Both beat Trandoshan hunters in the last round.
Boba has bested 3 IG-88 models, but how will "Dad" do?
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
Both beat Trandoshan hunters in the last round.
Boba has bested 3 IG-88 models, but how will "Dad" do?
I think Jango would win that one.
Not a chance. Jango is a poor excuse for a bounty hunter, and would be killed. He's nowhere close to as prepared as Boba was when he faced the IG-88's (except when he was ambushed above Tatooine, that was all skill on Boba's part), and Boba is undoubtedly a better hunter to begin with. I see no contest, IG-88 would again emerge victorious. He has more effective armaments by far, more armor, and a machine precision matched by no living thing with the arguable exception of Boba Fett.
I would say that it is a tie, but I shall pick Fett.
IG-88 would slap him to death and toss his corpse out the airlock.
IG-88, definatey.
Jango all the way!!
Jango. He's a -MANDALORIAN- for pity's sake!
quite close but the Winner is Jango
IG-88, it's clearly, and logically, the bloody answer mate.
I agree IG-88, Jango's somewhat over-rated. He needs to ditch those silly pistols.
I think jango would come away with a W*** and i think he wouldnt have very much difficulty at all....
Jango crawls out of the dust cloud in roughly the same shape of anikan comes out of the lava pit at mustafar and ig-88's remains are in the backround
Jango crawls out of the dust cloud in roughly the same shape of anikan comes out of the lava pit at mustafar and ig-88's remains are in the backround
but he still wins.....
{MW} ms9
IG-88. Jango has no way of beating a killing machine like IG-88
Boba did, Jango probably would to.
IG-88's not as smart as he thinks he is. He has some serious judgement issues, and I think Jango could easily take him.
IG-88. Jango has no way of beating a killing machine like IG-88
Welcome to the boards "Atomsk". I'm glad to see your activity on the boards and hope to see more soon. A big hearty WELCOME from all of us board members....
{MW} MS9
Boba did, Jango probably would to.
And I was starting to like you. Pity.
no need to dislike someone just because they say something you don't totally agree with. it's illogical.
{MW} MS9
No need to speak up and paint a bullseye on your chest either. Logic's a powerful thing, but hate is sometimes a bit better. And hate, with all its fury-inducing glory, is my strong point. I can hate very easily, like if some annoying kid tries to lecture me on logic, or speak up against war. Sit back down Spy, and try to wash off that target you just branded yourself with.
hey jango's a mando, im sure that he has delt with things much worice than a dorid.
IG-88's not as smart as he thinks he is. He has some serious judgement issues, and I think Jango could easily take him.
Like the take the the galaxy fetish? I don't know, IG-88's way of proccessing information has issues I'll agree. But, Jango wasn't the sharpest kunai in the ninja toolbet either. And he really isn't a true mandolorian, just a farm boy from Concord Dawn, adopted son of Jaster Mareel. You could say he wears the armor and at least once fought a mando war of his own but...he's more of a wannabe.
Boba and Jango are not the same, that's a fact, Boba's experience as compared to Jango's is much different. In this case I'll say IG, other than that it would end up with both of them getting rid of the other.
Boba did, Jango probably would to.
Jango is nowhere near as great as Boba.
Spider-Fett wrote:Boba did, Jango probably would to.
Jango is nowhere near as great as Boba.
Actually, I'd have to agree with Spidey-fett. True, Jango's not as good as Boba, but very darn close. ;)
{MW} TW :cool:
*sneezes violently*
Sorry, I'm allergic to bullshit.
please at least censor your cursing.
Just because you are of a higher rank does not mean that you can tell others what to do. SciFiFreak90 is right, Jango was "skillful" enough to get trampled by a reek. Boba, on the other hand killed the Sarlacc.
Were the movies focused on/about the Fetts, Jango would have taken Mace's head off, and Boba would have killed everyone and saved Jabba with one arm behind his back at the Pit of Carkoon.
As George's intended focus lies with the Jedi/Skywalkers, there was really no possibility of a Jedi losing a fight to a non-force user.
Based entirely on the movies, I would, sadly, have to conclude that Jango is a superior fighter than his son (evenly matched duel with Obi-Wan versus getting hit in the back by a blind man and falling into a hole). Having read most every EU reference pertaining to Fetts activities outside of the movies, and his unparalleled skill, I recognize that he is far superior to his father. Yet unfortunately for Jango, he cannot get a chance to be resurrected like his son did, as it would be difficult to bring a headless character back into the land of the living. Regardless of any amount of EU material about his exploits before the movie, he will always pale in comparision to his son, who survived the living death of the Sarlacc.
Similarily, it is impossible to tell how well IG-88 would do against Jango based entirely on the movies; we know nothing about the droids fighting abilities from just one scene. EU materiel reveals his extensive fighting prowress, and the fact that he is a very well-designed killing machine, with hyperfast reflexes and an arsenal of deadly weaponry. Should the two of them fight in an entirely unbiased situation, I would see the machine victorious over the meatbag, despite his last name.
