Topic: Old Republic RPG

Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.

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Topic #1101

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January 27, 2007 2:48 pm #

Kwerve continued fighting tthe Mandalorian warriors that had boarded the Supernova. While fighting them off,  he noticed that the ship had stopped moving. Bidlo ran to the entrance to the command bridge. He smelled smoke, and the metal door felt hot. Kwerve knew that the Mandalorians had hit the command bridge and killed the pilots and their crew.
"Damn those Mandalorian bastards!" Bidlo shouted, "they took out the pilot!"
His fellow Republic soldiers groaned because they all knew that they couldn't escape. Bidlo hoped that Revan was all right. The Jedi was their only hope.....

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
January 27, 2007 3:20 pm (Edited January 27, 2007 03:25 pm) #

Huh?! When did the Mandalorians start to attack a ship? Oh well. I'll just change my last post.

"This IS my signature."
January 27, 2007 3:23 pm #

"As I said," she explained, "we'll take care of you, and the other survivors. There's a job for everyone- tending to the wounded, scouting, even just carrying supplies and ammo. You're a part of the Mandalorian war machine now... maybe even one day a Mando'ad yourself."

She paused. "What's your name, Jetti?"

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 27, 2007 3:30 pm #
Lord Revan wrote:

Huh?! When did the Mandalorians start to attack a ship? Oh well. I'll just change my last post.

If you had read my 200th post, you would know. I even said (Yeah! This is my 200th post!) or something like that on top of it.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
January 27, 2007 3:53 pm (Edited January 27, 2007 04:00 pm) #

It's okay, re-read my last post about HK on page 2. I fixed it to fit the storyline better.

"This IS my signature."
January 27, 2007 4:36 pm #

Territ listen to the convosation, his mind bounced all over but it kept going back to were that jedi easily disposed of his last tank. "What's your name, Jetti?" Shion asked.

The jedi looked back."Xondra Faux"

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 27, 2007 5:28 pm #

"Xondra," she repeated, then nodded. "A good name... strong name." She smiled, remembering how she had been introduced to her people much the same way. She was a stubborn brat of a girl, but she liked that. And she wasn't stupid, which meant she'd come around eventually. She darted up behind Mandalore and gave him a light bump on the back of the helmet. "Mand'alore," she said, grinning brightly, "can keep an eye on the Jetti? I need to go bug a certain tank driver."

Mandalore responded by giving her a would-have-been menacing punch to the gut were it not for her armor, and they both knew it. He rarely took off his helmet these days, of course. But she knew under it he was smirking too. "Yeah, yeah..." he grumbled. Had Shion not known him before he was Mandalore, she might have worried. But she didn't. Instead she stopped to talk to Xondra again.

"That's Mandalore, our leader," she said. "He is the strongest of all our warriors. He's watching you now." With that, she narrowly avoided the small slit of a window in Territ's tank, jumped on the hatch, and banged loudly. "Hey, guess who!" she shouted to him.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 27, 2007 5:42 pm #

"Ack!" Territ looked up. "You know that's really loud in here, Shion!" Territ opened the hatch. "What is it?"

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 28, 2007 8:29 am #

"Nothing, really," she said, making herself comfortable on the top of the tank. "Mandalore's watching the Jetti child, and it looks like a boring march to... well, wherever."

She paused for a moment, reading Territ's expression flawlessly. Something was clearly bothering him. "What do you think of these Jettise?" she asked.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 28, 2007 9:44 am (Edited January 28, 2007 09:52 am) #

"I think there devils, one was able to destroy my last tank in mere seconds." Territ looked at Faux. "It's like nothing weve ever faught before." Territ sighs and looks up at Shion."You okay?"

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 28, 2007 9:52 am (Edited January 28, 2007 09:56 am) #

His question surprised her, as did the concern that came with it. "I'm... fine," she said, which was only half a lie. She gently pushed Territ aside and jumped into the seat next to his, allowing him to drive the tank and talk at the same time. "You know, their leader wasn't here. The Republics think she's a match for Mandalore himself. About time we found a foe worth fighting, huh?"

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 28, 2007 11:56 am #

"Ya I guess" Territ said. Territ looked at her "You didnt sound fine" Territ said.  Territ stoped the tank when Maladore ordered a halt. Shortly after the army was moving again but everyone was on gaurd.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 28, 2007 12:31 pm #

Tension thick in the air, Shion's grip tightened on her rifle. "I wasn't born to Mandalorian parents," she said quietly. "I just see a lot of myself in that kid, that's all." Shion looked down to her armor, suddenly fascinated by the various scars it bore... or so it seemed. In reality she was thinking back to her violent initiation into the Mandalorian clans, a story that no one but Mandalore new. Not even Territ, whom she had known for years now, had never heard it. Shion knew that her people were people of war... but it had been brutal even by their standards.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 28, 2007 12:53 pm #

