find out when a "cape", as the underworld called them, went down. It was a chilly November day outside the empty warehouse on 616 Kurtzberg Avenue. Inside, the warehouse was completely alive with activities. A drug ring that suppied a substance called "Big Bang", which allowed its user temporary pyrokinesis, was under siege by a costumed heroine called Starbright, who flitted around ,flying through the air shooting beams of light at the dealers. The super villian running the ring, a big guy called Slow Burn, whose blood produced the drug, was battling her.

"You guys oughta be ashamed of yourselves, selling crap like this on the streets. Unless you have a drug that gives people water powers too, at least...I mean come on, bad guys should ALWAYS have an antidote or counter-agent for the stuff they use! That's common knowledge!" Starbright chirped as she combatted Slow Burn.

"You little %^&$*#@&^%**#$#$%!!!" Was Slow Burn's response.

"Well, so much for keeping this G-rated!" Popped off Starbright as she hit Burn square in the chest with a lazer.

Starbright landed to examine Slow Burn and make sure he was out. Right before she knelt down to examine him, she was knocked back by an unseen enemy.

"Oof!" The heroine grunted as she fell to the ground. She didn't have enough time to get back up before a tranquilizer needle penetrated her neck. As the drug took effect, Oni appeared, shutting off the cloaking device of his suit.

"Hello, Star. Or should I call you Maria? Maria Dunlap. That's your name, right? Listen up Maria..." Oni yanked her up by her collar and slapper her once. "...You work for me now. Me and my boys. You will ell us what we want to know about any and all of your superhero pals, and if you tell them about me..." SLAP! "...I will kill your family. You know... the Dunlaps. Portland Oregon. 775 Wilson Way. Ma, Pa, and little Bethany. I'll kill them all. And you'll watch. Who wants that?" SLAP! "We clear?"


"Good." Oni slapped her one more time and she lapsed into unconsciousness. He then placed another not describing his upcoming meating on the 21st onto Slow Burn's shirt and dissappeared.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
November 12, 2007 2:16 pm (Edited November 12, 2007 02:18 pm) #

Character: Altaïr
Affiliation: Assassin's Order (neutral against heroes/villains, but will fight/take sides if needed)
Age: 35
Personality: Quiet, speaks when needed, stays focused

November 13, 2007 9:01 pm (Edited November 18, 2007 09:11 pm) #

Title: Drakeus the Hungry
Name: Unknown
Gender: Male
Age: unknown

Class: Martial Artist/Sword master

Weapons/equipment: A Katana with a black handle embroidered with gold, wares it across his back
Two powergloves that amplify his arm strength greatly (they look like this but with longer sleeves: )

Techniques: Master of Takos Kasi (an extremely aggressive and dangerous martial art/ sword form) Can use the pain or fear of others to give him greater strength, and when he wills it he can very slowly drain the life out of every living thing near him enless it is shielded in some way, or can focus the drain power to draw the life out of beings faster

Powers: (seeabove) Lightning casting

Appearance: Clothed in a tatered black cloak and hood, and wares a mask like Darth Nihilus's but grey and black

Personality: Always silent except when its absolutely necessary to speak, and when he does, it sounds demonic. Will do whatever it takes to gain more power for himself.

Affiliation: Only does what santes his hunger for power, and if that means being a be it

Drakeus walked through the dark desserted city alley. He had read the note that had been left at the house days before, and he was interested, it was his best chance for sainting his infinite hunger. He would wait at the house intill the apointed time. He went to the house and then walked to the shadow of the far wall. He required no sleep, so would stand and stay and wait here.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
November 14, 2007 2:04 pm #

After placing Starbright's sedated body in an underground base, Oni had continued his business, visiting fellow businessmen and leaving notes for those who would care to look. He decided to hang around, cloaked,near the 7th National Bank near Town Square, in case any characters decided to pull a job. He didn't see much, but after a while he heard a securit guard's walkie-talkie click to life.

"This is Lieutenant Baines to all units! We have a 10-39 in progress at the corner of Holliway and Strain. All units requested!"

