Topic: Favorite KotOR Armor

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Topic #1286

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March 17, 2007 4:13 pm #

In the awesome game Knights of the Old Republic, there are many different sets of armor that you can equip to your character. Some are better and cooler looking than others. You can post your fave armor from KotOR, except the Mando armors. You can also list the stats of that armor. My favorites are Jamoh Hogra's Battle Armor (Looks pretty dang cool, it has 11 defense, and it still has some flexibility. Also a bonus immunity to critical hits; the only downside is that it costs 10,000 credits....) and Calo Nords Battle Armor (Looks great, it has 9 defense, but if you upgrade it than it has 12 defense AND an immunity to critical hits. Also has immunity to fire, cold, and sonic. And even with all of these amazing powers, it still has good flexibility. Even though you don't have to buy it, it is also 10,000 credits)

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
AvatarMember #22
March 17, 2007 4:23 pm #

aww, no Mando armor?? lame. I like Calo nords armor. but I always sell it to get Heavy Mando armor.

March 17, 2007 4:46 pm #

the go-to armor...:P

"mmmm, pistol whip." -Homer Simpson
March 17, 2007 5:33 pm #

The Zeison Sha Armor.  Does not restrict the use of force powers.  Oh yah.  I was a big fan of force storm.  And force crush.  If you can't do KotOR II then I would say Calo Nord's Armor.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
March 17, 2007 6:43 pm #

i only use mando armor expet for people i dont like like kreia or aton i give them only clothing. hehe. but if i was to chose i think i would use the zeison sha armor.

March 17, 2007 6:52 pm #

I'd say Calo Nord's - I can't remember the names of the others (obviously a good excuse to play it again :P )

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
March 17, 2007 7:08 pm #

i'm not sure the name but it is the green jedi robe

"I will bet all my Star Wars guys. Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait! Except Boba Fett. No matter how sure I am, I never risk the Fett man."
―Peter Griffin
March 17, 2007 7:27 pm #

Darth Malak's armor in Kotor II was fun to wear, just cuz it was Malak's. The sith battle suits were really cool looking and still very useful also. And even though you said no mandalorian, Mandalore's still rocks every other armor. Even the other mandalorians.

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.
Hail to the King Baby!!
March 18, 2007 3:43 am #

Definitely Mandalorian Assault armor or Electromesh armor heavily modified with under and overlays.

I turned my back, grabbed my gak, and guess what I told him 'fore I shot him...
AvatarMember #22
March 18, 2007 8:10 am #
ShadowRunner wrote:

Definitely Mandalorian Assault armor or Electromesh armor heavily modified with under and overlays.

you cant use Mando armor.

March 18, 2007 8:30 am #

I like the durasteel heavy armor from KotOR II. It looks like mando armor, but Boba's color scheme.

"This IS my signature."
March 18, 2007 5:45 pm #

Calo's Armor, Davin's Armor, Sith Battle Armor, and I don't know if this counts as Mandalorian (it probably does because he's a Fett) Cassus' armor.

"Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
-Rampage, Beast Wars
March 19, 2007 4:57 am #
BobaFett243 wrote:

i only use mando armor expet for people i dont like like kreia or aton i give them only clothing. hehe. but if i was to chose i think i would use the zeison sha armor.

Ummmm, I was talking about KotOR I, not II.......but besides that, I just bought Jamoh Hogra's Carbine to go along with the armor. Feel free to post your favorite blaster/melee weapon besides lightsaber. I like Jamoh Hogra's Carbine (well duh! It is like the best blaster in the game, and with all of the upgrades it can fry everything! Also, it's a carbine, and I like me carbines!), and I also like Sanaski's Blade (I think that is what it is called. He was an Echani dude who went after Darth Revan after Revan killed an Echani senator. Revan kicked his @$$) Ok, start posting ur fave weapons!

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
March 19, 2007 10:15 am #
ARC Fett wrote:
ShadowRunner wrote:

Definitely Mandalorian Assault armor or Electromesh armor heavily modified with under and overlays.

you cant use Mando armor.

What do you mean? In KOTOR II you can use several types of mando armor.

I turned my back, grabbed my gak, and guess what I told him 'fore I shot him...
March 19, 2007 11:57 am #

He means that Mandalorian armor is not one of the options that are usable to answer the question at hand.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
March 21, 2007 9:26 am #

Sorry. Wasn't paying attention.

I turned my back, grabbed my gak, and guess what I told him 'fore I shot him...
March 26, 2007 8:13 pm #

sith armor(if you know how to keep it) is cool, i dont remember the stats.

