Topic: SW vs. Beasts RPG

Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.

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Topic #1439
May 20, 2007 6:13 am #

Welcome to the RPG "SW vs. Beasts!"  I will go over the rules, and then post a small briefing about this RPG.


1. You are not allowed to attack other players unless they say they have died with you in battle.
However, you are allowed to wound other players.  If you are wounded, you will die after a period of time, or seek medical help.

2. You may make any character you want.  Let your imagination run wild.  But please, don't put crazy things such as your character is invicible.  With your character, list their name, gender, weapons, alliance, species, age, special abillities. List your characters clothing also.  Please make your character carry something that you could actually carry in reality.  You are allowed to put an optional character briefing.

3. Be consistent, so if someone says they destroyed a building, don't suddenly start assaulting it.

4. Have fun!


Lan Olsen, the leader of the Rebels, was dying.  He knew he was going to die, so he didn't have to patch up all of his wounds and scratches.  He sent out a distress call for backup, but wasn't sure if anyone was going to recieve it.  He heard a snarling noise.  He looked around and saw a boarwolf.  The beast pounced and bit him.  He was killed by the terrible thing.  Meanwhile, back at the Rebel base..........
The Rebels were going to send a force, so powerful, so amazing, they could not be defeated...

The pen is mightier than the blaster!
May 20, 2007 6:18 am #
Bounty Hunter Kaiza wrote:

1. You are not allowed to kill other players unless they told you that you can kill them. However, you are allowed to wound other players.  If you are wounded, you will die after a period of time, or seek medical help.

I edited the first rule to make it clear.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
May 20, 2007 6:38 am #

Thank- You. :)

The pen is mightier than the blaster!
May 20, 2007 7:02 am #

It's no problem. Do the players have to kill all of the boarwolves?

take it easy baby take it as it comes
May 21, 2007 12:47 pm (Edited May 21, 2007 01:17 pm) #

Yes, and other beasts.

Name: Net Carver
Age: 18
Alliance: Mandolorians
Weapons: Beam Rifle, Mando repeater, Yellow Lightsaber, and Detpacks
Species: Human
Clothing: Gold Heavy Mando Armor (no mask), Long curly hair, blue cape, and stealth field generator

The pen is mightier than the blaster!

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