To keep the rest of the boards clean of spam
Talk about spam problems here. not in every topic out there.
The spamming in this fourm is getting out of hand.
Discuss your problems here.
Topic: Spam talk
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
36 posts
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"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.

Lets talk in the chat room guys! plz go to chat room
i could win an award for spamming the most
i could win an award for spamming the most
yeah, the award is a ban.
you really need to stop.
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
ok. i'll try my very hardest.
The award isn't something you'd want to receive.
i know. i was just thinking if i did how funny it would be! lol! :)
That is the problem. You often post things that you think are funny, but are off topic and spam.
ohhhh.....sorry draco
He's spamming the spam talk topic. This spam is really starting to get annoying.
i'm saying sorry you dork!!! it's not spam! anyone would know that!! DUHHH!!! :)
Actually it is spam. And by insulting him, you are flaming aswell. If you do not stop, you very well may get banned.
Just Shut It!!!!
1. That is more flaming.
2. We are not insulting you; you are insulting us.
3. We do not have to do what you say.
ok.....i am getting a bit flamin'.....i agree
No one is insulting you. You have been insulting them, such as on the chat roo when you called a few people wimps, said that we are all nasty, and called ARC quite a few names that I shan't say here.
ok....draco ......i admit i was .....i'm just a bit tired thats all :)
Tiredness is not excuse to insult and berate.
I'm sure I spam as well. Sometimes it is rather easy to go off topic. Almost like real time chat. One minute your on one subject, the next something else.
But if I've spammed, please know it was not my intention!
Yes, but you do not just spout out random thoughts.
Who thinks Green Helmeted Fett is just trying to annoy people? And who thinks he seriously can't stop himself from spamming at every turn?
Hail to the King Baby!!
Who thinks Green Helmeted Fett is just trying to annoy people? And who thinks he seriously can't stop himself from spamming at every turn?
He's annoying me and a ban seems a bit......good. I never had much of a tolerance for annoying children, or children for that matter.
Who thinks Green Helmeted Fett is just trying to annoy people? And who thinks he seriously can't stop himself from spamming at every turn?
I raise my hand to both. And Gustavo, nor have I.

This is going a bit too far. It's up to the moderators and, frankly, we're handling it according to our posted rules. Thanks. :-)
i'm not doing any harm! and i not a child, e.g - 5, 8, 4 ages.....i'm 11!
You're degrading the serious discussions, posting inane and entirely unnecessary comments, taking offense at every well-deserved criticism, acting like a child, and frankly, you and other spammers are a big part of the reason I've left the BFFC for the most part. >:|
-Captian Murphy
well sorryyyy...........
i know it does
Perhaps if we made it explicitly clear to you; You do NOT need to post an inane, pointless comment on EVERY thread in EVERY section, just so you can see your name eight times on the main page. >:| You're like an octopus that strangles the life out of every thread, pouncing on everyone else's post with a response on par with a first-grader, ignoring Draco and Gustavo and pretty much every other reputable member of this board when they politely remind you to STOP SPAMMING.
There has been an incredible amount of grace offered to you, much more than I would have been willing to give; I would have banned you after a week of your behavior.
If you don't want us to consider you a child, by all means, stop acting like one.
-Captian Murphy
Thank you Balance, that is excactly the point that I have been trying to get across. Unfortunately I would say my last post went a little too far as insult wise, and I appologize for that. However it has been quite an annoyance.
Hail to the King Baby!!
i still consider kids 11 and down as children. Cuz they need to learn that they're not the center of attention and when they get that through them, they will finally start maturing into adults.
Fetterthanyou wrote:Who thinks Green Helmeted Fett is just trying to annoy people? And who thinks he seriously can't stop himself from spamming at every turn?
I raise my hand to both. And Gustavo, nor have I.
Glad to hear.
Perhaps if we made it explicitly clear to you; You do NOT need to post an inane, pointless comment on EVERY thread in EVERY section, just so you can see your name eight times on the main page. >:| You're like an octopus that strangles the life out of every thread, pouncing on everyone else's post with a response on par with a first-grader, ignoring Draco and Gustavo and pretty much every other reputable member of this board when they politely remind you to STOP SPAMMING.
There has been an incredible amount of grace offered to you, much more than I would have been willing to give; I would have banned you after a week of your behavior.
If you don't want us to consider you a child, by all means, stop acting like one.
Hear hear.
i'm not doing any harm! and i not a child, e.g - 5, 8, 4 ages.....i'm 11!
Not a child? You're still in elementary school and thats all I need to say to get my point through. You're still a child untik 13. After that you're a teen, and by 18 or 21-hopefulyy- an adult.
Perhaps if we made it explicitly clear to you; You do NOT need to post an inane, pointless comment on EVERY thread in EVERY section, just so you can see your name eight times on the main page. >:| You're like an octopus that strangles the life out of every thread, pouncing on everyone else's post with a response on par with a first-grader, ignoring Draco and Gustavo and pretty much every other reputable member of this board when they politely remind you to STOP SPAMMING.
There has been an incredible amount of grace offered to you, much more than I would have been willing to give; I would have banned you after a week of your behavior.
If you don't want us to consider you a child, by all means, stop acting like one.
Well said Balance Sheet.
I agree with everything you said.
Lets just hope your words of wisdom help.
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
I hope so, nothing else has worked, even though it should have by now....
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