Other than Star Wars, what other Science Fiction genre are you into?
I enjoy Star Trek Voyager, Aliens, Predator and The Terminator. ;)
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
Other than Star Wars, what other Science Fiction genre are you into?
I enjoy Star Trek Voyager, Aliens, Predator and The Terminator. ;)
Does the Halo books count?
The Halo books are soo cool!
hmm, let's see. Mel, you pretty much wrote them all for me. Thank you! I also like Stargate and Battlestar Galactica.
Aliens, Predator, Matrix, The Terminator and Dr. Who, but Star Wars is better than them.
Battlestar Galactica is quite good too, but I don't watch it anymore.
Also, has anybody heard of the books "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy"? They are good.
Also, has anybody heard of the books "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy"? They are good.
Read a couple pages, very interesting, but i'm too lazy to go any further than the movie.
I like Firefly a lot. I also watch random sci-fi movies on the Sci-fi network. Like one time when I flipped it on and there was a swat team in the middle of a forrest fighting off velociraptors. Good times.
Terminator, the Riddick series, Predator, Dr. Who is okay, Firefly and Serenity, and probably the Matrix and Alien movies if I saw them. I also like Victorian steam-punk.
Dr. Who is weird. British stuff tends to not be normal. are the Transformers technically sci-fi? cuz it does involve a lot of sci-fi things, so i'd count it. I liked Pitch Black better than Chronicles.
I like Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Babylon 5, and Transformers.
Yes, I like the original Tansformers.
"Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
-Rampage, Beast Wars
ahh, Beast Wars was a great show.
firefly, bsg, anything with time travel-im down with time travel. samurai jack. clone wars cartoon was pretty cool. and give me the old twilight zone any day...most sci-fi themes are ripped from those episodes.
true. Back to the Future -> best movie that has to do with time-traveling.
(original) Twlilight Zone. Ghost in the Shell, Terminator, Alien, Predator, Trigun, Star Wars, Transformers(Beast ones), The Dresden Files, War of the Worlds, Tripods Trilogy, Mobile Suit Gundam (Seed sucked bad). Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy(Read most of them but the last one all the way through). Stranger in a Strange Land. Sonic the Hedgehog(Even if it is Furry)
I haven't gotten into Battlestar Galactica, is it worth the watch? (New series)
Cyber-Punk is my favorite genre but it's hard to find.
Stargate: sg-1 and Atlantis, Star Treks DS9 and TNG, Serenity... Would the old Wild Wild West tv show be considered as slightly sci-fi...?
if they had lasers, why not? A good sci-fi movie is: Ghostbusters!
@ Maltese, the new BSG is okay, i prefer old school though. Gundam Seed was horrible, G Gundam and Mobile Suit Gundam were my favorites. Any1 here ever watch Outlaw Star? that was a great show.
I have the entire collection on DVD! Thanks for reminding me!
Too bad they cut episode 23. It explained a lot of the background on the Caster. I think that's the episode.
Stargate: sg-1 and Atlantis, Star Treks DS9 and TNG, Serenity... Would the old Wild Wild West tv show be considered as slightly sci-fi...?
Wild Wild West is steam-punk, which I consider science fiction. Other examples are nearly everythng written by Jules Verne and H. G. Wells.
I also like Futurama, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, and the old Sonic games. I have only seen a few episodes of the old Twilight Zone, but from what I've seen, it is pretty good.
Late at night on the Scifi channel here in the U.S. they still play reruns. My library also had some of them on VHS.
Twilight Zone that is. Plus you can buy episodes from Google Video.
Dr. Who is weird. British stuff tends to not be normal. are the Transformers technically sci-fi? cuz it does involve a lot of sci-fi things, so i'd count it. I liked Pitch Black better than Chronicles.
I could say the same about American t.v since im from England.
Terminator (not 3), Star Wars, Predator, Alien (Only 1 and 2), Matrix (only first one), Stargate sg1.
(original) Twlilight Zone. Ghost in the Shell, Terminator, Alien, Predator, Trigun, Star Wars, Transformers(Beast ones), The Dresden Files, War of the Worlds, Tripods Trilogy, Mobile Suit Gundam (Seed sucked bad). Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy(Read most of them but the last one all the way through). Stranger in a Strange Land. Sonic the Hedgehog(Even if it is Furry)
I haven't gotten into Battlestar Galactica, is it worth the watch? (New series)
Cyber-Punk is my favorite genre but it's hard to find.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention Ghost in the Shell. I own the DVD.
When you guys say Twilight Zone, you are of course meaning Rod Sterling's Twilight Zone right? (aka the one in black and white and from the 50s)
First or Second Season? Maybe you mean the movie.
I have both of the TPB but lack the DVD's. And I can't say I enjoyed innocence(second movie) but it's still worth the watch even if it did take what the first movie didn't out of the First TPB instead of the second.
Yea, Rod Serling's.
Well, I guess I own the first movie. I never knew there was a second season and a second movie. Is it possible to get the first season on DVD? It would be cool to own it.
Ja, from Best Buy, Amazon.com, Borders, Anime-Manga store. Video store. I think most places don't stock the first season any more.
I enjoy Stargate,Star Trek Voyager,TNG, and DS9, the original Twilight Zone, and the movie "Noit of This Earth".
"noit of this earth"? obscure much? im gonna have to imdb that one...
Well, yeah you could call it that. It is about this alien who steals people's blood. It is from the 1950s. I own the 1995 update of it.
I thoroughly enjoy: Doctor Who (obviously) The Dresden Files, the original Star Trek with Captain Kirk, Eureka, Special Unit 2, The Twilight Zone, Battlestar Galactica, The Adventures of Tek Jansen, The Back To The Future series, The Blade movies and TV show, Heroes (if it counts) and Full Metal Alchemist (if that counts).
fullmetal definitely counts. heroes isn't all that great in my opinion. eureka is a good show, have u seen the anime eureka 7? it's interesting. not sure if u could count it as science fiction, but it does have robots from time to time.
"noit of this earth"? obscure much? im gonna have to imdb that one...
Actually Cujo, I meant "Not of This Earth" not noit sorry. It's just anothe rone of those typos.
As to shows: For a while I was into Stargate (both), and Battle Star Galactica. Not so much this year. Eureka's been a fun watch. I don't know if these guys count: but The Venture Brothers.
For books: THe Lost fleet, following that series. I've been getting into paranoid conspiracy sci fi / space opera, and hard boiled dective sci fi (if that makes any sense)
Started Full Metal Alchemist a few weeks back, working through the episodes.
Kind of a mixed bag.
I'd consider Eureka Seven sci-fi.
Lets see War-Hammer 40k, Aeon Flux, (yes I used to stay up untill 2 in the morning to watch) Predator, Wing Commander, Star Trek,Org. siries, Next Gen., DS9. The Terminator only the first movie though, Alien all the movies, Event Horizon (one of the best sci-fi horror movies ever). DOOM nuf said their. Would Resident Evil count as sci-fi? Judge Dread.
Star Wars is the best. My brother is really into Stargate, and battlestar.
Beast Wars is great, but I'm not sure how cool the new movie is going to be. I have little faith.
Matrix is cool, kind of burned out on that though.
Lets see War-Hammer 40k, Aeon Flux, (yes I used to stay up untill 2 in the morning to watch) Predator, Wing Commander, Star Trek,Org. siries, Next Gen., DS9. The Terminator only the first movie though, Alien all the movies, Event Horizon (one of the best sci-fi horror movies ever). DOOM nuf said their. Would Resident Evil count as sci-fi? Judge Dread.
Terminator 2 is good too. I think Alien 3 4 are terrible.
I like the ending to Alien 3, just the scene where Ridley is grabbing at the alien queen before dieing.
4 was alright, the bit where I think its a general tricks the aliens in to the escape pod and chucks a grenade inside.
Predator, even though it's been ages since I saw the first one.
I like the Terminator movies. I think it was four that was my favorite. The first season of Andromeda was awesome, but it's been a long time since I've watched it. Ghost in the Shell is my favorite scifi anime for sure, and my all time favorite is definitely FIREFLY! That show is amazing. The dialogue, culture, setting, and the characters are all just...wow. I love it. The movie Serenity came out for it a while back. (I highly recommend it all!)
Terminator four has not been released yet...
They're making a 4th one? Wow... I figured it ended at 3, since really the entire story is a loophole, meaning that the Terminator will continue to go back in time, and he will be defeated/victorious, and Doomsday will happen all over again, creating a paradox, pretty much tearing a wormhole in time and thus destroying the universe. Unless in the 4th one they end the war.
I'm pretty sure that they are, or at least were, working on a fourth movie. Of couse, I could be wrong.
Anything scifi counts for me, really...I go all-out on the kind of thing. Actually wrote my college essay about the genre, and apparently they liked it...
To be a little more specific, I love Star Wars (obviously), Battlestar Galactica (the oldies are...eh, since they're just so campy, but the new series is AMAZING), Firefly/Serenity, the Riddick trilogy, the Alien quadrilogy, Predator-related things, and Stephen King books
Then there's a whole lot of miscellany that I read/watch and enjoy: just about any scifi/horror/action movie ever made, and especially those horrible B-movies they show on the scifi channel on saturdays. Good scifi authors include Alastair Reynolds (obscure) and Isaac Asimov (not so much), as well as a host of others.
So, yes. I heart any and all scifi =)
Hey Gunslinger, good to see you back :D
Yes I forgot to mention Riddick, how shocking. I loved Pitch Black then The Chronicles of Riddick. He's one cool character. ;)
Riddick, STAR WARS (my life) , venture bros (dean ), full metal alchemist (al), Halo series hehehe, The core (if it counts), AVP and Doctor Who
Hey Gunslinger, good to see you back :D
Yes I forgot to mention Riddick, how shocking. I loved Pitch Black then The Chronicles of Riddick. He's one cool character. ;)
Agreeing with everything there, I here thet they are in the process of making two sequels to The Chronicles of Riddick. In the first, he travels to the Underverse, and in the second, to Furya. Other than him, wwho could kill someone witha a tea cup?