Territ smiled at Shion. "I dont see a problem with that, your one of the best fighters we have in this army" Territ said. He ran a hand down his grey Mandalorian skin. "Were all Mandalorians if not by blood then by spirit." Territ said.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 28, 2007 1:04 pm #

((I thought the Taung were gray, not the Mandalorians? Most of which are human by this point, if memory serves))

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 28, 2007 5:49 pm #

((Taung and Mandalorians are the same species))

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 28, 2007 6:02 pm #

((Taung were the original Mandalorians. They named the planet after their great leader, etc. And I've seen a picture of a Taung, both in and out of armor- you can't mistake them for human. But Canderous, Bendak, Kex, Zuka, Davrel... human. The Taung took up calling themselves 'Mandalorians' after Mandalore. But somehow they died out and what remained were the humans who had swarmed to their cause. They bred and survival of the fittest determined the genetic makeup of the Mandalorians as we know them... I think...? Oh wow, I'm so confused now..... oh well, on with the RP. I'll do some more homework on it.))

"You don't get it," she said dully, then shook her head. Territ was Mandalorian by blood, the blood of many, many generations. Even his skin bore a dull tinge to it, a sign of how old his bloodline really was. She couldn't expect him to understand what it was like to see herself marching beside Mandalore. Sure, the girl was a Jetti, but even so...

Worse yet, she realized, if she showed a weakness she could be exiled. And she would sooner die than leave her clan and people behind. "Nevermind," she said.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 28, 2007 6:05 pm #

Territ sighed "Allright. I just dont wanna see you get hurt" Territ continued driving the tank. "So what do you think of the jedi?" Territ asked.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 28, 2007 6:29 pm #

"An enemy worth fighting," she said grimly. "Perhaps too much so. That one welded your tank shut on you without even meaning to- they're dangerous. And this Revan sounds too much like Exar Kun for comfort. I think Mandalore intends to swat these fllies quickly, before they get out of hand."

She thought on his words a moment, and considered thanking him for his concern. On the other hand, she felt very irritated that Territ thought she needed to be taken care of.

"It's good to know you've got my back," she said after a long pause. "You know I've always got yours, right?"

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 28, 2007 6:49 pm #

Territ smiled at Shion. "I know you do" Right after he said those words republic laser fire started hitting the mandalorians. Territ quickly closed his tank hatch. "Sorry gonna have to stay in here with me, operate one of the gun turrets see if you can find any." Territ soon blasted the twin heavy lasers on his tank and some fire and there was a large explosion.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 28, 2007 7:45 pm #

Faux had been lost in thought, still stunned by what the Mandalorian had told her.

"We'll take care of you, and the other survivors. There's a job for everyone- tending to the wounded, scouting, even just carrying supplies and ammo. You're a part of the Mandalorian war machine now... maybe even one day a Mando'ad yourself."

The short haired red-head felt at the place where she had cut off her own padawan braid, her wide eyes staring off at nothing.


Even the Jedi...would never...could expected too... Since when were the Mandalorians more forgiving than the Jedi???

Then the blasterfire started, and all of Faux's thoughts stopped and she lost herself instantly inside the force. The padawan dived at Mandalore's legs and tackled him in front of the moving tank, not realizing she had knocked him out of the line of a sniper shot.

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
January 28, 2007 8:30 pm #

Territ quickly stoped the tank before he crushed Maladore. His auto-turret immdeditaly aimed at the jedi girl, after one last blast from his cannons the shooting stopped. Manadlorian scouts went up and captured any survivors, there was one. Maladore got up and laughed at the jedi girl then give her a hard slap across the face.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 29, 2007 4:18 am #

Shion hadn't minded being in a box with Territ... until the box had prevented her from taking a shot at who or whatever was attacking them. She suddenly felt more like she was in a cage- Shion's favorite place to be was on the battlefield with nothing between her and the enemy but her armor. Her joy in life was hand-to-hand combat. This...

Stifling her own problems with being in the tank, she quickly jumped onto a turret and began blasting away at the Jedi as soon as the other Mandalorians and the prisoners were clear. After all... no matter what her problems with the tank, she had Territ's back. She just wished it hadn't come to this.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 29, 2007 9:56 am #

Faux spun half-around from the force of the hit, and stumbled lightheadedly over the uneven ground. She checked her lip for blood with a filthy sleeve, then yelled spitefully, "Since when does Mandalore hit like a girl?"

The padawan nearly fell over she was so stunned from the blow, but that didn't cause her to lose any of the fire in her eyes. She held out her hand and a fallen blaster rifle was instantly summoned to her firm grip, and leveled at the Mandalorian leader.

The loud noise of a tank turret powered and ready to fire quickly broke her concentration. She froze.

Mandalore held his gauntleted hands out, "Well?"