10-39. Superhuman felony. That was Oni's cue.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
November 14, 2007 5:45 pm (Edited November 14, 2007 05:45 pm) #

Flame was in trouble, he was walking, when a police officer began to yell at him. It was probably the first time he had seen anything like Flame, and he pulled his gun, flame had no choice. He set him on fire. Unfortunaly, the cops partner was across the street, and called for backup, then shot at him. The chains on Flame's chest began to crackle with electricity, burning him (more on this later)
A bad day was getting worse, Flame thought as he heard sirens in the distance.

(Chains were a restrining "system", more on them when some one talks to him)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
November 15, 2007 2:55 pm #

Sitting in a cafe only across the street from the crime scene at Holliway and Strain, Altair was sipping his cup of tea when the criminal had finally made his entrance. Half-finished cup sitting on the table, nobody seemed to notice the man in white was already out of the store and heading his way over for some justice.

November 15, 2007 4:22 pm #

Flame looked over at the man in the white who was aproaching him. A final police crusier pulled up, and the inhabatants, got out, and took cover behind the door, pistols aimed at Flames chest. Two of the officers pointed their weapons at the man in white. One of them yelled, "Dont move!" Flame watched the police and the newcomer.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
November 16, 2007 2:55 pm #

Oni flew, cloaked, to the street corner of the police call with his suit's built-in rocket boots, flame spewing from the exhaust pipes on his boots. When he arrived, he saw a massive amount of boys in blue and two peculiar figures: A large reptilian rust-colored being, and a man clad in all white. Oni knew the latter as a member of something called the Assassin's Order, an organization that took an amzing amount of effort for Oni to uncover. He had been hoping to sway them to his cause. Perhaps saving this assassin would form an alliance. He didn't know who the man covered in chains was, but he apparently had just burned a cop do death. That could come in handy.

Oni landed behind a police officer and delivered a blow to the back of the cop's head, KO'ing him and prompting another cop to fire in Oni's direction. This was going to get very hectic, very fast.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
November 16, 2007 5:01 pm #

This was bad, there was a new one here, Flame could feel him, behind the police. When he hit the cop the others spun to fire on the new attacker. Flame launched a fireball at the Assasin's face, if nothing else, then just to stun or blind him momentarily. Also, Flame thought Itl take him a while to regrow his eyebrows. It worked, as far as he knew, and he sprinted into an alley, escaping what just might have been the death of him.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
November 16, 2007 6:05 pm #

barely dodging the spit of fire aimed towards his head, Altair now had a little piece of his hood burnt off. Thinking to himself 'Well, at least it wasn't my face', he got up, and followed several cops along with the man who had recently entered the scene. Instantly, Altair remembered when he was told of a possible intruder who had managed to uncover the secrets of the Assassin's Order, but could it have been this man who had attacked him? Continuing to following the cops and the other clearly-not-an-ordinary-human-as-he-could-fly, Altair almost gave up when the pyro had seemed to disappear from the streets. Instantly switching to his Assassin instincts, he scaled the nearest building with his god-like agility, and was now 14 stories above the ground. From here, it was that Altair spotted the running man, who had managed to gain three blocks an advantage of the police and other man. Taking flight, he jumped to the next building, made his way across three or four more roofs, and was back on the streets in pursuit of his attacker.

November 16, 2007 6:35 pm #

Flame almost laughed to himself, the Assasin seemed to assume that he was undetected. He was close, almost close enought to kill. Flame stopped, ducked and spun, igniteing his hand, and punching at his attacker. The chains crackled with their dark energy, and shocked him, burning the scar tissue beneath.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
November 16, 2007 10:28 pm #

Haze strode along when she heard a commotion, it seemed she wasn't the only super having problems. She let out a sigh and decided to see what was going on.

Most people would have been surprised at what they saw, but not Haze. A flaming scaled-man was throwing fire balls at the police and a hooded man. She stood and watched, not particularly interesting in joining the melee but happy to observe.

The hooded man seemed to be quite adept at avoiding the attacks from the scaled-man however the police weren't doing so well. One was trying to put out the fire on his trouser leg.

