Closed Topic: The Red Helm

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January 30, 2007 8:26 pm (Edited February 21, 2007 06:43 pm) #

I'm new here.  Taking the liberty of starting a game.  Hope that's okay.  :)

Setting: It is 39 ABY, nine years after the Vong War. Boba Fett is Mand’alor.

Story: Nora Roan (a Mando female) has been appointed the task, by the Mand’alor no less, to locate and retrieve an object which is said to be of great value to the Mandalorian people. The item in question is a helmet once belonging to a Red Null ARC clone. The helmet is said to contain data that will ultimately benefit the Mando people. Although Fett did not see fit to reveal the nature of the data, Nora does not doubt his claim and is ready and willing to follow the orders of the Mand’alor without question. She intends to take along her adopted daughter Evaar, as well as her cousin Saviin. As the story opens, Nora awaits Saviin and Evaar‘s arrival at a cantina in Keldabe, the capital city of Mandalore. Here, they will discuss plans for the venture.

***** Of course these ladies will take all the help they can get, so come on and join in the mission!  Oya Manda! *****



1. Ok, general common sense rules apply here. No flaming, no insults to other players, be respectful, do not kill other people’s characters, follow the standard RPG rules, you know the drill... 

***Edit - Please do not make other people's characters speak or do things without first getting the player's approval.  You cannot always assume what someone is going to do in a situation.  This includes actions, conversation, and the like.  It is extremely frustrating to have someone move your character or make them say things that you did not intend.  This rule falls under the standard RPG rules generally recognized within all true RPGs***

2. Absolutely NO god-modding. This means that characters that are unbeatable, fail-proof, all powerful, etc., will not be tolerated. Its no fun to play a game where one person is always the winner of each situation or is always in control of the story.   

3. For this RPG, I’d rather not have anyone play Fett. (Sorry.) I’ll allude to him, as my character Nora has obviously spoken to him. And I MIGHT have her do a few brief communications with him. But if I do (and I may not) those communications will be short, to the point, and only as needed to make the story flow smoothly.

That’s it for rules. Short and sweet. I’m not picky.  This is just a game, it’s supposed to be fun.   :)

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
January 30, 2007 8:28 pm #

Nora Roan 
Age: 35
Species: Human
Home: Mandalore
Ship : VT-49 Decimator (Modified)
Armor: Black
Description: 5’7, fair skin, dark brown eyes, long black hair.
Weapons: Mando armor, DC-17m Blaster Rifle, Modified DL-44 Blaster Pistol, Vibro-blades, etc...

Raised as a typical Mando child on the outskirts of Keldabe, Nora was taught battle and combat skills by both her father and mother. She accompanied her father into battle on many occasions and by age 13 was an accomplished warrior. Widowed twice and having lost both young sons in battle, Nora has only her father left in her immediate family. She is cousin to Saviin, although the two share a more sisterly relationship. Nora takes on mercenary work to make a living her herself and her aging father, who remains at home due to battle injuries from which he never fully recovered. Nora has adopted Evaar as a there are no orphans among the Mandos. Evaar is the child of a deceased friend.

Saviin :
Age: 32
Species: Human
Home: Mandalore
Armor: Purple
Description: Very tall 5’9, fair skin, long lavender hair, lavender eyes
Weapons: Mando armor, Westar M5 Blaster Rifle, DL-44 blaster Pistol, Missile launcher, demolitions, Vibro-blades, you name it...

Saviin was raised on a farm and battle trained in typical Mando fashion. One of three children, she constantly strived to keep up with her two older brothers, unfortunately both of whom are now deceased. Being raised with two male siblings made quite a tomboy out of Saviin, and despite her striking appearance, she is nothing to be toyed with. She fancies weapons and has amassed quite a collection over the years, which she enjoys showing off to the curious. Saviin was widowed before the birth of her first child. The baby, a girl, was born sickly and died shortly after. Saviin has yet to remarry. She and Nora are cousins and often work together. Saviin also has a pet Strill named "Edee" (Fang), which she takes everywhere with her, much to Nora's dismay...

Evaar : 
Age: 17
Species: Human
Home: Concord Dawn
Armor: Green
Description: 5’5, fair skin, long brown hair, green eyes.
Weapons: Mando armor, E-11 Blaster Rifle, vibro blades

At the age of 12, Evaar was orphaned when her father was killed in battle. Her mother was missing in action years prior and is presumed dead. Nora, a good friend of her late father, adopted Evaar into the Roan clan and has cared for her as a daughter for five years. Evaar is young at heart and has a charming child-like quality about her. However, she is as skilled a fighter as any Mando her age, which sometimes comes as a surprise to those who think she is more on the delicate side. Evaar is 17, and has not yet married, although most Mandos marry at age 16.