March 26, 2007 8:18 pm #

-and not the gay kind you get in kotor 2

March 27, 2007 2:56 am #

Try to use the edit button. That way, you won't need to post twice in a row.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
March 30, 2007 7:40 pm #

sith armor is cool, i like the darth revan armor you get torwards the end of the game.

March 31, 2007 1:36 am #

I liked Nihilus' appearance overall. The character in the game was a bit shallow seeing how late he comes in.
Other than that I'd say Dark Jedi Robes. It's been a while since I've played the game and all I can remember is Jal Shay Neophyte Armor.
Just got Kotor 1 recently actually. Can't wait to get Calo Nord.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
March 31, 2007 6:35 pm #

calo nords armor looks nothing like his actual armor

April 9, 2007 10:27 pm #

revan and malak's armor (yes you can get both)

"Malak had strength, and embraced it, saw his opportunity and took it."
―Darth Sion
April 10, 2007 2:15 am #

has revan got eyes?....................

You've been holding out on us again haven't you? Since you haven't given us enough money, I'll guess I'll have to take it out of you piece by piece! - Unknown Mandalorian.
April 10, 2007 6:23 am #

Yes, but his armor has a visor.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
April 10, 2007 6:52 am #

i like revan he's cool. but he gets killed my his former padawan, darth malak. jaws are made from metal

You've been holding out on us again haven't you? Since you haven't given us enough money, I'll guess I'll have to take it out of you piece by piece! - Unknown Mandalorian.
April 10, 2007 9:14 am #
green helmeted fett wrote:

i like revan he's cool. but he gets killed my his former padawan, darth malak. jaws are made from metal

Guessing you haven't finished the game yet.

Good... Bad... I'm the one with the gun.
Hail to the King Baby!!
April 10, 2007 9:18 am #

i havent even played it yet :).......

You've been holding out on us again haven't you? Since you haven't given us enough money, I'll guess I'll have to take it out of you piece by piece! - Unknown Mandalorian.
May 15, 2007 11:12 am #

The Sith Lord Suit

The pen is mightier than the blaster!
May 15, 2007 1:46 pm #

The exoskeleton you can buy from the Rodian on the space station...haven't played that game in ages.

"If you don't want me to eat you.....SAY SOMETHING."
-Captian Murphy
May 20, 2007 4:17 pm #

You have to have an Xbox Live accout, though, in order to download the station that the Rodian is on.  I actually had a couple glitches on mine.  When you first go to the station and have to fight the Transdoshians.  The screen kept going black.  You could hear everything, and still work the controls and talk to people, but you couldn't see anything until you felt your way around the room to open the next airlock door.  I downloaded it and deleted it three times, and still the same thing.  After that, though, it works fine everytime you go to the station to buy stuff.

--Sadriel Fett (BFFC Moderator)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
May 23, 2007 2:20 pm #

I trully like the Dark Jedi Robes,and of course the all time favourite  Cassus Fett's armor!!!! :D

"Your passions give you strength, and through strength you gain power. You have seen it, you feel it. You must break your chains."
May 23, 2007 4:43 pm #
Sadriel_Fett wrote:

You have to have an Xbox Live accout, though,

Not if you play it on your comp. ;)

"If you don't want me to eat you.....SAY SOMETHING."
-Captian Murphy
May 29, 2007 11:00 am (Edited May 29, 2007 11:00 am) #

All of the Sith aomor

May 29, 2007 11:08 am #

armour! lol *

You've been holding out on us again haven't you? Since you haven't given us enough money, I'll guess I'll have to take it out of you piece by piece! - Unknown Mandalorian.
May 29, 2007 11:19 am #


January 10, 2008 1:25 am #

Revan's armor!

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
January 10, 2008 6:00 am (Edited January 10, 2008 06:01 am) #

Heavy Exoskeleton. Protects well and (when upgraded) also adds +3 Strength and +3 Constitution.
And for a weapon, Yusanis's brand. Turns superior when fully upgraded.