The look on her face full of overwhelming conflict, every fevered emotion inside her eating at her confused core, but she didn't lower the weapon. She could fire. She could kill Mandalore...maybe.  Either way, the tank was going to end her life in a mess of blood, flesh, and splintered bone.

A voice echoed inside her skull. Are you willing to die for the cause? Are you willing to give up your life for others?

Every part of her screamed to pull the trigger, but she couldn't move. Above all, she hated the fearful indecision that held her fast.

"Go ahead and kill me." She threw the blaster down at Mandalore's feet, and stared at him with fevered determination.

Mandalore simply leaned over and picked up the weapon. After a brief examination he started laughing.

"No ammo." He explained.

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
January 29, 2007 12:55 pm #

Territ opened the hatch shortly after the battle. "Sorry bout trapping you in here gotta close hatch right away dont want any grenades or blaster bolts bounceing in." Territ said apologeticly to Shion.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 29, 2007 1:34 pm (Edited January 31, 2007 05:40 pm) #

Bidlo led the Republic soldiers to the starboard section. Maybe if they couldn't fight the Mandalorians off their ship, they could escape. Suddenly, Revan appeared from around the corner.
"Where are you going? The fight is this way." Revan asked.
"But sir, there are too many of them!" Kwerve shouted in disbelief.
"Nonsense, Captain! Follow me." replied Revan.
The small group of soldiers followed the Jedi to a long hallway filled with Mandos.
"This is where the fun begins." Revan said, activating his lightsaber. Kwerve fired his heavy repeater at the Mandalorians. Several of the warriors were slain by Revan's lightsaber and the Republic troopers. Suddenly, the hallway behind the Republic troopers and Revan was filled with Mandalorians. They had been flanked.
"Ha! We have finally captured the great Revan! Without him on their side, the Republic will lose the war!" said the leader of the Mandalorians proudly.
"Captain, can you think of an escape plan?" Revan asked Bidlo.
"I got nothing." he replied. Then, Revan cut through the bottom of the floor with his lightsaber, and by the time the Mandalorians could react, the few remaining Republic troopers were already below them.
"Quickly, to the escape pods!" Revan shouted.
"What about the fight, sir?" Kwerve asked.
"What matters right now is getting off this ship alive, Captain," Revan replied, "We lost."
The Republic troopers quickly got into the escape pods. Since each pod was only big enough to hold 2-3 people, Bidlo was paired up with Revan. They took off and headed down to Dxun. Looking back through the pod's window, Bidlo saw the Mandalorian capital ship beginning to fire it's giant battery turrets at the defenseless Supernova. Kwerve had never hated the Mandalorians as much as he had at that moment, watching the Supernova getting ripped to pieces by the Mando's lasers. He was gonna kill some Mandalorians for this.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
January 29, 2007 2:52 pm #

Shion felt drained as the adrenaline left her system as suddenly as it came on. She did her best to hide it, climbing from where she sat at her turret. "What hit us?" she asked. "And where are the Jettise?"

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 29, 2007 3:17 pm #

"A couple of republic not much. The jedi girl is with Maladore." Territ patted his tank. "This baby took them out fast."

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 29, 2007 4:01 pm #

"She's good," Shion agreed with a smile, resting her head on the tank fondly. "She needs a name... oh well. I'm going to check on the girl. I'll bug you again later." Here she hoisted herself out of the tank and ran lightly over to Xondra.

Seeing she was still in one piece after a breif inspection, she nodded. "Su'cuy," she announced, forgetting to drop her Mando'a after her conversation with Territ.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 29, 2007 4:04 pm #

Territ watched her go. "A name huh?" A mandalorain that was sitting on the side of Territ's tank couldnt help but blurt it out.

"Call it Shion why dont ya, you love so much." The mando said.

Territ whacked the mando on the head jokinly with the butt of his rifle.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 29, 2007 4:28 pm #

Order had quickly been regained throughout the soldiers and they continued moving on through the dense jungle.

"Su'cuy." Faux heard someone say behind her, and the young girl turned with a fiery glare, absolutely not in the mood to talk about sushi or whatever the mando had just said, only to see Shion get hit by a rifle.

The padawan burst into uncontainable laughter that sounded clear and loud amidst the thick greenery of leaves and hanging vines.

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
January 29, 2007 4:33 pm #

((Shion didnt get hit by a rifle, a differnt Mando did))

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 29, 2007 4:36 pm #

((....Oh...Hey...maybe Mandalore threw it at her...))

"Thanks for being there to protect me Shion." The leader of the Mandalorians folded his arms crossly, "I nearly met an undignified end at the hands of this bit of a girl over here."

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
January 29, 2007 5:23 pm #

Can anyone else join and become a Republic trooper? I'm sick of being the only one on the Republic's side besides Lord Revan, and HK has nothing to do with my being stranded on Tatooine with the real Revan! It's a little boring only interacting with yourself....

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
January 29, 2007 7:11 pm #

Hey, Appo, the battle's at Dxun. Could you stand to be a POW for a little while until HK-47 shows up? I'd REALLY like to have a Republic trooper in the party.


If Shion heard the Mando'ad's suggestion to Territ, she didn't make any sign of it. After all, she was busy with a cranky leader to bicker with.

"Bah!" she scoffed at Mandalore, still in Mando'a. "If that's the case, gimme the helmet."

"You can pry it from my cold, dead hands," he replied as if it were a boring piece of random information.

Once Mandalore had turned his back, Shion gave Xondra an approving clap on the shoulder, the weight of her armor enough to jostle the girl a little. "Not bad," she said, reverting back to Basic. "But save it for the battlefield."

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 29, 2007 7:16 pm #

Territ was rather confused at what was going on. He just followed them in his tank. Maladore called a halt and Mandalorian bomb teams rushed in. There was a huge mine feild infront of them and the Bomb teams were easily disarming them.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 29, 2007 8:02 pm #

Faux looked tried to look over and around the soldiers between her and the mine field. Giving up trying to see that way, she moved over in front of Shion and made eye contact. She pointed firmly as though not asking a question at all, "Can I go watch them?"

Enemies or not, the padawan loved to learn how to do new things, and found the mines and the soldiers disarming the explosives immediately alluring.

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
January 29, 2007 8:06 pm #

Territ kept his eyes on Faux while she annoyed the bomb team. He chuckled as one of the bomb team swatted at her like she was a bug. "Haha! She's gonna blow the hole field."

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 30, 2007 11:51 am #

Until HK shows up?! He's sitting on top of a cliff with a sniper rifle! Check my posts. (I'm not trying to be rude)

"This IS my signature."
January 30, 2007 12:51 pm #

By 'shows up' I mean enters the company of Shion, Territ, and Xondra, on a friendly (or just not hostile, memory problems and all), or hostile basis.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 30, 2007 5:21 pm #

Territ watched hopefully that she didnt blow the mines. A bomb squad member came back and said that it was gonna take a while. Maladore didnt like that, he pulled the Bomb squads back. Maladore then nodded to Territ. Territ slid into his seat and aimed his twin cannons at the Mine feild and shot them off.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 30, 2007 7:13 pm (Edited January 30, 2007 07:14 pm) #

"A little sloppy, Territ!" Shion laughed as she tugged the Jetti child clear, then proceeded to make a show of turning her back on the tank dismissively. It might have been convincing, were it not for the irrepresable grin on her face.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 30, 2007 7:24 pm #

Territ watched the fire works. "I dont care if it's sloppy as long it gets the job done!" Territ yelled back. Territ watched the last of the fire die down and the bomb squad running out to check if anything was left.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 31, 2007 7:55 am #

Hey Appo, you could be on that crashed shuttle that HK came in on, and all of that that you wrote would be before the battle of Dxun.

"This IS my signature."
January 31, 2007 2:57 pm #

"Just what I like about you," Shion retaliated. "You make efficency a form of art!"

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 31, 2007 4:42 pm #

Territ smiled at Shion."Thank you Shion." Territ watched the Bomb squads place yellow flags where mines that didnt blow up were. Territ waited till they left till he fired agian.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
January 31, 2007 5:37 pm #
Lord Revan wrote:

Hey Appo, you could be on that crashed shuttle that HK came in on, and all of that that you wrote would be before the battle of Dxun.

Good idea. I'll change my posts. Thanks Revan!

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
January 31, 2007 5:44 pm #

You're quite welcome.

"This IS my signature."
January 31, 2007 6:20 pm #

Tiring of the march and becoming quite bored, Shion hitched a ride on Territ's tank, playfully grappling with the other Mandos, ending up with a slight scuff on her cheek in the end. Once comfortable enough, she looked on the captured soldiers. The Jettise showed resilience... they would have to remain divided. Xondra seemed to be managing just fine, but she was young. She could learn again, maybe.

Damn it, she thought, I'm going soft. First Territ, now the Jetti brat...

The soldiers knew that they had been whipped again. They walked with their heads down and defeat in their eyes. They truly believed that the Jedi had failed them. Shion wasn't so elite that she'd forgotten what it was to be defeated. But that was the trick, wasn't it? Break them, then build them back up.

Once the mines were cleared she leaned back and allowed herself a little time to relax before the next fight. The calm before the next storm lulled her as she let herself slip into her thoughts again.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
January 31, 2007 6:29 pm #

Territ drove his tank over the blown up land. The bomb crews were always infront, just incase of more mines. They reached a canyone, the Mandos had to go threw the canyon to get to the new base, every Mando was uneasy this place was the perfect place for a trap.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek

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