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
January 30, 2007 8:28 pm #

Name: Territ Grahrk
Age : 35
Species: Devorain
Home/Planet: Mandalore
Physical Description: Red shiny skin and horns are kept in best condition
Armor: (( )) But with no helm
Wepon: Shotgun
Ship: The Inferno
Background: Territ is the grand-son to Villimar Grahrk the smuggler, Territ never knew his grandfather or any other family. Territ's father left Territ in Keldabe as a child and never came back for the Inferno. Territ was raised as a Mandalorian. Territ has made the Inferno good as new and the NT droid is still annoying as ever.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 30, 2007 8:33 pm (Edited January 30, 2007 10:16 pm) #

Nora Roan sat in a corner booth at the Lararyc Strill (Drunken Strill) tavern, a popular watering hole in Mandalor’s capital city of Keldabe. She stirred her herbal tea drink with a spoon, letting the bag steep in the hot water. The dark haired huntress knew her cousin would be on time, Saviin was always reliable. Evaar on the other hand would be characteristically late.

Almost on cue, a roar of welcome announced Saviin’s arrival at the tavern. The tall lavender haired woman was well known among the patrons, as was her pet Strill, Edee. Mugs were raised in greeting as she weaved her way through the tables towards Nora’s quiet booth, Edee clambering along at her heels.

“You had to bring the animal...” Nora said flatly, fishing the tea bag out of her mug and squeezing the water from it.

“Aww, c’mon Nor’ika, he likes you!” Saviin said with a smirk. The Strill flopped over on it’s side wiggling it’s six legs, begging to have it’s belly rubbed. “See,” Saviin pointed.

Nora made a snorting sound, but obliged by extending her leg and giving the creature a brief rub with her boot. Edee groaned happily and rolled on the flooring. The huntress turned her attention back to her tea. “I’m surprised they let you bring him in here...” she commented.

Saviin’s brows raised, “Why not? He’s a Strill, and this IS the Lararyc Strill Tavern, is it not?”

“Just don’t get him drunk this time...”

Saviin slid into the booth across from Nora, “So what is it this time?” she asked, pulling a vibro-blade from her waist, “What excitement awaits us dear cousin?” The lavender eyed woman began idly picking her nails with the tip of the blade.

“Wait until Evaar gets here...” Nora replied, glancing at the chrono on the wall with displeasure.

Saviin noted Nora’s expression, “Don’t be too hard on her, you were once that age...”

Nora’s eyes narrowed slightly, “When I was her age I was already married with a newborn son...”

Saviin shrugged, “Well times are changing...girls are waiting longer and longer to tie the knot...”

“Time is not generous to Mandos... If she waits too long all the young men will either be married already or dead...”

Saviin returned her knife to its sheath and made a face at Nora, “What’s gotten into you? Evaar’s a fine girl, she’ll do alright....”

“I just worry that’s all...”

The tavern doors opened and a young girl came rushing in at a trot. “Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!” she was saying as she approached the booth, “I know I’m late....but I was talking to a young man about his speeder bike, and then he wanted to take me for a ride....”

Nora arched a high brow, “Did you go?”

Evaar shrunk a bit, “Y-yeah....”

One corner of the huntress’ mouth turned into a smile, “Good...”

Saviin gave the young girl a playful nudge, “Was he cute?” she teased...

Nora swirled her tea with a smirk, “Alright ladies...we’re here for a reason,” she reminded them, but her tone was gentle. “Lets get down to business...”   

Nora reached into her vest and pulled out a datadisc, “I’ve been appointed to retrieve an artifact...” she began, inserting the disc into her data pad. An blue holo image flickered to life, rotating over the screen of the pad. “This is what we are after...” she announced.

“An old helmet?” Evaar asked with a crinkle of her nose.

“This is no usual helm.....” the dark haired huntress continued, “It once belonged to a Null ARC. It contains data that the Mand’alor requires.”

Saviin put her elbows on the table, leaning in closer. “Don’t tell me the old man himself is sending us?”

“He’s not,” Nora replied, “He’s sending me....and I’m taking you two along for the ride.”

Evaar’s green eyes were wide with fascination. “You spoke to the Mand’alor?” she asked in an awed whisper.

“More like he spoke to me....I mostly listened and did a lot of agreeing.”

“Great, so we find this buy’ce, nick it from whoever has it, and then peddle back here as fast as we can....” Saviin summed up, “Back before dinner, eh?”