Космические рейнджеры 2: Доминаторы
(Lancelot! <3)
January 11, 2008 6:45 pm #

I'd have to say Bandon's fiber armor for K1
Good protection, force powers, upgradable, looks cool :)

Havent played TSL enough to have a favorite

Life is complex-It has both real and imaginary components.
January 11, 2008 7:18 pm #

Id have to say the Mandalorain Assault Armors my fav. (the helmet parts awsome)

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
January 11, 2008 8:17 pm #

isnt that the Neo-Crusader armor? I thought you couldent wear the helm......But then agin, last time i played was like WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYY LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONg ago

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 11, 2008 8:19 pm #

yeah thats it , but they call it somethin different in the game

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
January 12, 2008 1:00 am (Edited January 12, 2008 01:01 am) #
Mereel wrote:

I'd have to say Bandon's fiber armor for K1
Good protection, force powers, upgradable, looks cool

Incorrect. Using the Force when equipped with an armor = Impossible.
I tried, trust me.

&#1050;&#1086;&#1089;&#1084;&#1080;&#1095;&#1077;&#1089;&#1082;&#1080;&#1077; &#1088;&#1077;&#1081;&#1085;&#1076;&#1078;&#1077;&#1088;&#1099; 2: &#1044;&#1086;&#1084;&#1080;&#1085;&#1072;&#1090;&#1086;&#1088;&#1099;
(Lancelot! <3)
January 12, 2008 7:30 am #

I usualy wear just the dark robes, that way i can use force storm and the like

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 12, 2008 9:33 am #
Terron wrote:
Mereel wrote:

I'd have to say Bandon's fiber armor for K1
Good protection, force powers, upgradable, looks cool

Incorrect. Using the Force when equipped with an armor = Impossible.
I tried, trust me.

Not true.  There are a few armors that do not restrict force powers.  The Zeison Sha and Jal Shey Armor.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 12, 2008 9:35 am (Edited January 12, 2008 09:36 am) #
Terron wrote:
Mereel wrote:

I'd have to say Bandon's fiber armor for K1
Good protection, force powers, upgradable, looks cool

Incorrect. Using the Force when equipped with an armor = Impossible.
I tried, trust me.

I forgot that I had I a mod that changed that...
By the way, how dumb is force-restricting armor?
It doesn't even make sense.


Life is complex-It has both real and imaginary components.
January 12, 2008 9:58 am #
Adeptus_Astartes wrote:

I usualy wear just the dark robes, that way i can use force storm and the like

Same here; usually wear Dark Side padawan or Jedi robes, as I think they look better then the higher level robes. 

Armor *besides Mando* would be Revan's if I could play in it *not the black robe at the end of the campain, but the REAL thing.*

Never played much in armor.  Really became a Mando fan during and after I'd played KOTOR to death.  Tried to get back into KOTOR 2 as a Jediexile-turmed-Mando recently, but couldn't really get into it; played it too many times before, and can't STAND going back to the chance-roll for attacks after playing Oblivion

For the stuff I have played in; I'd take the Echani or the Reinforced Fiber armors for light

Electromesh Armor for med.

Corellian Powersuit for heavy

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
January 12, 2008 10:11 am (Edited January 12, 2008 10:17 am) #
Sev Fett wrote:
Terron wrote:
Mereel wrote:

I'd have to say Bandon's fiber armor for K1
Good protection, force powers, upgradable, looks cool

Incorrect. Using the Force when equipped with an armor = Impossible.
I tried, trust me.

Not true.  There are a few armors that do not restrict force powers.  The Zeison Sha and Jal Shey Armor.

Ahem, I was talking about Darth Bandon's fiber armor and KotOR, what the topic originally was made about.

Mereel wrote:

I forgot that I had I a mod that changed that...

Interesting... Where could I get this mod?

&#1050;&#1086;&#1089;&#1084;&#1080;&#1095;&#1077;&#1089;&#1082;&#1080;&#1077; &#1088;&#1077;&#1081;&#1085;&#1076;&#1078;&#1077;&#1088;&#1099; 2: &#1044;&#1086;&#1084;&#1080;&#1085;&#1072;&#1090;&#1086;&#1088;&#1099;
(Lancelot! <3)
January 13, 2008 9:20 am (Edited January 13, 2008 09:21 am) #

At filefront for KOTOR;81423
and TSL;81698

Read the review and the readme for both files to avoid conflicts
Something about 2da files...

Life is complex-It has both real and imaginary components.
January 14, 2008 6:14 am #

Thank you.

&#1050;&#1086;&#1089;&#1084;&#1080;&#1095;&#1077;&#1089;&#1082;&#1080;&#1077; &#1088;&#1077;&#1081;&#1085;&#1076;&#1078;&#1077;&#1088;&#1099; 2: &#1044;&#1086;&#1084;&#1080;&#1085;&#1072;&#1090;&#1086;&#1088;&#1099;
(Lancelot! <3)

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