The scaled-man seemed to notice her and she felt a probing touch to her mind. She immediately protected herself and saw a note of interest in the scaled-man's face before he threw another fire ball at the police. Haze smiled, he was clearly surprised that he couldn't read her thoughts if she didn't want him too. She might not be telepathic but she could shield herself when the moment required it.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
November 17, 2007 6:05 am #

Oni didn't have much trouble dodging the cops bullest, since they were firing madly at the air, hoping to get a lucky shot on their invisible foe. Oni escaped and tracked the two other supers who were a few blocks away. A fight was brewing between them and more police. Oni woul have to get rid of the police first. Oni pressed a button on wrist gauntlet and fired some tranquilizers into the cops to put them down. The white man and the lizard-man had turned their attention to each-other, and the dragon was about to punch the assassin with a fist of flame. Taking a major risk, Oni put himself between the combatants and turned off his cloaking device.

"People,people, please! Why don't we just all calm down and think about this. I mean, I love fighting as much as the next red-blooded american, but what exactly are we even fighting about?"

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
November 17, 2007 8:08 am #

(now, my question, is how are we gona do this without Fett II, i sugest having his character wounded, not seriously, but enough to keep him at bas for 2 to six weeks, or until Fett II is back.However, i wont do anything, until someone else agrees)

Flame looked at the assasin, who was stuck on the other side of the new comer. Openly, he said nothing, "'Who are you?'" he asked the newcomer, mentaly. The person recoiled slightly, which was most people's reaction to Flames'...abilities. There was some one else here, Flame could sense them, but barely, like seeing through thick gauze, in a bright room. You may be able to see outlines, but you couldent tell who it was. But this "guaze" kept him fropm knowing position, and distance, or strenght. All he knew was that they were close, but not how close.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
November 17, 2007 2:00 pm #

(that's fine with me being wounded. but i'll have u know that Altair is a stronger Assassin than he appears 2 be)

November 17, 2007 2:24 pm (Edited November 17, 2007 02:24 pm) #

(I hope so, or else he isnt much of an assasin
BTW get well soon)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
November 17, 2007 2:38 pm #

Character: Anubis
Affiliation: super-villian
Age: 34
Personality: Pure tainted evil with no morals and Godly aura

November 17, 2007 4:05 pm #

Drakeus was growing impatient.
He didnt have the time to wait here day in and day out...besides the gawning hunger for power was swelling in him...he must leave. He tore down the door with his hands, and headed for the nearest disturbance. And he would claw out the life of everything in his path to reach it

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
November 17, 2007 8:44 pm #

Anubis Stood in a tunnel of swirling darkness, in front of him was a basin of green souls spinning down into nothingness. He made a slight grumble in his throat and held his hand over the center of the basin, The ankh on the palm of his hand glowed red and the basin opened up into a black portal then swirled into a clear picture of earth. He smiled then summoned his great Spear of Destiny and thrust it towards earth, in northern Africa.
"Then that is where I will start." he said in a low growling voice. With his right hand he cracked open the shadows and summoned four Jackals, all equip with ancient Egyptian armor and Half-moon spears.
"We Earth."

November 17, 2007 11:01 pm (Edited December 6, 2007 07:03 pm) #

Name: Jack
Age: 26
Affiliation: Heroes
Appearance:  Blonde hair, blue eyes.  Think Captain America without his mask.  Works out often so is quite muscular.  Wears a black trench coat loaded with all sorts of weapons underneath, from knives, to grenades.  Versed in long-range and melee (but especially loves melee).  Main melee is smaller katana with wakizashi in other hand.
Personality:  Friendly and jovial.  Talks a lot.  Even while fighting.  Some swear he has defeated some with his voice alone.  He will make really bad jokes while fighting and go on and on about the most random things. 
Powers:  Has the ability to imitate any fighting style after watching it once.  This is still not known as a mutant power or an intellectual thing.  But as he has a small healing factor (shot to the heart would be fatal, while an arm or something equivalent could be considered a minor nuisance, so it is assumed that he is in fact a mutant.  History:  Son of two deceased superheroes.  They were brutally murdered when he was 15 by what he thinks is a super-villain.

Jack was bored out of his mind.  He had already done his workout, cleaned all of his weapons (twice which was a long and tedious chore in itself), and was about clean them again when his police scanner perked up. 

"Attenion all units in the vicinty of Kutzberg Ave.  We have a 10-50 (superhuman brawl in Jack's language) in progress.  Requesting back-up.  Have already called for Special Ops."

Jack rubbed his hands together.  This was what he was waiting for.  "Time to crash the party!"  Jack grabbed his trench coat and strapped all of his weapons on.  He ran outside and hopped onto his totally manly vehicle (a scooter) and plodded along to Kutzberg.

(Just curious, what time period are we in?  Future with energy weapons or just modern times?)

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
November 17, 2007 11:24 pm #

"Who are you?" Was the question from the scaled man's mind. Haze considered her options, she could remain silent or answer him.

She decided that it didn't matter if he knew who she was. "I am Haze" She replied to him with her thoughts.

It seemed that the fight had escalated and another being was involved. He was cloaked but as Haze reached out with her telekinesis she realised who he was. It was Oni. She'd never met him in person but had heard of him via reputation. It seemed that the action had brought him out. Word on the street was that he was recruiting supers to his cause.

Haze was unsure what to think. She'd never considered herself evil, but then she didn't really consider herself good either. She would have to make a choice at some stage but for now she'd wait for the event before her to unfold. However a bullet strayed her way and Haze stopped it with her mind, her eyes narrowed and she strode towards the fight.

((Sev, I'm assuming it's supposed to be now or the near future.))

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
November 18, 2007 5:21 am #

Flame turned, with the "Demon" inbetween him and the assasin, he assumed it was safe enough.  He saw who had responded, walking toward the general area of a fight. He hoped she wasnt trying to kill him, like everyone else seemed to be.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
November 18, 2007 6:11 am #

Anubis stood at 20 ft tall in the middle of a burning field as he watched his jackals destroy the village of which he had landed. A thick purple mist surrounded him, then he was gone.

Ship port:
Anubis re-appeared in a clearing leading to a trade port, his eyes glowed red as he called to his mighty spear. Within seconds his spear was in his hand along with his four Jackals surrounding him.
"Go, my Jackals, Go and kill those unworthy of my presence."

November 18, 2007 3:24 pm #

By the time Jack arrived things seemed to have settled down a bit.  The cops had taken in positions behind several cars.  He could sense a "quiet before the storm" atmosphere.  He approached the officer who seemed to be in control. 

"What do we have here sir?"  The cop regarded him with curiosity.  "This is what the supes send us?  Some trenchcoat wearing nobody?  And what's your power?"  Jack smiled.

"I love when they ask this!"  He pulled back his trench coat to reveal his numerous weapons.  The cop could only gape.  He grabbed out his uzis and loaded them.  Slowly, but cautisously he made his way into the alley.  Just as he was about to turn the corner guns blazing, he thought about it.  Well maybe a diplomatic approach would work, maybe.

"Hello everyone.  I'm Jack.  Just curious.  Who exactly are we all fighting for here?"

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
November 18, 2007 7:07 pm #

( is it night or day?)

Drakeus watched from a near by roof top as the beings he sought seemed to be conversing on another a near by roof top. He leaped to another building, closing in on his prey...closer...closer...

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
November 18, 2007 8:36 pm #

( i like to think its night, for dramatic effect... oh and slightly raining)

Flame looked at the man in the trenchcoat, and mentally yelled. The guy's eyes squeezed shut, and his hands flew to his head. He groaned, and fell to the ground, momentarily stunned. The assasin looked slightly supprised, but regained his composure quickly.
(I swear to god i wont do that alot. Takes to much of Flame's concentration. anyways, it only works on one at a time)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
November 18, 2007 9:01 pm (Edited November 18, 2007 09:23 pm) #

Drakeus felt it was time to make his presence known. Drakeus made a mighty leap to the roof were for some reason the man with the trench coat was cluching his head. " Good" thought Drakeus. "all the easier to drain his life away from him." Drakeus drew his massive katana from its sheath, its metal gleaming in the moonlight. He walked to the center of the rooftop, and started to chant an evil spell. Darkness grew around him and a sickening red glow formed around him as his draining powers came to life. "I AM DRAKEUS THE HUNGRY" he yelled in a demonic voice. "I WILL DRAW THE LIFE FROM YOU UNTIL YOU ARE BUT NOTHINGNESS! YOUR CORPSES SHALL LITTER THE STREETS OF YOUR EMPTY CITIES! YOURE WORLD SHALL BURN UNTIL IT IS BARE ROCK!"