“Hardly...” Nora corrected, “The helmet is kept in a vault at a high security depository on some obscure planet...” She took a sip of tea from her mug, “I don’t they’ll let us in if we ask nicely...”

Evaar still sat with a stunned expression on her face. “Did you talk to him today?” she asked, still hanging on the fact that Nora had talked with Fett.

Nora made an exasperated sound, “Yes....this morning.”

“What did he sound like?” the young girl begged to know.

“He sounded like a busy man giving instructions for a mission.” Nora said sternly, “We didn’t discuss the weather, if that’s what your meaning...”

Evaar slumped back into her seat with a frown. Edee rose up and put his head on the girl’s lap, as though sharing her disappointment.

(OOC:  I know its kinda long winded, but I wanted a set good beginning scene :)  )

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
January 30, 2007 8:36 pm #

Territ walked into the Lararyc Strill, he wasnt in his armor hed just come in after giving the Inferno a repair job. Territ looked at the three ladies in the corner and gave a slight smile before sitting down at the bar. "Jawa Juice" Territ said. The Bar keep nodded and set down a cup of Jawa Juice for Territ, Territ listened keenly to all that was going on in the tavern behind him, his ears picked out the women talking about the helm. Territ listened for a while before thinking it was just rubbish. A floating droid started knocking it self against the door of the Tavern, the bar keep was about to go open the door.

"Ill get it, probaly NT anyway" Territ said while getting up and walking to the door and openeing it. A round basketball sized droid floated in.

"There you are Territ I knew Id find you he-" Nt was cut off by Territ pushing her back out the door.

"Go mind te Inferno I don wan it breakin down agian wit tose droids mindin it." Territ told NT who just floated away. Territ looked back onto the tavern some people were staring at him but he shrugged it off and went back to his drink.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 31, 2007 6:21 am #

Ezperanza "Big Z" Blank
Age: 18 in September 
Species: Human
Home:  Gargon
Armor: gun-metal gray 
Description: 5'8.5, olive skin, short black hair, whiskey eyes
Weapons: dual-weilding vibroswords, Westar-M5 blaster rifle

Growing up on ganster ruled Gargon, Esperanza was raised by the street. She never alied herself with one gang until a group of Mandalorians found her trying to "cut their purses". They took her in after being impressed by her courage; growing up surrounded by men has molded her into an uncomplicated, straight-forward tomboy. Her Westar-M5 may be a left over from the Clone Wars, but it's rarely seen out of her possession. She answers to nothing but "Big Z", though, how she got that nickname is still a mystery.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
January 31, 2007 8:46 am #

Kyr'am Ordo
Species: Human
Home: Kedalbe, Mandalore
Armor: Black w/ light blue trim
Description: 6', black hair, shaggy beard and grey eyes
Ship: ARC-170(Modified)
Weapons: EE-5 Blaster rifle, DC-15s blaster pistol, and vibroknife(hidden in left vambrace)

Bio: Kyr'am was born to a family of doctors on Kedalbe and was trained in that profession until the Yuuzhan Vong war struck.  During the war, he served with the Mandalorian Protectors in the defense of the Mandalore Sector.  Following the war, he purchased an old ARC-170 and began bounty hunting.  Along the way, he made picked up a crew for his ship: a reprogrammed B2 Super Battle Droid Kyr'am named "Canderous" and a mysterious Chiss woman.

Name: "Canderous"
Species: B2 Super battle droid
Appearance: tan and green camoflage
Personality:  He's a tad sarcastic.
Serves as 170 tail gunner and occaisional back up for those tricky jobs.

Name:Unkown(Kyr'am only refers to her as Tracyn)
Appearance: 5'7", slender, short black hair, glowing red eyes, blue skin
Bio: Little is known of her, except she has occasionally been seen accompanying Kyr'am on several occasions.  During bounty hunting missions, she prefers to stay on the ship, providing air support or extraction as needed.

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
January 31, 2007 12:54 pm #

Kyr'am walked into the Lararyc Strill, followed closely by a Chiss woman, her red eyes blazing in the low light.  Kyr'am took off his helmet and surveyed the settings before heading over to the bar and ordering himself a drink.  The Chiss sat down beside him and wrinkled her nose.
     "Ugh!  What is that stench?"  she spat.  Kyr'am glanced around and finally settled on the strill with it's head on one of the girls' lap.  "It's probably that strill over there, their not exactly know for being clean.  I'm actually surprised they let the thing in here."
     "Isn't that the name of this place?"  Kyr'am gave a half-smile and took another pull of his drink before answering.  "The Drunken Strill, yeah.  I've also been to a 'Dirty Dianoga' too, and I didn't think it'd be appropriate to keep those in the establishment either. "
     "Then why keep them around?"
     "They're hunters.  The question is, what are they hunting?"