Just because you are of a higher rank does not mean that you can tell others what to do. SciFiFreak90 is right, Jango was "skillful" enough to get trampled by a reek. Boba, on the other hand killed the Sarlacc.
Dude, chill, I'm just tryin to keep the boards clean.
(evenly matched duel with Obi-Wan versus getting hit in the back by a blind man and falling into a hole)
One word for you, a word familiar to the priveleged and select few who have read through Steven King's 'Dark Tower' series:
The common word most closely related to it, and which may provide the best definition, would be destiny. Or, in the Star Wars universe, the Force. The Force has proven to have at least a vague control over the future, making prophecies happen and so on. What important people need to survive, to put it plainly, survive, so as to play their part in the Force's will. Han Solo, future father of three remarkable Jedi, who also played important roles as the Yuuzhan Vong made themselves known, was in a way a pawn of the Force. Had Boba been allowed to continue, it is without doubt that Luke, Han, Chewie, Leia, and Lando would have all been killed above the sands of the Dune Sea. The Force, destiny, or ka, did not allow that to happen. Just as it forced Anakin to the dark side using his own dreams, 'balanced' the Force in a way the unfortunate Jedi never expected, moved him to pity on his son when he later played the role of Darth Vader, and sent Luke off to Bespin before he could finish his training.
The Force guided that blind man's force pike, clouded Boba's mind for the few moments it took for him to end up in the Sarlacc's bellly, and even arranged the eventual meeting of the fellow hunter Dengar, who saved our beloved anti-hero's life. Boba fell because he needed to fall, and no one can ignore the will of the Force.
All creatures follow the beam, and fall prey to the wind that is ka. Thankee-sai.
draco fett wrote:Just because you are of a higher rank does not mean that you can tell others what to do. SciFiFreak90 is right, Jango was "skillful" enough to get trampled by a reek. Boba, on the other hand killed the Sarlacc.
Dude, chill, I'm just tryin to keep the boards clean.
Leave the man be True Warrior, he's got more brains than I've seen on this site in a long time. And furthermore, he's got a good point. When I start cursing people out, then you can have an excuse to talk about my language, though I'll rip you a new one just the same. But seeing as I'm not, leave what comes out of my mouth alone, and shut your own.
One word for you, a word familiar to the priveleged and select few who have read through Steven King's 'Dark Tower' series:
I've only read the second book so far...can't wait until I have time to read the rest. Great stuff.
Had Boba been allowed to continue, it is without doubt that Luke, Han, Chewie, Leia, and Lando would have all been killed above the sands of the Dune Sea. The Force, destiny, or ka, did not allow that to happen.
Or from a...different point of view, George Lucas did not allow that to happen. ;)
I realize it was necessary, I just think he should have put up a better fight. My whole argument was that many SW fans assume that Jango is a better fighter than Boba based on what they saw in the movies, while in "reality" Jango is inferior to his progeny.
The Force guided that blind man's force pike, clouded Boba's mind for the few moments it took for him to end up in the Sarlacc's bellly, and even arranged the eventual meeting of the fellow hunter Dengar, who saved our beloved anti-hero's life. Boba fell because he needed to fall, and no one can ignore the will of the Force.
Wow, that was brilliant, great perspective on that. I wholeheartedly agree.
Guys, stop arguing. When the cursing starts to be a disruption, I'll moderate it. In the meantime, if it offends you, send a private message the Admin or the mods. Otherwise, I'll continue to assume that it's not a problem. The BFFC boards are not the appropriate place to have fights or take out your anger, and I know you all have the maturity to recognize that. We're trying to create a community here, not tear each other down.
(evenly matched duel with Obi-Wan versus getting hit in the back by a blind man and falling into a hole)
Balancesheet, Jango beat obi-wan, it wasn't evenly matched.
Balancesheet, Jango beat obi-wan, it wasn't evenly matched.
Despite who could actually be considered the "winner", as Jango left before Obi-Wan could get back to him, I was referring more to how there was an even exchange of blows during the bulk of the fighting.
reasonable enough, I guess the point still stands.
True Warrior wrote:draco fett wrote:Just because you are of a higher rank does not mean that you can tell others what to do. SciFiFreak90 is right, Jango was "skillful" enough to get trampled by a reek. Boba, on the other hand killed the Sarlacc.
Dude, chill, I'm just tryin to keep the boards clean.
Leave the man be True Warrior, he's got more brains than I've seen on this site in a long time. And furthermore, he's got a good point. When I start cursing people out, then you can have an excuse to talk about my language, though I'll rip you a new one just the same. But seeing as I'm not, leave what comes out of my mouth alone, and shut your own.
I totally agree with you. draco IS one of the smartest people on here! And if I recall, he's.........12? Thats pretty cool considering his knowledge.
........Carry on with the topic.......
{MW} TW :cool: