Check out this stuff! its so cheap in price! it looks pretty good too!
Topic: Mando armor!
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
28 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestOmg, I want the flamethrower!!! That would be so cool! A real flamethrower and in Fett form. :D
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music

Omg, I want the flamethrower!!! That would be so cool! A real flamethrower and in Fett form. :D
Its only 40-50 bucks for a working flamethower!
I would pay that!
I thought that auction for the flame thrower was only 9.99?
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Wow, that is pretty neat. The person is also selling other Star Wars costume stuff...

I thought that auction for the flame thrower was only 9.99?
No its plans to build it, but the guys said that you could make it for under $30

Just get one of Kel's helmets about 40 $ for an aluminum one, $85 for armor, $30 for flamethrower cost you about 160
I saw that about it costing about 30 dollars to build, I was being stupid last night and missed that part. lol! :P
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music

dose anyone know how to post pictures?
dose anyone know how to post pictures?
Yeah, Ive been wondering how people do that....ive seen it done but dont know how. We need help people...!! Oh and by the way, awesome and cheap armor there.....pretty cool!
MandalorianSpy9 :D
It was explained on another thread. But I'll tell ya....
Just save a picture, add it to your photobucket account, and copy and paste the Igm to your post. VIOLA! Pictures! :)
If you dont know what photobucket is, just sign up here. :)
True Warrior {MW}
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It was explained on another thread. But I'll tell ya....
Just save a picture, add it to your photobucket account, and copy and paste the Igm to your post. VIOLA! Pictures! :)If you dont know what photobucket is, just sign up here. :) Warrior {MW}
i help help other people i like how that works...keep it up TW!
{MW} MS9
i want that flame thower. i wish i had a cridet card.
if one buys it for me i send you the cash :lol:
How about you buy this suit off of me:
I'll take bids. Since this photo some things have fallen off a little, like elastic bands, which can be reattached with glue. Some care and this can be quite a suit. Sold as is. No refunds. No jetpack with this suit, though. Sorry. Made it myself in like 1997/1998.
I'm 6'0" so that's what it is designed for. Jumpsuit, vest, etc. included.
Why are you selling your armor?
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Yeah,personally I would never sell mine.Except of course for a higher purpose...
Yeah, keep it! Its really cool..............unless you HAVE to sell it.
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It's gathering dust. Never wear it. Doubt I ever will again.
I tottlay forgot about this!
You posted that same pic in here too!
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
Wow, you went digging? Yeah, not bad. Felt like I posted that yesterday.
Hey, BFFC Eric, your a Purist! Whats that? :/
{MW} TW :cool:
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
{mw} Tw
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=][/url]
TW, a Purist is someone who doesn't read EU, doesn't play SW games, doesn't watch the PT, and doesn't watch the SE or the dvds. They only watch the original OT. I think anyway?
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Wow, you went digging? Yeah, not bad. Felt like I posted that yesterday.
A year feels like a day? wow. 4 weeks has gone by really fast for me!
Four weeks ago today!
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
BFFC Eric wrote:Wow, you went digging? Yeah, not bad. Felt like I posted that yesterday.
A year feels like a day? wow. 4 weeks has gone by really fast for me!
Four weeks ago today!
You're now more machine than man.
As you get older, by the way, the faster time feels. I actually still think I'm like 17/18 most of the time. I'm 23 now. Seriously, it will feel insanely fast. It feels like winter was a minute ago. Life flies by. It is sort of sad.
Sad indeed, it just keeps flying for me 2....for everyone i guess....unless you have an extremely dull life, then life seems 2 go a little slower..