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
January 31, 2007 1:26 pm #

Big Z looked up at the sign outside the cantina, Lararyc Strill, The Drunken Strill. A small smile touched her lips. She crossed into the room after a moment of being temporarily blinded by the change of light, and sat down alone at a the bar. Her simple helmet at her booted feet and ordered a shot of Fire Water. Big Z looked around the cantina; smoky, not quite grungy but on-the-wrong-side-of-the-tracks looking, the smell of ale tingled in her nose. Like being back on Gargon, she thought, sipping on her shot.
   There was a Chiss--probably the most nocticable being besides the Devorain--a group of three females with a strill, the man sitting with the Chiss, and the group of regulars sitting downwind of her at the bar.
   Big Z knew she wasn't cultured enough to approach the women, and the man and Chiss-woman were together, so that left the Devorain. Picking up her shot, and letting her helmet hang by a pinky, sat across from the stereotyped Devorain.
  "I'm looking for a job; you got somethin' to offer?"

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
January 31, 2007 1:55 pm #

Territ looked at Z, then took a large drink from his beer. "A job? Could always use a Co-Pilot of me ship. It not new one, 'ell it came from before Clone Wars. But I fix it good. Co-Pilot hokay wit you?" Territ asked. Territ leaned back in his chair.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 31, 2007 2:04 pm #

Big z laughed and put her Westar-M5 on the table, "Some things are better not forgotten." She cocked her side, "I'm willing to fly for a place to stay; I don't care about 'creds. Just food, drink, and a mattress. When do I start?"

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
January 31, 2007 2:08 pm #

Territ laughed. "Tat all?" Territ drained the rest of his beer."You can start anytime ju want" Territ looked down at her Westar. "Ah what a blaster. Bet you can make 6 inch hole wit it." Territ burst out laughter.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 31, 2007 2:14 pm #

Big Z chuckled, "You have no idea." She downed the rest of her Fire Water and said, "Let me get my stuff; won't take five minutes. Where should I meet you at?" Territ rolled a docking bay off his tongue and Big Z thanked him and went out to gather her miniscule belongings.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
January 31, 2007 2:29 pm #

((Good to see you back Atinvod, youve been gone or just not posting))
Territ sat up and walked out the cantina and made his way to the docking bay. The walk wasnt that long, it was just around the corner. Territ turned the corner and went into the docking bay. "NT! Hows The Inferno lookin?" Territ asked NT. NT floated down to Territ

"Its tip top right now, those droids you bought changed the engine but they changed it back, where did you get them?" Nt asked.

"Don wanna know" Territ said.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 31, 2007 3:06 pm #

((Thanks? Don't think anybody here has been happy to see me. Glad to see you're back as well. I was just doing laundry when Stephen decided to be all dorky and email me.))

Big Z stopped by her run down apartment and climbed through the boarded up window. Grabbing her satchel, she kicked away a rat, and began heading out for the docking bay.
She walked up to the odd pair and smiled, "I'm Esperanza for the records; but, call me Big Z. Where do you need me first? I'm good with mechanics. Not great, but passable."

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
January 31, 2007 3:31 pm (Edited January 31, 2007 08:25 pm) #

Mind if join in?

Name: Brassk
Age: 18
species: human
home: Keldabe, Mandalore
Armor: camo brand new
Description: 5'4 brown kinda long hair, pretty musculary not really though
Weapons: Blastech E-11 with heat sensor mode on scope rifle laser, extra battery pack on bottom
ship: modified Tie interceptor with Hyperspeed.

Background info: Brassk was born and raised as a mandalorian and now it his is his turn to prove himself to his dad that he can take his place when he retires.

Brassk walked up to the Laryac Strill. "Maybe I can ind out about a mission in here?" he thought to himself. He walked in found a dark corner to sit in, ordered a beer and waited.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 31, 2007 6:38 pm #

Territ eyed Esperanza. "Ah your ere. NT meet Esp-p....Hard name wa was it agan?"

NT looked at Territ. "It is Esperanza you horned fool" Nt said angrly.

"Ah ya NT meet Espe-e...Heh Ill jus call you Espe" Territ said.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 31, 2007 7:19 pm #

Edee made a low whining sound and raised his head from Evaar’s lap.  “What is it boy?” the young girl asked.  Her green eyes followed the Strill’s gaze to the bar where a man and a Chiss woman were staring back.

