Any and all ages welcome, step right up and post an age, any age, as long as it's yours.
I'm 19.
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
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Any and all ages welcome, step right up and post an age, any age, as long as it's yours.
I'm 19.
Oh! Happy birthday! :) I liked being 18.
I'm 17. I'll be 18 in a few months.
I'm a quarter of a century - 25 :D
14 :| Sofar i'm the youngest.... wootness x3
16 that age were you can do anything and blame it on your parents.
20, not to long til 21
I am twelve.
Are you aware that it is technically illegal to join an online community until you are 13 unless your parents sign and fax a form to the admin? Well, that is if you live in the United States anyway...
Kudar, the impression I'm getting is that the laws only apply if the boards are collecting private information, which they are not. But this is the Admin's area of expertise, not mine.
Happy birthday Cecilia!
I'm 20.
Kudar, the impression I'm getting is that the laws only apply if the boards are collecting private information, which they are not. But this is the Admin's area of expertise, not mine.
I always assumed it meant what your parents want private. For example, they might want his age to be private or something... Even if it wasn't like that though, I beleive the administrator aquires your IP address and email address when you register. With an IP address, someone can find out your exact location.
I belong to a forum where you'll be banned if theres proof that you're under 13. But thats mostly because, ah, we always aren't family friendly.
I belong to a forum where you'll be banned if theres proof that you're under 13. But thats mostly because, ah, we always aren't family friendly.
It is probably because (as I said before) it is against US law. :(
I really should have come back to this topic quite some time ago.As for the IP and e-mail adresses, I do not actually have an e-mail adress. The one in my profile is my mother's. If any one from COPPA comes here, my name is 'Rusty Shacleferd'.
With an IP address, someone can find out your exact location.
First and foremost, to clear up any confusion, the posted Rules clearly cover our stance on Privacy: "BFFC respects your privacy. BFFC will not sell your information to advertisers."
Second, IP address records reveal your web provider, not necessarily you. They're recorded here for moderating accounts and throughout BFFC with features like the online poll, in conjunction with cookies to remember your preferences.
Third, with this web site and any others, use your best judgment.
As you can see in the news, even major web sites are prone to privacy issues, either in clumsy programming or aggressive hackers. If anyone is still worried, educate yourself. Just Google it or read this article, for example, on privacy.
So I am not in an trouble or anything?
Nah, Aaron's just telling you how it is ;)
It is probably because (as I said before) it is against US law. :(
Actually its because that particular forum boaderlines PG-13 and R, not to mention there is swearing, and links to art that might burn out a lil ones eyes. Thats why we don't allow people under 13 there (mostly).
KudarMubat15 wrote:It is probably because (as I said before) it is against US law. :(
Actually its because that particular forum boaderlines PG-13 and R, not to mention there is swearing, and links to art that might burn out a lil ones eyes. Thats why we don't allow people under 13 there (mostly).
Actually, no. It is not for a particular forum, but an entire forum service (Forum service meaning things like IPB, and phpBB, and punBB, but the particular one was InvisionFree...) which has rules against that kind of stuff. (That stuff being the innapropriate pictures and all that) One site I saw realised this one day and banned every member who was under 13 unless they abided by the COPPA terms.
And to respong to the administrator... Sorry, I did not recognize that they could not find your exact location. I had always heard it was like that. But even still, that doesn't stop the law.
"Websites that are collecting information from children under the age of thirteen are required to comply with Federal Trade Commission ( FTC ) Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)."
But I beleive the rule does not only mean information the child wants private. I was reading through the COPPA page, and it says this:
"The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act and Rule apply to individually identifiable information about a child that is collected online, such as full name, home address, email address, telephone number or any other information that would allow someone to identify or contact the child. The Act and Rule also cover other types of information -- for example, hobbies, interests and information collected through cookies or other types of tracking mechanisms -- when they are tied to individually identifiable information."
It also says this:
"The kinds of personal information collected from children (for example, name, address, email address, hobbies, etc.) and how the information is collected -- directly from the child or passively, say, through cookies."
((Oh yeah, and here is a more reliable link to the COPPA information...
If Draco's worried about it, he can always get parent permission. This is a pretty family-friendly board, so I don't think he'll have problems.
If Draco's worried about it, he can always get parent permission. This is a pretty family-friendly board, so I don't think he'll have problems.
If you just mean having my parent's okay to be on here, not, say, e-mailing the administrator, I have that.
This board is for all ages. If anyone has a problem with this topic about posting ages, I can delete it.
If you want to, go ahead. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to start any problems. There was a thread like this on the old boards, so I didn't think it would be bad to restart it.
As of now, the Rules have been updated:
"If under age 13, please let your a parent know of our Children's Privacy Policy, based on COPPA guidelines."
Oh,does that mean I can't post anymore?I'm kinda 13 too.And I've posted my name and what grade Im in I think.
No, no, the Policy doesn't say anything like that. You're fine. It just says that the site isn't collecting any info about you.
I say who would post something like this to ask personal questions? It's useless.
I'm 37 , sliding rapidly into 38.
20 and making the most of it.. at what other age can you dye your hair blue and get away with it.. \^_^/
you all suck, man being like 20 would ROCK!!!! insted im 13 (almost 14)
I am 16 and soon to be 17 in April
20 is pretty cool. I have been out to nightclubs nearly every nite this week(sun, tues, wed n thurs). n got v drunk(apart from thurs)
I'm 15.
20 is so not cool, I do homework nonstop and all my friends keep getting married (some in secret without telling me). And you have to pay for college tuition and worry about graduate school.
So, ARC and Boba Dude, are you identical?
Oblanca, is your avatar by H.R Geiger?
23 here :)
I'll be 15* this sunday..... yay.....looks like im one of the younger people on surprising but cool!!!
MandalorianSpy9 :D
four-teen. I'm thuroaly enjoying it .
I am 14 today!!!!! YES!!!!
-Birthday boy
Oblanca, is your avatar by H.R Geiger?
Hmm, wonder where she is...but I think you're right. It looks like a Geiger. Oh yes, and happy belated birthday to the twins (is it belated if I wished you happy birthday early?)
Im 14 :D
Good to have you! (As long as you don't pluck out anyone's hearts with a detached droid arm).
Good to have you! (As long as you don't pluck out anyone's hearts with a detached droid arm).
Why would anyone use a droid arm when we have perfectly good arms of our own?
(If there's some reference here, I don't get it)
I took me a second to get it aswell. In Tales of the Bounty Hunters , IG-88 tears out someones still beating heart. Good one Chrys!
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