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
November 18, 2007 9:13 pm #

Watching the man in the trenchcoat instantly instantly falling down, Altair was surprised at what the flame man could do. Nevertheless, as he kept his defense ready, the flame man seemed to be a bit dizzy. Must've taken too much thought power Altair spoke to himself, while watching the two men lying on the ground. He could use that power on me when he manages to regain enough strength though.... Well, he'll have a fun time trying to doing that... Soon, several police officers came from what appeared to be nowhere and started to arrest the trio, all of them beating beaten unconscious and put into the back of a van. By morning, news reports all around the city had spread of a fire-spitting demon, a flying white eagle, and a man with more weapons at once than 20 police officers.

November 18, 2007 10:36 pm #

Haze shook her head in disdain then lifted Jack with her mind, breaking Drakeus the Hungry's grasp. "Oh leave him alone." She stated. "He's just a small time super goodie. Why don't you go after one of the big time super goodies?"

Drakeus looked annoyed and narrowed his eyes at Haze. "How dare you take my feast."

"Feast?" Haze laughed. "He hardly looks appetising."

"You will take his place then," Drakeus stated.

"Oh please, I'm not worth your time either." Haze responded and turned her back on him, "However Oni might be."

Haze knew she was probably making a fatal mistake in naming the well known and currently cloaked villain, but it'd spice up life a bit. Beside it appeared that Jack, in his dark trench coat, was happy as he smiled at her. It was then that Haze remembered to lower him to the ground.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
November 19, 2007 10:18 am #

(my dude doesnt actually EAT them, he just drains there spirits/souls/life force just)

"It matters not whom I take first," Replied Drakeus. "you will all burn as the others before you have."

(just so ye know hes useing his draining powers so in a few mins your heroes/villans should start to feel slightly...drained.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
November 19, 2007 10:26 am (Edited November 19, 2007 06:35 pm) #

(incase your not observant '" words here '" is flame talking psychicly )

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
November 19, 2007 1:02 pm #

((Adeptus, didn't you, me, and Fett II get arrested?))

Oni awoke in the cell next to the man in white from the assassin's order. Oni was still in his armor. The biometrics that prevented other people from wearing the armor or taking it off of him had worked flawlessly.

"Jeez, I got a hangover. Whatever the hell was in that gas those coppers used must have pretty strong. Where'd that dragon guy go?"

"You know as much as I do."

"So, you're part of the assassin's order, correct?"

"That is correct. How did you come to know of our organization?"

"Long sotry, not pretty. Look," Oni held out a small business card stored on his belt, detailing the upcoming meeting. "Come to that address on the specified date. We'll talk, pass around a few'll be a good time."

"I'll think about it, provided we get out of this cell by then."

"Oh, right. Right. Guess I oughta show off one the more...fanciful weapons in this suit. HE held up his hands, palms wide open, and the gloves began to glow, and a brilliant beam of light blasted down the prison wall.

"I'd use those repulsor rays more often, but they do tend to expend my energy. See you Friday." And with that, Oni departed.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
November 19, 2007 1:14 pm #

ok, im completly confused. how did we get arrested after mandal's person gets there, and I could have swore that i was in an alley a while back.)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
November 19, 2007 2:36 pm #

( i thought we were on a roof top...)

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
November 19, 2007 2:51 pm #

(well your confused.)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
November 19, 2007 2:59 pm #
Fett_II wrote:

Watching the man in the trenchcoat instantly instantly falling down, Altair was surprised at what the flame man could do. Nevertheless, as he kept his defense ready, the flame man seemed to be a bit dizzy. Must've taken too much thought power Altair spoke to himself, while watching the two men lying on the ground. He could use that power on me when he manages to regain enough strength though.... Well, he'll have a fun time trying to doing that... Soon, several police officers came from what appeared to be nowhere and started to arrest the trio, all of them beating beaten unconscious and put into the back of a van. By morning, news reports all around the city had spread of a fire-spitting demon, a flying white eagle, and a man with more weapons at once than 20 police officers.

Thusly, we was arrestified.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
November 19, 2007 3:35 pm #

At first it was blinding pain in his head.  He couldn't concentrate on anything.  And then this feeling as if he was being drained of his very essence formed deep within him.  After what seemed like an eternity of pain and exhaustion, he felt the burden lift.  He looked up and saw a neutral he knew as Haze.  In order to express his thankfulness he attempted to say something but nothing came out as he couldn't form words due to the telepathic attack.  So instead he just smiled.

She frowned and she promptly dropped him to the ground.  "So much for being polite," he managed to croak out.  After the had been cleared up by the cops he dejectedly made his way back to his scooter.  He would never be anything better than a small time hero, and he knew it.  He needed something to make his break into the bigs.  Just then he saw a business card on the ground.  He read it.  Oni?  Who the heck was he?  Well it called supervillians to meet Friday the 21st at Happy Harry's bar.  This is it!  This was his chance to get some fame.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
November 19, 2007 3:38 pm (Edited November 27, 2007 05:02 pm) #

Name: Darklight (Real name unknown to all but a select few)
Abilities: He has the power to control and manipulate light based energy.  He can focus and emit this energy in a concentrated blast, a shield, to help him fly inside said shield, or to simply create basic objects out of the light (ie. a hammer, sword, etc.)
Age: He is approximately 31 years old
Appearance: He wears a black and gold costume, with golden bracers on his forearms, and wears a large black-on-the-outside-gold-on-the-inside cape, with a hood pulled low over his black mask, obscuring his face.
Personality: He tends to be cold and aloof from others, usually keeping to himself.  He helps when needed, but is a quieter person.  Experienced childhood trauma that he NEVER talks about.  His plans suck, and never go exactly how he wants, but his determination and stubbornness makes up for them.....most of the time.
Affiliation: He's a medium range HERO, who prefers to work at night, when his power is at its peak.  Daylight and other forms of light, besides his own power, lowers his strength, agility, and energy output.  He has had contact with many other superheroes, and has had too much conflict with the villain known as Voidhunter.

Darklight stared out through the darkness.  He hadn't seen much action lately; only a couple two-bit crooks who thought mugging an old man was a good idea.  He had heard over the news earlier of a larger brawl between various superhumans, and mentally groaned.  He couldn't believe that he had missed out on it all.  And to top that all off, the imprisoned superhumans had escaped soon afterwards.  If that didn't say anything abut the inefficiency of law enforcement, he didn't know what would.  This whole situation was strange; villains popping up, and getting into huge brawls all of the sudden; that just didn't add up.  Something was wrong in this place.

He turned around, the stray breeze catching his cape in the wind, and snapping it behind him.  With a sigh, he focused on the power inside of him, and summoned a veil of golden light to sheathe his body.  With that, he launched himself into the air, shooting across the sky like a comet.  It didn't look like ther'd be any more events for the night, and besides; dawn was approaching.  He landed in an obscure alleyway, and his power left him, his costume shimmering once, and then disappearing, the light surrounding it bent and distorted to provide an illusion of civilian clothes.  With that, Darklight walked off, heading for his home, zigzaging across the town, like a normal citizen hopping from bus to bus. As he walked, dawn broke over the sky, spilling its light upon the sleeping city.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
November 19, 2007 4:16 pm #

(we were on the ground at that part, and eventually the police would catch up.)

November 19, 2007 4:21 pm #

(I kinda gathered that, but I'm trying to add to the whole aura of mystery here :P  And besides, how are police supposed to outrun and catch a master assassin, and a master super villain?  Doesn't seem likely to me, is all.)

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
November 19, 2007 4:53 pm (Edited November 20, 2007 01:22 pm) #

Oni returned to his base behind the bar. Business was booming in the main room, and Oni's buddy Happy Harry was serving drinks to the seedier side of the world. Oni approched his backroom and noticed that the door had been ripped off.
Great. He thought. Just great. First a recruitng bid that could not have ended worse, then I had to freakin' break out of prison! My face is all over the news. I've been arrested, and someone ripped the door off my HQ. Juuuuuuuuust swell. Oni took this momentary respite to examine his weapons systems. The cloaker was still online, as was the stun-whip, strength modifier and electro-shivs. His jet boots and flamethrower, which ran off the same fule tank, were still in good condition.The repulsor rays had depleted his main power battery greatly, and as such the plasma bolts were offline. Likewise his tranquilizers were low as he had used so many suring the confusing fracas.

Still, there had been numerous colorful individuals at the street corner whom Oni did not know. He had caught a glimpse of a comely enough psychic lass named Haze, who often flip-flopped from hero to villian. Perhaps she could persuaded by his cause. Also, he was sure he had caught a glimpse of the beast that was called "The Hungry" in numerous fish tales in the criminal underworld. Oni was sure that those who talked about him were jut making excuses for a botched job. Looks like he'd been wrong. This was the first time in a while this had happened. Perhaps these character made their respective residence's not far from that street corner. Oni decided to go check there again.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
November 19, 2007 6:51 pm (Edited November 19, 2007 06:54 pm) #

(Im assuming im still in jail.)
   Flame quickly got out, first setting fire to his bunk, and then, when guards came to help him, he burnt them, and sprinted out of the door.
    One hour later he found himself on a roof, with one hell of a headache, watching the man called "oni" a  . He did things like this often, watch people, people he knew, and in some cases, people he had never seen before in his life. It was raining and he was flipping an old coin he had found before.
    He tried to decide if he should go over, Oni was a "super" as the normal people liked to call them. For Flame, the term "freak" was reserved. Which was why so many tried to kill him, and was also the reason for the incident before, he had to move almost weekly. He jumped from the roof, slowing his decent slightly, and heading over to the bar. It was time for this to end.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
November 19, 2007 8:49 pm #

Darklight, like a good hero, chose to take some time to examine the point of exit from the prison; the same exit made by one of the villains, no doubt.  It was  a clean explosive-based hole, probably caused by an energy based weapon; a projectile or fragmentation device would leave more of an impression on surrounding furtniture.  He was lucky his old fake ID of a private detective still worked around here, or the guards would never have let him look around.  So whoever did this had to have access to highly experimental or black-market material.  Which included pretty much every villain Darklight knew.  He wasn't getting anywhere by guessing.

That was the first cell.  The other one was the more interesting.  There were two charred corpses of guards, and the room's single bunk itself was burnt to a crisp.  A pyrokinetic then.  That would narrow his search down slightly.  But it still didn't explain the other cell.  Which left him back at square one.  There was a reason that Private Investigator badge was a fake...and Darklight was proving this to himself over and over again.  With a sigh, he stood, and simply walked out of that cell, and out through the hole in the other.  Given that they had escaped far earlier, the fugitives could be anywhere.  And he REALLY didn't want to have to fight anyone in the daytime.  Best to wait for night.  So Darklight, his costume still covered by his light-illusion, left the prison, and walked back to his small home on teh other end of town, to take some rest.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
November 19, 2007 9:57 pm #

Haze realised she'd missed something in her exchange with Jack and Drakeus the Hungry. It seemed the others had been arrested. This complicated things as it left Drakeus the Hungry only her and Jack to concentrate on and Jack was already on a scooter.

Haze snorted in frustration. She headed after Jack who stopped to pick up a business card. "Can I get a ride?" She asked.

Jack raised a brow at her. "I guess, I didn't think you liked me."

"We'll see," she said simply. "I want to get away from Mr Hungry."

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
November 20, 2007 3:51 am #

Oni was leaving the bar when the scaly man appeared from above.

"Well, well, if it isn't the enflamed one. I take it you sprung the chicken coop too, eh? They really should put better locks on that prison. So, down to business, what can I do for you?"

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
November 20, 2007 8:07 am #

"I want to help" Flame said

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
November 20, 2007 10:00 am (Edited December 12, 2007 04:45 pm) #

Character: Mr. "Jericho" Smith
Affiliation: Undecided
Age: 38
Appearance: <-
Personality: Cold hearted, thinks very tactically and mathematically, sort of over-analyzes the situation, but has a slight sense of humor.
Powers: Think along the lines of Neo and Agent Smith from the Matrix movies.
(That's all I could come up with because I don't know what you would call it.)
Weapons: Too many to list, but has 2 Desert Eagles and a sawed-off double-barrel shotgun on his person at all times. 

((I'll edit or get around to posting more later.))

"This IS my signature."

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