“Guess they don’t like Strills...” Saviin said, leaning past Evaar to look. 

Nora made a face, “I told you not to bring that creature in here...  Food is served in this establishment...”

“SO?” Saviin snapped back, “He’s not diseased.”

Evaar continued to stare at the Chiss woman, studying her red eyes uncertainly.  The girl had never seen a Chiss before, and apparently didn’t realize she was gawking...

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
January 31, 2007 8:08 pm #

Kyr'am noticed that the young girl and the Chiss had locked eyes and the alien woman seemed to have the young Mando hypnotized.  He chuckled to himself, leaned over and whispered to the Chiss, "Don't be rude and just stare, say hello."  The Chiss gave a cool smile and said across the tavern, "Duraani, vodi'ka?"

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
January 31, 2007 8:08 pm #

Fett only Nora, her two companions and me((cause I listened to thier covosation)) know about the mission!

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 31, 2007 8:18 pm #

isn't it possible that a rumor spread or something. About some mission, then Brassk investigated a little more and then found out it was Nora Roan and then he checked all the pubs and the Taverns until he found her? I mean, some spy could've listened a little and then had to flee.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 31, 2007 8:21 pm #

It was Boba Fett and Nora only and she just recieved it like 30 minutes((rp time)) ago so no its not, I found out cause I listen to other peoples converstations.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 31, 2007 8:22 pm (Edited January 31, 2007 08:26 pm) #

yeah, I'm changing my stuff.

there all fixed I don't know about any missions yet.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
January 31, 2007 8:32 pm #

Name: Anbu Dres
Homeworld: Eton-Five
Species: Siannic
Age: 100+
Occuption: Mechanic/Forcer hunter
Weapon: Sound amplifer gauntlet
Secondary: Nagamaki (katana with handle as long as the blade)
Background: relocated to Mandalore after a short run in with Black Sun. Not on their bad side mind you. Spent twenty years working on star ships. Splitting time doing odd jobs.

Anbu lifted his head silently, listening in on the conversation. He'd been working on the ole' power converters and wasn't so excellent at minding his own business as slow as things had gotten. Losing his attention for a second he moved too far to the right. Sparks went everywhing, singed his fur a little. He flew back, spredding his wings to catch himself.
"Who's there?"
"Just your burnt electrician. Scraping himself off the floor."
"Could someone explain how we missed him? He's like seven feet tall!"
Dres lifted his pass up off his neck. Getting back on his feet. Patting the dirt off. Stretching a little.
"If you need a good mechanic...or anything for that matter, I'll work for less. Just a meal is all. But I can just as easily forget about it."

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
January 31, 2007 8:36 pm #

Evaar’s brows raised and she spun back around in her seat...only to see Nora glaring at her. 

“Do not stare, Ev’ika...” the huntress warned her adopted daughter, although it appeared to be too late. 

Saviin sighed and stood up behind Evaar, “Udesii burc’ya” she said to the Chiss, “Kaysh shi adiik...”

Evaar’s face flushed red at being called a kid, but to her credit she remained silent.

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
January 31, 2007 8:56 pm #
Maltese Kentaiba wrote:

Name: Anbu Dres

Species: Siannic

Whats a Siannic?

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 31, 2007 9:03 pm #

(About seven feet tall on average, clawed hands and feet. Covered in black fur. Flying foxish head with massive bat wings not capable of flight but short gliding. Prefer the night over day, wearing pince-nez glasses-no ear pieces- with a gravity lock. Slightly agressive. Carnivore.)(Yea, I made it up...)

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
January 31, 2007 9:12 pm #


Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 31, 2007 9:54 pm #

The Chiss's cool smile seemed to grow a bit at the reply, and Kyr'am let out a deep chuckle as Evaar's face reddened. 
    "I meant no insult, just trying to get her to stop her staring.  Granted, perhaps I did start the whole thing by staring at your strill.  I've not seen...or smelled, anything like it before."

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
February 1, 2007 1:56 am (Edited March 14, 2007 06:28 am) #

Name: "Jari'eyc"  Jim Goran
Age: 49
Species: Human ( Corellian/Mandalorian)
Home: Mandalore
Ship : "Obdurate Hammer " modified Mandalorian heavy transport ship
Armor: Gunmetal grey
Description: 6'2,about 205 pounds, a bit hard looking , blue eyes, reddish blonde (turning gray) hair.
Weapons: Mando armor, Tenloss DXR-6 Disrupter rifle, BlasTech DH-17 Blaster Pistol, Vibro-blades, etc...

"Ugly" Jim is one of those been there,done that kind of Mandalorians.Rumor has it he was born ready to fight right out of his mother's womb. Considered a somewhat unhandsome man, Goran married late in life . His wife Vidya ,and son and yet to be born child live on Mandalore.

Having served as a mercenary for must of his life he now spends his time as an armorer and mechanic in quasi-retirement. But everyone knows that old Mandalorians never die they just go to hell and regroup...


"Ugly" Jim Goran wasn't what most people expected a Mandalorian to look like, long legged and sinewy with muscles that were well used, but not overly developed. He wasn't sure when mercenaries suddenly crossed over from hired gun, to the cover of a romance holo.

Must have been the Vong war, you go out to save your people's collective tail and suddenly your heroes...not armored killers. People sure got funny ideas in their heads sometimes...Goran would just as soon shoot a man for being annoying as he would rescue one for a few creds.

At least his wife thought it was funny. Course she found humor in everything, why else would she have married him? Certainly not for his good looks...

He inspected the fine wiring of a pair of wrist gaunlets that had been left in his care, a favor to a friend of his wife. Otherwise he wouldn't have traveled so far back home to deliver armor...Alright, so he wanted to come back,he was a little homesick and missed his wife's good cooking.

Jim stepped out of the Obdurate Hammer and set its security systems, he remained under the shadow of one of the ship's massive engines. He contemplated taking a jetpack, but fueling those things were costly and time consuming . Besides he wasn't out to impress anyone.

Body armor and his general looks were enough to make the average citizen think twice about approaching him with idle chatter. After all Goran wasn't called ugly just because of his features...

Now what was the name of that cantina?

The Dirty Dewback?

The Mangy Mynock?

No...Drunken Strill...that was it.


"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."-George Orwell
February 1, 2007 5:49 pm #

A Chiss gave a cool smile and said across the tavern, "Duraani, vodi'ka?"
"Crazy Chiss" Brassk thought "I wonder what he's doing?"

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
February 1, 2007 7:10 pm #

“I’ve smelled worse things....” Saviin said, defending her pet. 

The strill whined and fidgeted, it’s whip like tail swishing anxiously.

Nora looked positively annoyed, she didn’t want to have to join in the defense of her cousin’s wretched animal companion.  Surely she could find a man that didn’t smell quite so bad... 

The huntress waved to a passing barmaid, “Two drinks for the man and his friend...” she said, indicating the pair at the bar.  “You will forgive my cousin,” she explained, “She hasn’t been right since the war...”

Saviin turned her angry glare onto Nora, “Mir’sheb!” she hissed, “Jare’la Nor’ika!” 

Nora laughed, “K’atini....the animal stinks and you know it!”

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 1, 2007 7:12 pm #

((Maltease a question: Where were you working on a ship? Was it mine?))

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
February 1, 2007 7:13 pm #

(Nah, just the docks converters. Like overhead lights and stuff.)

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
February 2, 2007 7:20 am #

Kyr'am's laughter echoed throughout the bar as he listened to the argument between the two women.  When the bartender handed him his drink, he lifted it in their direction in salute and took a swig before standing and walking towards the women. 
     "Thanks for the drink, ner vod.  So what are you hunting that would require you to bring a strill to this tavern?"

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
February 2, 2007 10:11 am (Edited February 2, 2007 04:29 pm) #

Territ set Z to work on the right engine of his ship, it was having some problems. Territ walked off back to the tavern.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
February 2, 2007 11:55 am #

"Ugly" Jim made a mental note that one of the ships in a bay near his was having some trouble, maybe he could make a few creds from the owner on his way back. Probably not, since he was already docked and the Hammer's specialty was hauling...Those oversized engines weren't just for show, Goran could tractor the Death Star into orbit if he wanted.

The tall Mando held up a flimsi with hastily scratched out directions to the tavern, and sauntered down the street at a brisk pace. "OYA!" He barked as he entered the tavern, a rousing chorus of voices and raised mugs answered him back. Scanning the establishment for .... "Nora Roan!"

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."-George Orwell
February 2, 2007 2:09 pm #

"You move that any more to the right...and that'll pop out. Fifty percent chance of the engine exploding."
Anbu said it to himself, his ears enough to catch what was going on pretty well. Not to say he could hear them talking but to get a close aproximation of movement. But that wouldn't be his problem, popping the panel back on-the lights had a bad tendency of shutting themselves off maybe he'd fixed it- and leaving. His shift over, he might as well head home. Not that that didn't stop him from pretending to be a hunter again, running over the best parts of his life. Hands in his pockets he stepped up to the door. Terrible location for a housing area but the price was well worth it. He slid his card and turned the handle. Slamming it shut behind him. It was barely furnished, a couch and a holoviewer in the den. Caf maker and a fridge. Whole place was about three rooms, including the bathroom the only other one being the bedroom. Everything massed in the same space. Washer on the far wall. The lights still off he walked towards the fridge. Well aware there was someone else in the room with him.
"Anbu Dres, I'm surprised."
"I'd be too if you learned how to be quiet. Want something to drink?"
The figure walked into the pale light brough in through the window. A bottle on Tonjin already in his hand. Dres grabbed one for himself, walking over and parking himself on the couch.
"The fact that you can live here peacefully. Why not by a more suitable location? You've got the creds for it."
"I don't see much point in putting up a big sign that says 'Hey! I've got money!'. It's not as much as it was back then anyway."
The figure stayed standing, placing a datacard before walking out. Waving goodbye as he left. Seemed Warren had stayed true to his word. They'd gotten another job for him. Black Sun wanted something. But he wouldn't get around to reading it till morning, watching an old movie before brushing his fangs. Heading off to bed.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
February 2, 2007 4:00 pm (Edited February 2, 2007 04:01 pm) #

Saviin sat back down in the booth, grumbling a rude comment about what really stunk at the table... 

Nora ignored her cousin’s remark, and turned her attention back to Kyr'am.  “The strill is a pet....” she explained, “Where ever Saviin goes, it follows...”  The huntress glanced down to see Edee sprawled on the floor, licking his rear.  “......unfortunately” she added.

The communal “Oya” announcing someone had entered the bar didn’t cause much concern for the women, although each noted the individual in the doorway.  Nora was just turning her attention back to Kyr’am when she heard her name called out...

Nobody looked at Nora, they knew better.  If they so much as glanced at the huntress they might as well stand up and point her out of the crowd. 

Saviin made a slight sound which caused Edee to come to life.  The strill was instantly at attention, it’s red rimmed eyes watching intently for a command.  A subtle wave of Saviin’s fingers sent the strill low to the floor, slinking silently and unseen under tables and around legs, working it’s way across the tavern towards the stranger who had called Nora’s name.  It came to a halt beneath a small table several paces away from the man’s side, and went into a launching stance, ready to strike if given the signal...

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 2, 2007 4:23 pm #

"Oya" someone had walked in and called out Nora Roan's name.
The strill slinked under the tables toward the stranger getting ready to strike.
"This otta be good." Brassk thought " maybe I should warn him, ah, nah, I want to see what happens then I'll interfere, if needed."

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
February 2, 2007 4:30 pm #

Territ walked into the bar as someone said "Oya" Territ walked right into the man. "Ouch! Why you do that? Don' stand in door way." Territ said. Territ pushed the man aside and took a seat at the bar. "Jawa Beer" Territ told the bar keep, it was Territs favorite drink.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
February 2, 2007 4:49 pm #

Kyr'am didn't turn at the noise like the rest of the patrons but didn't fail to notice the strill assume an attack posture.  Surreptitiously, he thumbed the safety and locking mechanisms on his vambrace-mounted vibroblades, allowing them to be hurled across the bar if need be.  The Chiss likewise ignored the shout but shifted almost imperceptably.

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
February 2, 2007 5:06 pm (Edited February 2, 2007 05:07 pm) #

A Devorain walked in the door bumping in to the man who said "Oya".
Brassk slowly took out his baster and thumbed the safety, just in case the strill freaked out and decided to attack them both.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
February 2, 2007 7:08 pm #

Nora didn’t see where the strill had gone, but she had a good idea.  Years in the Vong war had made Saviin overly cautious at times...perhaps for good reason.  She’d have Edee aimed straight at the throat of anyone she deemed even slightly threatening.  And apparently a stranger shouting for her cousin qualified. 

Nora cringed inwardly.  Although Saviin meant well, it was shockingly rude to sick your strill on a fellow Mando without due provocation.  And she’d had quite enough of forking out credits to cover damages resulting from someone who didn’t appreciate Edee latching onto his limbs. 

The huntress gave a nod to the man in the doorway, letting him know he’d found who he was looking for. 

Saviin made an exasperated sound. 

“I’ve already had to apologize for you once this evening...” Nora reminded her.

Saviin shrugged, “What?  I’m just letting Edee play, that’s all...”

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 3, 2007 8:13 pm #

Goran was a hard man to miss so he wasn't sure why not one but two off worlders walked into him. The first was extremey rude, and if the Mandalorian mechanic had been in a sour mood there would have been an ugly incident.

The second a Devorian, just seem to be...well...lost.

A sound alerted the tall armored man to the strill lurking under the table, looking ready to jump. Hands rested on blasters and he raised his gloved hands in a non-threatening gesture. "That thing has to be violating every health regulation in this dive" He snorted to the bartender, who just shrugged.

He took off his helmet, not that it helped since neither he nor his client had ever seen each other.But a woman nodded in his direction and it had to be her, because no woman except his wife would ever acknowledge a guy like him.

There was a less than savory group of men , most of which had too much to drink. A greasy looking bruiser with a nose that had clearly been broken more than once looked at Goran and laughed. "Did someone shave a wookie and put him in armor?"

"Ugly" Jim frowned, he had business to attend to....So he ignored the comment. "I'm Vidya's riduur" Goran stated over the heads of several sitting patrons to the table of women. He wasn't going to announce what their business  that was unprofessional,so he made his way over to the table.

Edee followed close on his heels and he scowled at the strill as he stopped next to Roan's group. "You don't back off, I'm calling my wife...." He stated to the creature, "She'll turn you into a bag."

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."-George Orwell
February 3, 2007 8:20 pm #

Brassk put his blaster back in it's holster obviously seeing nothing bad was going to happen yet. This guy seemed interestering. "Maybe he's got some info on something that had to be done around here, or elsewhere for that matter." he thought as he leaned in to hear them a little better.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
February 3, 2007 8:44 pm #

Nora snorted, “Want to use my comm link?” she offered with a smirk.

Saviin made a rude gesture at her cousin.   

Evaar frowned, “Poor Edee...” she said, reaching to haul the strill onto her lap, “Nobody likes him...”  The animal went limp in the girl’s arms and let her drape him across her lap for a belly rub...

The dark haired huntress stood to greet Jim, “Oya, gal’gala...” she said, offering to buy him a drink.  “It is an honor to meet Vidya’s riduur...”  She motioned to the other women at the table, “This is Saviin, my cousin.” 

The lavender haired woman raised her mug of ale, “Oya!” she said.

“And my daughter Evaar,” Nora continued, motioning to the young woman holding the strill. 

Evaar gave the man a respectful nod.  “And this is Edee....” she said, patting the lolling animal. 

Nora looked at Kyr’am, “Friend of the family....” she explained as she made room for Goran to sit if he wished.  Being the husband of Nora’s good friend made the man practically family by Mando standards...

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 3, 2007 9:11 pm #

BTW:  I should have described the girls' armor better. 

They all wear black armor, its a family thing. 
Saviin's is trimmed in purple, Evaar's is trimmed in green, Nora's is solid black. 

I meant to explain that before and forgot.  But that's what happens when you write things late at night...  :P

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 3, 2007 9:39 pm #

Territ looked at the "Ugly" man. "Don see wa run wit him, probally fell to close to some energy beam" Territ said before taking a long drink. Territ faced the bar keep."Bantha,sliced and dice in a bowl of Correlian rice please" Territ said.

"You always order it" The barkeep said

"That because its good" Territ said.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
February 4, 2007 5:26 am (Edited February 4, 2007 05:29 am) #

Goran smiled, and it made a huge scar running across his face do the same, which did nothing to improve his already impressive good looks. "Vor'e! " and he motioned to the bartender, with the universal  invisible cup motion he wanted a drink.

"Corellian Ale." The order was not at all surprising considering Goran's first name, and  blue eyes. He was obviously either an adoptee or had a parent from the coreworld.

He nodded to each woman, especially Evaar. As a matter of fact he was grinning from ear to ear at the mention that she was Roan's daughter. "Ugly" Jim leaned over the table slightly on one elbow, and informed the warrior women. "Vidya yaihadla, we're hoping for a girl this time."

"But... I have something for you..." He stated getting back into a business frame of mind. He stretched out his long legs under the table and they seemed to take up more space than necessary. His dull grey armor made a clacking sound as he crossed his feet, and pushed a bag with the wrist armaments and a few other devices across the table.

Goran looked around the tavern at the various races and species, although it was mostly Mando. "Been a while since I've been on the planet...things have changed." He rubbed the stubble on his chin with dirty gloved fingers, he kinda missed it. But a fella had to make a living and he had mouths to feed with one more on the way.

He didn't mind doing a favor for his wife's friend in fixing the damaged gauntlets, Nora Roan and her clan had after all saved Vidya's life during the defenses of Mandalore during the war. And that was worth more than credits...

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."-George Orwell

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